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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:46
How much are 360' s where you live Quez? Blue Dragon is out this year right? Lost Odyssey next year? Aren' t you looking forward to FF on PS3 though?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:57
Xbox360 premium is 550 dollar=4000 kr Xbox360 Core=400 dollar=3000-3500 kr I got 2500 kr saved.ofc i can lend 500 kr from my mom but i wont. And btw that sum had basically been enough for a core package in usa. However im not getting core im getting premium... And yes i await FF13 and dq9 to ps3,however wada said them might come to 360 also,and he would state if so in next e3(this e3 2006). Sakaguchi,nobuo,matsuno and kitase is the most importent people for FF serie,and Sakaguchi and nobuo has left square-enix and is at the moment creating Blue dragon(which comes 2006) and Lost odyssey,and matsuno has basically no working place in S-E and had to left director spot cause of sickness,i dont know if he will ever recover,and what sickenss he got... And kitase is a fucking blood sucker...even though he did fine work with sakaguchi,in ff6.ff7 and chrono trigger
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 12 Feb 06 15:01:18 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 23:09
I didn' t know FF13 could end up on 360 too. That is great news! I haven' t seen any Blue Dragon screenshots other than the one you posted in the other thread, ...where did you find it?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 23:12
Ps3 games where never going to look like that Killzone e3 tariler, dont kid yourself. what we will get is mgs4 quailty, which is fine. given time, games might even surpass it. But it seems unlikely [think back, mgs2 still looks good today]. In fact i am surprized that this article wasnt more negative, surely it must have impressed adam to a certain degree. Sony are not just readying their ps3 for launch but also the blue-ray/hd-dvd war, the ps3 is the highway to success for sony for blue ray, without ps3 blue ray will crash and burn. Sony have to make a decent games system with a decent blue ray player [unlike the ps2 half standard dvd player] and that takes time. No way can Sony get a Spring luanch.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 23:30
I haven' t seen any Blue Dragon screenshots other than the one you posted in the other thread, ...where did you find it? Well,know a japanese guy irl who live in tokyo now. And,i also have a lot of pics of blue dragon and some of lost odyssey,that nor ign/gs has ever shown nor has the people here in europe/usa probably seen them But,its illgal to upload those pics,but if some here at kikizo really wants to see them i can upload them. I just doesnt hope the mods have something against it...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 23:41
Yeah dude, upload them... I guess if the mods have a problem with them they can just remove them?!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 00:06
Actually I think that Xbox games don' t progress as much in visual department over the years , cause it' s a developer friendly system. 1st generation games for X where cool and 2nd generation improved , but after that the level was pretty stable mostly. I haven' t seen a game that would make me say " wow how is that possible on X?" - even when Splinter 3 brought next gen graphics :) ..very good point... ..also, you never really saw any improvements in the xbox after second generation games because M$ decided to ditch it and focus on marketshare... (360)... ...xbox still had a lot to offer :( ...i do find it reassuring that Sony say PS3 will have a 10 year shelf life... ...seems to me that M$ are taking the PC Route of users having to buy a whole new gaming machine every three years....
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 00:26
But because of the way technology advances, PS3 games in 9/10 years won' t look anywhere near as good as the PC titles of the time. The two thing i don' t expect Sony to deliver on are PS3' s online service being able to rival 360' s and PS3 having a 10 years shelf life!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 00:38
ps3 i think will definately have a 10 yr shelf life..that is probably why sony has decided to go in with the blu ray drive and m$ have stayed away from hd-dvd...cos for atleast another 4-5 yrs i thnk 9 gb is gonna be more than enough for games..But if sony is not aiming for a 10 yr shelf life then i dnt understand the reasonin behind includin the a blu ray rom and increasing the cost...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 00:51
Sorry but that' s not right. Sony are including Blu-Ray in PS3 because it' s quite simply the best way to get a Blu-Ray player into peoples homes. Sony need to win the DVD format war and PS3 is the perfect vessel to use for it. Think how many people will buy the PS3 just because it' s the next Playstation, ...then just have a think about how many people would pay over $1000 for a Blu-Ray player when HD-DVD is a hell of a lot cheaper.. Using Blu-Ray in PS3 is a very smart move, but it doesn' t mean the console will have a shelf life of a decade. The reason behind saying it will is probably more to do with making people think they have paid £400+ for something that' s going to last for years and years. It then looks like a worthy purchase, even if it' s overpriced. 5 years is a long time. PS2 launched just over 5 years ago and has sold 90 million. Doubling the expected shelf life won' t double the amount of units shifted though, it doesn' t work like that. If Microsoft or Nintendo (hell even Sega) launch another console in 5 years time, i would definately expect Sony to meet it head on.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 01:03
But because of the way technology advances, PS3 games in 9/10 years won' t look anywhere near as good as the PC titles of the time. ...console.. I' m a CONSOLE gamer... ...i don' t wana have to worry about mother boards etc.. ..and i sure as hell DON' T want my just-getting-into-it' s-stride games machine to be replaced within three years... ..again!!... ...if wanted to put up with that crap I' d swap my Mac for a PC and sell all my consoles... ...also remember that most worthwhile games take at least three years to develop for... (guess you can slate Gears of War 2 for an xbox720 release   )
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 01:54
...what do you think OptaviusX?... ...and what PS2 games are you playing at the moment?..
