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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 00:47
maybe I don' t remember that demo as well as I thought :) Killzone was prerendered - if someone says it wasn' t add him to you IDIOTS folder.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 03:01
The ff7 was nice, certainly one of my favourite videos. Though half of it was that it was ff7... Def better than any other ps3 real time footage shown at E3, i' d say even still with the exception of the mgs4 vid
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 07:55
Killzone was pre-rendered but wasn' t CGI.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 08:19
as of now, am i truly impressed with the tech-demo for final fantasy, but it wasn' t because the graphics were good, it was because the graphics weren' t as good as any of the other demo' s. SE has always been on the top when it came to visuals. and they know, that they' ll get more attention by showing what the ps3 is really capable of, and not what sony would like to see coming out of the ps3. i commend square-enix for having the cojones to actually come out and say, that yeah, this is what it will look like, none of this killzone crap. as for the lack of info from the ps3, i don' t mind it. i actually prefer it to the alternative. see, they could blow us away with mind-boggling footage from the getgo, give us all kinds of information regarding what it will be capable of, and then have it miss the mark by leaps and bounds. (does anyone here remember the ps2 launch? emotion engine my pendrive!) Or... they could keep us in edge of our seat suspense, and turn out good quality footage, and realistic online, and add on facts, and keep us expecting what we' ll get at launch, which is what they' re doing now, save maybe that 2 teraflops stuff they won' t stop harping on about. I always disagreed with sony' s advertisement plan. which, in reality is like any other companies ad plan, only times 5 or so. see, first, we' ll wow everyone in advance, with visuals of ambiguous ligitimacy, and amazing features that are a half a decade more advanced than anything on the market now. (that is because they won' t be a reality for sony for another decade.) and then let them down a week or so before launch. so i think that this is a better turn for sony. .  only another month or so to the next big game show.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 17 Feb 06 0:21:14 >
Adam Doree
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 09:24
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Killzone was pre-rendered but wasn' t CGI.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 09:36
Well... CGI is basically what is " pre-rendered" ,so any cgi movie is " pre-rendered" ... And therefor Adam does the "  " ...cause its the same thing.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 09:37
... sorry. doublepost.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 17 Feb 06 1:37:59 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 10:43
Ok, i' ll re-phrase... Killzone was pre-rendered but wasn' t FMV! Happy?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 11:17
If it was rendered using Cell and RSX (or an RSX substitute) on an alpha kit and recorded at 5fps, then sped up to 60 in post production, then it' s only ' technically' prerendered. Take a close look at the video and notice that the frames jump every few seconds, the speech and gunfire/sound/hits are out of sync and bullet traces & cartridge ejections are missing (effects that would look awkward once sped up). ftp://mirrors.blueyonder.co.uk/sites/kikizo.com/games/e32005/kikizo_ps3_killzone2_df_hd.wmv And, watching it again, ...it doesn' t really seem all that impressive anymore. I think the visual quality is going to be near achievable this gen, but not the level of interaction between teamates shown in the video and certainly not the leaning and weaving done by the " player" to avoid being shot.
