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Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 21, 2006 21:02
Sorry, this is just really bugging me. You are aware that karaoke machines, webcam games, etc. existed loong before the PS2 aren' t you?
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 21, 2006 21:13
Yes, are you aware that motion sensored games existed long before wii as well? Ginjirou, thats where I believe we can disagree, as this type of answer can only be an analysis and not facts. I believe the eyetoy foremost, and games like guitar hero, singstar etc have made Nintendo sharpen its focus on these alternative types of gameplaying.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 21, 2006 21:56
Didn' t Dreamcast have a fishing rod that doubled-up as a sword for Maken X?? OOOOoooOOoo... wait Nintendo' s in trouble for infringement right??
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 21, 2006 23:01
Didn' t Dreamcast have a fishing rod that doubled-up as a sword for Maken X Yes, with a gyroscope, like ps3, not with sensors... But you could also use the rod for soul calibur.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 21, 2006 23:16
Yes, with a gyroscope, like ps3, not with sensors... But you could also use the rod for soul calibur. Yeh, I know it' s not motion sensing, just being sarcastic really. Showing that there' s no real point to get worried about all of this. People should chillout, chew buubblegum and play Gaiden..  Or else...
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 21, 2006 23:31
lol, i had the fishing rod, it certainly attracted members of my family not prone to games playing to play, so nintendo are on to a winner. Could be pretty good for sony too if well initiated into some of their games.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 00:01
I know for sure that when I was a kid, I used to play with all different kinds of objects, pretending to fly airplanes etc, that will become true with the PS3 controller. Swinging to the side with your body and really getting in to it. I know the wiimote has the same function, except to that extent..its kinda small and squareish - the grip around a dual shock would give me much better feeling doing those things. And with gyroscope controlling as well, you actually get results for waving in bigger moves etc. I bet it feels more physical to drive a weelbased game with the PS3 controller, because the Wii doesnt have gyroscope, its just mimicking moves, while with gyroscopic controller, it IS the moves.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 00:01
lol, i had the fishing rod, it certainly attracted members of my family not prone to games playing to play, so nintendo are on to a winner. Could be pretty good for sony too if well initiated into some of their games. Yeh, I found that 2. The same with Samba De Amigo (that was fun, even with the £80 price tag) But again, with people that played these " motion-sensing games" and were non gamers, I found that it was a nice " bit" of fun to them, but not enough fun to warrant a substitute for that all important Vogue magazine, Or that crucial night of liver-damage. Basically, they never felt compelled to buy it themselves because as non-gamers they feel they can' t be changed.. But yeh, my fishing rod and marracas anyday over nausea inducing dual-shock and a tinker-bell wii-wand... (ey?)
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 00:24
I know for sure that when I was a kid, I used to play with all different kinds of objects, pretending to fly airplanes etc, that will become true with the PS3 controller. Swinging to the side with your body and really getting in to it. Interesting point, but some of us like to grow up and remain intelligent with analogue controllers. But, it can' t be helped if you have a descrepancy with your inner child. I " visualised" with my 360 controller (bless), how a PS3 controller would work, so I fired up PGR and imagined steering.... .... ....? I bet it feels more physical to drive a weelbased game with the PS3 controller, because the Wii doesnt have gyroscope, its just mimicking moves, while with gyroscopic controller, it IS the moves. Maybe you could get closer to the action and feel more like you' re in a car with a wireless STEERING wheel.. (oh, with vibration feedback of course) Just a thought. Sorry if I seem too pessimistic, but I don' t see any justifiable reason behind the PSWii60 controller.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 00:28
The Wii remote has an accelerometer a gyroscope and a distance sensor and the nunchuck unit has an accelerometer. Sony' s pad has only an accelerometer. It can' t judge whether you move the controller nearer the screen and does' t have anywhere near the precision of the Wiimote.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 00:48
Some might call Eye Toy and dance-mat and lightguns for innovation, i prefer to refer to them as useless accesories, that i will not spend my money on, because, the games fail to be fun for more than a few seconds at a time, or if your extremely drunk!! I think Nintendo is extremely more Innovative than Sony is, if you want to pick it down to the lowest level, you could say Sony copied Nintendo by making a console in the first place! Which isnt too far from the truth, when you speak of the Nintendo CD thing! And yes im inclined to call you a PSX noob, fanboy, which ever term you prefer, and yes, its because you are one!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 00:48
ORIGINAL: Cetra Yes, are you aware that motion sensored games existed long before wii as well? Ginjirou, thats where I believe we can disagree, as this type of answer can only be an analysis and not facts. I believe the eyetoy foremost, and games like guitar hero, singstar etc have made Nintendo sharpen its focus on these alternative types of gameplaying. Nintendo has never focused on alternative gameplay, they' ve been focusing on evolving gameplay, setting new standards that works with all games not just some games within a specific genre. The Eye-Toy, Singstar and Guitar Hero are all incredibly innovative games but they don' t set new standards for gameplay as a whole as they only work with some genres or in some cases only a single game. Nintendo' s innovation with controllers affects and works with all genres, mostly to the better. Another important thing that some seem to forget is that Nintendo innovates in-game gameplay. Mario64 is just one example. Gyroscopic controlling methods for videogames have been in most peoples minds but the way Nintendo has evolved that technology is unique, a step beyond what most other could come up with. Sony and their PS3 controller is a perfect example of how they just use existing technology while Nintendo takes it to the next step. Nintendo made this by using the sensor bars which detects the actual position of the controller. This is something that many never thought of or would' ve dared to develop. I know the wiimote has the same function, except to that extent..its kinda small and squareish - the grip around a dual shock would give me much better feeling doing those things. And with gyroscope controlling as well, you actually get results for waving in bigger moves etc. I bet it feels more physical to drive a weelbased game with the PS3 controller, because the Wii doesnt have gyroscope, its just mimicking moves, while with gyroscopic controller, it IS the moves. You know that you can flip the Wii-mote on its side and use it as a NES controller don' t you? Did you watch the demo for Sonic Wild Fire or Excite Truck? Did you see Nintendo' s demo where a little boy flies an airplane with the controller? All of those demos shows how excellent the Wii-mote works for the kind of gameplay you want. Ginjirou, thats where I believe we can disagree, as this type of answer can only be an analysis and not facts. What are you refering to?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 May 06 16:55:07 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 04:17
