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KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 13:48
Its also worth mentioning that yes the ps3 is an amazing cpu, but there is a reason john carmack prefers the 360' s 3 cores to the ps3' s cell. I mean lets not forget guys both processors for the ps3 and the 360 are based on a ibm power pc core, but upon further investigation people will realize that the ps3' s power pc core has a VMX vector unit with 32x128bit vector registers Whereas the 360' s 3 power pc cores each have a VMX vector unit with 128x128bit vector registers So a rough translation of this is that the 360' s power pc core is a more souped up version of the one running on the ps3. Keep in mind that alot of developers whose games have released anywhere close to the launch window for the 360 didn' t have alot of time with final 360 dev kits. Many devs didn' t receive final 360 dev kits till august 2005 which is mainly why alot of 360 games close to launch aren' t even using the tiling method which is the best way to take advantage of the 10MB of edram which is what allows effects such as 4X AA or HDR to come standard at little to no performance loss the edram is great as it totally obliterates bottlenecks. The team that is working on Fight Night Round 3 for the 360 are taking advantage of this method which is why that game is so stunning. Rare didn' t have the proper time to make use of the many advantages that can come from this method with perfect dark zero, but pdz' s graphics are by no means terrible and the fun gameplay is where its at. Whereas ps3 devs, as sony claimed received final dev kits around january during ces (which turned out to be untrue as I' m hearing), but ps3 devs have recently received practically final dev kits in february to my knowledge 9 months before the ps3' s expected launch in the usa and even japan developers expect the ps3 to show up during the summer. No matter how we look at it the ps3 developers have ALOT more time to prepare launch titles on final ps3 hardware than the 360 developers had which is why ps3 launch titles should be of better quality than the 360' s launch titles, but don' t expect every 360 game to be blown away graphically in terms of production value or presentation, but there are some that could quite possibly pull off such a thing (i-8 for the ps3 assuming its a launch title) Also yes blue dragon is due later this year not to mention the 360 is already in the process of putting a music media service so users can download songs, the tivo like capabilities are DEFINETLY already there for the 360 its only a matter of time before microsoft announces this stuff. The directv or starz partnership among others isn' t for nothing people will have means of saving these movies. IPTV is a huge possibility and the partnership with mtv for that new urge service will no doubt be making its way to the 360. There are alot of awesome things to look foward to.
< Message edited by OptaviusX -- 12 Feb 06 5:55:51 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 18:19
Am I the only one who' s getting bored by listening to all this tech-talk about power? I' m not a developer, I' m a gamer and we gamers have the power to decide which consoles will triumph. No matter the difference in power between PS3 and 360 the power of them both are so incredible that it doesn' t matter which one is the strongest anymore. Even Nintendo will impress us even though their machine is weak by comparison. We have now reached a level when graphics are so incredible that developers need to try new ways of making games to really impress us. Does graphics get any better than this? Of course! But is it necessary for them to get any better? I doubt it! The biggest threat against the 360 as I see it is that it' s by many considered a hard-core gamers console. Many people thinks the Xbox brand is a " nerd brand" . The PS brand however is more accepted by the majority of people who play games and I think this will make it easier to sell the PS3. If you look at the stereotypes MS makes consoles for nerds, Nintendo makes consoles for kids and Sony makes consoles for regular people. The mainstream image PS has is partially the reason for PS2s success. Even though it was far weaker than the Xbox, it was superior. The mainstream market is the biggest and most important market. Let' s say the PS3 will be much weaker than the 360. It will still sell better than the 360 and it will still deliver the same or even better gaming experiences. I even think the PS1 today has a larger amount of entertaining games than what the Xbox have. The PS1 graphics are laughable compared to XBox but it' s the gameplay that matters. Gameplay is not created by power, but by imagination, something MS lacks, and something Sony has lots of. Nintendo is imagination it self. So I agree completely with Eddie_the_Hated, the Revolution will save us all. No more tech-talk. I' m tired off it. Let' s talk games instead!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 Feb 06 10:30:34 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 18:55
