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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 07:09
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard But VF5 exclusively for PS3 would make me pay whatever they asked! Ideally, I' d like to see it go multiplatform.. Release Virtua Fighter 5 for all three platforms, but that' s just me, I' ve never been a fan of 3rd party exclusives and never will :).. Actually Terry, what' s your take on 360/PS3?! You DON' T wanna know, but I' ll tell ya anyway! They both suck and the Saturn rules!!  *fires up Japanese Sega Saturn unit* LOL!!! Nah, i prefer my Dreamcast (although i crave a next-gen Nights). I was gutted when Sega pulled out of the console race, which is probably where my distinct dislike for Sony emerged from (i don' t hate Sony, i just think they' re boring). I just got beat by a mile on PGR3 Live, i don' t suck, ...honest!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 19:37
Big support?! Not exactly! Blu-Ray is suffering problem after problem. If Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino are supporting HD-DVD, where do you thing everyone else will go?! Who the fuck is Tarantino? :) You shoulg now that movie directors are not the ones who decide whether HD DVD or Blue Ray is chosen.And right now it actually looks like Blue Ray is much more popular in the Movie industry. HD-DVD will have more than 200 titles on release by the end of the year, and more planned, Sony doesn' t even have 70 down for release this year, it' s rediculous. Where did you get that number? (200) Did you know that most of those good movies out there are published by companies that prefer Blue Ray? 360 will have LOADS of exlusives. Gears of War will only make 360/PC, Dead Rising 360 only, Huxley 360 only, Too Human 360 only, Mass Effect 360 only, N3 360 only, Saints Row 360 only, ...see a trend developing?! Actually you have no idea if those games will really rock so I' d take it easy with naming them system sellers. Mr Sakaguchi (creator of FF) is developing Blue Dragon as a 360 exclusive, Enchant Arm for 360 looks impressive, Chromehounds, FF12, Tenchu 360, Armoured Core 4, Rare developed games, HOTD4 and DoA4 should secure 360 a strong userbase in Japan. That' s great - but again we' ll see when they come out.I' m not sure if HOTD4 is confirmed for 360 at the moment. What exclusives do you think Sony will have?! MGS4? Yep, but Konami are going to develop an online MGS game for 360. GTA? Who knows?! But the trilogy hit Xbox and sold loads and the games have always appeared on PC so it' s not exactly an exclusive franchise. Namco will likely keep Tekken on PS3, although Ridge Racer (once a Sony exclusive series) just got released on 360. It' s cool to like 360 but that' s just not fair (and GTA was a time exclusive) to say MGS online is going to 360 - you don' t know that.And Sony (and Nintendo) always had the most fantastic exclusives and I don' t think it is going to change just like that- especially since they mostly depend on 3rd party titles. 360 is going to be unbeatable (ha, maybe not but you can' t not want any of the games that will only be on 360. Halo 3?!) Halo 3 ? what' s that? I mean yeah Halo was awesome and the books are just fantastic - so COOL , but Halo 2? fantastic online game and good offline game with 10/10 hype. It is big from sales perspective and H3 will be as well , but I' m not sure if H3 will be what we want it to be. Take a look at X Vs PS2 without your or mine personal preference - just reviews and industry opinions and try saying out loud that Sony won' t have great exclusives :) -it' s the main reason behind PS succes and I think they know that. Another thing is Katamari Damacy and other innovative games.Ete toy,singstar and all those " gimmicks that are really fun and different. MS really needs to do much more than just powerful hardware in order to win , because PS2 was nowhere near the Xbox specs and left it miles away. Why it' s goin to be harder this time? Because Sonys HArdwae is equally powered and has some cool features. Online is the only thing MS did great this time and that' s why they base everything they say on it. I don' t agree with people who say X has a few great hits so " I' m not going to get it" .I think Halo 1 alone is the reason to get it, Ninja gaiden ,HAlf-Life 2 ,PGR2,Outrun2 ,Shenmue 2 (if you didn' t play it on DC) and many more. Someone calling himself a gamer should play great games on all platforms. But that doesn' t mean it' s even near PS2' s library if you' re gamer that plays all genres ofcourse.If you only like Racing and Fpp games then X is the way to go. I wish MS did it all right this time around and they actually may - but they won' t win with Sony - not untill 2007 that' s for sure. Anyway who cares? It' s about games and if I finish all the good ones on 360 , I' ll get a PS3 and finish all the good ones on it.And since they fight so much there is going to be a lot of great titles so I don' t feel the need to be " loyal" to console makers. L O L - This post got huge :) hehehehheh
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 16 Jan 06 3:39:01 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 20:03
