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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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Michael Star
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 07:46
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on The 360' s headset w/mic plugs directly into the controller, the Xbox Guide button lets you access the erm, ...Xbox Guide, and you can turn the console off/on with the pad. Why do people give Microsoft a hard time?! All Sony have EVER done is steal ideas. Yeah they made them work, mostly, ...but people look at them like they' re fuckin perfect. You want a company to give you new ideas every gen?! NINTENDO They invented the pads we use today. Force feedback, the analog stick, shoulder buttons. FUCK SONY, FUCK THEM IN THEIR STUPID ASSES (as Jay would probably say!!) Expect this... [image]http://www.1up.com/media?id=2308860&type=lg[/image] ...to be copied by Sony somewhere down the line. EHHM, I thought this thread was about the Kikizo hands on report lol, but anyways those " new" nintendo controllers look more like a lightgun type kinda thing to me. I do like the idea of it, but I can' t see it as a " revolution" They should all copy eachothers stuff, to the benefit of us, their costumers. Some games just play better with another controller. For instance: I really like the " z?" button on the back of a xbox ctrller for racing games (or anything else with throttle) I just can' t see why they don' t make special ed. controllers for top-games. They' re not hard to make, and pretty low-cost too assemble. Maybe " genre-specific" controllers would be a great idea to start with.....
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 07:51
MS didn' t do much good for the industry - quite the opposite (patches for " unfinished games" and crappy PC devs coming to console world What so Microsoft letting developers solve any issues that arise is a bad thing?! Are you nuts?! Glitches, bugs etc, ...they can' t all be solved before the game ships. Playtesting only allows for some much to be covered y' know. Allowing this option certainly will not make developers lazy at all. It will simply allow them to fix things that may have (inevitably) been missed during the development process. ^ I expect Sony to do the same with PS3. Only then will these narrow minded people see it as a good thing! EHHM, I thought this thread was about the Kikizo hands on report Perhaps you should read through the entire thread. This is what happens, ...threads evolve. but anyways those " new" nintendo controllers look more like a lightgun type kinda thing to me It' s nothing like a lightgun. It works in conjunction with sensors placed on or near your TV, not like a laser pointer or lightgun. I do like the idea of it, but I can' t see it as a " revolution" You' re the first person i' ve know to say it isn' t Revolutionary. I really like the " z?" button on the back of a xbox ctrller for racing games (or anything else with throttle) On the Xbox controller?!   I just can' t see why they don' t make special ed. controllers for top-games. They' re not hard to make, and pretty low-cost too assemble Err, racing wheels? joysticks? arcade sticks? Your comment is stupid!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 23 Feb 06 0:00:53 >
Michael Star
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- Joined: Feb 11, 2006
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 08:34
well thnx for yr positive reply  Don' t get too personally involved man; I' m not hitting on yr mom or something I don' t have an x-box, so I don' t know the name for the pad on the back of the ctrller, that' s why the questionmark was behind the " Z" but I like it. Err, racing wheels? joysticks? arcade sticks? You know what I mean, well  on the other hand... clearly not. Yes, a flight stick for flying games could be a starter, and we all know racing wheels suck, I mean the layout of a controller could be modified to suit a certain kind of genre. Think creative, and you know some of those things could be better. The REv. controller " LOOKS KINDA LIKE" I said, and I don' t care if it works differently or not. And I also said I DO like the idea of it, so no offence dude... And finally, I know threads evolve, I participated in your discussion so I' m aware of that. If you had any sense of humor, " LOL" should mean enough. I thought we were all on the same side, to inform eachother and share some thoughts about certain subjects, so I think whenever someone doesn' t share your thoughts, and has a different opinion or point of view, it doesn' t need to be implied as " STUPID" . I rest my case....
