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 Shenmue3 to next gen?
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Joe Redifer

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 07:06
I can' t wait to ask about sailors in HDTV! And maybe Ryo can go to the bathroom in this one!

Joe Redifer, bringing you fresh, original humor 24 hours a day.
Terry Bogard

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 07:51

Oh GOD no!
Giving sony any more control over sega would spell the end.
Even if sega hasnt been making all that much capitol, sony has no interest in helping sega out, as you know sony has a particularly steep licensing fee.

Doesn' t matter, Sega can always negotiate a deal with Sony about the licensing fees just to get the trilogy on the PlayStation 3. Sony' s real good at the whole deal making stuff.. And the main reason I want it on the PlayStation 3 is for worldwide market penetration. PlayStation 3 will be huge in Japan, the U.S. and Europe, and if Sony publishes the game in the U.S. and Europe they' ll no doubt advertise it to hell and back. I want Sony to handle all U.S. and European advertisements for the game cause quite frankly, as mentioned before, I don' t trust Sega' s marketing departments in those respective two territories.

The fan in me would want it on the Revolution if anything, but dropping the fan element and just wanting to see the game reach a bigger audience in all three territories I want it on PlayStation 3.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 Aug 05 15:54:01 >

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 08:20
Count me as another Shenmue Dojoist who could not refrain from joining in the forum here to register my joy at this phenomenal news!

I' m puzzled by a couple of things, perhaps Terry, Adam or other staff could help out? I' m not so convinced that Sega/AM2 ever confirmed that the remaining chapters would definitely appear within the one installment, as is implied by the July 2003 speculative article that Adam wrote and which he linked to in his new article.

As my memory has it, in January of ' 03, there was an interview with Shin Ishikawa in which he confirmed his new status as Shenmue III producer, but he also mapped out the future of Shenmue and it seemed clear that the intention was for more than two further sequels, ie that it was likely to go onto Shenmue IV at least. Just at the time that Adam was writing his article in July, however, everything had changed, and Shin was seemingly no longer on the project. (In fact when buttonholed at that year' s Sega show he seemed quite hazy on the details of what Shenmue even entailed!) It looked at that time as if all plans for Shenmue' s continuation had certainly been shelved, if not completely binned.

Of course, now - another two whole years down the line - I' m not saying that I expect the Shenmue saga to continue over a number of future games anymore, in fact I' ve long propounded the theory that if Sega decided to continue the story, then they would at this stage wrap it up in a single episode.

I personally don' t hold up any particular hopes of regaining the joys of the first two episodes with the last one, and in fact I still expect it to be a disappointment, although any Shenmue is going to be great, as is seeing Ryo get out of that blasted cave! But what this announcement really means to me is the joyful possibility of being able to play the grand original Japan-set Shenmue I on a modern and more robust machine than the series of rather rickety Dreamcasts I' ve had to keep purchasing in order to on occasion have a wander round Yokosuka when the mood took me.

Sorry about the six-page essay, but as any dojo-ists will tell you, once I get started on a subject........ :D

Terry, I' ve no doubt you get a lot of requests for this, but I' m interested in whatever artwork your avatar is a detail of.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 08:26
Sony does have a foothold over in japan, but microsoft can achieve the same foothold with the same effort.
As i remember, microsoft was' nt supposed to be a threat as ken put it, but when they started decaying sony' s market share in the US and EU alone, everyone noticed.
Personaly i dont want to see sony futher it' s almost constant stranglehold on the market, i would like to see both nintendo and microsoft prosper in fields sony has abandoned.

It' s too early to consider ANY console a winner when none of them have been released.
The stategy from both sony and microsoft differ greatly with regards to the next generation,
When the xbox360 is said to play games/digital media and movies, the ps3 is said to do crypic things like run linux on media yet unknown(because no hard drive could ever be large enough) and not games.

The prices will also differ greatly, both companies know that the majority of people waiting for ps3 will also consider and xbox360 when the product is demonstrated, and a great deal of them will buy one if a game as great as shenmue is on it.
Also if you have been a fan from the ps1 days, im sure knowing it' s a sega product might throw you off, because you had the option of buying sega before, and you didnt.
Microsoft wants you to consider buying an xbox360, so sega is very important to could care less, they will always have some sort of final fantasy game for you to questions asked.
Joe Redifer

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 08:28
Terry' s avatar is Dural from Virtua Fighter 4.

Terry, you say the fan in you wants to see Shenmue 3 on the Revolution, but do you really want to play the game with the Revolution controller which will be a blow tube?

Shenmue Dojo members are posting, and these guys are serious. Prepare for some real Shenmue discussion. I' m glad they ripped all the music from Shenmue 2 since there never was an official OST. These guys know their shit. That place must be exploding right now.