You forget many things Gangsta. The PS2 was out way before the xbox, and most people buy Playstation just because they always had a playstation, really though Playstation doesnt really have that many great exclusives, i know its a matter of view, but really, i still have a difficult time picking out 10 exclusives id want for it. You also keep saying we dont know whether or not unreleased games will be system sellers, but hype for these games sell systems. The only thing PS3 has got going for it right now, is the hype for the playstation name. But since Europeansn and Americans wont see the console till the fall, im sure Sony is going to get more than a spanking. Maybe the Blu-ray has better support from studios, but if consumers dont go for it, it just wont work. And with the added functions of a HD-DVD drive in your PC, streaming video from your pc to your console. Also Microsoft has its live abilities, Sony has stated its up to the developers themselves. Also MS has the option of letting you rent movies over the internet, and lots lots more... I hope Sony gets hurt this time around, they have been very arrogant, and they wont even ackknowledge the threat, that is enough to warrant some pain. Pride is a sin
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 15, 2006 20:26
Gangsta, i' m beginning to realise just how full of shit you are. Currently, most studios are supporting both formats until a clear winner is determined, but Blu-Ray has a roster of 20 films set for release when it launches and HD-DVD has 50 or so. And look at Blu-Rays problems so far! Exclusive doesn' t mean system seller injit, it means erm, ...exclusive! There loads more but i chose the ones that are beening hyped the most, which yes will sell systems. PS3 will have exclusives too, but Sony have lost a lot of ground to Microsoft and lost some worthy franchises. What exactly do you know about PS3 and it' s capabilities?! Are you ok with the likely $499 price tag?! Konami told IGN that there would be an online Metal Gear for 360. Halo 3 will be great, just like the previous two games. Check any review for Halo 2 and you' ll hear good good things! 360 has Live, Sony don' t although they' ll probably try something similar and fail. Live has been around for years now and it treid, tested and proven. Exclusives may be the reason behind Sony' s success, but with exclusivity coming at a much higher pricetag now, and developers being really happy with 360, Sony will have much less exclusive titles this time around. The one thiong we can agree on is that it' s about the games. I do however feel that the launch price for PS3 will be a rip off. They need to launch at the same price as 360. Especially since they' re facing stiff competition for Revolution too, and that' s going to be much cheaper!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 02:33
" What exactly do you know about PS3 and it' s capabilities?! Are you ok with the likely $499 price tag? " Well what the f**k do YOU know about PS3? You' re hating the PS3 even before you' ve seen anything of it. " 360 has Live, Sony don' t although they' ll probably try something similar and fail. Live has been around for years now and it treid, tested and proven. " What are you, a fu**ing fortune teller? How the f**k do you know they' ll fail if they try? That just proves how stupid you are. You' ve desided to hate their attempts before they even try, that' s the worst thing I hate. MS have managed to get a lot of exclusives but it' s still nothing compared to PS3s huge support in Japan. Not to mention their own 1st party games/franshises (SCEJ) which are good enough to compete with MS whole exclusive line-up, weither it be 1st or 3rd party games. Sit down and shut up about the PS3 when you don' t know shit about it. It would be fine if you said it probably would loose, but you clearly have your opinions set before trying.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 02:55
Well Ginjirou, if Japan was the only market im sure Sony would bash in MS, but since europe and the US has a lot to say, and a lot of people dont buy Playstation for the japaneese developer support, but simply because of habit, then i dont think its going to be as important this time around. Most of the 100.000.000 playstation owners, havent got it to play final fantasy, but to play Fifa sports and its likes, and to play games like Jak, which really is just a standard platforming title. Just as some of us think sony might get it tough this time, there are people like you who refuse to see that their rep could be dented, and that they are making very bad calls!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 03:25
I also think they will have a though time and that they have made some bad calls. I really prefer Nintendo more than Sony. But, no matter how hard times they will get, I think it' s stupid by some people to say that they pretty much knows the PS3 will be a failure. Don' t you think it' s kind of wrong to be sure PS3 will loose to 360 this early? I don' t think PS2 succeeded only because of its exclusives. The controller was good (except for the d-pad, man I hate that), the design, the features, the price and other things as well.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 03:38
