When swedish gaming magazine RESET claimed matsuno was leaving the director post and i said it in diffrent forums,non belive me,this was said in may magazine,by a so called secret source that was very reliable they claimed,and they also said that matsuno was then gonna go to mistwalker later.
Then in july suddenly matsuno left his director post at ff12 and claimed he got a " sickness" and did not feel like keep working.
So was reset lying?
Or lucky?
Why did not square-enix comment about this before,or any other site? or why did he not step down before?
If everyone know about his sickness why not change director post?
Reset know about in may ffs...
I think some employed leaked this to reset,that reset usally talk too,same with kikizo,someone at sega heard or know about sega has or had plans on a shenmue3 later,but not now,and he just said it,to start the hype and see how the community would react to it,and then its better to leak to a site like kikizo,then IGN/gamespot,because if ign/gamespot would say they heard it from sega employed or secret source,then people would take it as a 100% yes its coming,why else would they put it up.
BUt when it come to a smaller site like kikizo,sega can still get away with it,or rather that person who leaked it.
ANyhow,what i do belive is,that kikizo is not liars,i really belive some sega guy told them about this,to start the community reactions.
And even if it wont come,(which i belive it will)i still think it was a right decesion by kikzo to tell us about this and what they heard,doesnt matter if sega cancel their plans,or that employed lied to see reactors,or wanted to see some to later decie,i think kikizo did the right thing.
So did reset,when they claimed matsuno gonna leave director post soon in may,and then suddenly he leave in july,and it comes like a shock to the rest of the world.
I just doesnt understand why people even listen to gamespot,when they denied that the game was coming,gamespot of all sites?
They said in a n99 preview that they talked with n99 develoerpes and stuff,and they was not so hyped of the game cause its only coming to japan,but has a small chance to come to us if we are lucky,then 3 day later,some other site did a interview and asked will the game come to usa? and europe?
ANd the creator of the game said,yes ofc,but its up to ms how fast.
But yes they are coming.
And they asked can we also have japanese voice in our US/EU versions?
And they said okay we fix that dont worry :P
Now why did not gamespot ask if the game was coming to usa?or europe when they interviewd the people?
Dont come and say the game is not gonna come to usa/eu when you cant even ask the people making it,wtf?!
Final fantasy serie did not get announced for europe,untill later date,but still they all came,just cause you doesnt have a date doesnt mena it wont come,heck even the devel/creator made sure its coming,and gamespot cant take that as a yes?
Ofc gamespot also share budget reports with sony,and get paid by sony,thats why they show psp 10% of their time in on the spot,and trash talk xbox as much as they can,but thats another story.
I forgot to add that i got banned from gamespot.com after i got angry when they claimed kikizo lied and greg was at this site saying he was sorry.
Nice move gamespot,i appreciete it.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 7 Nov 05 22:04:34 >