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 09:03
Isn' t ' yr' short for ' year' ??!! There is no button on the back of the Xbox pad. It has 2 shoulder buttons, 6 face buttons and start & back. we all know racing wheels suck Depends i guess on just how much you' re willing to spend. Do you have one? I mean the layout of a controller could be modified to suit a certain kind of genre I still don' t get it. Pads are tailored to some specific games, with special edition pads for things like fighting games. Perhaps you could give us an example of what you mean?! The REv. controller " LOOKS KINDA LIKE" I said, and I don' t care if it works differently or not. It looks like a lightgun?! It looks like a remote to me, which incidently is what it' s supposed to look like. I wasn' t getting at you, not at all, ...but there' s a misconception that the controller works like a laser-pointer or lightgun and you have to point it at the screen, which it doesn' t and you don' t. And i wasn' t calling your entire post stupid, i think part of it is misguided but i think... I just can' t see why they don' t make special ed. controllers for top-games. They' re not hard to make, and pretty low-cost too assemble ... that is a bit retarded because they DO make special edition controllers and it' s not like you would actually know whether or not they' re hard to make or how much they cost to assemble, ...as neither would i. I know it would cost to design the pad, test it, build it and ship it etc...and i don' t quite see why you would want several different pads, all for different games or game types when 1 will usually do. Your presence and participation is good, it' s nice to have more people discussing topics here, but if you were to hit on my mom (you' re American?), i' d probably bite your face off... LOL! EDIT: Just one of the possibilities... AND WHEN SONY GET AROUND TO IT...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 23 Feb 06 1:17:03 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 11:04
Ok Next Generation and PS3 Informer are reporting that Sony' s Playstation 3 will be released in September this year, first in J apan on the 16th and then in the US on the 21st. While i put no stock in PS3 Informer, Next Generation on the otherhand have previously been a reliable source of information. An excerpt reads... Developer sources are also suggesting that PlayStation 3 is currently scheduled to launch in September. A launch games release schedule seen by our sources states a September launch. Although the schedule does not explicitly state a hardware launch date, nor a launch territory, we understand Japan and U.S will both see the machine in September. The artilce, dated 15th Feb is located here.. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2270&Itemid=2 If this is true, and it sounds like valid information, ...it means that Europe would certainly have to wait until 2007, possibly as long as six months going off previous launches. While i expected to have to wait that long anyway, there are those that still believe the unit will launch in Spring. The other really interesting thing is that Sony have said that some of the systems specifications have yet to be finalized, and if they cannot sort whatever problems they have out, the machine won' t launch. The quote by a Sony PR agent being... " If we cannot finalize the specifications, we cannot release the PS3," The delay is believed to be due to heat problems and difficulties in the production of the system' s GPU, supplied by NVIDIA. A September launch would pit them directly against Revolution since Nintendo expect to launch around that time so they don' t miss the holiday season. I don' t know who would come off worse from such a match up. While Nintendo say they don' t see Sony or Microsoft as competition, i think Sony definately see Nintendo as a threat, especially given Nintendo saying that Revolution will be affordable and will give people something new.
Terry Bogard
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 11:14
Ok Next Generation and PS3 Informer are reporting that Sony' s Playstation 3 will be released in September this year, first in Japan on the 16th and then in the US on the 21st. That would rock SO much if the release dates were THAT close to each other, simply because I' d have an easier time sneaking in and snatching up a Japanese unit while people are distracted by the U.S. launch, hehe..
