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It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more exclusives.
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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 19:47
Um. . . As far as i know i didnt mention sony in my post i was just correcting Quez.I wasnt defending sony or bashing the console exclusive thingy. No you were complaining about evolution! I was just starting that when new things like an OS or a game consoles comes out, its a good thing, not a bad thing!
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 19:59
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Um. . . As far as i know i didnt mention sony in my post i was just correcting Quez.I wasnt defending sony or bashing the console exclusive thingy. No you were complaining about evolution! I was just starting that when new things like an OS or a game consoles comes out, its a good thing, not a bad thing! Nah i was just complaining that M$ will force me to get a buggy new OS just to play new DX10 (DXX?  ) games (read: Crysis).It would be better for me to hang to XP until Vista is ironed out then i would be really happy to enjoy their new Aero Glass interface.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 20:02
Nah i was just complaining that M$ will force me to get a buggy new OS just to play new DX10 (DXX? ) games (read: Crysis).It would be better for me to hang to XP until Vista is ironed out then i would be really happy to enjoy their new Aero Glass interface. I really doubt that there are many bugs in Vista, really millenium and the first 98 release have been the only troubled OS' s. Its about time Vista comes, according to MS' s internal plannings an OS shouldnt be discontinued updates when it reaches 5 years of age, XP is 5 years old next year!
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 20:17
I really doubt that there are many bugs in Vista, really millenium and the first 98 release have been the only troubled OS' s. Its about time Vista comes, according to MS' s internal plannings an OS shouldnt be discontinued updates when it reaches 5 years of age, XP is 5 years old next year! You forgot to mention XP.When it was first released it was so buggy that many stuck with Win98 until service pack 1 was released.Obviously i want Vista to be bug-free but looking at M$' s history and considering that its a built from zero OS theres a high chance that some errors will occur.
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 20:18
So? Then play the xbox360 version of bioshock and alan wake then.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 20:18
XP really werent bad, it was made to be worse out than it was!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 20:22
I really like/liked XP i still use it. But enough about that,lets doom Vista when its out,but if ppl are so afraid of vista,dont get it at launch and buy bioshock/alan wake for 360 instead.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 21:09
it was made to be worse out than it was!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 21:20
ORIGINAL: Evil Man You need to get a life buddy. I won' t be banned as everything I speak is truthful. You can' t ban the truth. As for you ignoring me - Who cares? You bring nothing to this forum, you are a pest, if you left no one would notice. It' s not like I want to see anything you post, it' s all garbage. " Oooh tee hee I' m the only girl here" puh-lease, STFU. And btw, Emotep = Mass X, you have to be pretty fucking stupid not to see that. These are some parts that you read and accept when you register as a Kikizo forum member: " The moderators of these forums are not ridiculously strict to the extent that the experience is ruined, and will try to understand where any user is coming from in the event of conflict, to deal with things properly and fairly." " However, we will not tolerate the misuse of these forums, and anyone who behaves unacceptably will be warned, temporarily banned, or permanently banned, depending on the seriousness of their behaviour." " Basically, we don' t want any jerks spoiling things for others, so please think before you post. Remember that there are real people behind these usernames, and not everyone has thick skin. Just be reasonable, and in return we will do everything we can to keep these a fun place to hang out and discuss your favourite stuff." " You agree not to use foul language on the forums" " You agree that you will not use these forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person' s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Basically, we don' t accept jerks at these forums." = So basically, we don' t accept Evil Man at these forums.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Oct 06 13:22:41 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 21:37
I remember one someone got banned for posting fake Splinter Cell information awhile back, the person created a new name, i think it was KiLLeR where is Killer by the way? i miss that licking avatar of his :P
Evil Man
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 22:37
" You agree that you will not use these forums to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, vulgar, etc Most of you should be banned for this, daring to compare PS3 to X360 is in itself vulgar. Saying X360 > PS3 is knowing false, defamatory and innacurate information.
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 05, 2006 22:39
ORIGINAL: Emotep Also, FF7 for the PS was made by Squaresoft FF7 for the PC was made by.... Eidos America. 2 completely different developers. One is Japanese, the other is American. Hence, the quality difference. wait let me pin-point this, Square-Soft developed FF7, and Eidos only plublished it out for PC, I' m aware that Eidos developed games as well. BTW I only comment this issue because FF7 was use in the statement that: Also, FF7 for the PS was made by Squaresoft correct FF7 for the PC was made by.... Eidos America. incorrect wasen' t made only published to port on PC.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 06, 2006 00:35
really millenium and the first 98 release have been the only troubled OS' s. ME wasn' t troubled, it was rabid, I was tempted to take my box out in the backyard, & put it out of it' s misery. Thankfully, I just scrubbed the thing and installed 2000. I remember one someone got banned for posting fake Splinter Cell information awhile back, the person created a new name, i think it was KiLLeR where is Killer by the way? i miss that licking avatar of his :P KiLLeR was pretty cool. He came in a few months back, made a couple posts, & I don' t think he' s been on since them. Most of you should be banned for this, daring to compare PS3 to X360 is in itself vulgar. Saying X360 > PS3 is knowing false, defamatory and innacurate information
Okay, prove it... Tell us exactly why the PS3 is better, show us comparisons of PS3 ingame that looks better than the 360. Go ahead, start a thread for it if you must. But either put up or shut up. Edit: If you don' t feel the need to respond, I' ll have already figured you' ve lost.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 5 Oct 06 16:41:37 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 06, 2006 01:29
quote: original: Eddie the Hated really millenium and the first 98 release have been the only troubled OS' s. ME wasn' t troubled, it was rabid, I was tempted to take my box out in the backyard, & put it out of it' s misery. Thankfully, I just scrubbed the thing and installed 2000. quote: I remember one someone got banned for posting fake Splinter Cell information awhile back, the person created a new name, i think it was KiLLeR where is Killer by the way? i miss that licking avatar of his :P KiLLeR was pretty cool. He came in a few months back, made a couple posts, & I don' t think he' s been on since them. quote: Most of you should be banned for this, daring to compare PS3 to X360 is in itself vulgar. Saying X360 > PS3 is knowing false, defamatory and innacurate informationOkay, prove it... Tell us exactly why the PS3 is better, show us comparisons of PS3 ingame that looks better than the 360. Go ahead, start a thread for it if you must. But either put up or shut up. Edit: If you don' t feel the need to respond, I' ll have already figured you' ve lost. You' re making it very hard for me to remember why I hated you  Im currently working on my computer repair major and I will agree, ME was beyond just " buggy" . 2000 on the other hand was nice and stable. Of course more problems are going to be found with an MS OS because more people have them so thats what various computer wrong-doers exploit.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 06, 2006 05:15
Most of you should be banned for this, daring to compare PS3 to X360 is in itself vulgar. Saying X360 > PS3 is knowing false, defamatory and innacurate informationOkay, prove it... Tell us exactly why the PS3 is better, show us comparisons of PS3 ingame that looks better than the 360. Go ahead, start a thread for it if you must. But either put up or shut up. how the hell can you say ps3 is better when it hasnt even come out yet you dumbass. Next time you say somthings better than something else, make sure its atleast out.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: It is funny how Microsoft invented the term " console exclusive" to give itself more
Oct 06, 2006 08:15
how the hell can you say ps3 is better when it hasnt even come out yet you dumbass. Next time you say somthings better than something else, make sure its atleast out. Read your avatar Brandon, no one likes noobies. LOL, anyway, couldnt have said it better. When it comes to HD media, PS3 will have an advantage(BluRay, HDMI), but gaming wise, 360 has the advantage (better GPU, more flexible CPU).
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