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Adam Doree
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 12:29
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 [:' (] I really don' t believe that story was written before Kikizo posted the article... Greg isn' t lying. His explanation is truthful and appreciated. Avery' s comments in that email someone received don' t suggest Greg anyone is lying. It' s just the way it happened. Obviously GS is not in a position to prove or disprove our news (nobody is right now, least of all Sega itself it would seem). However that has nothing to do with the fact that the article was written before our story went live. A lot of editors can be involved in the process of publishing an article at GameSpot and it is easy for oversights like this to occur. Personally I like GameSpot nonetheless, so please stop giving them a hard time!
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 13:25
I think the reason Q qnd rampage are jumping all over Greg Kasivin over this is because Greg is a huge nerd. Have you ever seen one of his video reviews? Lol he talks like Ben Stein after talking an injection of nerd hormones. Lol I think he forgot to take the hanger out of his shirt. I' ved never seen someone so stiff and uncomfortable in front of a camera that wasn' t ninety years old. He reminds me of the geeks I used to punch in the face and torment in high school. So Rampage and Q stop picking on Greg over his nerdy persuasion. He' s sorry about that little Shenmue infraction. Oh yeah redifier If youre under 25, you wont remember MEMBERS ONLY jackets. They were probally out of style before you were born. I remeber the song " Members only Members Only, when you put it on, something happens to YOU" . Not that I loved the clothes line or anything, I just have a great memory.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 14:29
Adam and Joe said it best. Greg wasn' t obligated to come over here and clear the air but he did so anyway so I think that speaks volumes for his character. And like Adam, I too like GameSpot so sue me *starts singing the Button Mashing theme*
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 30 Aug 05 22:32:50 >
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 14:54
And like Adam, I too like GameSpot so sue me ...I have no problem with that. Nor does Rampage,i just did not feelt that it was the whole truth in that letter,its just me,i cant help it,i can' t lie about how i feel or think its not something i do to hurt someone im just very honest as a person,and i can understand if that is not something positive always. Its also just great Terry if you like them because so does i,but my view is that GS is a site who showed in their budget rapport that they co-work with sony,and give sony games and stuff more attention and call xbox360 for overpriced and ps3 monstermachine should not be the one' s who talk about credibility over at diffrent sites. They already hear alot sony bias and stuff 24/7 was it a great idea to even expand the relationship afterwards?! :S i dont know how to look at those future reviews anymore...tony hawk 10/10 for ex?!! [:' (] That is just how i feel. I have nothing against greg/gs personally, i just think they have stuff to come clean with,i myself stay up to 01:00 to watch the " On the spot" (thats the time its on here in Sweden) sure they show psp 10% of their time but its great otherwise like when i saw greg kick ass in Ninja gaiden:black and i love it why would i even bother stay up late and see it every week if i hated GS? ANyway lets forget this, i got to say what i wanted and that is fine for me := And no matter what GS write i still belive its gonna come I remember when i talked about FF7 add on because it sold 9 million copies,what did i hear? hell no,your dumb?! FF=final fantasy,nothing more come from ff7. Then 8 years later;FF7 movie,psp game,ps2 game,cell phone game,cards and toys and rumor about a remake to ps3...  looks like im a winner today
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 30 Aug 05 22:55:34 >
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 17:04
