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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 17, 2006 19:12
500 is a speculation but faulty hardware is ...let me put it this way The way of The Sony is faulty hardware :)
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 01:39
I think it might be more then $500 i don' t see how anything below or even at $500 is possible for that much power plus Kutaragi said " it will be EXPENSIVE" and said it twice which is really bad news it could easily be alot more. Plus remember they are not passing it off as a " game machine" they are passing it off as a " SUPER COMPUTER with Blu-Ray capabilities" so it will seem more feasible, you are not buying a " game machine" you are buying a SUper computer with gaming abilities. What is the highest some one will pay for it? I know i am going to get a lot og backlash for this but i really had a dream that it costed like $750-1000 and even that is a pretty good price for all the power inside and they are still taking a hit. Plus like Gangsta said Sony is synonymous with faulty products the past 5-10 years especially at launch (ALWAYS buy the extra warrantee). Plus they got caught by putting spyware in their DRMs and got in trouble for it. Plus liek i mentioned their supposed technologies which they claim hasn' t been decided if they will use it or not. But think about this, why spend the time, effort, and lots of money patenting technologies if you won' t use them? This will be an interesting generation. It' s funny how all 3 are like taking 3 separate paths. Nintendo says they are not competing against them with their unique controller and not making it super powerful and wanting to continue their fun non-games. MS is focused on being a media center and focused on Xbox live. Then there is Sony focused on trying to push their new format and not even being a game machine but being a super computer that just happens to play games but i know they will do what they are doing with the PSP and concentrate more on making movies and trying to establish BD-ROM movies just like trying to push UMD which is anythign but universal
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 02:07
Check out how much they sold PSX for. That might give you an idea of where they want to go!
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 02:09
oh yeah hey great point i never even thought of that. Boy did that thing fail HARD they never even tried to release it anywhere else if it failed in japan it didn' t have a prayer outside.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 03:35
I' m not certain that PS3 is gonna be directed the same way but something doesn' t seem quite right. Spring is April, May and June, with dev-kits only going out in the last 2 weeks properly and there being apparent problems fitting everything into the case (which they will), and a serious lack of information coming from Sony themselves, i can' t see how they expect to keep their launch plans.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 04:02
yeah i ws thinking the same thing. Plus they saw what happened with the DS when it had a weak library at launch and the X360 with it' s non-japanese games at launch. So i don' t thikn they want to risk the same thing with the hype the Rev is getting and X360 already launched and it' s line up of upcoming games right on it' s heals and E3 not too far away and if they don' t release any concrete info and have a monstrous showing the hype surrounding the PS3 will be seriously wounded.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 05:53
Ha, i' m really amused because i keep reading posts about how PS3 is gonna kick ass and everything else sucks... The public knows next to nothing about PS3 yet. People really get sucked into the hype eh?! I wonder if they' ve actually taken a step back and thought everything through carefully... Not likely. Instead you get the old... ' DS is gimmickly, Microsnot r gays and rubbishest wiv only Halo which every1 nos will b released on PS3 instead cuz it will ave da bestest grafficks ever ever ever!!!!!!!' ... kind of response.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 06:23
they have a conference for developers in march and that' s when you' ll hear all the details. Phoenix - PS2 had no good games on launch NONE that would make it worth buying.The selling point was " hype" . It sold like crazy the very first day and it will be the same with PS3 - no matter how lame the games are , and how downgraded those specs. And I really hate this.But guys at Sony are the real Gods of marketing when it comes to creating a hype - look what they did with X360 at E3 and how much work did it cost them? nothing just a few videos.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 06:43
But fair hype is different from mis-leading the public and major fans.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 06:47
 haha good one
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 08:33
yeah - I guess if that hype isn' t a lie :)
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 09:53
Hey sorry to ask about it but I might' ve missed it on the news websites. How is the ps3 gonna be a super computer? what features will it have that will make it a super computer??? will they even come close to the 360?? I think that the ps3 price will range between 500-700 USD. So we in Canada are screwed anyway. 500 USD = 580 CAD + 15% tax = 667 CAD. This is not too far from the 360 premium price, 575 CAD (incl. taxes), which also is expensive, but if with the 360 im getting more functionality, I don' t mind payin. For me, personally, choosing between 360 or ps3 comes down to the library, cuz it has been said on numerous forums and news articles by kojima and other experts that the 360 and ps3 are on the same level of performance/power. The ps3 is better for some things, and the 360 is better for others. and actually, I was reading this news article and there were like 100 comments on it, and god was it informative. These guys spoke so many numbers and shit, but anyway, to make a long story short basically the 360' s architecture might allow it to perform and make use of its hardware better than the ps3, in turn making games look really good. but I guess we' ll only know for sure once the ps3 is released and some techies get a chance to compare them both. I' m getting