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Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 05:04
The 64DD DIDN' T use cartridges. That hard cases are simply akin to those used for storage in big-business. Kind of like this Panasonic writable Blu-Ray disc... They contained CD' s athat could hold 650Mb (i think). So YEAH, it WAS a disc drive!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 06:03
Yeah, sorry I missed your post. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I knew someone had already. Also as a warning (which I might or might not have mentioned before), I do not tend to do deep background checks on my thoughts, they are just as said; thoughts. Therefore I do apologize for any miss information given by me, and it isn’t all that unusual for me to say something stupid. I did however of course know about the 64 controller as well as the Dreamcasts Online service, that is why I mentioned that I didn’t think Sony nor Microsoft were innovative on the same level as Sega or Nintendo. But I do admit they were bad examples. I am also well aware of the fact that the DS and Wii isn’t only for hard-core gamers, as I don’t even consider myself hard-core anymore (I lost that confidence when I met you guys  ) and I still find the Wii to be the most promising console of all three next gens. As for the Greek guy thing... When I think about it, I think Brad Pitt’s an excellent actor. Look at Se7en or Fight Club. Also, I know (though very, very little) some Greek and I like Tsatsiki... Oh great Apollo! I could be him! …but unfortunately I’m not as confident, nor as funny as him. I remember browsing through this forum earlier today, only to find a post by him commenting something, and that the following post 2 minutes later was by him as well, saying: ARE YOU THERE? Now I wish I could be that funny, but my humour is as bad as… something with bad humour... See I can’t even make funny analogies. Edit: Missed the fact I had been given the honour of delivering a handjob. Lotion is at the ready. Prepare yourself!
< Message edited by dionysius -- 22 May 06 22:09:47 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 12:10
The first thing we need to realize here is that the word, " innovative" means different things to different people. Having a light gun on a home console. Innovative or not? Yes it had been done at arcades, but Nintendo first brought it home. Hell, I think anybody here would be hard-pressed to find ANYTHING in a console that wasn' t a pre-existing technology that wasn' t just " ported" to the home console (and this includes the Cell processor). Now, if Logitech came out with a home gaming console, they could REALLY claim innovation, as both the rumble technology and a motions sensing camera were there invention (or at least patented by them). I would go so far as to say, of the three (existing) gaming console manufacturers, Nintendo IS the most innovative, Sony DID make gaming a lot more mainstream, and Microsoft... well, they have a lot of money!
Mass X
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 13:42
Now I wish I could be that funny, but my humour is as bad as… something with bad humour... See I can’t even make funny analogies. Edit: Missed the fact I had been given the honour of delivering a handjob. Lotion is at the ready. Prepare yourself! Thank god you can take a joke and go in stride
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 18:18
ORIGINAL: Chee Saw The first thing we need to realize here is that the word, " innovative" means different things to different people. Having a light gun on a home console. Innovative or not? Yes it had been done at arcades, but Nintendo first brought it home. Hell, I think anybody here would be hard-pressed to find ANYTHING in a console that wasn' t a pre-existing technology that wasn' t just " ported" to the home console (and this includes the Cell processor). Now, if Logitech came out with a home gaming console, they could REALLY claim innovation, as both the rumble technology and a motions sensing camera were there invention (or at least patented by them). I would go so far as to say, of the three (existing) gaming console manufacturers, Nintendo IS the most innovative, Sony DID make gaming a lot more mainstream, and Microsoft... well, they have a lot of money! Oh thank God! That pretty much says it all. I' m tired of this discussion so let this thread die now.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 18:31
Thank god you can take a joke and go in stride But of course
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 19:01
Dionysius Are you fond of wine?
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 22:33
My opinions are backed up by facts that sony is just as innovative as Nintendo is. Sony were in the gamebusiness with Nintendo. Sony and Philips tried to help them making the SNES Playstation. After Nintendo decided not to go with the CD format, so they could cash in money on their cartridge, they fired Sony. The result was Sony creating the playstation on their own, making it better than ever, and allowing people and game companies to finally utilize the cd format to its fullest. I' d go as far as saying Sony pioneered the cd game format, because they developed it to the fullest with Phillips. On the Sega CD, the format was completely different. Not to mention slow drives, half the size, 16 bit only, limited storage abilites. The playstation came before the N64 and the controller had that chape, just without analogue sticks. The analogue sticks and vibration function was added later, but two, in different places than the N64 controller. The N64 controllers 3 " handles" are based on the playstation controllers handles. The gamecube controller is 100% ripped off of the Dual shock, do you think Nintendo would have made it like that if it wasnt for Sony? The eyetoy is for nonstandard gameplay. The wiimote so far is nonstandard compared to what is todays standard. The wiimote can also be used as a " standard controller" by nintendos own words. Because of Sony ruling the game industry the last 10 years, the cd format became a hit, and allowed games to look the way they do today, based of cd and dvd (all which are the same technology just evolutionized). The technology let gamers create games that was never before possible, and for instance allow ingame cinematics/fmv' s/ short prerendered high quality scenes to enhance the game exerience. That you could not do on a cartridge, THAT is what games do now on Nintendo - thanks to sony who broke down the barrier. Crash bandicoot, ape escape and resident evil all contributed to revolutionizing the platform The concept on having a stick on the controller in the first place came from Philips. The logitech webcam technology is not theirs either. It has existed in arcades, and the technology has also been used in specialized software. Sony was however the ones who introduced it to the serious game market and made it a hit. Do you think people bought logitech webcams to play those silly games? I had one of those cams as well (wonder why they dont include the software anymore in their newer cams) and the games were only 1/10 of the eyetoy games when it comes to technology. Just a crumble of the bread. Its completely right that Nintendo did not release a cd attachment for the " Ultra 64" codename. Even though they had promised to give one starting back in the SNES days, talk about being great to fans huh. Nintendo has a long history of not listening to fans. The Lightgun for NES was used to shoot ducks... obviously not seing the potential there, also I dont like shooting animals and its evil to make that as entertainment in games
