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Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 09:35
Oh be quiet.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 20:02
If Sony wasnt headed by idiots like Kutaragi (or whats his name) No.... No.... It' s definitely Kutaragi, he also has a hand-puppet called Harrison.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 20:07
RIIIIIIIIIIDGE REEEAAAAAAACCERR DOnt forget khamnahaziahzmnhai or wtf his name is.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 20:18
Poor Cetra he didn' t know there are so many sony haters in this forum... hey Cetra TSSSt don' t bother with them, some here are intenod worshipers , some are sega fanboys and some others are Microsoft whores, few people here are being objective in this forum... i don' t agree with you actualy , that sony is " as" innovative as nintendo is, both companies has brought stuff and make them standard (and that' s the most important thing , making it a standard) , but nintendo has brought more important stuff in comparison to sony... i love sony, for me they changed the whole industry and make it very popular, sony wasn' t all about marketing as some people say, playstation one had many and many awesome games. however this E3 left me disapointed , not a great show from sony and the price is just ridiculous , even if it' s " cheap" for its features... 6 years ago you bought a PS2 and the dvd player came with it so it was like FREE you didn' mind it hell it was good, but today you' re goin to pay that extra 200$ or so and you don' t really need that (if at all) .... sad but true.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 20:23
I doubt we have many sony haters,what pisses me off is that all they promised 2005 was BS and when i said it sony fanboys was getting all over me,now its proven it was BS,and the price tag is 200 dollar more then what we thought.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 20:42
$200 more than it should be. What are you being FORCED to pay an extra $200 for though?! Blu-Ray. How many people here own a PS2 and a HDTV?!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 20:58
I always thought Quez loved FF and Sony... only because of your name that' s all. But that was ages ago when Sony had promised, now that they haven' t delivered I can see Quez' s rage in all his posts. Poor Cetra he didn' t know there are so many sony haters in this forum... hey Cetra TSSSt don' t bother with them, some here are intenod worshipers , some are sega fanboys and some others are Microsoft whores, few people here are being objective in this forum... Some of us just love an honest company, and do prefer to get that all important double-glazing, not the sleazy salesman that comes in promising rattle free windows and they shatter as soon as they open. TBH, I have found that a lot of people that know the history of Sony, tend to dislike them, they had a good thing going with PS1, they didn' t try and force any kind of new movie playback system with it. So that was good. Then they thought what a good way to make money, by making all of their successors come with some kind of movie-playback medium that they can flog off to customer and up the price. But yeh, they will still include games whilst they are at it. Sony made the gaming-industry cool, and shook off the " geek" aspect of gaming, now actors and famous people love games, because it is no longer about the nerd that sits in front of his PC all day. That being said, the only reason I (yes me!), believed they changed it was because of the fact that Sony used to do household appliances (walkmans, tv' s etc) so, for the fact that already they can see that Sony are doing a good thing with this hardware; then their PlayStation must be good and it is hardware I can TRUST. TRUST being the keyword here. Which is why everyone loved PS, because they weren' t promising the world and then giving you an island. So all they did in my eyes was make it much cooler to be a gamer. I thank them for that. But since that level of trust that they no longer hold, the common customer has become a lot more wary and M$ knows it, whilst Sony are still holding on to reputation. RIIIIIIIIIIDGE REEEAAAAAAACCERR DOnt forget khamnahaziahzmnhai or wtf his name is. Yeh, thats Kaz " we sold more PS2' s than the new X-box 360 because they had stock problems" Hirai. and what happened when the stock shortages stopped???? X-box 360= 295,000 sales PS2= 205,000 sales... Still impressive for PS2 though, but could that be a surge in sales due to the fact that some people were holding out for PS3 saw the price and thought " Well I am a fanboy, so I will just buy a slimline version until the price goes down" ...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 21:02
Its no secret that i consider FF7 and Z64 to be better then HALO. But as i said i bought NES,then MEGA DRIVE and then PS1. I go after what i like. PS3 will get so much support in the end its worth getting,but nothing so far has made me want to buy it...or to pay for that huge sum,that will ofc change,but if MGS4 coming 2008 to europe then...i can wait a long bit until i can decie if i want a ps3 or not.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 21:18
