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It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more exclusives.
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 01:15
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 01:27
The stuff MS says are exclusive are in fact exclusive. They are exclusive to the Windows platform. The games that are deemed exclusive by MS while being released on the 360 and the PC are still only availible for Windows which makes them MS exclusive. The 360 OS is a version of Windows. that why they call their entire gaming divison " Games for Windows" including Xbox games. Stop being an idiot.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 01:38
there isn' t a sure thing that people will explode over to vista when it comes,or when they tried it for a while,they could go back to xp. Well M$ wont let you go back to XP.Why? because if you want DX10 youre stuck with Vista.[:' (]
Vx Chemical
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 01:42
Well M$ wont let you go back to XP.Why? because if you want DX10 youre stuck with Vista. Ohhh why ohh why does Sony stop releasing games for PS2 next year! because they want you to buy their new platform. Same thing with Nintendo, and the same thing with MS, everyone wants to make money, stop putting Sony on a pedistal, its pathetic!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 3 Oct 06 17:43:17 >
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- Joined: Oct 04, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 03:43
@Vx Chemical: Why do you hate SOL Story so much? Is it because you never understood it, played the game or just don' t like unrealistic stuff? And claiming that Splinter Cell Stories are much better then anything in the Genre is a bit exaggerated don' t you agree? It' s your Typical " Here comez the Terroristz0rd! Sam you must kill them all before they get a hold of the President!" . Don' t get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Splinter Cell or it' s Story, I' m actually a Fan of the series, but as an even bigger MGS Fan i don' t think SC (any of them) Story is better then what Kojima provides. It' s not bad either, but in comparison to what MGS offers you, it' s very...Simple. Excuse some grammatical errors, English is not my native language.
Vx Chemical
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 03:53
@Vx Chemical: Why do you hate SOL Story so much? Is it because you never understood it, played the game or just don' t like unrealistic stuff? And claiming that Splinter Cell Stories are much better then anything in the Genre is a bit exaggerated don' t you agree? It' s your Typical " Here comez the Terroristz0rd! Sam you must kill them all before they get a hold of the President!" . Don' t get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Splinter Cell or it' s Story, I' m actually a Fan of the series, but as an even bigger MGS Fan i don' t think SC (any of them) Story is better then what Kojima provides. It' s not bad either, but in comparison to what MGS offers you, it' s very...Simple. Excuse some grammatical errors, English is not my native language. I played the first MGS, although not on a playstation but on the Gamecube, and i enjoyed it thoroughly, but the story isnt great its just mish mash, ohh beware of the dangerous Metal Gears, whats so terrifying about them? they are just Mechs with nukes, a sub is more dangerous as it carries even more nukes than the MGS. The cloning and stuff is silly as well. Its easier creating a fantastic story (fantastic meant as not believable) than creating what could be a true political thriller. I did play SOL, i exagerated when i called it crap, you know returning fire for an idiot like Emotep. Though i did play it, i didnt complete it, since the game bugged on me. The MGS series is decent, but there is too much mumbo jumbo and bullshit in it to make it great. Its not that i dont like unrealistic games, i do but things dont have to twist and turn every second, and id rather play than just watch, which is basicly what you do in MGS!
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- Joined: Oct 04, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 03:59
Ok.  I just wanted to know why and i have to respect your opinion. Sorry the Off-Topic guys.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:28
Easy there children, I' m seeing alot of people dropping the F word around here.(Fanboy, for those of us who are new.) I played the first MGS, although not on a playstation but on the Gamecube,
You' re missing out man, the plot for one was amazing for what playstation shooters had, but it' s nothing compared to two or three. People might contest that two was too complicated, & for people who didn' t have the story down, it was, but three was in my opinion, alot better. Anyways, I' m not supporting Emo here, I' ve got problems with him saying that all american made games are garbage, but he is entitled to his own opinion, without getting flamed out. But seriously, take it from somebody who knows, I live in the states, in the Detroit area, and If i felt like it, I could be in Canada in 30 minutes tops, that' s if I was taking my time. I have never seen any disproportionate amount of intellegent Canadians. They' re no dumber, smarter, or more imaginative than anybody in the U.S. Our cultures, food, language, and to some extent heritage, is the same. So if... (i' m assuming) you' re a fan of Asian games, then you should know this, the only way people legally get Asian titles is if they are a sucess, and are imported, if you know an Asian language & have an Asian region console, or if the franchise is already a sucess, in which case they' re a sequel. Do you realise the amount of crap that comes out of Asia as well? It appears to me that you' re only looking at the AAA games that are imported, and not at the full spectrum of things.
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:42
Anyways, I' m not supporting Emo here, I' ve got problems with him saying that all american made games are garbage, but he is entitled to his own opinion, without getting flamed out. That is just childish,bioshock gonna suck because its an american game? You don' t hear how retarded that sounds? Its not about having an normal opinion since the game isn' t out he has no idea how it will be. He just base it on that all american games sux and will sux,sound so fukking retarded,reminds me of that prick Gangsta. I also love how he has proof that halo must sux cause it got 86% with the pc version but when mgs2 get 83% its clearly not accurate,you don' t see the fanboy in this guy?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:48
This retarded conversation is still going on??? The topic is stupid so i don' t know why you guys are bothering. It makes no difference because the games Microsoft are calling " console exclusives2 ARE exclusive to just one console. While many Xbox owners have been shown to own PC' s the same cannot be said for Playstation and Gamecube owners. The more casual gamers simply don' t play games on PC' s, if they own a PC at all.
Vx Chemical
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:49
Shut up about Gangsta Quez, he left and its done with. I think its sad that a contributor to the forum left, despite the two of you having indifferences, he could be a stubborn prick, but we are just as stubborn at times as well. Gangta had valid points often enough, and he had valid input most of the time. And please, quit the Leet speach, its Sucks, not sux, and its fuck, not fukk, its making my freakin head hurt, your not 13 anymore man!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 3 Oct 06 20:50:15 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:50
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Gangta had valid points often enough, and he had valid input most of the time. You want Gangsta' s opinion on anything -- read the articles on IGN, because that' s where he gets them.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:51
My monster pc will let me get all these upcoming games with ease i will still get the 360 version to use XBL and to get achivments also. I wanna play on a big tv in my bed. However im gonna play unreal 2007 on my pc,i wanna 60 frame rate with highest quality...  and a mouse.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:52
You want Gangsta' s opinion on anything -- read the articles on IGN, because that' s where he gets them. Despite that, ending every thread with Fukk gangsta was uncalled for and stuppid!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:55
Despite that, ending every thread with Fukk gangsta was uncalled for and stuppid! writing LowIQuez wasn' t? Fukk him.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:57
Your both equally stupid in the matter, you should just have said. yeah yeah gangsta! and then had it be done with! Anyway its done for, i just fear this forum growing in on itself untill we self destruct! We dont want to end up like Rapture!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 04:58
Yes,im sure you chemical would write yeah yeah
and pretend like nothing after an attack. now that' s bs.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 05:01
I just think its stupid! i dont know which of you started it, and im not sure anyone could! Moderation could have fixed it with slap stick warning to both of you! Any way lets just leave it be.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 05:04
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I just think its stupid! i dont know which of you started it, and im not sure anyone could! Moderation could have fixed it with slap stick warning to both of you! Any way lets just leave it be. Precisely.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 04, 2006 05:04
I don' t agree. But nvm.
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