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Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 05:44
See my previous reply on the bottom of Page 12. About the controller. And like I' ve said before, and really feel is unbelieveable, is how you can say the Playstation controller was a rip off from snes because of shoulder buttons :S The thing is, the shape, the size and form, the ergonomitry. Nintendo have had nothing like that, only flat horrible controllers.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 05:45
So you give us a link to a Sony biased site that only has information about Sony? Smart... Looks like you feel cornered, how strange that is when you believe your right all the time. And every gaming site is fairly poor compared to real enlightened magasines that actually has journalism of real calliber. yeah I feel cornered. By stupidity that is. I feel I' m right because everyone except you in this forum agrees with me. And the folks here are pretty bright! Whats so different in the looks of the original playstation controller and the dual shock? There only are two added analouge sticks on the middle, the form is still the same. And all nintendo has had of controllers before N64, has been flat standard button controllers, now when Sony released Playstation with the downfacing curved handles, the split in two, the non flat design, do you still denie any influence this has had on Nintendo and the N64 controller? When they suddenly moved from making flat controllers to split handled controllers? Read what Majik wrote.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 21:46:05 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 05:47
ORIGINAL: Cetra See my previous reply on the bottom of Page 12. About the controller. And like I' ve said before, and really feel is unbelieveable, is how you can say the Playstation controller was a rip off from snes because of shoulder buttons :S The thing is, the shape, the size and form, the ergonomitry. Nintendo have had nothing like that, only flat horrible controllers. Well, honestly, I' d rather take the Sega Saturn pad than the PSX pad any day of the week and the Saturn pad is like the SNES pad so... I guess I prefer the flat pads. Those are actually ergonomicly designed even though they appear to be very flat. You think a controller has to look like a spaceship to be ergonomic? Look at the 360 pad. It' s actually a step back towards more simple looking contollers, the opposite of the PSX controller. You like the PSP don' t you? Well it' s exactly like a SNES pad. The PSX pad didn' t just steal the shoulder buttons. They stole the selectbutton, startbutton, buttonplacements, amount of buttons (action buttons and menubuttons), shoulderbuttons and the Dual Shock then stole the rumble, the analogstick and the ability to controll the viewpoint.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 21:54:46 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:00
Centra, nobody is saying that Sony stole shoulder buttons, that was an obvious evolution in pad design. NintendoDID use them first, but it was a given that the next generation pf controllers would expand on that. What Sony did was release a 2nd controller (a hardware revision) after realising that they didn' t have an analog controller and both Sega and Nintendo did. The shape of the Playstation pad was Sony own, though the Saturn pads had already started to go that way and the NiGHTS pad even more so (regarding how it' s held). Sony also included force feedback because Nintendo had done it. It' s not stealing, it' s copying. You might say that they did this to improve on Nintendo' s ideas and make things better for gamers, pushing the industry forward, but that would be your opinion. Some would argue that even without Sony, we' d still have ended up in a similar position as far as pad design goes.  
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 23 May 06 22:00:17 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:02
Thanks for that Majik, y' know I almost completely forgot that the PSX shipped with a non-rumble controller first. Pii60, duh! Oops. Sorry.. I forgot, the pad becomes less and less Playstation.. Backk! Back! You fanboys! I say back! I have innovation here, and i' m not afraid to use it..
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:17
Centra, to end the discussion about Sony copying Nintendo' s use of tilt sensors, Phil Harrison said... So, we kind of took an " if it ain' t broke, don' t fix it" strategy - but by adding motion sensitivity to the controller... Well, we didn' t start the wave, but we' ve kind of jumped onto that wave. I' m quite happy to admit that... http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=16969 So, with the rest (analog and force feedback) already documented widely and provable (by dates), can we please put to rest any and all controller talk?! OR, perhaps you' d like to share what else you think could be added to modern controllers that would push the industry?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 23 May 06 22:21:32 >
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- Joined: May 23, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:24
I disclosed an opinion that offended you about Sony (everyones entitled no? To their own opinion that is) My learning impaired friend the reason that I have singled you out is because i have been making my self familiar with all your comments and I noticed that you rely on facts and figures to argue your way out of ever SINGLE debate. Now I would like to apologies if I have hit a nerve but when I was referring to you as a dinosaur I was comparing you to the general public because of the way you conduct your self on this forum- - - - and again I apologies if I HIT A NERVE. As for taking a formal and dignified approach how about the fact that you attacked me personally with out provocation I only gave my opinion like you. Or, you are actually called Zoe, and you are again, very pissed and female... My name is Z.O.E and I am a female but I am most certainly not pissed I’m aware that may threaten you but don’t worry {Big man can still hunt and gather}. And yes I have played Zone of the enders and it really did not effect me that shared an opinion that I did not agree with. Yes you did but I participated.....
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:25
Majik, couldn' t you have posted that long before! It would' ve saved me lots of work. Anyway, that' s a pretty fatal blow so I' m going to bed now. Z.O.E. you express yourself unnecessarily complicated. Combined with some grammar mistakes it' s like asking for misunderstandnings. Do you only have opinions about other forum members or do you actually have something to say about videgames?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 22:30:10 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:29
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Majik, couldn' t you have posted that long before! It would' ve saved me lots of work. My name is Z.O.E and I am a female Call me Majik baby!
