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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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Mass X
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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 11:48
Yeah some things finally got touched Well Im a lil relieved at the same time a lil let-down... Relieved because if its not leaps and bound ahead of the 360 I wont have to purchase all 3 systems at a rabid rate. Let-down because if its not leaps and bounds ahead of 360 and the price rides high, it means I' ll deprive myself of the system for a while and with that a good amount of exclusive PS games. DUnno if that makes sence but I know what I mean so owell. Im a little tired and just got done with the 5 page report so I' ll revise my thoughts later. another note...this type of thing is bound to spark a war of jack-asses. If that happens please pleeeeassse dont make this 10 pages of back and forth jackassory! Express your opinion be happy with it move on or revise...dont force you opinion, dont attack others, just just O hell I dont know....KEEP IT CLEAN!
< Message edited by Mass X -- 11 Feb 06 4:00:24 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 12:07
that hand on got me soo much excited, i just could not believe it !! did i read ps3 hand on ?? well thanks KIkizo !! from what i read , i am not disapointed at all, what kikizo saw are games in development they are not final, and i certainly don' t expect killzone quality or all developers have MGS4 quality, so when adams said that launch games look like nice xbox games, that' s a good point , he even compared them to gears of war which is very good in my opinion, or killing day... now we' re more sure that PS3 is more powerful than the 360 , slightly so far , but the margin will get bigger , wait until elite developers master the CELL...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 16:33
I kinda was expecting what Adam wrote. That is in terms of some things the ps3 can do and the 360 cannot. Frankly I' m pleased that we got a little more " concrete" news, even though it' s still a bit early to say. PS3 is still gonna have the biggest dev support, even tho it will cost more. In the end, it' s just like adam said for one dev studio, 50% to ps3, 30 to 360 and 20 to rev. No matter what the costs, PS3 will still have bigger support. I' ve come to the point now that I don' t really care much which is best. There will be no big leap, as devs will also get used to programming for the 360 (keep in mind that so far gears of war is only using one core, and the newer version of the unreal engine supports multi-core programming, and I' m sure multi-core programming will be the next thing), and don' t forget that XNA isn' t out yet (or is it? I don' t think so). Like it was said, it pretty much depends on what the devs can do with the hardware and how capable they are at utilizing its full (almost full) potential. I just found out that I' m gonna work roofing in the summer, making a little over 3 grand a month, for 4 moths so buying a 360, a rev and a ps3 will be no problem for me  . This time around though we might actually see more competition and subsequently more quality in games. This gen (next-gen, whatever u wanna call it) will be pretty nice in my opinion. 360 obviously has more support, so they are stepping up their game, and sony will step it up a little more. I wanna see how the whole blu-ray thing plays out. Will they actually fill up 25 gigs of data for games? how are the developers gonna feel about the costs? and if developing for the ps3 is gonna cost too much for small studios, which system will they choose to develop for, 360 or rev? Maybe we' ll see some original ideas/IPs. Finally, I am also a little tired and maybe will write more later, it' s 3:30 am, but I just wanna say that I' m anxious to see the final design of the controller, case and the cost. Gamestop has ps3 games listed at 60 bucks US. Will that change?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 18:11
Aahh. First I want to say that that was the kind of article that makes Kikizo one of the top gaming sites in the world. After reading it, I have to say that I have a very optimistic view on the PS3. If games look as good as Killing Day then I' m very satisfied. And if that is the kind of visuals they can achieve today, then what will we see in the future when developers have learned to use the PS3s full potential? And the fact that it can make lots of simultaneus calculations in very reassuring as this means that the PS3 might be able to easily give us experiences not/barely able on the 360 which would make up for a high price tag. So regarding visuals and experience, I think the PS3 will be great to say the least. Things that are still worrying me are launch dates, pricing and Blu-ray. If the PS3 is released in all territories within 2006 then I' ll be very satisfied but I doubt that will happen. Japan will probably see it this year, with the U.S. following after some time. It' s a little annoying to have to wait until 2007 here in Europe but then, maybe we' ll see some additional games for our launch. I' d like to see that Sony makes the same thing regarding the price as with the PSP. I' m quite sure Sony will loose money on the PS3 during its first year, the question is just how much. To this you have to calculate the possible profit they might make with Blu-ray and games. One developer said that they were making games for 10X DVD-drives, anything else would increase loading times. Since the Blu-ray hasn' t gone very far I' m afraid we will see lengthy loading times, something I really hate. It' s to bad the developers couldn' t give any information on the possible online services from Sony as that' s one of the most interesting things right now. In the end, I think the PS3 will be great and even though some things are looking bad right now it can all turn out the other way.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 11 Feb 06 10:14:59 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 18:36
No surprises there! Im glad that some of the Myths have been put down. Only the real fanboys will proclaim its leaps infront of the Xbox360. Now if the development tools for the 360 is as much better as rumour has it, everything is just peachy.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 18:44
now we' re more sure that PS3 is more powerful than the 360 , slightly so far , but the margin will get bigger , wait until elite developers master the CELL... I agree,cell is the key!
