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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 03:41
I think lots of people underestimate Sony. You seem to think that Sony is a arrogant giant who doesn' t think that they can be destroyed. They are big but they also have some of the smartest people in the industry. They know what they are doing. We know too little about the PS3 to be saying that Sony is lying about the PS3 and that it will be inferior to N and MS. What if the PS3 gets an amazing controller? What if they manage to make some better dev-kits? What if they surprise us with an amazing online service or let some 3rd party software company handle the online service? Have everyone forgotten how big their support is? When Sony talked about power being important everybody said that gameplay was the most important thing and that the 360 would deliver that. Now, when people are starting to believe that the 360 is more powerfull, none speaks of gameplay being important. It' s funny how the gamers change their minds on what' s important all the time... It seems peoples opinions doesn' t matter just as Sony appears to be making the wrong moves.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 11:45:17 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 04:00
So you think that Sony showing only rendered videos of ' what games COULD be like' at E3 and TGS and then not even admitting that it wasn' t ingame footage was ok? They' re pushing Cell like they pushed Emotion, along with all the same exaggerations and half-truthes! They stole technology for the Dual Analogue controller, got sued and now can' t use it again, forcing them to come up with a stupid concept controller for E3 which got a terrible reception! So yes, they might turn up with a really good controller, but i find it highly unlikely that it' ll improve on 360' s. It' s not Sony OR mIcrosoft that you should listen to, it' s the 3rd party developers, and they are singing 360' s praises at the moment. And while the PS3 dev kits will certainly improve, if the things that are being said are right (PS3 being difficult to code for and having stupidly high development costs), and is launched at as high a price as expected, i can' t see why anyone would be defending them. I love my PS2 and i' m looking forward to whatever the PS3 turns out to be. But Blue-Ray is currently reported to be suffering troubles and the console itself could slip into 2007, i' m not so confident. I' m already both seriously impressed and extremely looking forward to 360' s games, ...and Nintendo just keep looking better and better. I don' t think the issue is that people keep underestimating PS3, i think people are OVERESTIMATING the thing. Ken himself said that it wasn' t a games console. With Sony pushing a new medium (Blue-Ray) into the marketplace, what better way to get it into peoples homes than using PS3?!
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 04:03
yes it' s true that sony might surprise us (i just hope they don' t do what they always do and just copy ideas from the MS and Nintendo like they always do). Yes it' s no doubt it will be powerful but at what price i honestly can' t see the PS3 being less then $500 and even that is taking a monsterous hit and like i said if deveoping games is too complex and too expensive 3rd parties will change to X360 and Nintendo. I just read on 1up that Yuji Horri (acclaimed creator of Dragon Quest Series) is excited about the Rev and it' s controller and it sounded like he wants to develop for it. Which would be awesome. http://1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3147037 I am not sure how powerful the cell CPU is with it' s 8 (well 7 are only being used i read one is reserve or somethign i don' t remember) compared to 3 separate cores plus the X360 has somethign called unified architecture (or somethign i read liek that) and the PS3 doesn' t So the MS fans are claiming the X360 is more powerful but we will have to wait for the final specs of the PS3. But yeah it' s true power doesn' t really matter if the games are not fun. How much of a hit will Sony be able to afford to take even at $500 and they better have a amazing launch line up to get people to afford to buy it and the accessories and games if they are more expensive. Especially if it will go up against the Rev with it being more then half the priced of the wide accepted and speculated price of $150-250 with it' s widely popular franchiese and download feature.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 04:18
Controller:Sony got sued for the rumble technology, not the Dual Analog setup. So that' s probably not the reason for the new concept controller. Promises:I don' t care what a company promises, only what they deliver. The PS2 was great. It' s that simple. They didn' t keep all the promises they made, it was more difficult to develop for than Xbox but it was still amazing. Pricing: Advanced technology comes at a price. Simple. PS3 is more than PS2. We no longer buy machines for the games only and thus they cannot be charged for as such. Split the payment, work harder, prioritate your expenses. If you don' t think it' s worth it then fine. Just don' t come whining when the rest of us are having fun. Also, mass-production is key to lower prices. Blu-Ray: New technology, new problems. With time these problems will be ironed out or they will be to small to have a big impact on the users experience. Developers: PS2 and PSP (not to mention the Saturn) are supposedly difficult to develop for as well but I still see great games. If developers have the patience and skill needed, they will succeed. Even though lots of developers says the 360 is easier to develop for, I doubt PS3 will be so impossible that they will ignore it. One reason for high development costs is that richer graphics needs more work. A developer could choose to make a PS3 game but with lower graphics if he chooses to. I haven' t heard any complaints from the majority of japanese developers. Maybe because they are smart enough to wait with comments until everything is known. In what way have Sony copied N and MS? Sure they make games and consoles but then what? Sony created the Dual Analog setup. SCE have created amazing and innovating games. They were the first to create a console with media capabilities (PSX). If there is one company that copies others, it would be MS.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 12:34:56 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 04:36