Sony definately has the mindshare thanks to Playstation/2, but while it' s ok to say Sony makes games for " regular" people, just how many of these " regular" people do you know that will fork out £400+ ($698) for a console that is being said to be barely an advancement over 360?! Wouldn' t you have to be a " hardcore" gamer to become and early adopter of such a console?! With regard to PS2 and Xbox, PS2 had a much longer shelf life and a massive lead on Xbox. That certainly attriputed to it' s popularity. I agree with ginjirou, let stop talking about figures, ...even i' m getting bored of it now! Taking a brief detour, check this video out. It' s a comparison between Far Cry running on a high end PC with everything turned up high and the new Far Cry for 360. The water looks amazing! http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/2898/Far-Cry-Instincts-PREDATOR-Xbox-360-vs-PC-Water-Comparison/ I can' t wait for Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 19:16
I don' t think the price will affect the buyers as much as people think. THe gamecube costs half of what the XBox or PS2 does but it still doesn' t sell any units. People who are having trouble buying a console with cash can always divide the payment. Like 30$ a month for two years or something. So I think the PS3 will do fine in the mainstream market even though it might get a high price tag. Besides, a high price tag could even make people want it more as it would be a kind of status thing. A: " Oohhhh, you have a PS3, but it' s so expensive even though it doesn' t do much more than a 360" B: " Yeah, but I like it. It looks cool and fits right next to my PS2. I have money you know" A: " My Hero!" What A doesn' t realize is that B actually devided the payment. The PS2 was released long after the Dreamcast but yet it still managed to crush the Dreamcast. So I don' t see why the PS3 wouldn' t be able to crush the 360. I doubt the 360 will be crushed though, but it will probably " loose" . Great video! The water looked beautiful. I think the waves looked unrealisticly high but as long as it looks cool it works for me.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 Feb 06 11:28:00 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 19:30
A: " Oohhhh, you have a PS3, but it' s so expensive even though it doesn' t do much more than a 360" B: " Yeah, but I like it. It looks cool and fits right next to my PS2. I have money you know" A: " My Hero!" I like it! I see your point, and it' s a good one!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 20:30
Just make sure your PS2 has a HUGE space next to it.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 20:48
Ha ha ha... Yeah, it won' t be going on anybody' s shelf that' s for sure. Make sure it' s well ventilated too because you just know it' s gonna get hot! I wonder how big the power pack will be...
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 20:53
Funny thing about this hands on with PS3 is that it' s based on some PS3 developers opinions - now if you ask X360 devs about it , they' ll say that 360 is much more powerful. We' ll never really know :) Considering how 360 heats up and that brick - any gamer by now has a lot of room for their systems , but I expect people to play games in ther gardens when PS3 hits stores (ofcourse not when it' s sunny :) ) And when it rains? we' ll just play some revolution games on are COOL (get it?) system :) To say the ps3 can do more of this or that than the 360 can is assuming that we' ve seen the best of what the 360 has to offer. I hope everyone here knows that the 360' s full capabilities has yet to be totally realized by any developer. Actually I think that Xbox games don' t progress as much in visual department over the years , cause it' s a developer friendly system. 1st generation games for X where cool and 2nd generation improved , but after that the level was pretty stable mostly.Ihaven' t seen a game that would make me say " wow how is that possible on X?" - even when Splinter 3 brought next gen graphics :) PS2 however and PSX (yes majik PSX :) ) before it where designed to have visual leaps with each year.I' m seeing games on PS2 and I think " WOW those devs are good" - cause I know that as hardware this console is ...hopeless. The only question I have is " will those leaps of PS3 games end achieving the looks of the best 360 games or will they go further"
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 12 Feb 06 13:02:21 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:06
I don' t think the price will affect the buyers as much as people think. THe gamecube costs half of what the XBox or PS2 does but it still doesn' t sell any units. Thats for other reasons, the Playstation didnt sell as many consoles as when it was a 400$ console as it does now that its a 150$ console. Early adopters are hardcore gamers, otherwise they wouldnt shell out the money for it. 90% of all PS2, are in the possesion of kids, and guess who bought the consoles? not that kids but the parents, and they aint buying the most expensive one. If you look at it in this way, the more consoles sold, the easier it is to sell even more, because people want what their friends have, so they can play together and share games, thats why being first to market is so important, if all of Mark' s friends has a Xbox 360, Mark will want one too, even though he normally was a playstation guy. Kids want PS, because they' ve always had one, they havent made up their mind about if its better than the xbox because they cant grasp the figures of it. I cant see why the PS is such a great console, there are maybe 10 good exclusives series on it, and then all the rest of the titles are released for either xbox or the Cube!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:13