a 360 for sure cuz i like the whole computer connectivity, movie streaming etc etc. And i believe MS will do much better than last time. I might get a ps3 if there r some games that really interest me, and honestly I might just get it cuz of MGS4, might sound stupid but I' ll have the cash by then. Oh and did I mention that me buying a REV??? too bad u have to pay for the old skool games. it works kinda like xbox marketplace arcade, u have to pay for them. I was watching a CES coverage from gametrailers on the hd-dvd and 360 thing. This guy that was speaking for MS in this interview was going on about the advantages of HD-DVD and he also said that now they are giving the opportunity to gamers to play HD games. The way he said it, honestly sounded like there would be HD-DVD games. that dude might be wrong tho cuz he looked old and seemed like he knew nothing about games. Check it out on gametrailers. When it comes to the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray thing, I dunno what to think yet. I' ll just have to wait it out and see how they perform in the market. cuz I won' t have the money to buy a hdDVD plyaer and a blu-ray player. and no I don' t wanna use the ps3 player cuz I kno it' s gonna be half-assed and i dun plan on getting a hd-dvd drive addon for the 360, when i can get a better one, a real player. Oh, the movie format/encoding for blu-ray is gonna be mpeg-2.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 14:22
well according to Ken Kutaragi he said it will be expensive and that he claims the PS3 is not a game machine (the article was everywhere when he said it even on kikizo) and that it is a Super Computer because of the power of the cell, and the video card. But yeah i read the same thing liek the X360 has a unified architecture and will utilize the power more efficiently and the PS3 doesn' t So we wil just have to wait and see. I am DEFINATELY getting a Rev and also get them as gifts for my friends and family for christmas and birthdays. So we can all play together. I just read at 1up that a major porn company just sided with Blu-Ray and people think that wil give the win to Blu-Ray (even though some area allready making some HD-DVD ones) saying because the porn industry choose VHS back in the beta vs VHS war but back there there were no other options for porn except the old reel to reel which was a pain in the ass to set up and if you dropped it and got unwound you were in trouble. Nowadays porn is very easily accesable you already have VHS and DVD and is Blu-Ray does cost more i don' t see why people will buy it. I might get a HD-DVD player because i get a discount working at Best Buy when i get my own HDTV. I am DEFINATELY not getting a Blu-ray player for no $1800 i would rather spend the $400 for the HD-DVD player. I don' t see how they can make one single player that much money and not be recordable and/or have a HDD with a built in DVR (like i saw on player i plan to buy that is a DVDR with a built in 160 HDD and DVR and also connect to the computer to transfer stuff back and fourth for $600, but i good discount on it) and other sutff to make it worth that much.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 14:43
just read something and it appears that sony is more behind then we thought. The shell of the PS3 shown earlier this month and at TGS show is just a " conceptual design" . I guess they are having problems fitting everything in and will change. This just solidifies the notion that they are going to be delayed. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/01/17/sony-playstation-3-is-a-conceptual-design/
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 16:08
hey nice article, well, not the article itself but the comments left by the users. LoL Honestly, what is up with Sony fans? I swear to god, they always attack MS. I' m not sayin MS sanboys don' t attack sony, but not as much as sony fanboys attacking MS. I swear I' m starting to get the feelin that they feel somewhat threatened, without realizing it. as in they know that the 360 is a powerful machine, they know MS can afford to lose a shitload of money cuz they have deep pockets, like black holes, and they see the xbox fanbase expanding. I guess the other reason they hate MS might be cuz they are a software company that have a monopoly, somewhat, in OS business and they got hungry for more money so they went after the gamng industry, and god no, we can' t have that, MS is EVIL!!! Only SONY knows how to make good gaming machines because they are an electronics company, and they make TVs and cd players and dvd players and what not. They forget MS works with electronics companies too, and some of them work with Sony also. I admit I am a fan of the xbox more than the ps2. But it is so cuz I tried the ps2 for a year, didn' t like it and tried the xbox and loved it (and I' ve had the xbox for 1 year and 1 month). That does not mean however that I hate sony and what not. Hey, the ps3 might come out powerful and what not, with cool games, I' ll buy it whatever. Everyone has preferences, but to be short sighted, one dimensional and stubborn and refuse to accept facts for what they are and bash everything else blindly, that' s just dumb if u ask me. I guess they also do not like how MS does business, making customers buy things separately and stuff, I know it. Okay, this is what one of the ppl said on the comments of the article that phoenixx posted the link to: ...If sony can get this system out for $400 a shitload of people will buy it and it will probably lead the way considering the huge PS fanbase. At $800+, Nintendo will regain #1. Microsoft will never be #1 in consoles. It' s either sony or nintendo. and this is the following comment after that: Bwahaha... Check out the 360 freaks, back up against the wall out what!? Having difficulty justifying your expensive mistake? LOL -The PS3 is a " concept" until it releases... as with all hardware, nothing new about that. -The console will launch when Sony said it will... as it has in the past, everytime. Keep in mind this is a real consumer electronics company, they actually know what they' re doing... they make stuff, lots of stuff. -The PS3 price will be what they said it would be, under 500 USD. The price for those blu-ray players are WAY over-priced, intentionally... devices like this always are. They have to make theirs more expensive then the " next guys" (HD-DVD), a common tactic... there was also some ps3 bashing on some xbox fanboys part, but I' ve been reading comments to articles for a while and the number of sony fanboys bashing the 360 is incredible. some of them talk shit about nintendo too, but most of the time they don' t mention it, and when they do they say nintendo is not much of a competition, and since xbox is getting bigger and nothing of the ps3 has been made official, they feel the need to take out their anger of sony' s secrecy at MS. i' m sorry I went on so much about this but I' ve really noticed it and had to give my opinion. If the ps3 is gonna be really expensive then im not gonna buy one for a year and instead go play at my buddie' s houses since they are die-hard sony fans and refuse and I mean REFUSE to buy a 360 and they don' t reason. numb' skulls
