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Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 23:00
I' ll be honest Marink, I don' t think we' re ever going to see a conventional FPS on the Wii that is more controllable than with dual-analog or mouse & keyboard. It' s a problem with the mechanics themselves. I' ll delve deeper into that if anybody cares, but I' m pretty sure you' ve all figured out the Red Steel-esque problems the Wii has. Eddie you' ve misunderstood my point. The reason why i used the ps2 in my argument to illustrate the point of how ' the Wiis lack of HD graphics will affect its long term appeal' . It was not an assessment of graphical ability but an assessment on market trends. Look at the figures. All HD consoles sold significantly less then there non HD counterparts. It' s still a moot point. When the Playstation 2 launched, HD televisions weren' t even a twinkle in most consumer' s eyes, and HD gaming was even more distant of an idea. PS2 didn' t have high-definition capabilities because it didn' t need them. We' re now at a time where one out of three homes have a high-definition display(US figures), and high-definition is more relevant than ever. Do I care whether the Wii has high-definition capabilities? No. I don' t have a display that supports component video, so I don' t care about that either way. I' m not talking about HD. I' m trying to show you that there' s little use trying to correlate PS2 and Wii sales based on it' s lack of " HD" , which is a term that is getting thrown around loosely in this thread. The console' s sales are similiar, and that' s the only factual correlation we can make between the two consoles in terms of how successful they' ll be on a long-term scale. It' d make a little more sense if we started listing the similarities and differences between the two, because the latter outweighs the prior by boatloads.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 23:30
But now you can see weather forecasts on your TV!!! How cool isn' t that!?!? You are forgetting the Everybody Votes Channel. Democracy on you' re Wii! What more do you want!
< Message edited by Duffman -- 18 Jun 07 15:30:52 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 23:42
I' ll be honest Marink, I don' t think we' re ever going to see a conventional FPS on the Wii that is more controllable than with dual-analog or mouse & keyboard. It' s a problem with the mechanics themselves. I' ll delve deeper into that if anybody cares, but I' m pretty sure you' ve all figured out the Red Steel-esque problems the Wii has. Tell me about it. The way the cross-hair in Red Steel keeps flying into the corner of the screen with just the slightest movement is so damn annoying. Which is a shame, because FPS is one of my favourite genres (along with RPGs and stealth). I wish I had an Xbox 360. Then I could get the games you mentioned and even play on Xbox Live. It is also the ideal console to get for FPS. Which I have just stated is one of my favourite genres. I can' t get enough of Call Of Duty 3 on my cousin' s 360 on Live. The PS3 hasn' t got many notable games out for it at the moment. However, seeing how this is a Sony console, it will undoubtably become the king of RPGs before long. Another genre fave of mine. Then there' s " Home" , which looks nice. I' ll definetely be getting one when it is cheaper and Kingdom Hearts 3 is released. Of course, the Wii will, before long, be the home of loads of great party games. Nintendo has already shown this is where they excel. With games like Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, etc (not just mini-games). I much prefer playing games with others on multiplayer to just sitting alone. Many great drunken nights await. Anywhooo, you' ll be pleased to hear that I' m done babbling. I' ll let you guys go on...
< Message edited by Marink -- 18 Jun 07 15:45:44 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 23:49
I wish I had an Xbox 360. Then I could get the games you mentioned and even play on Xbox Live. It is also the ideal console to get for FPS. Which I have just stated is one of my favourite genres. I can' t get enough of Call Of Duty 3 on my cousin' s 360 on Live.
Give me your cos' GT. Next time you' re over there send me a message. CoD:3 multiplayer is the shizzznot.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 23:51
Give me your cos' GT. Next time you' re over there send me a message. CoD:3 multiplayer is the shizzznot. That reminds me Eddie, I still owe you that game of CoD3.  I must pick up a copy soon.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 23:59
quote: Give me your cos' GT. Next time you' re over there send me a message. CoD:3 multiplayer is the shizzznot. That reminds me Eddie, I still owe you that game of CoD3. I must pick up a copy soon. Don' t feel too rushed dude. I' ve got to find my copy, & buy some more Live. I lost track of when I subscribed, & it died today. My " friend in Japan" (Eddie in Japan) still has gold though if you want to play against him. I never signed up for that, & I' ve had it for a month & change now.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 01:17
Wii has it' s place in my home for sure, still being used as Party / Multi-player Machine and a brilliant ' quick connect' youtube browser too. People expecting wii to be a hardcore machine seem to be forgetting Nintendo wants to expeand the market way beyond the Hardcore.. Wii' s in such a Strong independant market that Nintendo could even afford to bring their Hardcore ' Traditional' Franchises 3rd party in true next-gen HD: IE F-Zero III, StarFox universe, Super Mario Adventure, ECT to 360 and PS3.. How awesome would that be? and imagine the quality these titles will be?
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 18 Jun 07 17:27:24 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 01:23
Give me your cos' GT. Next time you' re over there send me a message. CoD:3 multiplayer is the shizzznot. I don' t know when I' ll be on, but I could PM his gamertag to you sometime.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 01:26
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Wii' s in such a Strong independant market that Nintendo could even afford to bring their Hardcore ' Traditional' Franchises 3rd party in true next-gen HD: IE F-Zero III, StarFox universe, Super Mario Adventure, etc to 360 and PS3.. How awesome would that be? and imagine the quality these titles will be? certainly show up a lot of the current titles on these platforms with ease.. Very true, ...and a very god point.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 01:29
sorry i edited that last part out cos it sounded abit too controversial.. (360 already has some true greats ad VF5 Ps3.)
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 02:10
" But now you can see weather forecasts on your TV!!! How cool isn' t that!?!?" Hahaha, who would have thought we' d ever be able to see the weather forcasts on with our televisions? " my town isnt on the list" ...but it still plays CDs right? " ...but I' m pretty sure you' ve all figured out the Red Steel-esque problems the Wii has." Well to be fair Red Steel doesn' t use the Wiimote properly. It only uses the accelerometer to detect direction which translates into pre-determined moves. The wiimote if using other sensors as well, it' s able to perform real time control. I still prefer traditional controls though.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 18 Jun 07 19:02:32 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 11:19
People expecting wii to be a hardcore machine seem to be forgetting Nintendo wants to expeand the market way beyond the Hardcore.. They' re not expanding their market. They' re ditching half of their market & focusing on the party game, which is financially sound but not cool in the slightest. Well to be fair Red Steel doesn' t use the Wiimote properly. It only uses the accelerometer to detect direction which translates into pre-determined moves. The wiimote if using other sensors as well, it' s able to perform real time control. I still prefer traditional controls though.
I' ve never had issues with Red-Steel' s floaty controls, and this is coming from somebody who finished the game. I thought them to be pretty tight compared to say, CoD:3 Wii, it' s the inherent camera issues you have when it' s not feasible to have your crosshair become centered on your camera at all times. You have to resort to doing that weird corner-flick thing that prevents you from properly clearing corners or quickly shooting up. I don' t know when I' ll be on, but I could PM his gamertag to you sometime.
Me either, better yet, just drop me a line the next time you' re over his place. My GT is my username minus the underscores.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 19, 2007 11:20
You have to resort to doing that weird corner-flick thing that prevents you from properly clearing corners or quickly shooting up. " Nintendo Wii is my anti-drug." Sorry, but it was too tempting to resist.
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