I wouldnt go as far as to say nintendo Wasn' t inovative, but compared to pioneers like atari and sega, they are less then brilliant. As for attempting to make paralells between nintendo and sony, that' s a lost cause. Sony is only in the game buisness because nintendo dropped the ball in dealing with them. Sony is by no means a game company, therefore are only able to produce a proven product, they have not, and will never inovate, They are an electronics manufacturer and nothing more. Nintendo did inovate on a few things, nothing major but the d-pad was a pretty good idea in it' s day, even if it was used before, it was never used like nintendo used it. The analog stick was also a good idea, but nothing new. What i am getting around to saying is, sony and nintendo are (in a corperate way) almost alike, and as i have seen, playstation fans (the older ones, old enough to once be nintendo fans) were an offshoot of nintendo fans who wanted an edgier version of nintendo, so those who were once snes fans and didn' t want to buy n64s went for sony. Sega fans are steadfast! As for not having any playstation love here at kikizo, might i suggest something more akin-to-your-spin and go to 1up.com? I hear they recieve regular kickbacks from scea for every gleaning review. Best of luck with your account there, Chris
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 22, 2006 22:03
Like I said, they werent the first, but who broke through the barrier and made CD based consoles a hit? Sega introduced games on CD before the Playstation. Who made the dual shock format of controller a hit and a new standard that everyone copied. The Dual Shock is based 100% on the N64 controller. The shape is like the 64 controller but they removed the part in the middle where the N64 analog stick was attached. The Dual analog sticks are based on Nintendo' s analog sticks. If it weren' t for Nintendo' s analog sticks Sony would not have done anything similar. Or do you think they would' ve made a dual d-pad setup? That would never have happened. The fact that Sony quickly made that controller after N64 launched shows that they really copied the N64 controller. The concept of the dual analog setup is the same as the N64 analog stick + the c-buttons so the whole idea of having two ways of controlling directional inputs first came on the N64. The startbutton, the select-button, the shoulder-buttons, a d-pad and 4 labeled action buttons also come from Nintendo' s developers. The eyetoy grew to be a major hit and made everyone who didnt own a ps2 get it because of it. Even when the console was starting to get old, and people bought xboxes instead. If that wasnt enough, it was on the playstation platform that karaoke, dancemats, and non standards forms of gaming became huge. Innovative products indeed but they were all from different companies and all of those products were just alternative gameplay. Those products did not change the industry standards at all. They can be compared with lightguns, arcadesticks and similar products. I really dont think Nintendo has brought much to the gamingworld the last 10 years sony has ruled it. Sony has defenately ruled it but they never changed anything. The mario 64? a game? The playstation had similiar games that set standards as well and became far greater on the platform front than nintendo did. Kinda explains itself when there has been one billion sold Playstation games. People pick the best option. Please name some titles. The amount of sold titles is not related to innovation. Cartridges was bad though. You' ve got one good point so far but everyone including Nintendo agrees on that one. Nintendo did inovate on a few things, nothing major but the d-pad was a pretty good idea in it' s day, even if it was used before, it was never used like nintendo used it. Shoulderbuttons, analogstick, d-pad, startbutton, selectbutton, rumble feature, shaped controllers, controlling your viewpoint, various in-game gameplay innovations, ability to save in console games, four controller slots, touch-screen, dual-screens, and now the motion-sensing feaured Wii-mote, controller speaker, nunchuck attachment. If Nintendo aren' t innovative, then which company is? Sony? Microsoft? Please mention at least one company that has changed some industry standard. And then look at Nintendo who have created more industry standards than I can count with my fingers. I have always been a Sega fan and a proud one. And I think that the best console of choice for the average gamers in the current/previous generation was the PS2. But I still admit that Nintendo has done most to this industry and this is something that developers and other companies admit as well.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 May 06 17:52:21 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 01:30
Aaaaaarrrggghhh! Where do you guys learn all this stuff?! I mean it’s seriously cool that you do know and all, but sometimes I wonder… And to have my say in this, I also believe that innovation has come mostly from companies like Nintendo and Sega, and I had believed that we had come to a time when all that would be toned down in favour of improving technical aspects… BUT THEN!!! Nintendo once again glowed bright with its revelation of Revolution/Wii and the secrets behind it, and I thank them for that. Even so, I also believe both Sony and Microsoft has had their share of innovation (Sony invented the dual analogue stick and Microsoft a great online service), just not the same kind, or as much as Nintendo and Sega. But that isn’t entirely the companies faults, as they respond to the market and they try to give the people what they want, as many people really enjoy playing games with great graphics then great graphics they shall get. And who are we to say that is the wrong thing to enjoy in a game. Simply because we find other parts just as important (or even more important to some) doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong and we are right (note: the use of the word “graphics†is simply meant to describe mainstream gamers). Also I would have said that Nintendo and Sega could have gotten the status as the innovators (is that a real word? If not I’ve patented it now) simply because they where the ones that really was there during the time of gaming revolution and there were still so much you could do with the media, but not so much anymore… BUT THEN!!! Nintendo appeared and made it clear that there was still much to invent, improve within gaming outside of raw horsepower. I thank them for that, but I still like Playstation and Xbox as well.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 01:35