360' s games definately will see jumps in quality though because nobody' s using it' s 3 cores properly yet. You' re exactly right as far as the original Xbox goes, but 360' s completely different. Both PS3 and 360 will evolve and have noticable graphical improvements as time passes. Noooooo! Sony no longer use PSX as the Playstations codename. ^^^See, ...that' s a PSX! You' re point is noted though, both Playstation and PS2 games had massive jumps in graphical output. Whether PS3 will jump past 360' s VERY BEST, 2/3 year down the line games is uncertain. I think it will!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:26
Well duh! Of course the PS2 sold better when the price dropped. However, it sold better than DC, GC or Xbox even when it had its original launch price. Most PS2 owners aren' t kids. The average age of the owners of all consoles are pretty much the same except for GC which has a slightly lower age group. The average age of gamers is somewhere around 20. Where did you get the fact that 90% of the PS2 owners are kids? Are you making shit up? The PS2 is known to have violent games and was very expensive compared to the moraly correct Gamecube which means that the PS2 would be a parents last choice of all the consoles. This means that A) parents don' t care about prices. or B) The average PS2 owners aren' t kids which means the price won' t matter as much anyway. If people buy the same consoles as their friends, it means that the PS3 will be very successful as it is still the most wanted next-gen console even though many have already bought a 360. Only 10 good exclusives? Well I guess the question of what a good exclusive title is will never be answered but to most people, the PS2 was superior when it comes to the amount of good exclusive titles. But let' s not start such a discussion as it will not bring any clarity.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 Feb 06 13:34:09 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:45
I think saying how old the averege owner of a PS2 is wierd anyway. I mean, who' s been keeping the records eh?! EVERYBODY has a PS2, it' s THE most successful games console to date and has a whole range of great games. The good exclusivity title thing is a metter of opinion anyway since everybody thinks different things about different games. With God of War, the MGS series, the Devil May Cry series (discounting DMC2 because it was rubbish!), the Final Fantasy series proper, the Tekken series and so on, ...PS2 has something for everyone and loads of AAA titles. Xbox had a wide range of really good title that you couldn' t get on another platform though. Ninja Gaiden for example! Because much of the developer support isn' t going to change from the previous generation (ie. Tekken, DMC, MGS etc...), the content for the consoles will be very different. It' ll feel like the last gen i guess, ...if you prefered the type of games on PS2 to the ones on Xbox then you' ll probably be more comfortable with a PS3 and vice versa... Revolution (N5) on the other hand will feel totally different and will hopefully feel new. More like an actual ' arcade' ecperience! I really think people will be suprised at how nice the games will look though. The only major difference for the 360 is it' s increase in Japanese support which should certainly help in the US and Europe if not in Japan itself. Sony has had some really cool Japanese developed games and Xbox was left sorely lacking last time around. The popularity contest is likely over before it begins, with Sony being the winner, but that' s not to say Microsoft can be discounted because the forthcoming announcements could easily change everything. I' m probably more interested in seeing multi-platform titles running along side each other. That' s going to be the best way to tell if one is superior and how much that developer can get out of the two machines. I WANT BLUE DRAGON!!!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:45
Im making estimates, maybe 90% is high. Where do you get your numbers from? Im sure the average user of gaming sites on the net is 20, but i think more people under 20 have a console, than people over 20. Who buys consoles for people 10-18? Most likely its not themselves. Yes the PS3 is the most wanted console, but it doesnt mean that the PS2 was the best console. Where do you get your numbers from? I dislike the playstation, mostly because of Sony' s attitude, im a fan of the xbox, because i like the western titles and not japaneese stuff, and i hope Sony will fail and be left in the gutter, because i will be able to laugh at the people who think Sony cant make mistakes. Does that make me a bad person?
