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Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 15:46
Just read thew news in kikizo.com. I' m just gonna hold my thumbs untill Sega announce it. I just cant get my hopes to high though, i been wanting this game for to long. The feeling in this game serie is so amazing,if you got no patient then it might not be for you though... Shenmue gaved the feeling of something fresh,it was like playing zelda for the first time,or trying a Final Fantasy game for the first time. Just to celebrate this im gonna replay Shenmue2. oh btw For me shenmue is 93/100 And shenmue2 94/100 If it comes to ps3,im buying a ps3 just for it,yes that how crazy iam. And i skip my NR and go xbox360+PS3. But seeing how shenmue2 came to xbox and with 2 dvd;one with the game,and one with the movie that showed someone finish shenmue. And the developer said:" if it sell well the 3rd is coming to xbox" im sure its to xbox360 or else multiformat. Thanks for the news kikizo!! And i hope you others are as excited as iam
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 24 Aug 05 0:38:02 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 16:07
Blockbuster News item of the YEAR so far!!
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 16:21
Incredible news! And that after seeing the revealing of Sega' s Shenmue-like game today.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 16:27
excellant, excellant news. Just when i thought Kikizo was getting behind, Boom! this article and my great respect to Adam and Friends is restored. I really hope its Ps3, since all that information on the Blue ray disc will allow idoitic levels of detail! [by idoitic i mean huge..]
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 16:43
Ideally I' d like to see it released for all three next-gen platforms, but if they' re gonna go exclusive with the damn thing then I' d like to see it go to PS3 as well, but mainly for financial reasons. It' s the only one of the three consoles that' s pretty much got a lock on achieving major success in all three territories. Japan still remains a wild card where the Xbox 360 is concerned and the GameCube Next (Yes I know I just called the Revolution the GameCube Next for absolutely no reason whatsoever :p) remains a major wildcard in the next-gen race. Plus I' d like Sega to turn over the publishing and advertisement of the game to Sony. Their marketing department was SO persistent with that boring turd known as the original Jak & Daxter, persistent and long after the game' s release kept shoving TV ads down our throats until it sold well enough to warrant a sequel, lol.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 16:45
hm... The problem is... shenmue 1 to dreamcast,then shenmue2 to xbox,then shenmue 3 to ps3. Will make them lose their fanbase,the best idea would make it for xbox360+PS3.
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 17:12
I would say there is about a 80% chance it will be xbox 360 exclusive, and 15% chance it will be on Xbox 360 and PS3. But if it was exclusive to PS3 I would probably buy a PS3, even though that would cost me a gazillion yen. And I thought the most exciting news today was that they are selling Mountain Dew Pitch Black again...
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 17:12
I hope this is true, I loved Shenmue 2 and have been longing for a sequel ever since, PLEASE let it be so.
< Message edited by Auron -- 24 Aug 05 1:13:57 >
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 17:12
Hi guys, im Peter! (i see YS has already here before me LOL  ) Im from the Shenmuedojo, the beggest forum, and collection of Shenmue fans on the net. I just joined up to say a huge thank you to Adam for the news, and all the great work of finding out the information on Shenmue' s future. If anyone even looked over at the dojo forums right now, new pages in the announcement of Shenmue 3 topic are increasing by the minute. I thank you adam on behalf of all the Shenmue fans, both at the dojo and elsewhere for the news. Please keep up the good work!! PETER
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 23, 2005 21:11
Yes! YES!! YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sega, you sly dogs! Hiding Shenmue 3 from us all this time! I can' t wait for this game! this is the biggest news in gaming since the original Shenmue was shown! That settles it. I' m replaying both the first and second games starting tomorrow morning! Sega, I love you!!! I' ll buy whatever system you put this game on!!! I' d prefer the 360 but ti doesn' t matter, I WILL OWN THIS GAME!!! LAN DI, YOUR TIME HAS COME YOU MOTHER F-ING MURDERER!!!!!!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 00:25
Shenmue is teh best. Shenmue Dojo is a great place to get your posts and reviews ignored. Like one time I made fun of the fact that Ryo asks where sailors hang out. Nobody laughed at my extremely funny and original joke! And then I asked why doesn' t Ryo (pronounced " Dee - Yo" by some fukkaz in the US version) go to the bathroom. Surely I was the first person ever to ask it. But nobody praised my wit and cleverness. Odd place that is. Anyway, hooray Shenmue III or whatever. Shenmue is teh bestestes. Also Yuzo told me da same thing about making da Shenmue music. He lives in my basement where I forced him to compose stuff for Namco x Capcom.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 24 Aug 05 8:27:13 >
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- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 00:53
I cast my vote for xbox360... It' s the closest logical choice for us old school sega fans. I am just so happy, i could burst into tears.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 02:44
I think xbox360 too,they made shenmue2 with 2 dvd' s in it,to clarify what happend in shenmue1. Also sega said that the game would come to xbox,i mean shenmue3. But at the same time...one blue ray could hold a lot of shenmue things ^^ If its not xbox exclusive it will come to xbox360+ps3 i think...
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- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 03:34
Well, i know it would be nice to have that extra storage, but sega hasnt forgetten the playstation, it will have it' s own sort of shenmue http://ps2.ign.com/articles/644/644455p1.aspx looks like shenmue and gta mixture But gargoyle mechanics has already started, if any other system is to get shenmue, it would be in the form above, or after it' s been released on the xbox360. And microsoft is very impressed with sega, and vice versa considering the close relationship the two companies have had in the past. As for revolution, sonic team will always cover that turf.
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 03:59
I have been waiting for so long time to hear this amazing news. Am2 is one of the best team out there, so i dont think they' ll mess things up with Shenmue. They can create a perfect game like Shenmue 1 or 2. At least I' m hoping this. :)
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- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 04:03
Oh GOD no! Giving sony any more control over sega would spell the end. Even if sega hasnt been making all that much capitol, sony has no interest in helping sega out, as you know sony has a particularly steep licensing fee. No, sony' s machine will get it' s own shenmue like game, just not the original http://ps2.ign.com/articles/644/644455p1.aspx
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 04:47
Extremely good news so I felt I had to join the forums for it
< Message edited by xiuying -- 24 Aug 05 13:52:41 >
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 04:55
Hey Peter, hehe. I assumed it was you when I came to the forum and saw a PeterC writing in the Shenmue topic. I hadn' t seen the name here before, so... Anyway, what a day. First I join just to post the news about the Shenmue-like game. Then when I come back later on the day to check out the forum I see stuff like that on the frontpage! :) And I assume you were being ironic about the bathroom and sailors questions, Joe? ;)
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 05:58
This is great news! Since Shenmue did not do so well on the X-box, I hope Shenmue III will come to Revolution as well. The X-box seems to have a different crowd (more FPS and sports lovers). Even SEGA themselves say that games like Panzer Dragoon Orta for example, could' ve suited better for Nintendo' s console. Though I prefer it to come to Revolution, multiplatform is always an option ;)
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Shenmue3 to next gen?
Aug 24, 2005 06:20
Where did you read about sega saying this? Panzer dragoon otra sold really well on the xbox. There will always be sega goodness on the gamecube/rev, more billy hatchers are in the works. But shenmue is more adult oriented, and might not be a good fit for nintendo' s last foray into consoles.
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