I' m not totally sure they will loose, but im more sure that MS will get the largest market share in Europe and the US, unless Sony surprises everyone and launches at a lower price than the xbox. Most of the PS2 userbase hasnt got the economy to buy a 500$+ console, if the PS3 launches at that price. By the time the PS3 reaches 400, the xbox will be even lower. I dont think the PS3 has killer exclusives, and if Square Enix starts making FF games for the 360, well sony is in trouble. I dont like the Dual Shock controller, not when compared to both the 360 and the old xbox controller, Dual Shock isnt fit for using both Analog sticks at one time, without disjointing atleast one thumb!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 03:47
So it' s the price then? Well I admit that if they do have that high price tag it will be more difficult to sell than the PS2 was. But I think enough people will buy it to create a solid userbase which in turn will make sure the PS3 gets a good rep. I found it hard to believe that the 360 could sell so well despite it' s high price so maybe the price isn' t such abig issue. I mean, if you skip a 360 with four games, you' ll get a PS3 (as things look right now). That only means four games less. It' s not much. That' s how I think. Expensive console -few games. Cheap console -many games. You could choose between a 360 with 5 games, a PS3 with one game or a Rev with maybe ten games  . What is it with everyone and FF. Like that' s the only game that counts. And even though the 360 will get FF games, the PS3 will probably get them as well. I think the Dual Shock setup has to do with what you' re used to. I used to love the Dual Shock but after playing with the GC controller for a long time, I like the GC controller more. But my friends who are used to the Dual Shock thinks the DS (ah crap Dual shock is DS short) is better since they haven' t used the GC controller much. I' m sure I' d love the Dual Shock again once I get used to it.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 Jan 06 11:50:26 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 03:50
It is the price, and i have no doubt that PS 3 will easily sell as many consoles as the xbox in the first few months, but after that its the none hardcore gamers or rather their parents who has to buy, and they will get the cheaper console, and thats the xbox, also as MS might have as many as 10 million consoles on the street before the PS3 launches in europe and the US, consumers will start getting what their friends have, and thats the Xbox.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 03:56
Hmm, well I don' t feel there is much more we can say. We' ll just have to wait and see.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 04:20
I think Nintendo is in the best position having the cheapest console by atleast 50% and the best franchiese and not to mention the download feature and nostalgia is big business look at all those compilation disks that see well and those old controllers with games built in.Plus if the rumor is true about the download feature being region free and being able to download the japanese games we never got that is even more reason to buy it. Also it will really help the Rev having the upcoming Zelda being playable on the Rev even if it doesn' t use the special features of the controller like the reports say which nintendo did not confirm or deny. It' s the only one i am buying at launch ASAP. Also getting some for my family and friends who play games. Plus Nintendo is not losing nearly as much money on their consoles as MS and Sony (we know Sony has to be taking a HUGE hit even at $500 with the power and tech inside). I think it' s time for the might Sony to do what Nintendo did in the N64 days and drop down while ever patient and creative Nintendo rises from the ashes to be #1 again. How many peopel here want to play a wifi based Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, Zelda four swords, and FF crystal chronicles etc.. ?Plus as soon as pokemon comes out and brain training and animal crossing for the rev with possible connections with the DS it wil be a HUGE seller.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 04:28
Yeah, I' m getting the Rev at launch (if they manage to launch better than the 360 so there is enough for me). It' s the console I' ve been looking forward to the most. But I will probably get a PS3 after a while. So that I have something nice enough to put the Rev on
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 Jan 06 12:29:31 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 05:01
yeah same here when the price drops and when the RPGs i have to have that are only on the PS3 i will be forced to get one. Just like i am waiting for the X360 for the mistwalker games.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 06:09
