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 HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 12, 2006 13:33
if dev costs have nothing to do with it why did i read that games on the PS3 will be even higher because of the cost of blu-ray and difficult and costly development process. I also read i think it was on gamespot a while back that a company and not sure if others were mentioned might pull support because of the difficulty and expensive dev costs the PS3 will have.

Also if you go to 1up, which primarily kisses Sony' s ass, a bunch of the sony fanboys are leaving comments and refuse to believe that the PS3 will cost that much and others are saying i don' t care what it costs i am gettng one.

I don' t trust Sony quality to buy a system just because it' s theirs especially if it' s gonna cost that much and the games don' t interest me. I will wait and make sure their aren' t any problems at launch like they tend to have and wait for the GOOD RPG' s to come out. The one i am buying on launch day is the Revolution just for the fact of downloading games and they said they will have a good launch line up they learned from their mistake from the poor line up of the GC and DS.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 12, 2006 14:16
Revolution: download classic nintendo games
Xbox 360: download assorted classic games remastered for HD and xbox live and totally redone classics with awesome graphics.

I enjoy a classic game once and a while but I' m almost always down for revamped classic.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 12, 2006 14:53
oh yeah i forgot about that the xbox arcade i hear that is one of the highlights of the Xbox live. THe revamped classics i am planning on playing is dawn of souls (FF 1 & 2) and the newly realsed and redone Final fantasy 4 i can' t wait for the FF6 on the GBA. One of the best games of all time.

I am planning on waiting for the Xbox 360 until the RPGs come out. The current games don' t interest me.
Chee Saw

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 12, 2006 16:51

ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard

To tell you the truth I don' t see how a retranslation can have a major effect on a film, if we' re just talking about the dialogue. Now if they re-edited and reworked some parts of the film that' s another story.. I' m also wondering whether those critics were already fans of the original version and are just even more in love with the retranslation. Did any of them dislike the original version for reasons other than dialogue/translation?

This is an excerpt from

In conclusion, this has apparently always been an excellent movie. But the fact is that up until seeing Geneon' s re-release, I had absolutely no idea why it was and was living in almost complete ignorance. While I do feel the shame of being in the dark for this long, much enlightenment comes with the knowledge for the better; I still need to read the manga though.

If you haven' t seen the movie since Streamline/Orion’s older releases, do yourself a favor and see this movie again in its new and improved form. The experience is THAT different.

I kinda felt like you, Terry, in that I never really appreciated the movie the way a lot of people do, but now I' m itching to give it a go (again). Tell you what; I' ll try to get my hands on it and let you know whether it' s worth it. I' m kinda kicking myself because they had this version at Best Buy for a loooong time (only one copy) and I didn' t pick it up. Now it' s gone! Dammit!
< Message edited by Chee Saw -- 13 Jan 06 12:51:00 >

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 12, 2006 18:18
I don' t see why eveyone seems to think that Revolution will enable them to play every game ever released on a Nintendo console, because it won' t.

What Nintendo said was that every 1st party Nintendo developed game will be available, and others as long as they can secure the rights to have other companies games downloaded for nothing. Microsoft, who bought Rare from Nintendo won' t let Nintendo put Rare games on there, that' d be daft business.

So while you' ll definately be able to get you Mario, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Pikmin etc fixes, don' t count on playing Killer Instinct or Banjoe Tooie!

Also, is it free? I thought they were gonna charge for it?

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 13, 2006 04:59
Have you read the Akira manga? It' s great I tell you!
In the movie the tried to put like six big manga books into a single movie. It just didn' t work with the story. It would be like making LOTR trilogy into a 1.5h film. Read the manga, then see the movie.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 13, 2006 05:06
Of course Nintendo is only doing their 1st party but they said other companies will do their own and charge what ever they like/. Plus on joystiq Sega expressed alot of interest and there was a rumor they might include their games from their old consoles which would be cool seeing how they haven' t had a decent game in a while and this could be a gold mine for them. ALl the old Sega master and sega genesis games seeing how the Sega CD and above are CDs and might be too big to download. But as the saying goes " i' ll take what ever i can get"

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 13, 2006 05:54

ORIGINAL: Phoenixxx1974

Of course Nintendo is only doing their 1st party but they said other companies will do their own and charge what ever they like/. Plus on joystiq Sega expressed alot of interest and there was a rumor they might include their games from their old consoles which would be cool seeing how they haven' t had a decent game in a while and this could be a gold mine for them. ALl the old Sega master and sega genesis games seeing how the Sega CD and above are CDs and might be too big to download. But as the saying goes " i' ll take what ever i can get"

Agreed, but some people still seem to think that they' ll be playing Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Diddy Kong Racing, etc...