Carrie Gouskos, Gamespot' s feature editor also responded to this: Avery Score' s Heartbreakers article Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 18:02:16 -0700 From: " Carrie Gouskos" <carrieg@gamespot.com> To: axmshenmue@yahoo.com Hi Geoff, I should have been the one talking to you in the first place, since I' m the Feature' s Editor at GameSpot. I wanted to clear up the whole Shenmue III confusion, although I' m glad to see that Greg took care of the offending statement this morning. We weren' t originally going to include Shenmue in the feature, but Avery volunteered (this is August 3rd, I still have the email) and I thought that he was so good at the " Shenmue fan' s lament" that people would really enjoy reading and commiserating. Anyway, when the Kikizo article broke, a bunch of people from work forwarded me the link and said " Should Shenmue stay in this feature?" Avery had already written it, and I thought it was entertaining, so I said sure, but that we should acknowledge the article because it' s big news right now. Since the style of his prose was this kind of hopeless, heartbreaking story, I asked Avery to add something, which he did, that one line about rumors flaring up. Again, this whole thing was meant to be like a personal take (you might have to know Avery to hear that whole thing in his voice). Honestly, it didn' t even cross my mind that the comment would come across as derisive, and that is totally my fault. I should have seen (which I do now), why someone would take that the wrong way, and just left reference to the Kikizio piece out of the article. We certainly weren' t trying to say anything official, and I' m really surprised that people have gleaned that from the article. It was meant to be the " Ballad of the Broken Shenmue Fan" , if you will. At the time we thought the break of that news was really fortuitous for us, because this feature which we had been planning for quite some time was just about to go up. I' m surprised that anyone thinks we could put together a three page feature in the span of a few days, but I understand why it looks like a conspiracy. All I can say is that I assure you, it isn' t, and that if Shenmue III ever gets made in any form, Avery and I will be two of the first people you' ll see waiting in line. Cheers, -Carrie
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 17:48
Oh yeah redifier If youre under 25, you wont remember MEMBERS ONLY jackets. I' m 32. I guess I never cared about fashion trends, except for Vans shoes when I was a li' l punk BMXer.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 31 Aug 05 1:49:38 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 20:54
Besides all the bickering in this thread, you guys have inspired me to go get a Dreamcast! Not right now, mind you (just payed $3600 to move into a new house!) but once I get my finances back in order, I' m there. I had a dreamcast (got it close to launch) but it got stolen or lost at some point. I still have Shenmue, though. Only got to play it for about 20 minutes, and that was it! Actually, I think my girlfriend' s kids have a DC that they don' t use! Hmmm..... (runs off to call the most beautiful girl in the world!)
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 30, 2005 21:24
The more I think about it........ this is all really phucking stupid.
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 31, 2005 02:13
redrover, I ought to report you for homophobia, not to mention geek hate. (Word to the wise, most people who post on game internet forums are geeks and nerds and we do not take kindly to people who admit to being the ones who beat up on us in school.) Anyway, the respective staff at Kikizo and Gamespot have handled this little spat with professionalism. Though expect a lot of mutual leg pulling when this gets picked up in the next news cycle! Chee Saw, really glad you' ve been inspired to play through the most unique and engrossing experience in the world of video games. When you' re in the Hazuki Residence, look at the string pulls on the light fittings. Press the action button to pull the string pull - look at it again: it' s swinging back and forth. Never saw that level of detail in any other game and you' ll never see it again (regardless of Shenmue III). Enjoy!
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- Joined: Aug 31, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 31, 2005 08:13
Silas you don' t run this site, so stfu. You come in here and announce you' re a fudgepacker, and don' t expect people to clown you for it? That' s asking too much. Dont get him too upset guys, he' ll short out his vibrator. I believe the kikizo article, expect the part about them wanting to sell it to a Console as a three pack. They' ll be lucky if Shenmue 3 get picked up at ALL. And as you know , beggars can' t be choosers. Even If they did make a 3 pack for shenmue, theyed have to sell 1 , 2 and 3 for $49.99 0r $59.99 that would be Giving away 1 and 2, and they would lose a lot of money, especially if they had to spend time sprucing up 1 and 2' s graphics. I just hope I get to play Shenmue 3, no matter what console it ends up on.