Exclusives may be the reason behind Sony' s success, but with exclusivity coming at a much higher pricetag now, and developers being really happy with 360, Sony will have much less exclusive titles this time around. What a cool thing to say and just after you called ME " full of shit" Sorry man - I just didn' t know all that stuff you do ,since I base my knowledge on official statements , not GOD himself. Vx Chemical : it is possible but you should remember that DC was way over gamers expectations when it came to Graphics, Exclusives and everything -it was just fantastic.PS2 crashed DC - with high price tag - first console to cost 300USD and succeded,basically no games and lots of hype. Do not underestimate the power of Playstation brand - It really amazed me at that time that Sony can do anything and people will still buy it. I hated them for that cause Sega tried so hard and couldn' t beat a system that Sony said will be cool ,but in reality it wasn' t.And now it is , but any console that sells 100 000 000 will get some great content sooner or later. I got mine PS2 slim 2 weeks ago and I think that games are amazing but nothing that couldn' t have been done on GCN or Xbox if only those systems sold better. But who cares? If I get to play a great game on PS2 and it looks great to me then I don' t wonder how much better it would look on X - I just play it and have a lot of fun. I would' ve played it on GCN,Xbox or maybe even DC if hype wasn' t the biggest selling point of games and consoles.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 16 Jan 06 14:26:14 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 06:19
I' m not saying they' ll fail, just that they face stiff competition. Don' t get me wrong, i have a 360 but i much preferred the PS2 to the Xbox, specifically for the games that Microsoft didn' t have. I' ll definately be getting a Revolution at launch (pre-ordering WELL in advance), and i don' t need to know anything more about the system or the games, i know it' s going to be amazing. Nobody can doubt the sheer processing power of PS3, the realtime MGS4 demonstration proved what the system will be capable of, but i don' t agree (as many developers don' t) that it has a significant power advantage over 360. The differences will come down to the games and console features mostly. Xbox Live is impressive, it works and without any problems. The features that 360 has already, and will have in the next year (like picking up Sky+ and a TiVo component) are already changing the way console games are played. While Sony will undoubtedly going to have a Live-esque rival (possibly through a 3rd party), if you buy both consoles, or have already bought a 360 and have subscribed to Live, would you subscribe to another?! I' d have to thing fairly hard about it. I' ll no doubt buy a PS3, i mean there' s no reason to believe Warhawk wasn' t realtime and that looked fantastic. But i wasn' t very impressed with the PS3 showing at E3 or TGS, apart from the afore mentioned MGS4 demo. Sony purposefully mis-led the public, especially with the Killzone video and didn' t have the balls to admit that the videos weren' t realtime. I guess i just don' t trust them right now. Especially when Microsoft were brave enough to show the gaming public games running on incomplete dev-kits, complete with dodgy framerates, and told people that they would improve vastly before launch. They were treu to the gamers and themselves and gained a lot of respect for that. The PS3 pad will obviously undergo a re-design, but i can' t see how a standard controller can improve on the 360 pad. The only other thing that' s bothering me about Sony right now is the whole Blu-Ray issue. I mean, it' s having a lot of troubles (which undoubtedly will be ironed out) at the moment, but aside from the fact that the games will have to cost more because of the new format (have to because otherwise they would lose money on software too), with the console using a Blu-Ray drive (obviously) it too is going to have a significant pricetag. I' m just not comfortable with paying extortionate prices for a console that is pushing a medium that may or may not be a success, AND paying higher prices for software (although nothing has been confirmed, i can' t see how developers can use Blu-Ray, have higher development costs and still charge the same price as 360 games). Like i said, i' ll still likely buy a PS3 (probably at launch), but i like many others (including people who work in the industry) just wish Sony would stop messing around and get down to business. If it' s going to cost more and be delayed then we really need to know. They' re probably worried that should those kind of thing happen people will opt for 360 instead, but Sony has more than enough support from both the industry and the public, people would understand. You have to admit that 360 has some really impressive looking games (not just graphically) headed it' s way, and that Microsoft has done well securing a number of big exclusives as well as weaning a small number of previously Sony loyal developers away from their master.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 12:38