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:48
Microsoft desperately need Japanese support though, if only for Western gamers!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 21:53
I got my numbers from a newspaper magazine a while ago but sadly I don' t know which. Not that it matters since you probably don' t know any Swedish magazines  . Actually, lots of people below 18 buy consoles themselves even though they have no real income. Usually they just save money they get from their parents. But of course, in many cases they get them from their parents as well. But parents know little of videogames so they usually ask their kids what kind of videogames they like. And the answer is usually PS2. Or, they will ask someone in the store, and they will say that the PS consoles are the most popular. Even though they might be a lot more expensive, very few parents dare to buy anything else. I understand your hatred towards Sony and I dislike much about them to. But try to be positive  .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 Feb 06 13:54:32 >
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:15
but hardly any games 360 games are running on more than 1 core (and the ones that are aren' t using them properly and just offloading heavier work, ...like the rewind function in Full Auto). When games like Gears of War, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Too Human hit, ...that' ll be a better idea of what 360 is capable of. And Gears of war gonna use all 3 cores to be able to reach steady 30 fps,that they said themself.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:21
Who buys consoles for people 10-18? Most likely its not themselves. Yes the PS3 is the most wanted console, but it doesnt mean that the PS2 was the best console. Where do you get your numbers from? Who bought my mega drive,snes,n64,playstation,ps2,xbox and gc.? Was my parents. And why did they buy it? cause i wanted it,ps3 will sell a lot to young people too ,its like ginjirou said stores will recommend only or mostly Sony products in stores,and parents will listen to them,and also the biggest fanbase is for sony and gamers around the world. Sonys fanbase is more then double as big as MS/Nintendos together,i mean sony sold 85 millions ps2,xbox sold 21,gc 20. Numbers speaks for themself. Ps3 gonna be more popular and be a stronger machine that im certain off,and you know what?` When Ms sold even less 360 then xbox in japan,then it was a sign it was already over.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:34
But surely Gear of War running on 3 cores of a good thing?! It definately looks better than the launch titles and it' s an early title itself so games will get much better than Gears as time goes on... Parents will definately buy PS3' s for thir kids, but some people will be put off it the price is too high. Some people in the US thought $399 (£229) was expensive, but in the UK it cost £280 ($488) for the premium package. I don' t know how it was priced elsewhere in Europe but it is probably worse than here. PS3 is definately gonna sell more but i think Microsoft will come out of this gen with a higher percentage of the market than what they managed with Xbox. The other thing, is that Sony say PS3 will have a 10 years shelf life and 360 will probably have about half that, which means that in 5 years time, when Microsoft launch the next Xbox, Sony will be in the same place they were with the PS2 with an inferior machine but a larger user base. I don' t think Sony can be toppled but Microsoft definately have some really nice stuff headed for 360. It' s probably worth just buying all 3!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:40
I dont care if ps3 runs better then 360 tbh,the most wanted game for me are Lost odyssey and Blue dragon that is execlusive to xbox360... I also forgot to add,that europe might be the key to win the console war,seeing how consoles sells more in europe then japan,but vice versa when it comes to games,ofc not the big selling games,but in terms of a avg of all games.
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
Feb 12, 2006 22:44
As some have said as time goes by even the 360 developers are goin to learn the intricancies of the xbox360 hardware and hence we can xpect to see some significantly better looking games than what we saw at launch and what we will see in the s0 called ' launch period' . Also one point that i would like to make is that sony have saind that the ps3 is goin to have a shelf life of around 10 yrs so we wont see a ps4 till 2017 while xbox360 will certainly have a lesser shelf life ...so by the time we see the full potential of ps3 we might jst have the next generation xbox on our hands....Anyways gr8 to hear some solid updated ps3 info...I m happy with my xbox 360 and am definately gonna buy a ps3 as and when MGS4 is released...
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