BTW. I hadn’t had time to write on this forum for a couple of days, and when I get back I notice that my favourite Greek guy has been banned. Why, why would you do this?! I always found his posts really funny, and they were great for boring periods during the day. Seriously, the world needs funny guys like Bush, Kutaragi, Peter Moore, and girls like Paris Hilton (or was it that the world didn’t need them?  ), just like Kikizo forum needs a funny Greek guy. Also, this double post is in honour of Sabrewolf. So please don’t ban me, It’s only a joke.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 01:42
Even so, I also believe both Sony and Microsoft has had their share of innovation I' m also giving Sony and Microsoft and other companies credit for doing lots of great stuff but the thing is that Cetra puts Nintendo on the same level as the other companies and that' s kind of strange. (Sony invented the dual analogue stick and Microsoft a great online service), As I wrote above, the concept of dual analog sticks was pretty much invented by Nintendo. The stick itself is of course Nintendos but the second stick Sony created has the exact same function as the c-buttons on the N64 so it' s not that innovative at all to just exchange the c-buttons with an analog stick. Microsoft sure has a great online service but the industry has had that for years in the PC market and even the Dreamcast had a very good online service. Microsoft may have perfected it as some people say but Sega were the ones who innovated the console industry with that idea. But that isn’t entirely the companies faults, as they respond to the market and they try to give the people what they want, as many people really enjoy playing games with great graphics then great graphics they shall get. Well, Nintendo have always been giving us next-gen graphics. It' s just recently they have stopped doing that and it' s for a good reason. The graphics have almost reached their limit where it affects the gameplay. There' s no use in trying to focus on that much more and it would also be useless to have three companies that brings us that. The fact that companies are giving consumers what they want is just what Nintendo is saying. But giving consumers what they want for now won' t keep them interested in the long run and it certainly will not expand the industry which is vital for any company. The DS and the Wii isn' t just about giving hard-core gamers what they want. It' s about giving everyone something to enjoy. It' s the only way to keep the industry going, especially with increasing development costs. I thank them for that, but I still like Playstation and Xbox as well. We all do. my favourite Greek guy You can be the funny greek guy now  .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 May 06 17:47:16 >
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 03:04
You can be the funny greek guy now  priceless...
Todd Love
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- Joined: May 23, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 03:34
I would like to say Hello everyone and peace. I believe the eyetoy was not as inovative as we were led to belive. The eyetoy is a copy of the same features that Logitech web cams use to have. I bought a webcam from logitech in 2001 and it had software that came with it that did the same things the eyetoy did. So I belive that sony used that to bring it to the consoles.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 03:53
Hi and welcome to the forums! You brought with you a very good and previously overlooked point so you get a big fat 10 points as your welcoming gift!!!
Mass X
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 04:04
Plus the customary handjob from our very own " Funny Greek Guy" Sab....o wait thats right, we' ve appointed a new one! Get that hand lotion going buddy boy!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 04:07
Hey, Sega invented 3-D fighting games!! Without Virtua Fighter, we wouldn' t see: Soul Calibur Dead or Alive Tekken (very successful franchise for Sony) Umm... I think that' s it??
Todd Love
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- Joined: May 23, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 04:10
And here is another fact. most people seem to think that the cd/dvd offers superior memory capacity to the cartige format. Well let it be known that solid state memory is second only to holographic memory in capacities. The only saving grace for cd/dvd based memory is the cheapness of the format.
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- Joined: Mar 12, 2005
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 04:59
sorry to mention something on page 1...but nintendo didn' t release a CD attachment for the n64 in japan. gc was the first ' cd/dvd' based system nintendo released. the 64DD however is what i think u were referring too... which again was ' cartridge' based.
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