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Controller:Sony got sued for the rumble technology, not the Dual Analog setup. So that' s probably not the reason for the new concept controller. Promises:I don' t care what a company promises, only what they deliver. Development: The PS2 was great. It' s that simple. They didn' t keep all the promises they made, it was more difficult to develop for than Xbox but it was still amazing. Pricing: Advanced technology comes at a price. Simple. PS3 is more than PS2. We no longer by machines for the games only and thus they cannot be charged for as such. Blu-Ray: New technloogy, new problems. With time these problems will be ironed out. The injunction levied by the United States Federal Court, District of Northern California, barred Sony from selling any disputed products permanently. Which means the Dual Analogue. That' s why they can' t use the technology for PS3 and have to come up with a new controller. Microsoft were listed as a co-defendant and knew it wasn' t winnable so paid a settlement (approximately $36 million), and came to a licensing agreement in exchange for not getting into courts even more. But because MS paid the settlement and have an agreement with Immersion saying they can' t be taken to court they can continue to use the technology. Granted the PS2 was a great console, but look at what Microsoft achieved with Xbox, there 1st attempt at a games console, that' s equally impressive when you take all the factors into account! Ok, so the technology is better but whay charge $500 (the expected launch price), when MS launched at $299?! Blu-Ray' s issue WILL eventually be ironed out, but Sony has tried to launch new mediums before and fallen on its ass. HD-DVD doesn' t have anywhere near as many difficulties as Blu-Ray, and is cheaper, so Sony still don' t have an advantage!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 04:43
Of course they had to stop selling the disputed products immediately even though it was the rumble technology since they couldn' t possibly create new technology for the Dual Analogs in a week or so. PSX was Sony 1st attempt to make a console and it beat the crap out of Saturn and N64. You get what you pay for. If it costs more, then the components and possibilitys should be better than those of a 360. Sonys employees aren' t idiots you know. Pricing isn' t yet known and we still don' t know what the PS3 will be capable of except from playing games and movies. Sonys mermory sticks are still being used. Sonys UMD disks are on their way up. I think they have done well enough to be confident in their Blu-Ray. Only real failure I' ve seen is Mini-disc.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 04:51
who is whining? we are simply saying that is too much to play games on. I only care about playing games i don' t care about all the other features i will most likely never use. WHich is why i like nintnedo they care about " games" and not the other expensive features most players wil never use. You sound like Kutaragi when you said " work more hours" if you work more hours that just takes time away from playing games plus if buying is a priority then you need to really need new ones. Playing games is for recreational usae that you do at home when you are bored and have nothign else to do and to just have fun not to be a main priority and base your priorites. I am not trying to insult you. I love video games i play them most of my life since the days of my old pong machine and then my atari 2600. BUt i would rather be out with friends laughing and haning out with them and spending time with family and traveling then play video games. I play them when i am relaxing or bored and to keep my self occupied. I think some people are just too focused on playing games and that is it, they make it the center of their lives and that is not healthy. I already have a PC (granted it' s nto monster powerful one but it fits it' s need) i don' t need a Super computer and paying a premium price when i have other options and when i only want to play games. every feature on the Sony contoller is copied from Nintendo. Nintendo is the first to have every major feature on the controller like Nintendo has 1 shoulder button on each side ad Sony made 2, Nintendo had one analog controller and then Sony put 2. THe PS1 wasn' t even their idea it was nintendo' s but they wanted full control of it and being arrogant as they are pissed off nintendo and nintendo said no screw you guys and ended the contract. The name Playstation isn' t even their creation. I honestly don' t care about blu-ray yes it holds more but HD-DVD does the same damn thing and is cheaper so i will stick with them. Plus do you honestly think the average consumer and parent wil buy a PS3 with that high price tag? Yes it has the name but the price will scare people away and dvelopers wil see people aren' t buying it and switch.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 05:05
To be honest, I really don' t play many hours a week. I think I actually play less than the average player. But when I do play something, I want it to be worth my time. I don' t think you should give up friends and recreation for a video game console. But when you do buy one, make sure you buy the one that' s worth your time. MS has copied more than Sony, why don' t you hate them as you hate Sony? I don' t see anything wrong with " copying" as long as the result is good. The PSX was very good. I don' t care if Nintendo said exactly how Sony should have done it. All these features you' ll never use are present in the 360 as well such as Windows compatibility, video, music and more. But I don' t hear any complaints about that? No complaints about the cost of XboxLive? No complaints about the fact that MS is trying to sell more Windows Media Center/Vista through 360 by making it easier to use with that? The PS3 isn' t only for kids anymore. I think parents might buy it even though the price is high, because they might want to have one themselves. And the other potential buyers probably have some kind of income. Anyway, my point isn' t that Sony is the greatest video game company in the world (I really, really prefer Nintendo), but people seem to hate Sony even though they make great stuff. And people seem to " know" already that the PS3 will suck compared to 360 even though we don' t know enough to say anything. YOu don' t find this strange? People hates Sony for stuff that other companies do all the time without any major complaints. Sony takes the hit for everything just because they are the biggest.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 14:05:56 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 05:19
