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 It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more exclusives.
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I love PS3
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 07:46
I didn' t say all European games are trash. I didn' t even say ALL American games are trash.

I just said American games are trash.

Canadian games are amazing. European games are mostly amazing.

American games are trash.
< Message edited by Emotep -- 3 Oct 06 23:47:09 >
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 07:48
But you have already trashed bioshock and claimed it was a " boom boom" game,when the dev said it was a rpg-fps that doesn' t req you to use the gun.

So what is a boom boom game for you?

Is Oblivion that?

You need to open your eyes and stop being ignorant and deem out certain games without looking up information adn stop genrealizing american games.
I love PS3
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 07:52
Oblivion is great.

Bioshock is American made garbage.

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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 07:52
No I-8 is gonna be that.
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 08:00
i can' t believe this guy has generated this many replies to his threads...
Chee Saw
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 09:57
I agree with uumai! This thread, in and of itself, is rediculous.

Microsoft invented the " console exclusive" tag because you can only get the games on their console. Why WOULDN' T they market that? Stop being childish Emo, and realize that it is a marketing move that is true and INTELLIGENT.

And if you don' t know that Canada is in America, well then... I just don' t know.

I think we need an entrance exam on these board for new members.
Evil Man
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 10:12
Most people are poor fucks and cant afford a good PC. But I agree, if you have a good PC, Xbox/Xbox360 is pretty much pointless.
I love PS3
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 10:17

And if you don' t know that Canada is in America, well then... I just don' t know.

Americans fail Geography!

It' s funny how they can' t tell the difference between a continent and a country.
Chee Saw
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 10:32
The North AMERICAN continent consists of Canada and The United States. South AMERICA consists of WAY too many countries to be bothered with listing right now.

Evil Man
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 10:33
You spelled europe wrong.
I love PS3
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 10:37
North America =\= America. You also forgot Mexico, which is also part of North America.

You fail Geography again.

May I suggest summer school?
< Message edited by Emotep -- 4 Oct 06 2:37:29 >
Chee Saw
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 11:43
North America is part of the " Americas" . Obviously you are talking about the United States, which you should just plainly state. Your veiled attempts at wit are sad and a clear indication that you are a flea, just like Evil Man is a flea, and many others who have passed through these board with the sole intention of creating strife and ruining the fun for everyone else. I, unlike others, will not flee from your juvenile and idiotic rantings, and will, instead, tell you like it ' tis.


You spelled europe wrong.

It was an inside joke, back to the days when these boards weren' t filled with ignorant assholes such as yourself, and people could actually enjoy themselves here.

Most of the people here are really cool, open-minded people who enjoy video games. It is sad that you two are able to bait these folks into your ostentatious displays of jack-assery, but the good people will endure, while you " fly-by-night" bitches fall to the wayside.

Have a nice day.
Evil Man
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 11:48
First of all, watch your tone when you speak to me you little tramp.

And for your information, I have been here much longer than you, these forums turned to shit when people like YOU started joining. Believe me I' ve been here long enough to see it.
Ninja Dog
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 15:41
Oh how I love to get back into the fray...

So should we flame Emotep or Evil Man?

Let' s see...Emotep earns some measure of respect (much more than Evil Man for example) because he is CIVIL in his replies. Yes, sometimes he' s juvenile, but his retorts are passable, and contact more than monosyllabic answers.

If Emotep would stop spamming, acting like a fanboy, and look at things objectively, he' d prolly be welcomed like Shikashi (sorry if I mispelt that). Otherwise, he pretty much gets on our nerves.

Now Evil Man, as you can see above, is pretty much an idiot. No other words can describe him except, twit, moron, a son of bitch, bullshit, piece of shit, turd, sad, pathetic, useless, waste of space, better dead, insult to the human race, juvenile etc. etc. etc.

Why? Simple, he' s been trying to deceive us into thinking he' s anyway NEAR adult age but speaks with the diction of a teenager below 15, usually just calling everyone childish and stupid in lesser words.


First of all, watch your tone when you speak to me you little tramp.

For one thing, only a less mature teenager would think that such antiquated colloqualism is still used by adults when they go online Only a young child or repressed teen who really doesn' t get out much, who prolly hears this from his parents (judging from his online attitude, I' m not surprised) would think that any person above 20 actually SAYS this nowadays.

He joined on 7 Aug 2004, but has been silent for 2 years. Prolly because he was at best, only 13 back then, and prolly had no strong opinions or the backbone to say anything on the board.

2 years later, he' s learned some swear words, got bullied in high school, got some repressed anger right there. So he take' s it online, but is scared of the more mature posters, who can quote specs, argue logically and using the dreaded math of his grade school years.