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 22:39
Too be honest, Sony brought gaming out of the attics and smelly bedrooms and into the homes of the common public... Basically, they didn' t innovate; they made gaming cool. Gaming industry before Sony= Gaming Industry after Sony=
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 22:42
I feel your arguments are laughable and I don' t have time to lecture you about this. But anyone else feel free to continue from here (Gangsta? Majik?). You know, at first I just thought you were a misguided child or something and that I could bring you some clarity but now I realize that you really are a Sony fanboy. I never understood the other guys in this forum when they talked about how they hated Sony fanboys because I had never encountered a real one myself. I thought that if I met one I could simply explain a thing or two and he would become a normal person. But you' ve helped me understand why they feel that way. Thank you. The Lightgun for NES was used to shoot ducks... obviously not seing the potential there, also I dont like shooting animals and its evil to make that as entertainment in games HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Edit: I just want to make some things clear so I don' t seem like a Sony hater which I' m really not: I like Sony' s products I love the PSX, the PS2 and the PSP Sony' s consoles have so far had the best game libraries I have high hopes for the games coming to the PS3 Sony has done some important things for the videogame industry
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 15:04:21 >
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 23:09
please stop thinking you can lecture because its all in your head anyways, mister-sony-copied-the-n64-controller-before-it-came-out
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 23:12
Sony copied the Wii-controller before it came out...
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 23, 2006 23:29
Thats what you choose to believe, when two people in sony, while i look away from phil harrisson but the dude in japan said they intented for the gyroscope technology to be used in the PSP
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 00:42
Nintendo has already used gyroscopic similar technology in some Gameboy Advance game. So using that for the PSP would just be copying Nintendo once again. It would be cool if Sony made some USB-connected gyroscopic thing. That way the PSP would actually have that feature.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 16:46:40 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 01:09
By Cetra: The gamecube controller is 100% ripped off of the Dual shock, do you think Nintendo would have made it like that if it wasnt for Sony?  I’m not all that smart and I might not be right, so you don’t have to agree with me, but isn’t the Dual shock really similar to the Snes controller? The trigger buttons, as well as the placement of the four right hand buttons. By Cetra: please stop thinking you can lecture because its all in your head anyways, mister-sony-copied-the-n64-controller-before-it-came-out All this hatred… By ginjirou: Sony copied the Wii-controller before it came out... Yes, yes they did! [:' (] By Cetra: Thats what you choose to believe, when two people in sony, while i look away from phil harrisson but the dude in japan said they intented for the gyroscope technology to be used in the PSP Yet they didn’t… By Vx Chemical: Dionysius Are you fond of wine? Sorry, no. But I know what you mean.
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- Joined: May 23, 2006
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 01:17
I have been carefully monitoring what you have to say on this forum, and it looks like to me that you are a facts and figures person with no concept of what is really happening with in computer game industry. By concept I mean the current vibe in the industry, because you only rely on facts and figures you are what me and the rest of the WORLD CALL A DINOSAUR, people like you are a dieing breed just in case you didn’t understand the whole dinosaur thing.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 01:19
Cetra, NOBODY here is agreeing with you. Perhaps it would be best if you listened to the guys here and learned from them. Kikizo users are extremely knowledgeable (mostly) and we have people who post here who are directly connected to the videogames industry. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but you mustn' t try to force your OPINION (which is based in unthruthes) on others, and if you wish to call something " FACT" then you will need evidence to support it.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 01:21
Who was that post aimed at? And what is really happening in the videogame industry then? And what' s wrong with facts and figures (not that I' ve seen much of that)? That' s what really shows which companies are successful and which are not. Or would you rather listen to what a Sony spokesman personally thinks about the current situation in the industry?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 May 06 17:21:16 >
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 01:29
Cetra... have u ever asked yourself why you think Sony entered the gaming world? Sony would NEVER have been a games console manufacturer if it hadn' t have been for Nintendo. Nintendo asked them to help develop the CD attachment for the SNES. Nintendo were the ones who were going to introduce the CD as a standard medium for games - Sony used this oppurtunity to continue development on a console that was originally Nintendo' s idea. The same goes for philips, this was a joint venture with Nintendo after the Sony deal fell through... and look how much people wanted the CD based system then - no-one bought them! forget when consoles are released, it' s when they are announced and discussed that matter... Nintendo could announce a new controller, sony could copy it and release it first... does this mean it is Sony who should be praised for this new tech? You yourself have admitted the Playstations original controller had no analogue sticks... if the n64 hadn' t come out with an analog stick, then Sony would not have updated (read copied) the design.
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RE: Why I think Nintendo is not creative and historically original
May 24, 2006 01:31
It' s over Cetra! Just admit defeat and join us! Together we' ll spread the truth! Welcome to the completely not-fanboyish community of Kikizo!
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