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 KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report!
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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 19, 2006 20:47

well basing on the previous experience , PS2 delivered what it promised and even more

I would call it a dissapointment if you buy a system and play games with GOOD/MEdiocre Visuals for 4 years and then you get some better looking.

On the other hand - you' re right - I' m shocked when I play Soul Calibur 3 , I love GT4 and I think it looks great (if I put anti-shimmering filter glasses).

Well,remember that sonys strong front has never been on doing fps games,their main genre is RPG which they still control with a iron grip.

You think Xbox would' ve been great if it had RPG' s?
GCN had less RPG games than Xbox and yet it sold so much better in Japan.
It' s not about RPG' s it' s about polished and fun productions - that' s what Japanese gamers want - since they are on a higher gaming level than US or EUROPE.
You can' t get many games like that for X.

Europeans and Amerincans don' t give a damn about RPG' s mostly - it made it great in Japan (but it would' ve been just as great without RPG I Think)

They don' t control RPG genre - Square Enix does - and they make games for systems with large userbase.

What sells PS2 ? Great games not great visuals - that' s why most PC gamers or EX PC gamers won' t touch it - they went Xbox.

Shadow of the collosus ? framerate drops all the time , but who cares it' s one of those huge games.

VF4 - a poor arcade conversion but the gameplay' s intact.

I think PS2 nowadays is the best choice for a gamer.

I' m glad to hear that PS3 is as tough as 360 (but it' s hard not to doubt it - they said even better things about PS2) cause those games won' t just be amazing to play - visuals will be on the same level.

If that' s the case - I don' t see any room for MS here since Xbox got it' s chance thanks to powerful performance.Still I don' t trust Sony when they say stupid shit like PSP is a small PS2 - everyone has seen games for it - it' s not.Some say it' s the locked CPU - so what ? it' s locked and with it locked the battery life for many games is 4 h - unlocking it makes PSP a stationary system I guess.

I can' t wait for some PS3 demos

< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 19 Feb 06 12:52:00 >

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 00:22

VF4 - a poor arcade conversion but the gameplay' s intact

Yes but VF4 Evo was damn near arcade perfect. Plus Soul Calibur III shows just how capable the PS2 really is.

PS2 though I agree is the best machine for games out of the three current gen machines even though it' s by far the weakest.

It' s too early to tell which next gen consoles will have the best games, though I' m willing to bet on PS3 and Revolution.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 00:36
ugghh. i know, the sooner we can get some ps3 demo' s the sooner we can end all this, ps3 is 2 times more powerful than the 360 crap. i think that on average, they' ll be about the same, in terms of output. it won' t be a leaps and bounds graphical difference, but what i believe, is that the 360 will have better visuals from the beginning, and then ps3 will slowly come up to meet, and then surpass it. but, by that time, microsoft will already have a hold on the market, so i suppose it could go either way.

P.S. Killer, Microsoft is gonna buy blockbuster? man, they really do own everything.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 00:42
I don' t think Microsoft is going to have much of a hold on the market, not in the UK and Japan anyway.

They' ll do better in the uK than they did last time, but Sony' s hype is way out of control, and I have to correct people everyday. The whole fake Killzone thing combined with Official PS Magazine didn' t help either. Mainsteam gamers don' t care enough about gaming to question what they read as being real or not.

I' ve heard in the states it' s no way near as bad, and in Japan, they thankfully like my self, go on simply which has the best games.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 01:14

i know, the sooner we can get some ps3 demo' s the sooner we can end all this, ps3 is 2 times more powerful than the 360 crap..

Agreed. It' ll be nice to see FNR3 running side by side on the two machines. Especially since the 360 version has had is visuals enhanced since the Live demo.

but what i believe, is that the 360 will have better visuals from the beginning, and then ps3 will slowly come up to meet, and then surpass it..

Also agreed. It' ll be a year or two but PS3 games will eventually look nicer. It' s down to CELL and the fact that it can do more calculations simultaneously than 360s' CPU and that means more effects and probably even more polys on screen.

I don' t think Microsoft is going to have much of a hold on the market, not in the UK and Japan anyway.

Well, certainly not in Japan. Microsoft did well in Europe with the Xbox and it' s biggest territory is the US, so i think Europe will be important this gen, more so than before. 360 will do well in Europe, that' s almost certain. Remember that prices for both software and hardware are highre in Europe which makes the pricing important. If Sony launch at £400 (584.731 EUR) for their console, then you have to buy extra pads and £50 (73.0913 EUR) games, ...i think 360 will seem like a worthy purchase, especially considering its early advantages.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 01:49
Xbox was a big failure in japan MS said that not me,and when you doesnt sell even 0.5 million xbox its kind of a failure you gotta admit...,and now 360 has sold even less what xbox had done at equal point of time.
so i think its safe to say xbox360 gonna fail in japan too,however when we see these new titles,lost planet,blue dragon,lost odyssey,resident evil5 and n99 and other games that gonna come,we cant be sure of the outcome,xbox360 can sell up to 1-2 millions then,however that woud be considered a failure still,however still enough market to make japanese people make games to 360,that also come to US/EU.

And about the graphic between ps3 and 360,i think it all comes down to dev and their cost/dedication,you will need a square-enix that make the best graphic,or a epic games to draw all the power out of your machine.,remember sony even said they was very impressed that some people even made games that the psx shouldny haven been able to play,and praised them all :P

Anyway,whatever you gonna get PS3/xbox360/NR,you should all hope all 3 does very well,to lower cost for games/consoles mayby they will be lowered enough to get all 3 :P
I really hope Ps3 and NR does extremly well,even though im getting my 360 on friday now.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 19 Feb 06 17:50:35 >

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 02:16
I never said Xbox sold well in Japan, i said they did well in Europe with the Xbox.