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 13:09
ye this sounds like good news to me. And yes I also think that Nintendo is seen as a threat, and more so after E3 2006, when they give us the revolutionary info about the N5. Michael Star got me thinking about modified pads for certain games. Well, I think that if we could have a modified pad for racing games, that would be cool. What I was thinking of was a controller like that of the 360 with the triggers for acceleration and breaking. Then instead of the left analog stick, put a small wheel there with little bumps for grip that can be easily turned about 1/3 of a full rotation left and right for ease. Or maybe even 1.5 rotation would be cool. The diameter could be the same as the diameter created by the stick when you do a 360 rotation (like you have to for ninja gaiden, when you do that move where ryu rotates around himself and finishes with a slash jumping upwards, I forgot the name of that move). Now that kind of controller I wouldn' t mind buying just for racing games, and I don' t think it' s a stupid idea at all. it' s " revolutionary"
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 13:31
I guess you thought Namco' s neGcon Driving Controller was cool?! This... ...would be revolutionary, for a racing game. You REALLY want revolutionary?! Ok, here...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 23 Feb 06 5:36:12 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 22:45
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on No, they simply perfected it. The 360' s headset w/mic plugs directly into the controller, the Xbox Guide button lets you access the erm, ...Xbox Guide, and you can turn the console off/on with the pad. Why do people give Microsoft a hard time?! All Sony have EVER done is steal ideas. Yeah they made them work, mostly, ...but people look at them like they' re fuckin perfect. This whole debate feels stupid because who cares who stole what but I just can' t let some things go. I don' t think MS has perfected anything, they simply tweak what is already there. The Xbox controller sucked even though it was released long after the PS2 and the new 360 controller is beaten by the GC controller. And we haven' t seen the PS3 controller yet. I give MS a hard time because they are simply boring and they do steal lots of ideas such as built-in rumble pack (N/Sony), dual analogs (N/Sony), L/R 3 buttons (Sony), Analog shoulder buttons (Sega). Sony has NOT stolen ideas. They have truly made much more than simple tweaking. They were inspired by Nintendo yes, but stole, no. TWO analog sticks makes all the difference in the world and the L3/R3 buttons were genius. Sonys use of images instead of letters on the action buttons was a really brave move but turned out to be a good one. The use of analog function on all buttons, not only the stick used for movement, was also a great idea of theirs. And the one thing that the PS controllers have in common is symmetry, which is good for the hands since they both take the same position even though it might feel a little strange for some. They were the first to actually be generous enough to have the rumble built in, instead of selling rumble packs separately. I understand why you think Sony steals and why MS makes good products but you have to realize that Sony has made huge differences with their controllers. Something MS has not. Nothing MS has done with their consoles or controllers have changed anything in the rest of the industry. Even you should be able to realize this. Nintendo, Sega and Sony on the other hand have been the true innovators in the industry and they should have all the credit in the world for it.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 Feb 06 14:46:29 >
Mass X
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 23:42
Nothing MS has done with their consoles or controllers have changed anything in the rest of the industry. Even you should be able to realize this. The built in hard drive, custom soundtracks, a unified online setup, the ability to fix and improve games after release, downloadable content to add more to finished games. Surly those must mean somthing...all from the origional Xbox. They may not be the kings of innovation but the certainly contributed.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 23 Feb 06 15:43:37 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 23:51
Download content also realse a chance of game dev relasing stuff that shouldn' t be out yet,and being fixed with patches...
Mass X
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 00:12
That is the fault of the investors forcing games out earlier then intended and nothing to do with developers half assing it like ppl want to claim. People mustve forgotten that glitches and unfinished games have been around for a very very long time (Hmm what was that one game for the Atari ..E.T.?). Many many complaints would go out about these games and wishes for them to be fixed. Somthing that could only be done with a re-call or some other equally expencive process. Now Developers have the oppurtunity to listen to peoples wants and fix what needs to be fixed. And just like with everything else in this world when someone attempts somthing positive the skeptics jump all over it fishing for every little negative there is. Anyhow another good thing to come from MS, is the Marketplace. Altho it has its flaws and whatnot, the ability to download free demos prior to the release of a game is a great advantage to gamers. Now they can try before they buy. You may say " but you can get demos in stores or with magazines!!" true but that would require money usually. OXM non-subscribers have to pay $10US for content they may or maynot care for. With marketplace the only thing you pay is about 5-10 minutes? Dont even have to leave home. Its convienient, will entertain you, and will allow you to have a better idea on whether or not to plop down that good amount of money.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 23 Feb 06 16:16:21 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 00:13
ORIGINAL: Mass X The built in hard drive, custom soundtracks, a unified online setup, the ability to fix and improve games after release, downloadable content to add more to finished games. Surly those must mean somthing...all from the origional Xbox. They may not be the kings of innovation but the certainly contributed. The built in harddrive basically worked as a memory card. The only thing that made the Xbox different was that you could you is as a HDD media player. There was kind of an unified online setup for the Dreamcast, MS just continued from what Sega left. I guess this is were you say " and perfected it"  . And the DC memory cards could be used to save downloadable content for some games on the DC. It wasn' t used as much as on the Xbox but the same ideas were there already. The PS1 had some games were you could put in your own CDs and play your choice of music. And lots of those things had been done on PCs ages ago. See! No new ideas. The Xbox is pretty much a PC and that' s why there are so few new ideas for it. Btw, the PS2 also had Eye-Toy, Singstar and Guitarr Player which were pretty impressive when it comes to " controllers" .