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 23:43
Well we' ll have no console bashing here. We' re too mature for that right?! LOL! I would say the reason for them showing the console at CES as a ' conceptual design' is because they haven' t yet managed to fit all the technology into the shell. The PS3 is looking to be the biggest (size-wise) of the 3 next gen consoles, and if they continue to struggle to fit everything in the case, including fans (you better believe it' ll suffer the same problems as 360), then the size, or even the shape is the most likely to change. I' ve been saying that they' ll miss the Spring 2006 launch for a while now. I reckon Japan will get it in September and North America in November, while Europe will have to wait until Spring 2007. Unlucky for some eh?! If they DO miss the Japan launch in Spring (April, May & June) then Sony is going to suffer big time. Nintendo will almost definately launch towards the end of the year, and it' ll be worldwide. Personally i don' t think Sony expect to be able to compete like they did with PS2. I think they' re looking and going in a different direction, and i think an awful lot of people are going to be very annoyed/upset with what happens.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 18, 2006 23:56
i truly believe that the ps3 will come out late ' 06 in japan, early ' 07 in north america and beginnign of spring ' 07 for europe and the rest. and if they do come out with it before then, and as early as this spring, then I seriously think that the ps3 this time around will be rushed and god I can' t wait for that console bashing moment, just to get bak at my friends for sayin the 360 was rushed and sony will never make that mistake.  But it' s like u said, I don' t think they are confident enough to do that kind of release knowing it won' t hurt them cuz they know by then the rev would be out already, worlwide, and by the time the ps3 hits northamerica (biggest market) the 360 will have 1 year advantage and rev will have up to 4-6 months advantage.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 19, 2006 00:33
Does anyone agree with me about me saying there is NO POSSIBLE way the PS3 will come out below or ever at $500 unless they plan to lose like $2000 or so per console and if the software is not there, which is where they make their money also being difficuly and expensive to develop for, the Developers seeing that X360 has a big user base and the Nintendo Rev with all it' s hype (most liley after E3 when they show off the full product with playable demos and PS3 still doesn' t have crap) being cheapest and easiet with a potential huge user base they might drop sony like a bad habit and Sony will be in serious trouble. Plus $400 even 500 or 600 is not that expensive for that kind of power so having the cocky and arrogant Mr. Kutaragi saying " it WILL be expensive" and saying twice at 2 different times is freightning and i see it going for $750 (like i saw in a dream hehe). Even that is taken a big hit seeing how i read the X360 cost $700 to make and the PS3 has alot more expensive parts like the Blu-Ray player, the cell processor, the video/graphics card etc... To me some big companies are already developing for MS and Nintendo like Mistwalker are making games for the X360 (one with Akira toriyama and just that name alone will sell TONS in japan) and they are also making games for the DS and might for the Rev. Also the creator of the Dragon Quest series has expressed alot of interest and said he is anxious for the Rev so don' t be surprised if you see his games on the Rev instead of the PS3. Plus a true video game fan plays games for THE ACTUAL GAMES and not becuase they are for one system they are biased towrds i am a Nintendo fan and love their stuff but i play all 3 i do not like Sony because i am tired of buying their stuff and having them crap out on me within months or DOA. But as the law of gravity says " everything that goes up must come down" and they have been #1 for a while and their arrogance and cocky attittude will bring them down just like it did for Nintendo because they got arrogant and cocky (well the last president was and he is no longer there) from the NES and SNES days. So seeing how the President saying it will be expensive twice does anyone honestly believe it will be $500 or anything less? Seeing how long it' s taking to finish and time is money which means they more they work on it the more money they are spending and losing.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 19, 2006 08:33
right now, i' m listening to no hype about any of the next gen consoles. i listened to all the bad news for the 360, and had a prejudice. but then i played it a week before release at a gamestop and was blown away by the visuals. i can understand sony trying to plug their product. but a supercomputer? i mean, there' s only so much physical advancement of hardware we can achieve right now. Is it really going to be that much better than the 360? I doubt it. but whatever gets their blu-rays into homes. ahh well, i think most people will just wait for the whole hi-def thing to blow over. (pops in a beta-tape as he types)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 19, 2006 11:31
Eddie, ...say we were tools (like those in a shed). Well, Gangsta and me, we' d be axe' s or something, y' know, sharp, and you, well you' d be a bucket or a bag of cement. Just saying..
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