The reason why i don' t like sony because everytime i buy their crap it dies on me fast. Plus when i heard what they did with the dead pixel issue i thought nah screw them. Plus Sony could have got off easy liek MS did when they were sued but because of their ego and arrogant and cocky nature they went to cost and spent millions on court fees and even lost and had to pay out $90+Million dollars and had to halt sales of the controller and games which neevr happened. I don' t think MS is such an evil compnay i just think most peopel are just jealous of Bill Gates because he is living the american dream making millions of dollars doing what he enjoys and loves. Plus him and his wife were two of time magazine peopel of the year because they do so much for the community and donate more money then most of us will ever see. The Xbox was entirely their idea and they did a pretty good job like someone said for their first try, plus no one can touch their xbox live service. Yes they do mistakes liek everyone else and Nintendo also does mistakes i do not like, but that is the way things go. I did not like the former president of Nintendo he was know as the hard ass as arrogant as Sony is and look what happened they went from #1 to #3 and people telling them to get out but this new president seems cool
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 05:32
Sony aren' t unique in the dead pixel issue. It' s rather Nintendo who are acting strange here. Have you bought a cell-phone with a screen as advanced as the PSPs? Well I can tell you that the manufacturers of those screens act just like Sony if you get any dead pixels. And there are lots of dead pixels on those phones but since it' s not for gaming the buyers don' t want the same perfection on the screen. No companies are evil or bad. They just do what they are supposed to do: generate money. I don' t see what Bill Gates personal fortune has to do with this. I think Gates seems like a really nice guy. But now matter how nice he is, I don' t think his products should be given a better chance than Sonys which is pretty much what is happening here. I don' t see what Sonys defeat in court has to to with it either. Once again, the PSX was Sonys first console and it kicked ass. Something the Xbox didn' t. The Live service might be considered as a very enhanced version of Segas online service for the Dreamcast (They are the ones who really brought online gaming to the consoles).
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 05:34
Errr, Sony Betamax?! That fell through worse than mini-disc! Thing is, HD-DVD has more movie industry support, and is cheaper, so what would you prefer to watch your hi-def movie on if they' re the same quality?! We' re not getting at Sony per say, that' s why i said you shouldn' t be listening to Microsoft either, you should be listening to the 3rd party developers. Y' know, Sony are still saying Spring 2006 for PS3' s launch, and they don' t even have a pad yet, the dev kits are a mess and developers are saying it' s never going to happen. November is the earliest they could get the console out in the US (which is fine, mostly), but it' s likely it' ll slip into 2007. 360 is already out, it has Xbox Live (the cost is great, i don' t see what you mean...), and by the time PS3 hits, it' ll no doubt have had a slight price reduction, games like RE5, Gears of War, Halo 3, Huxley, Oblivion, Advanced Warfighter, Too Human, N3, The Outfit, Burnout 360, Dead Rising, Prey, Far Cry 360, Fight Night 3, Splinter Cell 4, Saints Row, etc will already be out, with Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2 etc on the way, the PS3 launch line up won' t be able to compete. But PS3, by all accounts will be too expensive. Even though nothing has been confirmed Sony said so themselves. They' ve aso lost a number of important titles that were at one point exclusives. If it comes to bidding wars, like the one currently going on for VF5, expect Microsoft to come out on top. I will however go wherever the games go!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 05:41
I see one problem with Microsoft winning the Virtua Fighter 5 bidding wars, and that problem is Japan. The series has always been much more popular there and the Xbox brand isn' t... Virtua Fighter 2 was probably the highest selling 3D fighter, selling close to 2 million units on the Saturn in Japan. And Virtua Fighter 3 remained #1 on Japanese arcade charts for a VERY VERY long time. If anything I' d love to see Virtua Fighter 5 go to the console with the highest install base in Japan come port/conversion time..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 05:57
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard I see one problem with Microsoft winning the Virtua Fighter 5 bidding wars, and that problem is Japan. The series has always been much more popular there and the Xbox brand isn' t... Virtua Fighter 2 was probably the highest selling 3D fighter, selling close to 2 million units on the Saturn in Japan. And Virtua Fighter 3 remained #1 on Japanese arcade charts for a VERY VERY long time. If anything I' d love to see Virtua Fighter 5 go to the console with the highest install base in Japan come port/conversion time.. Agreed, but with DoA4 now available and lots of Japanese support for 360 (it' s a given that PS3 will have more), it could swing either way, perhaps both. I don' t quite know how the whole Sammy situation will affect things either. But VF5 exclusively for PS3 would make me pay whatever they asked! Actually Terry, what' s your take on 360/PS3?!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 06:22
Half of the games you mentioned for the 360 will be released on PS3/PC as well. The PSP has got lots of great games in very short time. I think the PS3 might as well. And if not, I' ll just buy all the great PS2 games I haven' t played. Some exclusives have been lost but the amount of exclusives for the 360 will probably be laughable compared to the amount of PS3 exclusives. Doesn' t the Blu-ray have big support in the movie industry? I' ll keep playing my Tetris on my old GameBoy until I see the best choice of next-gen console.