Vx Chemical
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 18:46
You know nothing about Cell to say its more powerfull than the 3 CPUs in the 360. All you have is Sony propaganda, even developers say its not all its cracked up to be!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 18:59
I think we all know cell is more powerful,the question is how much,and when we will see it,in 1-2 years or earlier?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 19:42
Well the xbox cpus are better for how they make games now than cell is, but cell seems to have the potential to be better, they just have to use it a lot differently. You can' t really tell how much better or if it is better until they figure out how to use it to its potential. They aren' t using the 360' s cpus to their full potential either. From the article it sounds like they are figuring out how to use it.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 19:59
It seems to me as the two consoles will be good at different things. The PS3 can make lots of simultaneus calculations resulting in more realistic environments with lots of effects and such while the 360 have better graphic capabilities with better anti-aliasing and such. Where' s majik when you need him?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 11 Feb 06 11:59:56 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 20:02
the 360 have better graphic capabilities with better anti-aliasing and such. i don' t think so ginjirou, if your basing your opinion on 360 GPU better than PS3' s, i think PS3 cpu' s can catch up the difference ... just a thought
Vx Chemical
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 20:10
the cell cant render 3d like a gpu, but it can handle such things as Physics easily. I dont think it can compensate for anything!
Joe Redifer
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 20:18
I think the PS3 will be better than the 3DO. It will be REAL. Seriously, Sony wants us to get our hopes up sky high, so I' m getting mine up sky high. I' m expecting the stars. Sony had better not let me down. They' ve always delivered on their past graphical promises with the PS1 and PS2. Sony would never lie. And the gaming media never publicly calls them on it when they do because they are afraid of Sony.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 11 Feb 06 12:19:36 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 20:20
I think we have come to the point where graphics are so great that things like physics will play a much bigger part. That' s why I think the PS3 has great potential and I really hope the developers use that potential to bring us games that haven' t been possible before. Nowadays a realistic experience isn' t based on graphics but rather how characters and objects act in a game as well as the quality and amount effects you can see at the same time. Since I usually don' t care too much about graphics the PS3 is looking really great as it has the capabilities of giving us deeper gameplay. Something a feel the 360 has failed to do.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 11 Feb 06 12:21:46 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 20:20
It must be capable of that ,at least a bit since they wanted to place a Cell Chip instead of GPU.Like loco said - they need to figure out how to program that thing. I was a bit shocked when they wrote it (PS3) can display the same effects as X360 but more of them at the same time - that would make it a nice advantage - still exploited only by best devs out there. Anyway great news - We' ll have all our favourite games in HD glory and looking equally next gen on both systems. Thanks to KIKIZO FOR GREAT NEWS.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 11, 2006 20:24
now it makes sens why adam sounded so sure of himself about ps3 launch
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 11 Feb 06 12:25:10 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 03:59
Not a single thing in that SUPERB (thankyou Kikizo!!!) article suprised me. Why? ...Well, because i' d already commented on pretty much all of the points mentioned. From the final unit looking to end up being larger to what was shown at E3/TGS/CES, the fact that the technology still hasn' t been made to fit into the cases, the fact that PS3' s menory is bottlenecked, ...all the way to PS3 games looking much like ' proper' polished 360 games. I' d already been there any many of you had read it and likely dismissed it. Anyway, with regard to CELL... CELL definately has the potential to far surpass 360' s CPU, but hardly any games 360 games are running on more than 1 core (and the ones that are aren' t using them properly and just offloading heavier work, ...like the rewind function in Full Auto). When games like Gears of War, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Too Human hit, ...that' ll be a better idea of what 360 is capable of. CELL however can already match that and will only get better as time goes on and developers figure the best ways to divide up the tasks. CELL is definately superior to 360' s CPU!!! But 360' s GPU is technically more advanced than RSX, so it' s a toss up really. Like i previously stated, and what Adam said in his hands-on report, ...it will all pretty much depend on the developers and how proficient they are with the hardware. I previously stated that i expect 360 to have a visual advantage when the PS3 launches, simply due to developers having had much more time with the hardware, ...and that still holds. I do think that within a year though the PS3 will have caught up and probably superceded 360' s graphical output. The 2nd generation of PS3 games will be nicer than 360' s. A couple of things are still unanswered, ...specifically the price range, release date and just what the machine will come with (HDD etc...) I' m not suprised that there was no sign of Sony' s recently announced online service because my guess is that it' s still in development and isn' t even NEARLY finished, but i did find the absence of Blu-Ray interesting! There are rumours that the first generation PS3 titles will actually come on DVD9 and not Blu-Ray, but that' s still speculation and should be disregarded in any factual conversations. At least now we have an idea of how far along the machine is. Kikizo did a great job of getting the story and we' re all very thankful for that. I wonder who the developers were...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 07:57