That what you say now is completely based on what you, yourself think. While I want to refer what is facts. And the facts is that the dancemat, the eyetoy, guitar hero and all those are far more innovative than people give them credit for. Useless accessories? People who wants it, buys it. Whats new about the wii? just the controller, nothing else. Based on this, i think just as well could have made the controller as an accessory for the gamecube instead. Your not really getting much new with the console anyway. Besides, its kinda known and stated that the ps3 has a gyroscope, so its not only an accelerator. Anyway, I think people here fail to see that Sony has the exact same goals as Nintendo, just greater ways of approaching it. I look as forward to eyetoy as to the wiimote, because they are both highly innovative and puts the companies on the same ground. Nintendo is not greater than Sony in this field, but everyone seems to think so because Nintendo says so. Every company promotes is product with the most love and backing ever. Nintendo is no different. But since they have an exciting product, people get caught up with that and automatically buys everything Nintendo says about themselves. Easy way to brainwash.' ' I also want to mention one other thing that actually playstation had as concept first. We are all aware of that the GBA can work together with the Gamecub, and someone has said that the PS3 is copying that with the PSP. Well I actually think Nintendo have looked at sony for this one, because in 1998, a little thing called Pocketstation was released for the Playstation. It was a handheld device that would play minigames based off certain Playstation titles. The result from playing them on this device would or could affect what happened in the main game. To name one big titles using this feature; Final Fantasy VIII.
< Message edited by Cetra -- 21 May 06 20:54:25 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 05:17
What?! Everything I' ve written so far has been backed up by facts and I' ve given lots of examples to show you what I mean. It wasn' t opinion, it was facts. We believe Nintendo is more innovative than Sony because they have proven to be so. The Wii-mote and the PS3 controller will work the same way? Do you even know anything? Haven' t you read anything I' ve written? The dancemats and the other stuff is great but they only work within specific genres and they were not created by Sony. Nintendo innovated in ways that affected the whole industry and still does and that' s the big difference! Nintendo is responible for most of the industry standards today. No other company has achieved that. Sony never intended to innovate the videogame industry. They' ve clearly shown that their goal is to take care all forms of digital entertainment and their focus has been on combining all these ways of entertainment.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 May 06 21:23:53 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 06:10
Cetra, your completely blinded by your fanboyism its almost pathetic. And im not even a Nintendo fanboy, its simply clear who is the innovator in the buisness. I mean even MS are more innovative than Sony are, and they only brought the Xbox Live feature with them, nothing else about them is really new, they just perfect what Sony has been trying to do! If Sony wasnt headed by idiots like Kutaragi (or whats his name) im sure they would do better at pleasing people who know things about the buisness, than just pleasing fanboys who worships everything Sony says like the 10 commandments!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 07:39
Well, this is what you all mean, not the truth, I' ve given you plenty of examples of why sony is as innovative as nintendo are and has brought much more to the gamingworld the last 10 years than nintendo has. " Nintendo is responible for most of the industry standards today. No other company has achieved that. " Like I said, they werent the first, but who broke through the barrier and made CD based consoles a hit? Sony Who made the dual shock format of controller a hit and a new standard that everyone copied. The eyetoy grew to be a major hit and made everyone who didnt own a ps2 get it because of it. Even when the console was starting to get old, and people bought xboxes instead. If that wasnt enough, it was on the playstation platform that karaoke, dancemats, and non standards forms of gaming became huge. I' ve read all you say, exept i find you as ignorant as you find me when it comes to what i say. All that I say about sony being innovative and bringing greatness to the gamingworld are backed up by facts as well. I really dont think Nintendo has brought much to the gamingworld the last 10 years sony has ruled it. The mario 64? a game? The playstation had similiar games that set standards as well and became far greater on the platform front than nintendo did. Kinda explains itself when there has been one billion sold Playstation games. People pick the best option. What did the world say when the N64 came out with a cartridge? They knew it was outdated, thats why they picked sony. What did the third party companies say about the cd format on playstation? They said " you cant do this with the cartridge" . Sony created a new era for gaming by utlizing the new cd format, and dvd format for ps2. This is now used by nintendo, who once ruled with their own cartridge format. Games are able to look like they do on the Wii and Gamecube because of Sony, and Philips.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 08:14
Kinda explains itself when there has been one billion sold Playstation games. People pick the best option. People pick up on marketing, and Sony did a better job than Nintendo! I really cant see where this praise of Sony is coming from, one thing is sure, you sure are tenacious!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 08:46
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 08:50
Please dont make fun of a guy who was for laws that helped animals,and also had a -" No SMOKING" campaign through in germany. Some people like majik can really fall low sometimes :S " EDIT" i remember now that Hitler also started ww2 and killed off 6 millions jews,im sorry my misstake.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 22 May 06 0:52:10 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 09:27
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