Anyway, I for one would LOVE to be forced to play through Shenmue 1 and 2 again on the Xbox360/PS3 or whatever. It would be great seeing all of the locations updated. Hopefully when they created the textures they scanned them in at a much higher resolution than we' ve seen in the previous games so they can shine on the next-gen systems. Either that or I hope they re-scan the textures in at a higher resolution... I hope they didn' t delete all of their sources!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 24 Aug 05 16:31:33 >

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 08:33
I' m definitely going to buy it if the toy collectables look as good as that! :D
Joe Redifer

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 08:36
I would buy two consoles for this game. One console for regular game play, and a gold-plated console for Shenmue, not to be tainted by any other game disc ever.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 08:46
For this game, i also would buy any console it came to, however im hoping it' s a console i would play on..
I dont was to buy a console for one game, then shelve it when im done playing shenmue 3.
I want a console that has virtua fighter 5, a new sonic game and afterburner.
Sega sega sega, that what i care about.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 09:24
Terry I see your point in trying to get Shenmue 3 the most exposure possible by going to Sony but I really think that is why it should go to the 360. If MS got it they' d have a huge title to unleahs in Japan and the rest of the world. the main reason Shenmue didn' t do so hot on the Xbox was because it was already released on the DC. Even though it didn' t come stateside for the DC tons of people imported the game. So basically most of the people that wanted it got it long before the Xbox version arrived.

Now if MS got the rights to this they would go nuts promoting it just to get that stonger userbase in Japan and show the gamers around the rest of the world that they still want games for the hardcore crowd. It could be a major blow to Sony both in Japan and world wide. Because of this MS would go above and beyond(hopefully) to get this game to the masses.

I' d preferably rather not have it go to the Revolution because I really don' t see that console doing all that well. If the console doesn' t do well, niether will the game. If it does go to the PS3 I' m gonna have to freakin save up for an entire year just to buy the thing.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 09:32
Agree rampage,and alot of dc user went to xbox.
Also take a look at this

Not only did it look like a strange game for us europeans but also for people who had no clue about the game it doesn' t look like a AAA title as it is.
also it costed 600 kronor~80 dollars,mayby not the best price to put on a game that is a sequal?And that a lot of people did not know about,nor had i see any marketing about it.
Only way i knew it came was from swedish gaming magazines.
oh btw yes that' s my game that i scanned in.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 24 Aug 05 17:35:36 >

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 09:33
And when it comes to microsoft V.S. sony, it' s the tortous and tha hare....

Who wants it more, the guys who made a bundle in the entertainment market, or the guys wanting to prove them-selves in japan.

The japanese can only resist the roundeye attack for so long before it gives way, it worked with general motors when they wouldnt give up, and the native japanese cars were poor comparisons, it worked with starbucks when they made franchise so easy..
And it will work with microsoft, you just have to show you can make a product that people will use, show off it' s potential, show off the games and blow them away with a game they havnt seen before.. And hopefuly, microsoft will do that.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 09:50


Im quoting you in the xbox forums..

Im hoping to spearhead this on xbox360, i hope they do it right this time.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 09:57
The only problem with Xbox360 is that it (as of now) doesn' t appeal to the Japanese one bit. A few recent surveys showed this with one having 2% of gamers interested in the new Xbox. Maybe multi-platform would be a nice option to cover their bases.

Btw. Nice to see you posting Silas. I was wondering yesterday where your insightful posts had gone at the Dojo. But it' s not the best moment to post some longer posts over there I guess considering the amount of posts right now, hehe.
< Message edited by ys -- 24 Aug 05 18:58:45 >

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 09:59

A few recent surveys showed this with one having 2% of gamers interested in the new Xbox.

I saw them too,but wasn' t them made before the xbox360 summit in tokyo?
They would probably have changed their mind atleast abit now...

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 10:09
I never thought that my 16 years old body would see that game before I die and now it' s closer than anytime before. I just hope it gets released for the 360 cause otherwise I will have to find a 12 year old naive boy who buys a PS3.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 10:09
Right, but if you asked what japanese people thought of starbucks in 1995, they would have thought it was too american for them, but now japan is the#1 consumer of starbucks coffee on the planet, quite the turn around in 10 years dont you think?

Microsoft is doing what it can to pull a starbucks, this system is ALOT more japanese then the last bulky blackbox we all grew to love/hate.

360 will also have more next gen games out over the life span, and not because it will be out first, but because mocrosoft has made it so cheap and easy to make games, no developer will have an excuse to not publish.(square i' m talking about you)

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 10:23

ORIGINAL: whiteguysamurai

360 will also have more next gen games out over the life span, and not because it will be out first, but because mocrosoft has made it so cheap and easy to make games, no developer will have an excuse to not publish.(square i' m talking about you)

Square hinted that the FF series would not longer be exclusive to the Sony consoles at the 360 summit In Japan. they are really starting to roll in some support.

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 13:17
hahaa Evilkiller I was thinking the same thing. Shenmue 3 may be just that good where I even have to trick someone into buying a PS3. Only my desire for shenmue 3 could sink me to such a moral low.

But my calculations give me a 90% chance it will be on xbox 360. Hopefully microsoft goes all out with advertising the game. The cover on Shenmue 2 for xbox was so bad. You would understand only if you played the first one. They really shoulda had a close up of Ryo shaking his fist or something to do with him seeking revenge.

By the way anyone else notice how in the USA versions of shenmue they pronounce Ryo like 50 different ways?

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 14:04

ORIGINAL: locopuyo

By the way anyone else notice how in the USA versions of shenmue they pronounce Ryo like 50 different ways?

YES! It was irratating as hell!

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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen? - Aug 24, 2005 14:34
ryo, rheo,deo,reooh...
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