Mass X
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 00:26
You guys considered Sony intergrating a rumble feature innovative so that must mean to integrate the features that MS did is quite innovative (not really but going with the Sony rumble example...) Fine I' ll refine my words. MS has contributed to consoles by bringing their expierence from the PC market. I never said they were innovative.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 00:45
ginjirou, if Sony didn' t " steal" anything, then why oh why were they sued successfully for " stealing" technology?! The HDD acted as a memory card?! Did you ever HAVE an Xbox?! Didn' t you listen to what Mass said?! The built in hard drive, custom soundtracks, a unified online setup, the ability to fix and improve games after release, downloadable content to add more to finished games Btw, the PS2 also had Eye-Toy Again, technology that was " borrowed" from another company. This is stupid. You didn' t like the Xbox controller?! Well nobody did, that' s why they released the Controller S, which was a huge improvement. You think that the Gamecube controller is better than the 360 controller?! Do you have a 360?! The Wavebird was better than the official Gamecube controller, and 360' s controller has been said by many (developers, critics, games media etc) to be the best controller you can get. But i gues it' s a matter of opinion. I give MS a hard time because they are simply boring Boring, as you put it is what is going to kill Sony off! Sony has NOT stolen ideas. They have truly made much more than simple tweaking. Whatever, that' s dumb. You sound like some teenager who worships them. I don' t like the word, but i would say you were a " fanboy" *shudders...*                  
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 01:33
Hehe, I think it' s the first time I' ve ever directly been called a fanboy. Seriously though, I' m not a Sony fanboy and I understand all your opinions and share most of them but I just think people are hating Sony to much. I hate them to some extent as well but I bring forward the good things they have done. I don' t try to explain why the Xbox consoles are good because, well, there are others doing a fine job with that. Sometimes I feel that I' m the only one who is not a pure Sony hater here.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 Feb 06 17:34:33 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 02:17
LOL! Sony have done great things for gaming, that' s not in dispute. The thing about Sony though is that they never give any credit to anybody else, it' s like they thing they invented gaming. They took it to the masses, and denpending on who you ask that was a very good think or the worst possible thing that could have happened. They' re just arrogfant about it and expect everyone to follow the Playstation brand. Microsoft have outdone them agion this time because Sony a) weren' t planning on using a graphics chip at all until they realised they had fallen short, b) they weren' t going to bother with an online service until the industry said they needed to to even have a chance at competeing with the beauty of Xbox Live. I don' t " hate" Sony, i just think they could be more honest and genuine to the user. Revolution is where i' ll be at anyway. I' ve already got a 360 and i' ll no doubt buy a PS3 at launch too but Sony need to realy impress me at E3 this year because last year it was a circus!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 03:42
I have always supported Nintendo,but i see GC as a failure to satisfied me. Mario/Zelda did not live up to my expection,however the price was " okay" for the gc so i cant complain to much...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 06:47
it' s like they thing they invented gaming. is that so far from the truth? really, without Sony, try to imagine what the games industry would look like, no microsoft [as they would have not entered if they didnt see how well a new compnay did.] Nintnedo and Sega would probley be still duking it out, [i bet i just made alot of sega fanboys just sigh there!] if Sony didnt exsist we would not enjoy such things as online play and guitar hero goodness. Maybe they didnt Invent the industry, but they certainly changed it.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 24, 2006 06:52
if Sony didnt exsist we would not enjoy such things as online play Sega were there first dude. no microsoft Microsoft would have entered anyway somewhere down the line, it has nothing to do with Sony.
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