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 07:16
Firstly, thanks to kikizo for the hands on, great to hear some news about ps3 which has been scarse. Are you all crazy... You shouldn' t really be doubting the 10yr life span of the PS3 I for one am fully confident about it. However where you all seem to be confused it... all of sony' s consoles have/will enjoy a 10yr span. Sony didn' t imply they wont release another console for 10 years but that they will to continue to support ps3 for the next 4-5 years after PS4 launches, like PS1 and PS2 will..... UNLIKE MICROSOFT with the XBOX. ;) Also as stated before i think the rev will really surprise people with video quality... as the resolution grows on games.. they are technically taking a step back, like 2 forward 1 back, these cards and tech in SD could have done truly amazing things and would really have more of the WOW factor, imo.
< Message edited by uumai -- 12 Feb 06 23:20:44 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 07:22
The only reason why psx stayed so long and ps2 gonna,is because of the huge success of it,and the lack of a real competetion,it will all depend on how successful 360 is,on how long sony can go from ps3 to ps4,but plz let us see what ps3 has to offer first and see if it turns out to what we all hope for.
Mass X
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 08:13
Just a quick note... THANK YOU GUYS for not butchering and killing eachother. Its seems everyone thus far have been civil and quite informative while also expressing individual opinions. I havent looked at other threads yet, but I hope the rest of the forums will maintain like this from now on. I do eventually plan on getting all 3 consoles, however when it comes to the PS3 and Xbox360 I think I' ll make do with just one of them for a while. Hopefully the shelf-life wont drop below 4-5 years. With the revolution being almost like a spin-off to console gaming in a way and sounding like it will be inexpencive, seems like it will be a must have. I don' t know if I missed it in the report, but did they mention detailed specifics of what they played on? Size, noise, heat etc?
Joe Redifer
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 15:47
Man, I am seeing links to this article posted in every other forum that I annoy people at. No wonder the site was a bit laggy a day or two ago.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 18:09
The Sega Saturn' s (quick bow) european failure was partly down to the fact it was far more sophisticated than the PSX. As has allready been stated power & innovation does' nt always equal success commercially. Both formats survived the last gen and both will survive this gen. Microsoft go out of their way to get developers onboard, yet Sony seem typically arrogant when dealing with us. After the GDC this year MS have offered to come and talk to us about 360 development and will attend helping us tool up quickly for the end of the current gen. Lets not forget Sony have sacrificed employees allready for even hinting that development for the console is ' hard' and that 360 dev is a piece of in comparison.. I hope that all three consoles establish a footing of somesort - remember, if they don' t it is us the gamers that stand to loose out the most. The fact the PS2 was dwarfed by the XBOX' s processing / GPU didnt keep from making it a success - yet in this new generation we are talking less than a fraction of the difference. I will never EVER forget the spin about the " incredible emotion engine " when I was at Sony. It never really materialised.. Cell proccessing is a leap forward in terms of technology, but in terms of this iteration and it' s performance vs. its rival it' s yet to be tested. In time you' ll come to see one console better at something the other at something else. Everyone will have something to be happy / proud / ridiculous about!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 19:03
That Emotion Engine crap is the reason i dislike Sony to this day since the only emotion it gave us was frustration.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 13 Feb 06 11:04:02 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 23:43
People keep saying the PS3 will be much bigger than the ones Sony has shown us. But how big will the PS3 actually be? Is it going to be as big as a tower PC? Any ideas? And please, no jokes such as " it' s going to be big as a house" , " you' ll have to keep it in your back yard" or " you' ll be able to live in it as it was a house" etc.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Feb 06 15:43:50 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 13, 2006 23:48
It will be the size of a diesel generator, and give as much heat..... Mmmm its hard to say how big it will be, part of me thinks they will fit it in a rather small box. People expect Sony consoles to be rather sleek, so it wouldnt fit well if it was too big and cumbersome, that would hurt sales i think
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