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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 08:24
It' s been emotional!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 08:51
Hold on, I have been here longer!.. something dosent add up here.. oh yes, that would be my post count.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 08:58
VIP member doesnt get any closer to the babes then normal member does...
Adam Doree
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 09:05
we' ll change the post count labels soon to something more appropriate.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 09:20
You' ll change my ' VIP member' to ' Annoying student with too much time on his hands' ???!!!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 23:06
shit - a guy gets he' s senior rank and what? they' re about to change the system ...damn :)
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 21, 2006 23:17
Kikizo Prophet? or Gaming Ninja? maybe just God?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 05:21
Yeah, the PS3 will be cool (I' m trying to get back on topic)... So...um... That controller of theirs, the boomerang, it sure doesn' t look comfortable but I think it looks really, really cool. I actually love it. If they tweaked it a little to fit the hands better I' d say it' s the most beautiful controller ever made. Now I' m waiting for the massive wave of posts disagreeing.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 05:38
I' d say it' s the most beautiful controller ever made. You will contract the human form of Bird Flu and die... or You will contract the human form of Mad Cow Disease... ...whichever one is your preference! The prototype controller sucks, and it may not be like that, BUT, it did turn up when they showed the PS3 off (well, the cases) at DICE, which sucks because i thought we were definatley rid of it. It' s supposed to be really comfortable to hold but i don' t see it. I can' t quite understand the shoulder buttons, they' re at funny angles... If it doesn' t have added functionality, and just works like the Dual Analog then a 3rd party will likely do a Dual Shock 2 style pad for it. I wonder whether 360s' wired USB controller would work with PS3?!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 05:48
That would be cool if it did. No doubt someone will release an adaptor and enevitably Lik-Sang will stock it. The current PS3 pad looks awful, but my main concern is why haven' t Sony added any analong triggers to replace L2 and R2. Using triggers I' ve found racing games to be much more enjoyable to play than using the right analong stick for acceleration and braking. After playing RR6 on 360 it' s going to be really annoying.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 06:03
Using triggers I' ve found racing games to be much more enjoyable to play than using the right analong stick for acceleration and braking. Yep, that' s what most gamers think. The 360s' trigger/basher button setup works brilliantly. Triggers help an awful lot in different kinds of games, they even help heighten the level of immersion in first person shooters. PS3 definately needs triggers.. After playing RR6 on 360 it' s going to be really annoying. It' s a love it or loathe it experience. I don' t like it and instead prefer PGR3, especilly online!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 06:11
Just using RR6 as an example, not saying that I think it' s way better or anything. I like PGR3 a lot and can see how much better the online must be. RR6 is really good, but you' ve seen all the tracks before you unlock any of the faster exciting cars, which is a bit lame. Still, I do like playing my fav tracks over again in single race. Anyways. Do you think Sony will bother to put triggers on their pad, or do you think they' ll just keep the same dated setup that they have now?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 06:25
I bet they will make triggers - it' s hard to imagine racing games without them and they know that - and what' s more , they always copy good ideas.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 21 Feb 06 22:26:30 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 06:48
they always copy good ideas. They never copied a good D-Pad though
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 22, 2006 06:51
They never copied a good D-Pad though Slick.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 03:03
Hey! Sony were the first with dual analog sticks. And instead of the boring letter buttons they put squares, circles, triangles and X on them. The also made the first built in rumble pack (ok so they stole the technique but it was their idea anyway). They also came up with the idea of having the L3 and R3 buttons (pushing the analog sticks down). The Dual Shock wasn' t exactly a revolution but Sony did have some great ideas of their own. The ones who have never had any idea of their own is Microsoft with their Dreamcast controllers. Sure they might be good but there are no new ideas that makes their controllers any different from earlier models. And that' s why I don' t want MS to be number one. They are the most boring company of them all. I miss Sega  .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Feb 06 19:04:09 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 03:54
The ones who have never had any idea of their own is Microsoft with their Dreamcast controllers. Sure they might be good but there are no new ideas that makes their controllers any different from earlier models. No, they simply perfected it. The 360' s headset w/mic plugs directly into the controller, the Xbox Guide button lets you access the erm, ...Xbox Guide, and you can turn the console off/on with the pad. Why do people give Microsoft a hard time?! All Sony have EVER done is steal ideas. Yeah they made them work, mostly, ...but people look at them like they' re fuckin perfect. You want a company to give you new ideas every gen?! NINTENDO They invented the pads we use today. Force feedback, the analog stick, shoulder buttons. FUCK SONY, FUCK THEM IN THEIR STUPID ASSES (as Jay would probably say!!) Expect this... [image]http://www.1up.com/media?id=2308860&type=lg[/image] ...to be copied by Sony somewhere down the line.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 04:24
Looking back Nintendo' s rev controller look very much like one of those canned Dreamcast pads never released. Not that I mind, as in the past Nintendo and Sega have always led the way forward. Thankfully they can now work together to improve things further. I don' t see what all the fuss is about with the Dual Shock. I like the two analong sticks design yes, but the sticks have way too much travel compared to the ones on Xbox and 360 making thngs more sluggish. The d-pad really sucks, though it does even more on the Xbox consoles. Why can' t they just use the design from the Jap Saturn pad I don' t know, as close to perfection as you could want.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 22 Feb 06 20:24:57 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 06:17
Sure they might be good but there are no new ideas that makes their controllers any different from earlier models. And that' s why I don' t want MS to be number one. They are the most boring company of them all. I miss Sega . Well yeah I never thought of R3 and L3 , R2 and L2 buttons were also original - as for the rumble feature I' d say it' s 100% nintendo. But I agree dual analog controller is something that has become a huge standard. MS didn' t do much good for the industry - quite the opposite (patches for " unfinished games" and crappy PC devs coming to console world - still good PC devs like Valve got here too so it has it' s moments) Anyway that' s Xbox not Xbox 360 - this one seems to be much better and I' m eager to see what path lies ahead of it.
Mass X
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 23, 2006 06:55
I dont get why you find patches a negative. Think back to when games were unable to be fixed of any glitches what so ever and how annoying it could be. Now we have a way to fix those problems and you think thats a problem? Allowing this option certainly will not make developers lazy at all. It will simply allow them to fix things that may have (inevitably) been missed during the development process. This is a definate plus for gaming. I guess they could spend many many months dedicated to finding every last glitch possible. Even then theres still that off chance of missing one completely.
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