I mean i' m certain that Nintendo will be able to support more than a handful of 3rd party developed titles, but many companies from the NES, SNES era have either gona bankrupt or been swallowed by larger companies, so getting thr rights won' t be an easy task.

Technically, Microsoft could do the same kind of thing, and just may. With Street Fighter 2 coming to Xbox Live Arcade already, i don' t think it' ll be long before we start seeing many more classic games on there. With any luck, with SNK gone bankrupt Microsoft will be able to buy the rights to put KOF and Metal Slug games on Xbox Live...

Back on topic:-

Ha, ha, ha, ...a Blue-Ray drive could be released for 360?! Hmmmm, the plot thickens! So 360 could end up with both HD-DVD and Blue-Ray external drives?! That' s good news, especially considering that Sony wouldn' t do the same for PS3 if HD-DVD pulls out ahead.

Ha, i can' t believe all the problems they have at the moment, it' s quite amusing really!


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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 13, 2006 06:04
hey did you hear that MS is becoming friendly with Nintendo? They complimented them on the controller and they ever tried to buy them out along with Sega and Square Enix (that happend months ago don' t remember where i read it but it was on a couple sites) they all said no obviously. NBut i read a recent report that MS is becoming friendly with the Big N. PLus they could earn alot of hype and money for letting Nintendo use their games. Like i said Nintendo shouldn' t say no as long as it sells systems.

Yeah i read that story too MS said which ever is the winner they will make a drive for, which is smart let them fight it out and just stick with the winner haha. I honestly think HD-DVD has a better chance. First of all Sony has a bad track record for making new formats (beta, mini-disk, SACD) i mean Blu-Ray is more expensive which is not appealing to most. Plus just the name alone the average person knows what HD-DVD means and no clu what Blu-ray despite being more powerful and have more space. They don' t know that, plus the cost will pretty much decide it. Hell they could both lose most people do not want to have to RE-buy everything just to see it in high def. They both have a long tough road but who ever does win means it wil be better for us hehe. Plus competition is healthy and brings out the best in companies and people. Plus they wil try and both be price conscious which means it saves us money.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 01:55
Why is VCD so popular in China and South-east Asia while it' s barely seen in Europe and other places?

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 02:12
HD-DVD will pull out ahead fairly early on, ...the success of Blue-Ray depends soley on PS3 being a commercial success and 360 failing badly, which is unlikely.

The whole Nintendo/Microsoft thing is pure speculation/myth/rumour. They' ve never been on unfriendly terms and Microsoft have never seen Nintendo as a potential threat. Microsoft bought Rare from Nintendo a few years ago but allowed Rare to finish the GBA games it had in development, then develop a couple more. With Sony entering the handheld market with PSP Microsoft supposedly looked into Gizmondo development and talked about a handheld Halo, but it didn' t work out.

Microsoft HAD to praise Nintendo on the controller, the entire industry praised it and Microsoft would look stupid if they didn' t. It worked out especially well because the PS3 controller displayed at E3 got a very bad public response and the 360' s controller was hailed the best ever by many.

Microsoft won' t let Nintendo use any of Rare' s games for Revolution, especially when they could be used on Xbox Live Arcade. Nintendo has only said that 1st party developed games will be available, and no other developers/publishers have stated that their games will be available for download (although some obviously will). The whole backwards compatiblity for the 360 is rubbish, with tons of good games missing. But Xbox Live Arcade is a work of genius and hopefully Nintendo will make their system work just as well.


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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 03:48
Sony didn' t praise nintnendo they said it was dumb and gimmicky just like the DS is. Nintendo said on it' s website 3rd parties i thought i read a bunch of companies wanted to do it. Like the article on joystiq saying that Sega was very interested in it. Plus Nintendo should own part of the license since it was their game rare just developed it plus the license expires after so amny years so all they old games even 3rd party could be bought and used fairly easy. (that was a idea given to me today forgot about licenses expiring idea so i guess we will just see at E3 when they give us more info like price and date, launch games, and download features. THey won' t release specs they already said at TGS they do not want to into a contest of numbers so they don' t plan to release any specs.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 04:23
1 - Nobody said Sony praised Nintendo. Why would they?! The controller Sony showed at E3 was stupid and they can' t just do a new version of the dual analogue controller because they stole the technology in the first place and got their asses sued!

2 - What game was Nintendo' s but developed by Rare?! Diddy Kong Racing maybe, but the rest belong to Rare! Bajoe Tooie, Conker, Killer Instinct etc are completely Rare' s!

3 - How the hell is the DS gimicky? It' s wiping the floor with PSP worldwide, especially in Japan!

4 - Nintendo' s new controller is brilliant!

5 - Game licences don' t expire for bloody years, and they remain the property of the publishing company. What, you think they just become available?! Don' t be daft!