not to bad mouth anyone but how can anyone belive that ANY of the demos were real ingame footage seeing hoe the PS3 is not even done yet and like you said they are having problems with the blu-ray. My reasoning for this is that if it was complete or even near complete they would have gloated over it and pushed liek no ones business but instead they barely even mentioned it and the PS3 case was a empty shell. BY the way SOny has " SHIPPED" 100M not sold, i work at best buy and we have TONS and TONS of PS2 laying around everywhere. From what i have seen the GC with mario party 7 sells better then the PS2. I don' t really care about all the technologies in my consoles all i care about it playing fun games. I am not really into online so the live and online services don' t phase me a bit. I don' t need a super computer i already have a PC. The ONLY reasons i bought a PS2 is for Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and i also love the first 3 Ratchet and clank games. The fourth was ok but no where near as good as the first 3 they seemed to care more about making it a FPS and online game which i don' t care about i loved the platformer type of the first 3. I do not want to spend $500+ just because it' s has a popular name brand like " Playstation" . I would rather save it for a big screen DLP HDTV andalso buy games for my DS and get a Revolution. Also i will have to get a X360 for the upcoming RPGs. Like Majik i will mostly liekly get (NOT at launch but later) when the games i must have namely RPGs come out. I am not a trend person i buy what i think is cool and fun not because everyone else is. Plus i want to wait and make sure Sony doesn' t have any issues with the PS3.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 16:04
While Sony will undoubtedly going to have a Live-esque rival (possibly through a 3rd party), if you buy both consoles, or have already bought a 360 and have subscribed to Live, would you subscribe to another?! I' d have to thing fairly hard about it. People keep talking about Sony online strategy, but everything points towards them not having one. To prove my point, i dug out some old news http://www.joystiq.com/2005/11/03/ps3-sony-sticks-with-non-unified-online-service
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 17 Jan 06 0:04:25 >
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RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 18:22
Well whatever... If it were up to me then everybody would have all three next-gen consoles. They will all be great and they will all have enough great games to be worth buying. But the the problem is that not everyone can buy all of them. I might buy a 360 if it gets tons of great exclusives. Shenmue 3 alone could make me buy it. But I' m annoyed by some stuff I hear about the 360. And I really don' t understand why everyone thinks the controller is so incredible. It' s comfortable and ergonomic but I think the GC controller beats it in that department. It has great buttons but I think the PS2 buttons are better. The analog sticks feel good but the GC beats them. It' s a good controller, don' t get me wrong, but I have no doubt that Sony can come up with something better. If they do is up to them. Maybe they' ll make pure crap, I don' t know. The 360 controller feels like a DC controller (which is good of course) but not amazing. I like online games but I don' t think the PS3 online games are worse just because Sony hasn' t got any strategy for online games. But I don' t give a damn about community, chatting and whatever. I just want to play a game online, something you can do even on the PS2. Socom and Twisted Metal Black are great.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 17 Jan 06 2:25:23 >
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- Location: Poland
RE: HD-DVD versus Bu-Ray
Jan 16, 2006 21:09
100mln shipped but 80mln sold - quite succesful anyway ,so who cares? Noone cares if you buy one for a popular brand - people who decide how sales go don' t know shit about gaming - when it comes to shaping the industry it' s everyone but gamers.To few of us comparing to mainstream market.Those people don' t know specs, and Playstation means Console for them so Xbox is another " Playstation" as they say and so on. Sony' s succes is almost unfair from gamers perspective - maybe it is justified now when a lot of great games are here. People keep talking about Sony online strategy, but everything points towards them not having one. To prove my point, i dug out some old news yeah that' s the problem people keep talking and while I remember this news - like you said it' s old.I don' t think Sony will create something like Live or Nintendo WI-FI , but it just might.I ' m pretty sure live is safe as the best online service for at least a year from now. Sony is going to tell you anything you want to know about that system in march so just hold on people -those specs could be changed and almost everything as well. Ginjirou I have to say you worried me with this controller stuff - I hate MS buttons for Xbox S controller - I hate the feeling of pressing them - I played most games (except FPP and racing games) on PS2 dualshock2 through converter. I guess most of the press people fell into hype too much - it sux when press acts like that - IGN leads that fraction. Still I will have to judge the controller myself :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 17 Jan 06 5:19:57 >
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