finally, some solid details on the ps3. good call majik. i agreed with you in most of those situations. but i definately think that there will be tradeoffs. the playstation 3 will have a steeper curve, in terms of graphics, but it will take a while to really max it out while the 360 is rollin in the benjamins. it' ll be interesting to see how much the 360 will dive in price when the ps3 launches. considering that they are losing hundreds on each machine right now as it is. I guess that all depends on how much the secret underground organization, second only to the Illuminati, we call Sony. Well, less money for the corporations means cheaper stuff for me. life is good. i just thank god for nintendo. in an age of " High-Definition" , " Dual Cores" , and " Teraflops" ... we always know that we' ll never have to worry about this with nintendo. so thank you nintendo, for making our life, just a little bit more simple. And... of course we thank them because if there was another competitor in the high-definition race, our heads would explode in a showering mess of megapixels.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 08:49
Yeah Eddie, i' m curious about what Microsoft will do to counter the PS3' s launch too. When the PStwo was launched, Microsoft released Halo 2 on the same day and it definately affected Sony' s sales. Too bad Halo 2 was really overhyped and not quite what was promised eh?! I' m not sure they will actually lower the price because i' m not sure if they will actually have to. Paying £279.99 for a premium 360 might not actually seem like a bad thing if PS3 launches at £400+. We' ll see though, we' ll just have to wait for the announcements (or leaks! ;p). What is interesting though is why Microsoft haven' t formally announced 360' s additional features yet. Supposedly, there are a number of things it can do already (with the tech already built in) but aren' t enabled yet, and others that aren' t. PS3 can do the whole TiVo thing, but from what i know, ..and Adam heard it too, ...so can 360 (and i hear it' s already built in and will be enabled via a Live update as soon as the bigger HDD' s are released). We just need it to be confirmed! My guess is that there will be " free" games packaged with the 360, a whole host of Live updates/additions and features enabled just before the PS3 launches. I am DEFINATELY gonna be getting a PS3 on launch night though, specifically because of the exclusive games Sony will have (a major factor!). I don' t however trust Sony to deliver what they promised on the online side of things, ...maybe that' s just me. Y' know, since PS3 won' t hit Europe until next year, ...the things i' m most looking forward to this years are Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting on Xbox Live, the DS Lite and the launch of Revolution (which i seriously hope is worldwide). Oh, and Gears of War. Is Blue Dragon out this year?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 13:19
Guys the ps3 isn' t more powerful than the 360 at all. The ps3 has its strengths and the 360 has its strengths. The 360' s biggest strength is what its graphics card was built to do. To say the ps3 can do more of this or that than the 360 can is assuming that we' ve seen the best of what the 360 has to offer. I hope everyone here knows that the 360' s full capabilities has yet to be totally realized by any developer. To make definitive statements about the 360 is to say its been about for 3 years now and we' ve seen the extent of its capabilties. I said before that most ps3 games if any at all would not be running at 1080p and this turned out to be true. Hey its a 7800GTX 512. The 360 GPU still has no equal on the pc the x1900xtx is the closest thing, but the 360 gpu is still far more advanced. You can' t blame kikizo as they are only comparing what they saw on the ps3 to what they' ve seen so far from the 360, but there is a very important fact everyone seems to be overlooking. The statement about both being capable of doing the exact same things was very incorrect the 360 gpu goes beyond many shader model 3.0 capabilities and even has many directx 10 capabilities and even capabilities that the next directx 10 for windows vista wont have. 360 developers just like the ps3 developers also need time to develop their libraries and learn how to better take advantage of the 360 especially its gpu. What did everyone here think the 360 gpu received directx 10 capability for nothing? Expect developers when microsoft releases the new directx to start taking advantage of the 360' s directx 10 capabilities. As you guys will see even prey is a directx 9 based game and don' t be surprised if gears of war among many other are also based on directx 9. No developers currently have taken full advantage of the 360' s 3 cores or its graphics card so the ps3 wont be building any sort of significant advantage over the 360 that the 360 counter by building on its own predetermined strengths once developers learn more and have had more time developing for the console. More important has anyone else besides myself realized that Microsoft' s launch has been dominated by third party developer support? What about Microsoft' s other first party developers besides rare or bizarre which didn' t receive final 360 dev kits till like august or september how are they taking advantage of the 360? What is bungie planning to do on the 360 with halo 3 that they hope to blow people away with? Has anyone here even seen halo 3? (Not saying I know anything, but I' m going to guarantee that the ps3 doing more on screen at once than the 360 will be largely put into question) Moving on.. What about the big upcoming titles? Mass effect, the 3 titles being worked on by sakaguchi blue dragon, lost odyssey and cry on, too human (This game right here has the capability to steal the thunder from Halo3, Gears of War, Blue Dragon, and Lost odyssey. Yes its expected to be THAT good a game gameplay will be unlike anything people have ever seen even from devil may cry or god of war) Gears of War, huxley, Splinter Cell Double Agent (How good do people think this game is going to look?) Fable 2, Forza Motorsport 2, The Marvel mmorpg, Ninety Nine Nights and a long list of other titles in development. Huge surprises coming at E3. (The long list of unannounced big titles 8 of which right now I' m sure will send shockwaves and quite possibly without ever seeing a single screenshot just the announcement of a single one of these alone could be the cause people to go out and buy 360s)
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