Why are people so easy to get caught up in hype created by the console manufatures?! Sony lies, Microsoft exaggerates and Nintendo is way too vague and makes people create their own hype and rumours. It' s sad!

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 04:39
what are you talking about " no one said Sony praised Nintendo" , you said MS had to praise Nintendo so if they had to why didn' t sony have to? THey said it was dumb and gimmicky and they also called the DS a gimmick. I love my DS i play it all the time. I also love the Rev controller it has limitless potential and possibilities.

look it up licenses/Patents do expire. Watch the show about the history of Tetris on Icons show on G4. The guy who made tetris did not get a dime because

Don' y forget Donkey Kong Country which was developed by rare but licenses by Nintendo. Also i think i read that on Goldeneye 64 Nintendo got the license to do a bond game but had their (2nd party developer) Rare develop it but the license is Nintendo' s unlike Perfect Dark which was all Rare.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 04:59
Alexey Pazhitnov came up with Tetris and that was 20 years ago. The laws regarding ownership of developed products have changed several times since then.

Ofcourse patents and licences expire, but not for years and years and Nintendo would have never had full or even part licences for Rare games anyway, they had sub-licences for all Rare developed, Rare owned IP' s. Nintendo' s games are theirs but Rare IP' s belong specifically to Microsoft Corp now.

Microsoft when it aquired Rare from Nintendo, bought the complete package, everything!

Sony were stupid to call the DS anything but a sheer work of genius. They make childish comments like that and they' re getting their asses handed to them on their own turf!

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 07:18
hey get a load of this.

Revolution Report has done it again, uncovering another patent filed by Nintendo regarding their upcoming Virtual Console service. Nintendo' s newest patent application, filed yesterday, is for a " Game information storage medium and game system using the same."

Revolution Report has a synopsis of the major details of the application including:

Nintendo planning on bundling classic titles with newer titles on one medium
Potential Game Boy and DS emulation
Possible Revolution / PC connectivity
Old games can be updated with new looks
Possibility for other content providers to deliver games through Nintendo' s service.
Pretty exciting indeed! Check out the rest of the details to see what Nintendo' s got in store for us.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 08:47
Ha, anyone for EVERY Mario game ever, bundled on the same disc as Mario 128?!

Nice work Phoenixxx!

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 14, 2006 12:19
thanks. i scour the net reading news stories

This seems cool huh? Nintendo seems to be doing everything right to set them apart from the other two " power houses." Can' t Say the same for the other two, not to upset anyone but we all know the X360 was rushed and if they just waited longer they could have implemented the HD-DVD drive from the beginning and worked out all the bugs and given enough time for the games to be perfected. Then there is the PS3 who seems to care more about it being SUPER powerful and super expensive and have all these cool features tha most people won' t use then about the games.

Honestly with the power it' s packing releasing the PS3 for $500 is stilll like taking a $1000 (atleast) hit per system and if it really is expensive and difficult to produce games on there are alot of small companies who will not suport it and choose the Rev or X360 to produce game cheaper and might have a bigger fanbase due the high price of games and hardware of the PS3. Yes it wil look pretty but you will go broke buying the stuff for it.

I think this is the longest thread i have created hehe

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 15, 2006 02:53
Even though I have high hopes for the new direct pointing device controller I really hope the Revolution gets its traditional controller shell done well to. I don' t want to play traditional fighting games and some other genres with the new controller. And I don' t want to play N64 and GC games with it either. If they don' t make a good controller shell then I won' t care about backwards capability.

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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray - Jan 15, 2006 03:30

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Even though I have high hopes for the new direct pointing device controller I really hope the Revolution gets its traditional controller shell done well to. I don' t want to play traditional fighting games and some other genres with the new controller. And I don' t want to play N64 and GC games with it either. If they don' t make a good controller shell then I won' t care about backwards capability.

The shell was confirmed my Nintendo at E3. I' m guessing it' ll be something akin to the Gamecubes Wavebird controller...

The PS3 is supposed to ba actually LESS powerful than 360. Bear in mind that Sony have nowhere near the kind of money that Sony can throw at the industry and that the PS3 dev kits are supposed to be stupidly bad!

360' s launch games at most only show 18% of the consoles final power, and Kojima said that the MGS4 realtime demonstration was definately possible on 360. Sony are the ONLY (including developers) that are saying that PS3 will be significantly more powerful than 360, and they' re obviously going to say that! 360 has so much stuff that PS3 won' t have, it' s just daft for Sony to keep saying that theirs is the only console that matters.

With Nintendo changing the way we play games, using displacement mapping to keep the visuals up and being cheap, ...and with Microsoft unleashing an extremely powerful console and having Xbox Live already established and many exclusive games, ...i think Sony are really going to struggle to maintain their spot as the dominating force in gaming!
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