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:41
I think you can highlight this as well, and tell that phil harrisson is contradicting himself I think that some of the research that we' ve done, clearly other companies have been doing as well - so there' s nothing completely surprising about that. I also remember in an article here on kikizo that this japanese dude said they wanted to use the gyroscopic sensors for the psp. I think that really backs the fact up that sony actually have been researching in this, like phil harrison is quoted above. So its not just a last minute rip off. Phil harrison also said in a video interview, which i believe you can find on IGN, that the gyroscope was " the next step" just as one of you haters stated the shoulder buttons were. Also, dont forget that Sony, nor Nintendo invents completely on their own. Of all the hundreds of game companies, many of them who make games for both Nintendo and Sony, they too come with ideas and request for technology for gaming. Like the creator of Warhawk said. He only got to know about the gyroscope within the last 6 months, but he had been hoping for it all along. So that kind of indicates that the companies lusts for how their games shall be played affects the development.
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- Joined: May 23, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:44
TRUST me when I say that there is a difference from watching the E3 press conference on the internet with Amanda McKay and actually being there. Every year the event still manages to surprise me, however this year I was X-posed to a X-treamly poor showing from guess who…… Well I can safely say it was not NINTENDO or SONY.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:45
Ahem, as I said before, gyroscopes have been used in GBA games so once again Sony copies. And Nintendo doesn' t simply use gyroscopic technology for the Wii. They have the sensorbars which knows the controllers position. As I said before, Nintendo don' t just take existing technology, they take it to the next step. Unlike Sony who just goes by the " if it ain' t broken..." rule.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 22:46:43 >
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 06:52
actually I read a norwegian article here which explains that the wiimote doesnt have gyroscope at all that it only had accellerators for various directions this info was given by a game maker in EA the site know, which is currently making a game for the wii
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 07:05
The Wii Remote is able to sense 3D motion meaning that the sensors in the Wii Remote allow it to sense linear motion along three axes (up/down - left/right - forward/backwards), as well as tilt motion. The PS3 pad onlt has a tilt sensor, like the tilt sensor in the Wiimotes nunckuck unit.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 07:13
And the Wii' s sensor-bars know the Wii-motes position.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 08:14
My learning impaired friend the reason that I have singled you out is because i have been making my self familiar with all your comments and I noticed that you rely on facts and figures to argue your way out of ever SINGLE debate. Ok, I am scared because Z.O.E has chosen to single out my posts.... Flattered, but all the same scared. Curiously you sound a lot like my friend Edward Williams and if that is you Ed, stop the facade, the game is up.. The only SOLID figure/fact I have ever brought up in this forum is the sales difference now between PS2 and X-box 360... I HIGHLIGHTED my opinion that I felt Kaz Hirai was an idiot for gloating that the PS2 sold more than the new 360 because of hardware shortages. Fair enough, that decision is based on a fact stated by Microsoft, but if there is no fact, how on earth d' you expect to form an opinion????? Anything mentioned in this forum derives from a fact that at one point or another we have viewed or caught wind about. Other-wise, it becomes a game about speculation and this is where fanboyish remarks generate from. If you are not happy with the facts brought to the table, or that sometimes I like to address my opinion; keep your thoughts to yourself. Every year the event still manages to surprise me, however this year I was X-posed to a X-treamly poor showing from guess who…… Well I can safely say it was not NINTENDO or SONY. Again, based on primary factual information you received (some of us only received secondary) You are able to form an opinion, but it still comes from EVIDENCE equating to fact. I don' t question people' s opinions, I only question facts if I believe them to be wrong or inaccurate; which is what everyone is doing to Cetra. I have only brought 2 facts out, Ginjirou on the other hand... Yet you find a problem with only me? Extremely flattered that my posts struck a chord in your effeminate gaming heart. If you believe I like my facts, deal with them; and stop finding a reason to b!tch at someone.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 24 May 06 0:15:24 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 08:14
So, basically, it breaks down like this. Now, this list is ONLY between Nintendo and Sony. Who used what first: Shoulder buttons: Nintendo Analog stick: Nintendo Rumble feature: Nintendo CD drive: Sony Gyroscopes: Nintendo Touch screen: Nintendo Two analog sticks: Sony Trigger button: Nintendo Speaker on controller: Nintendo Video games: Nintendo But, of course, I was developing ALL of these features for my home console first, so really they all stole frome ME!! Anybody see something inaccurate? Please, feel free...
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 17:24
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw So, basically, it breaks down like this. Now, this list is ONLY between Nintendo and Sony. Who used what first: Shoulder buttons: Nintendo Analog stick: Nintendo Rumble feature: Nintendo CD drive: Sony Gyroscopes: Nintendo Touch screen: Nintendo Two analog sticks: Sony Trigger button: Nintendo Speaker on controller: Nintendo Video games: Nintendo But, of course, I was developing ALL of these features for my home console first, so really they all stole frome ME!! Anybody see something inaccurate? Please, feel free... People have already said that CD was used first by Sega, that' s it.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:05
So, basically, it breaks down like this. Now, this list is ONLY between Nintendo and Sony. Who used what first: It' s ONLY between Nintendo and Sony.. People have already said that CD was used first by Sega, that' s it. I like the way you managed to confuse Nintendo and SOny with, Nintendo, SOny and Sega.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 24 May 06 10:08:23 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:19
CD drive: Sony Nintendo started the project first so... Two analog sticks: Sony Instead of " Two analog sticks" it should be " The ability to simultaneously controll two directional inputs" or " the ability to move your character and simultaneously change your viewpoint" . Then Nintendo would' ve been the first. Hehe, now I' m just overdoing it  . I can give those two credits to Sony.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 24 May 06 10:26:17 >
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