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 31, 2005 08:24
Oh, so apparently I should expect to be derogated on the basis of my sexual preferences. Fascinating! Did I enter a time warp and go back forty years, or is this the twenty-first century? Grow. Up. If I thought that the Shenmue community consisted mostly of tiny-minded bigots like you and redrover, I' d burn my disks of Shenmue and never participate in the community ever again. Fortunately I know that most Shenmue players actually espouse the liberal morality the game encourages.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 31, 2005 09:37
Tank you don' t run this site, so stfu. You have no right to say anything unless you run this site, so stfu. Please don' t post again until you run this site. that would be Giving away 1 and 2, and they would lose a lot of money Kind of like giving House of the Dead 2 away for free with House of the Dead 3 for Xbox? Or Panzer Dragoon 1 with Panzer Dragoon Orta? Or the original Out Run with Out Run 2? I could go on and on but since those games are completed I don' t think it would be a financial strain. Shenmue 1 and 2 could easily use Shenmue 3' s engine. The textures are already there, the dialog already written and recorded, the game already designed. Financial investment to include those would be minimal.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 31 Aug 05 17:39:29 >
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 31, 2005 09:43
It would not be so difficult to put in shenmue1-2 in a blu-ray. Also remember that xbox360 is a very powerful system that can compress files instead like this gen" duplicate them" . Also remember that shenmue to xbox came with 2 dvd' s,and with 2dvd+dual layer it will be no problem,or they just make a video showing off shenmue1+2 on a dvd. It' s ashame that MS never bought SEGA,when they had the chance... I love sega but i feel that greater titles would come out if they had a publisher like MS and just did games.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 31 Aug 05 17:45:21 >
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 31, 2005 09:51
Excellent comparisons, Joe. Apart from anything else, the sales lifecycle of the existing 1 & 2 have been over for, like, three years. How do I know this? Because my mate bought Shenmue II today for £8.60 at Computer Exchange!! Totally out of the blue!! (He only knows Shenmue as something I constantly rave about, he won' t know anything about the latest news - it was a total coincidence) My main hope from the leak is not Shenmue III (did I say this already?) but to get Shenmue I on a new machine. Sadly I did not as I promised myself I would, having read what others on the thread wrote, get my DC set up for a game. Actually last night I was too busy watching Japanese Language and People from the BBC Learning Zone. Oh, I wonder why I' m interested in Japan...... could it be Shenmue? I think it could! I will be playing Shenmue I again by the weekend, I promise. And I' ll have to play my DC Shenmue II to see if I understand more of the Japanese!
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- Joined: Aug 25, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Sep 02, 2005 06:29
It' s ashame that MS never bought SEGA,when they had the chance... I am soooo glad that M$ did not buy SEGA! I think the merger with Sammy was one of the best things to ever happen to SEGA. TBH I was very concerned in the beginning but it seems to have turned out quite good by now... I really hope that Shenmue III will be released but still I try not to get my hopes up too high, you never know! Just remember:Half Live for DC was also finished but never saw a realease. life goes myserious ways! Maybe the leak of info was on purpose, so people in charge can see if and how " the internet" reacts and if there still are people interested in Shenmue. @Joe Redifer: Did you (or do you) post at the-magicbox forums? (using a Daytona avatar)
Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Sep 02, 2005 08:00
Instead of the Sammy merger I would have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much happier had Sega and Namco gone through with their proposed merger, I would have literally been on cloud 9. The two companies are SO alike and I feel that a lot of Namco and Sega fans would have benefitted greatly from it. The ONLY thing I didn' t agree with in regards to the proposed Sega and Namco merger was that had it gone through then the Namco name would have been dissolved after the merger and the resulting company would just be called SEGA, that' s what I read. I didn' t like that one bit, I don' t think Namco should give up their name, there' s A lot of history there. Plus the title- *Sega Namco* has a nice ring to it, like Square Enix.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Sep 02, 2005 12:16
@Joe Redifer: Did you (or do you) post at the-magicbox forums? (using a Daytona avatar) I did once use the Daytona avatar, but now I use a different one. I still review games over there, though.
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Sep 03, 2005 12:23
< Message edited by dino -- 3 Sep 05 21:02:54 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Sep 03, 2005 12:52
i' m sorry to say most of you in here are idiots ,the reason is that you keep thinking sega-am2 is still alive but sega-am2 is closed down. they' v been closed 2 years,so shenmue is now hands of Digital-REX. I' m sorry to say that you pretty much just stuck your foot in your mouth and made an ass of yourself as Virtua Quest was released in mid-January of this year for the U.S. and August of last year in Japan for the GameCube and PS2, AND it' s an AM2 game. So much for your " closed down" for two years Cheers Takecare 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Sep 05 20:53:12 >
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- Joined: Sep 03, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Sep 03, 2005 13:04
WOHAAAA ,how come there website is dead
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