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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 06:28
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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 06:30
oh yeah by the way if the games are coming out on the PS3 and Xbox 360 that is bvetter news for MS people will already have the X360 and won' t need to buy the PS3 for those games or even buy them on the PC. SO they don' t have to pay the premium on the PS3 especially with xbox live. THe games i am waiting for are Blue Dragon and Mistwalker both from Mistwalker and if Dragon Quest does make games for the Rev the PS3 will have been sucker punched (that is their biggest reason why people have a PS2 is for S-E games) that is the only reason why my and my friends bought a PS2 was for Final Fantasy.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 06:36
Hmm, well I don' t pick a console because of three or four franshises. That' s why I don' t see the Xbox being worth the money. It has got a few really amazing exclusive franshises but that' s it.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 06:56
Big support?! Not exactly! Blu-Ray is suffering problem after problem. If Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino are supporting HD-DVD, where do you thing everyone else will go?! HD-DVD will have more than 200 titles on release by the end of the year, and more planned, Sony doesn' t even have 70 down for release this year, it' s rediculous. 360 will have LOADS of exlusives. Gears of War will only make 360/PC, Dead Rising 360 only, Huxley 360 only, Too Human 360 only, Mass Effect 360 only, N3 360 only, Saints Row 360 only, ...see a trend developing?! Whereas UT 2007 is set to hit both consoles, VF5 is the center of a bidding war at the moment (M$!!!), Tomb Raider Legend will hit multiple consoles, Sonic will hit both as will Prey, Tset Drive Unlimited and RE5 (probably out on 360 first). Mr Sakaguchi (creator of FF) is developing Blue Dragon as a 360 exclusive, Enchant Arm for 360 looks impressive, Chromehounds, FF12, Tenchu 360, Armoured Core 4, Rare developed games, HOTD4 and DoA4 should secure 360 a strong userbase in Japan. What exclusives do you think Sony will have?! MGS4? Yep, but Konami are going to develop an online MGS game for 360. GTA? Who knows?! But the trilogy hit Xbox and sold loads and the games have always appeared on PC so it' s not exactly an exclusive franchise. Namco will likely keep Tekken on PS3, although Ridge Racer (once a Sony exclusive series) just got released on 360. 360 is going to be unbeatable (ha, maybe not but you can' t not want any of the games that will only be on 360. Halo 3?!)
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 06:59
Blue ray vs. HD-dvd. A very close competetion but I would say hd-dvd would win, that is, if the Blue wasnt coming on the ps3. This changes things greatly and shifts odds into sonys favor. Since millions of ps3 will be sold [and they will] alot of people wont even have a a hd dplayer and say " well, since i allready bought a ps3 with a blue ray drive i might as well use that instead of paying another high [ish] price for an hd dvd player" . But what could shift things against sony is that i know from expence that playing dvds on my ps2 is an noisey and poorly excuted affer, the ps2 is too load to really get stuck into a film, it can only fast forward twice, and the quaily isnt that good compare to stand alone dvd players. Since the quailty one wont apply to the ps3 [allmost all ps3' s will be set up to an hd tv set] that can be marked of. The interface is all up to sony really, and they should [and hopefully will] have a decent player installed, a plus is that the controllers are now wireless it can really compeat against other dvd/hddvd players. The only downfall i can see is the noise. I hate noise, it is the single most annoying thing when trying to watch a movie, a load whirr from the other side of the room, and since the ps3 is supposidly the most powerfull of the next gen conosles [or current gen?] its going to make noise. I just hope it more on par with gamecube than ps2. The 360 isnt quiet either. So really, if sony plays this right, then they could win this " war" with some foretought. The odds are in their favor.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 07:01
But VF5 exclusively for PS3 would make me pay whatever they asked! Ideally, I' d like to see it go multiplatform.. Release Virtua Fighter 5 for all three platforms, but that' s just me, I' ve never been a fan of 3rd party exclusives and never will :).. Actually Terry, what' s your take on 360/PS3?! You DON' T wanna know, but I' ll tell ya anyway! They both suck and the Saturn rules!!  *fires up Japanese Sega Saturn unit*
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