What can he do? He dropped out! He has no way on par, the intelligience, the mental faculties, to match up to ANY of the senior posters!

So, he tries to bluff his way into making himself older. He' s thinking " Well, I' m scared of my uncle when he touches me in the bad place, maybe if I act like ' an adult' they' d run and hide too!"

But he does a sad impression! With only the emotional development of an abused teen, he can' t handle it when someone says " But I disagree as you can see by these figures..."

No, he EXPLODES! All that hatred, that stupidity, comes FLOODING out in an outpour that consists of the words that have haunted his whole life!

" You are stupid, you piece of shit! You are stupid, you piece of shit! You are stupid, you piece of shit! You are stupid, you piece of shit! You are stupid, you piece of shit!"

And so it goes! He floods his own threads with this phrase over and over and over again! Then tries to bluff that somehow or another, the well articulated and well presented arguments of other posters are the stupid ones!

No, not his unsubstantiated, repetitive quips that only display even more so, his lack of experience!

Until, one day (possibly somewhere within two days ago) he suddenly went quiet. Did his parents look over his little shoulder when he was posting one day? Did Terry/Adam PM him with the scary warning of banning him?

Did he create Emotep (sorry if you aren' t, but you are too close to his dumbness for comfort) so that he can try to be the ' mature' poster the other forumites keep telling him to be, and then use him to substantiate his own threads?

SURELY, the other forumites are too SCARED to face off not one, but TWO forum idiots!

Gangsta has left the battlefield, their numbers are dwindling! NOW is the time for the Evil Man to assemble his forces to use the word ' stupid' in infinte postings to block out the posts of others!

Until at last, HE is the one left, the ONLY one left. But wait! No, one still resists through the power of moderation!

But they have refused to exercise their power till now! Surely, he is TOO WEAK to stand up and just BAN the Evil Man and his compatriots!

And so, the Kikizo forums become a cesspool of swarming, squirming, worthless worms which produce nothing but noxious gases and eat and recycle their own garbage.

Noone can blame the other members, because they were peaceful till this element of pure dark, stinking stupidity slithered in! The moderators do nothing, they do nothing when they should just ban! Ban and be done and allow the forums to become peaceful again.

But they do nothing. And so, are the good members of Kikizo supposed to just pack and leave for greener and more fragrant pastures?

You guys were all great. I remember the time, just a few months ago, that I registered and told everyone that, shockingly, I was a girl who played an Xbox and not a PS2.

I remember when Tiz was dumbfounded when he DID find out I was a girl because he missed my introductory post.

I remember when this place, specifically this forum, was one of the most intricate, well-focused, and just mature place to find out about video games and consoles, and the whole industry.

I told you guys as much, I liked this place a whole lot, and I learned alot from guys like Majik, and Vx, and previously Gangsta too.

But this place is quickly becoming the same kind of dump I saw on other forums. The difference is that those other forums had more stringent moderators, who simply could not keep the tide back on such open forums.

Usually open, and very public forums like those have multiple sources of evil and infestation. Here, it' s a sole reason, and a very clear one.
< Message edited by Byakko -- 5 Oct 06 3:31:31 >
Winner! SEP 2005
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 16:06
Haha! That' s got to be one of the longest flame posts I' ve read. While agree with 99% of what you wrote, there is a couple of issues:

1) I' m pretty sure Terry Bogard is an innocent victim here. Adam is the only one who can smite others. Terry is much the same as you and me.
2) The blue button has become one of my best friends in the last few weeks. He can be found above the poster' s name. Click him and he can make the bad men go away. I highly recommend you becoming familiar with ' ol Bluey too.
3) Don' t leave. If you leave it' ll just lower the ratio of smart to idiotic people around here. That' s the last thing we need. The blue button helps, heck become a lurker for a few weeks if that does it for you.

The shit' s probably going to hit the fan soon and you' ll see a vengeful Adam purging the beasts from Kikizo. Until then, just ignore most of the crap. Perhaps Adam will be metaphorical, and kill off everyone else except him and an Eve. But who would be Eve?
< Message edited by unluckyone -- 4 Oct 06 8:16:23 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 16:16
Thanks for the honerable mention Byakko :)

Yeah, the forum is in serious need of moderation, we are just too small to get a full time guy on it.

But i think Adam should work something out.
Tim Strickland
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 16:23
I like toast too! It is warm, and crispy, and a nice place for jelly to lay!

There, a little off-topic to hopefully lighten the mood!
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 16:30
OMG LMFAO that' s gotta be the longest post I' ve ever read on these forums! It felt very good making my stomach hurt in a good way. I had 2 tests, a paper, and a big program today and it was really rotting before.
Agent Ghost
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 16:50
WTF most games are American...
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more - Oct 04, 2006 19:30
Now im pissed off
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