Microsoft will never break Japan.


My money is on Revolution!

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 02:35
I wonder if MS is trying to somehow unite the PC and Xbox gaming audience into one platform - I have a feeling that' s what this (all that Xbox thing) is all about.Not now - but I think it' s their goal for the future.

Anyway there are wise words all over this thread and most of them have been said at least a 1000 times so I suggest we wait and see (that actually is nothing new either:) )

I wonder if any of you have noticed that games in HD (many like DoA) look terribly " artificial" - I mean it' s so clean that it almost looks empty - Every object is placed on other object with no smooth transition - games like Huxley or GoW look incredible , but many other look like mediocre PC games (empty ,sterile) - Outfit for example.

My opinion is based on HD gameplay videos so I can be terribly wrong :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 19 Feb 06 18:35:22 >

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 08:50
I don' t agree at all with the argument that the ps3 will surpass the 360 graphics in 2 years. The 360' s power also has to be harnessed properly. 360 is not even complete yet. XNA studio hasn' t been shipped, which is gonna help out a lot of developers apparently. What u see on the 360 now is not what u' ll see in two years, believe me. the cell can be powerful, but having the 3 cores also makes a machine poerful, especially when the software is designed to take advantage of it' s full potential. I think with the 360 there will be a constant increase in visual quality. I' m pretty sure of that. PS3 is gonna rock too, but I dun think it' s gonna surpass the 360 in visuals, it' ll be a toe to toe race. It will surpass it in game variety and quantity, that' s for sure. Lost planet looks really good.

I' m not too worried about the 360. I really wanna see what the rev has in store for us though. I have a feeling this time around it will do really really well. this gen (next-gen) will be more complete in every way for every console. Xbox didn' t have the rpg support, now it will, it didn' t have much japanese support, now it will have more. Look at capcom. This time around they look more commited to the american console. I can' t wait to get my 360, i wanna play geometry wars sooooo bad!

Hey, I heard that on the Rev you' ll only be able to play the old games that are nintendo property, like a lot of games were released for nintendo in the past, but nintendo doesn' t own the rights to all of them. We' ll only be able to play the ones that nintendo owns he rights to. Is this true? anyone?

gangsta ur right, COD2 looks like plastic, clean, good graphics, but not real. and yeah we should wait at least until E3. I think by then we will have a confirmed price of the rev and the ps3. I hope so at least, I need to know how much money I need to save for all 3 consoles. That' s my goal, buy all 3 by the end of 2007.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 09:04
zelda/mario games and even chrono trigger is games i heard is gonna be availble,however for a fee.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 09:05
Lost Planet is currently 360 exclusive.

And currently, Nintendo is only offering Nintendo developed games, but more 3rd party titles will become available, probably before launch.

Thankfully, it' ll play ALL Gamecube games!

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 20 Feb 06 1:08:55 >

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 10:01
So is n99,lost odyssey and blue dragon.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 10:01
Yeah! you could use the rev controller in an rpg [like FF] to stimulate a sword slash. And then have your wrist fall off after doing it for the millionth time. Seriously, isnt the rev going to suffer from people complaining ceratain games strain your wrist?

Remember Nintendo is not just for Christmas, Its for life!

edit: opps, I am a few pages back and posted. Silly mistake.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 20 Feb 06 2:02:57 >

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 20, 2006 18:58

Hey, I heard that on the Rev you' ll only be able to play the old games that are nintendo property, like a lot of games were released for nintendo in the past, but nintendo doesn' t own the rights to all of them. We' ll only be able to play the ones that nintendo owns he rights to. Is this true? anyone?

Well not really - Nintendo may not own the rights , but they are working with 3rd party publishers who own them to let them earn some on their old titles as well.

Even Sega is very interested in making their games available (and those where never playable on Nintendo Systems)

It' s easy money so expect a lot of support.

Same thing for MS - if publisher allows them to make a conversion and place it on XBL Arcade - they (the publisher) get 60 % from it - and they don' t even have to port it ( MS does it) - if they decide to port it themselves they get 70%.

gangsta ur right, COD2 looks like plastic

Thank god - I thought I' m the only one :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 20 Feb 06 10:59:22 >

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 21, 2006 02:38

gangsta ur right, COD2 looks like plastic

Well at least a LEGO game would look nice on 360!

Only one or two titles really suffer from shiny, fake looking textures. CoD2 isn' t actually that bad, the metal and wood textures are great and you only really notice the faker looking ones in the brighter environment. The Russian and American campaigns look better than the British desert campaign.

The worst offender has to be PDZ. Now THAT looks plasticky!

Ocourse, you should probably need to see them running at home on your own system before judging them.

I think a couple more titles will suffer from the same problem, The Outfit looks to go that way too but it' s not an inherent problem with 360 or even just how ' it does it' , it' s a development issue.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 21, 2006 02:51
Why does this thread always stay on top even though other threads are more updated? Is it my computer that has broken?

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 21, 2006 03:11
It' s been pinned to the top. My guess is that Adam wants it to stay here so that people who come looking for it (because of the Kikizo PS3 Hands On), will have no trouble digging it out.

It makes sense too because in a few weeks Sony are headlining DevStation and have a keynote speech at GDC so we' ll all be commenting on that in here too.

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 21, 2006 03:14
I see. Cool, you' re now a VIP member!

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 21, 2006 03:44
I didn' t even realise until you told me.

It means nothing though, just a post count!

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RE: KIKIZO' s PS3 Hands-On Report! - Feb 21, 2006 07:18
Well well a VIP

My oh my how you' ve grown Majick :)
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