Adam Doree
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 11:44
Jesus, I can' t believe people actually still fall for this " technical" argument. It is prerendered, CGI, whatever you want to call it, 100%. Technicality and rendered fps speed (speed up? lol!) does not really come into it. FMV is just an outdated way of referring to some CG that was stored as video media, you could easily say this is FMV if we' re talking 90s buzzwords. A studio called Blur in Scotland helped put the Killzone trailer together and they also [apparently] made the Xbox 1 Raven tech demo. They are awesome and to say the Killzone demo is not awesome would be insanity. To say it is anything other than PURE prerendered, would also be insanity. They can argue it was based on estimated performance all day long but this is subjective, and now it really shows. It was fantastic bullshit. Will go down in history as a landmark trailer - or perhaps more accurately, infamously. Also: you direct linked a video! Tut tut ;-)
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 17 Feb 06 3:47:56 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 14:50
Finally someone else that tells the truth about the killzone cg. I' ve also said it that it was completely CG but Majik ignored it apparently cuz he still insists on that 5fps story. Lol, adam, u have ur facts a little wrong. Blur Studios is not in Scotland, but in California, US. They didn' t do the Killzone video, they actually turned it down cuz they were too busy. Then another Animation studio in Scotland took the job (Tim Miller doesn' t mention the name in the GameHead interview, which you can watch on gametrailers) and it took them 6 months, or as he says " six fucking months" to do it. According to him it wasn' t even done right cuz there was a lack of motion blur and what not. The Killzone video looks good to me though. Coming from the owner of a cg studio, it must be true, and these guys (Blur) are really good at what they do, the x-men, spiderman, warhammer, company of heroes, call of duty, fantastic 4 and so many other were done by them. I hope I don' t read anymore 5fps thingy, I' m tired of it. Looks like HDD for the PS3 will be sold separately. maybe 2 SKUs on launch day then? core and premium ps3s?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 18:00
If it was rendered using Cell and RSX (or an RSX substitute) on an alpha kit and recorded at 5fps, then sped up to 60 in post production, then it' s only ' technically' prerendered. I saw it in a couple of posts - it really makes no sense at all , but I guess it' s a better way to explain than " oh well we lied so what?" :) Definitely one sku - with HDD as an accesory - maybe some nice launch bundle but one SKU for sure. I can' t wait for people to play killzone on PS3 and say WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? WHERE' S THAT GAME FROM E3? :) Hell meybe they' ll surprise me I don' t know.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 22:25
I stand corrected. Funny how nobody actually knows who put the trailer together though... Oh, and KiLLeR, it transpired a while ago that Tim Miller wasn' t referring to Killzone at all, he was talking about I-8.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 23:10
the only reason why people doubted and thought it might be real,was cause PSM said it was at 5fps speeded up tp 60 fps,but then again they gave killzone 95% and what was the avg score? of all reviews/magazines? 72%! ...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 23:24
The same story popped up all over the place. But leaving Killzone aside for a second, even MGS4 was pre-rendered. Sure it was demonstrated by Kojima in ' real-time' , changing th lighting and stuff, but that it' s gameplay, nor does tell you what to expect from actual gameplay footage. It was completely scripted, it was a cutscene running on the games engine. THAT, is pre-rendered!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 23:46
Nah... Sakaguchi said Lost odyssey was in real time and its the same as MGS4 video. I trust Sakaguchi/Kojima if they say this is how its gonna look,then i belive them. They havnt fooled me before with other tech demos or trailers long before release date. I miht have miss understood what you meant,but,i think its impossible to do give the community any gameplay like 2 years before releasedate,and the community always scream for pic/videos or updates,and now they atleast got some. If people scream fake for everything,the dev might wait untill they got gameplay to show,and that might take a long time which i doesnt like...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 17 Feb 06 15:48:50 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 17, 2006 23:59
But ' real time' just means running using the game engine. I don' t doubt that they will look like that, what i' m saying is that MGS4 wasn' t being ' played' by Kojima, it was still a video. The MGS4 demonstration was essentially a cutscene running ingame (on the engine) just like all MGS games do, meaning he could pause it and change the angle/lighting etc but couldn' t actually make Snake do anything other than what was scripted.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 18, 2006 01:57
And also,he did not have to include A.I cause the A.I was scripted to do what he did,and the Physics was not there either,but it doesnt matter so much,im sure Kojima deliver a stunning amazing new game aka MGS4. I want it.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 18, 2006 02:02
Is the difference in visual quality that different between in game cutscenes and actuall gameplay? I don' t think the differences were that huge in MGS2, Twin Snakes or MGS3. I could see a difference though, but I think it looked pretty much the same over all.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 18, 2006 03:13
Compare FF7-FF8 Compare halo to halo2
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