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Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:27
ORIGINAL: Tiz So, basically, it breaks down like this. Now, this list is ONLY between Nintendo and Sony. Who used what first: It' s ONLY between Nintendo and Sony.. Whoops, I can' t believe that I read that entire thing, and missed the first line. My bad, sorry. I didn' t confuse Sega and Sony, I would have to be irrevocably brain-damaged to do that, I just missed the line stating that the list only compared Sony and Nintendo. Cool pic, though.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:30
Am I the only one who' s suprised with how fast this thread has grown? 121 replies and 1827 hits.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:38
Am I the only one who' s suprised with how fast this thread has grown? 121 replies and 1827 hits. Careful with those facts Ginjirou, you never know who is scoping your comments.. 
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:49
Whoops, I can' t believe that I read that entire thing, and missed the first line. My bad, sorry. I didn' t confuse Sega and Sony, I would have to be irrevocably brain-damaged to do that, I just missed the line stating that the list only compared Sony and Nintendo. Cool pic, though. It' s alright, no hostility here. If I didn' t point it out, someone else would have, but in a more fierce way.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:52
I just want to point out that the Sega CD wasnt a proper example of how a CD based console is. Because at that time, the CD format was not finished. As I said, it could only use 16 bit, and had only half the space todays cd' s have. The reading time from the roms at that time was also remarkably slow, creating problems that resultet in that certain data had to be removed because it took too long to load. In other words, due to the early days of the CD there were too many barriers on it to be any real competition to the cartridge. You can also see this by the CD' s given out at that time, they hold only 9 songs, while todays cd' s holds 16 songs. Sony were the ones who with backup from philips developed the cd format to the max, giving the possibility of a much broader usage.
< Message edited by Cetra -- 24 May 06 10:54:20 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:55
Saturn had " real" CD' s on the market before Sony dude.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 18:59
ORIGINAL: Cetra Sony were the ones who with backup from philips developed the cd format to the max, giving the possibility of a much broader usage. Why do you keep grouping Sony and Philips? They were competitors with their CD game systems, and Philips lost. Philips didn' t help Sony with anything.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 20:15
The Saturn was originally only going to be a bit better than the Mega Drive, but when Sega learnt of Sony having a new console in development, that could churn out 32-bit graphics, they then slapped a giant mother board on the Saturn that was capable of processing 32-bit graphics; they did this to beat Sony to launch. The Saturn was a programmers nightmare, but definitely had CD formats before SOny, even if they weren' t " proper" cd' s as I see in this forum... They are still a format, Sony had the " advanced" version so to speak... INTERESTING FACT: (If you didn' t know) Dead or Alive 1 came out on the Saturn first, it was an arcade conversion, but Team Ninja/Tecmo had a lot of difficulty porting it, as the Saturn was a programming mess inside, so tecmo had to give the project to Sega, who then successfully ported it over without any loss of quality to the Saturn.. *sniff* they are so talented..
Chee Saw
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 20:36
ROFL! You guys are so funny! Hey Cetra. Why don' t you have an avatar? Avatars are cool, man! Get with the program!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 21:05
The thing that bothers me the most about Cetras original post, is the sheer number of false statements and crazy biased talk. Because does the gamecube have multiplayer possibilites? No What the H E double hockeysticks are you talking about? Mario Kart, Super Monkey Ball, Mario Party, Donkey Konga etc. etc. ALL make good use of the GameCube' s 4 ports for connecting controllers. Playstation 2 gets online a bit later, with popular titles online like FFXI, Ratched and Clank, Socom, SSX, though still they dont get credit for being properly online. Again - are you living in a box in the basement? Dreamcast was, as it has been said, the first console to go online. But without shadow of a doubt, MS and Xbox Live takes credit for turning online gaming with a console into something more than just a clever idea.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 21:20
What the H E double hockeysticks are you talking about? Hehe.. Classic.. I have to confess to not reading much of Cetra' s original statements, but rather the summarised version that you guys have produced.. Playstation 2 gets online a bit later, with popular titles online like FFXI, Ratched and Clank, Socom, SSX, though still they dont get credit for being properly online. Yep, i have to agree with SeventhSun here, Dreamcast was first to go online it was just ill-fated (good, but ill-fated) and the 56k modem connection came right before the broadband boom hit. SO it was a case of bad-timing... Can you shop online with the PS3 (it is a genuine question, not a stab at the company)? Sega were the first to properly make a web-browser on a home console, and it was pretty damn good. (You will notice that the Dreamcast was powered by Microsoft Windows CE)
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 21:32
Yay, a new member who isn' t an idiot! Welcome SeventhSun!
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 21:44
Thanks! It was just reading news, when this post caught my attention, and I had to chime in. Forgive me for ressurecting an old topic. Funny to think, that at another forum in my native tongue (danish), I' m actually defending Sony. Or that is: I don' t think the PS3 will loose the next-gen war, because of a bad show at E3. I think that GTA IV launching on 360 too has a much bigger influence on that. Not that they will loose in any way.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 21:44
Where are my manners, welcome SeventhSun. In this place, you leave your fanboyish shoes at the door!(Not saying that you are one) This place is treated as a japanese house for those of higher intelligence and vast knowledge..
Chee Saw
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 22:06
ORIGINAL: Tiz ... This place is treated as a japanese house for those of higher intelligence and vast knowledge.. ... Riiiiiight. And if you believe that, I' ve got this bridge over in New York I' m looking to get rid of...! Oh yeah... Welcome!
< Message edited by chee saw -- 24 May 06 14:07:34 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 22:16
Or that is: I don' t think the PS3 will loose the next-gen war, because of a bad show at E3. I think that GTA IV launching on 360 too has a much bigger influence on that. Not that they will loose in any way. It' s not a case of Sony will lose, but they are slowly losing their grip because of their arrogance, and a lot of the typical consumer never even saw E3 press conferences to know that Sony had a bad showing... (Some people may say otherwise  ). I reckon because of their branded scripting and strong identity, they probably will succeed this generation, but not as strongly as they did last generation, Ps3 will be competing with 360 in europe and america and competing with the Wii in Japan.. (Just an opinion) I still think they will remain leader and go ahead of Microsoft in a year though.. But if Microsoft believe that they can do it, they' ll be around for soo long, wasn' t it J Allard who said they have a lot of dispensable money? (Or was he talking about himself personally? I think he was talking about himself in reference to HD tvs and how he has money to burn so to speak? Ah well, if he said he has dispensable money, then the company has a lot more..  )
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 22:20
Welcome SeventhSun. Now it is my duty to give you a handjob. Don' t ask why, that' s just how it works.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 24 May 06 14:21:12 >
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 22:24
ORIGINAL: Dionysius Welcome SeventhSun. Now it is my duty to give you a handjob. Don' t ask why, that' s just how it works. LOL. All hail the Greeks!
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 22:32
Now it is my duty to give you a handjob You have BG&E as avatar, so that' s alright with me.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 22:46
By multiplayer I meant online. And I have never denied that Dreamcast had online options. But whats your point? That the playstation did not have online since dreamcast had it or what? The point I was making, is that Nintendo did not have online abilites, even when two consoles before them had. Obviously not giving the gaming world what it needed. Now they have realised the importance of online gaming. And still if dreamcast had it before ps2, does that mean the playstation do not deserve credit for having online abilities?
< Message edited by Cetra -- 24 May 06 14:48:28 >
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