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Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 17, 2007 22:49
Heh, How random and ' pick and choose' was that Erm, find me a part of Terrak' s post that I didn' t properly rebuttal and I' ll be sure to do so within the next couple days. It wasn' t random either, I went down your post & responded, instead of quoting what you he' d said before my response, however if it gets you miffed, you can always think of it this way... Terrak is a big boy, and fairly intelligent too. If he wasn' t, I wouldn' t waste my time having an honest debate with him. I don' t think he needs you trying to discredit me without valid cause.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 17 Jun 07 14:55:54 >
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 05:13
I' m going to do what everyone hates and compare the Wii to the DS. The PSP has much more power than the DS, providing better graphics physics or whatever it is you like to waste power on. But the DS has still managed to sell better than the PSP. Far better even. No, don' t say the handheld and console markets are different, I don' t buy that stuff. The GameBoy was successful, not because it was a gimmick, but because it had everything the PS2 had during it' s golden years; the right price, the right brand, the right games, and the competition was weak. The DS still has great sales because it' s getting lots of great games, the PSP has been lacking and it has the perfect price. The Wii is selling very good right now, just like the DS. If it will sell good in the future depends on if it' ll get as many great games as the DS gets. If we focus on the games coming for the Wii the coming 12 months we should get a more accurate picture. Games like Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl will definitely keep the sales up. If Nintendo manages to sneak some other good, or even great, titles then they' ll surely be able to mantain their strong sales. So I think that they' ll do good for maybe a year more or something. What happens then is decided by how many games Nintendo will have ready and how much 3rd party support they have gained. As it looks now they' re gaining as much support as they' re loosing. I thinkt that the success of the coming 3rd party titles will pretty much determine the Wii' s future. They won' t come out as no. 1. Not a chance, maybe when pigs fly but, I doubt pigs will fly being so heavy and all. Of course, one difference with the handheld market is the software competition. The DS hasn' t had much competition from the PSP in terms of AAA software. The Wii will have to face some really big hitters like GTA4, Halo 3 and MGS. So it could be a completely different story. But concidering the ultra weak components in side the Wii I imagine that Nintendo can make a major price cut without losing any profits. So once their sales are declining they' ll just lower the price without any lower limits until the sales get back up again.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 17 Jun 07 21:23:43 >
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 05:35
Will Wii last Nintendo the full 5 year lifecycle?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 05:38
" 5 years" LOL, it hasn' t even lasted 5 months.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 05:38
Will Wii last Nintendo the full 5 year lifecycle? WE WILL SEE IN THE NEXT EPISODE of CONSOLES IN WAR
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 05:46
Will Wii last Nintendo the full 5 year lifecycle? I dunno, will the 360 and PS3 do that with the PC' s getting stronger so rapidly? Seriously though, Nintendo must have some kind of back up plan or some " secret power project" going on in case the Wii would fail. I don' t think they expect the Wii to last 5 years, it' s just a quick cash in
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 05:51
Nintendo must have some kind of back up plan or some " secret power project" going on in case the Wii would fail. The Virtual Boy 2.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 08:39
I' d rather have mind-blowing VR than mind-numbing mo-cap any day. Y' know Ginj, if I didn' t have so much respect for you I' d have never read that rant all the way through. oooooThe DS and the Wii can be compared, but only to a point. The purpose of a handheld system is primarily to provide short bursts of time-passing entertainment that can be picked up and dropped at your liesure, and as far as I' m concerned the DS is a runaway success in that department. oooooA home console is meant to be played (primarily speaking) for lengthier periods of time than a handheld. Past performance has taught us that yes, a successful console needs a group of fun and easy-to-play titles to draw in new consumers, however it needs to have an entirely different set of titles to help the system go the distance. oooooThe Wii is sorely lacking a God of War or a Ratchet & Clank. I use those as examples not because of the companies they' re loyal to, or their wonderful sales records, but because while they can be played for short periods of time, they' re games that require more than a 30 second tutorial, and have a coherent plot that spans multiple hours. If the Wii wants to do more than survive this generation (which in my opinion, has already been assured), if it really wants to thrive it needs to have games like these.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 08:43
I dunno, will the 360 and PS3 do that with the PC' s getting stronger so rapidly? Console market is eating up the pc market so yes.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 08:46
PC gaming is never going to die, and neither is the console market. They' ve coexisted for years in (relatively) content harmony, there' s no big shakeup happening this generation either.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 08:50
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost The ONLY reason the PS2 and Wii are currently selling as well as they are is due to their price advantage. Pure and simple, price sells. Thinking otherwise is asinine. I' m not sure what' s going to happen with the PS3 but the 360 sales are going to skyrocket with a price drop, especially with Halo 3 looming. Hmm you went back to this point again, alright. Well at the moment barring a few Wii exclusives (Wiisports) all the Wii has are ps2 ports, with only slightly enhanced graphics. So by your logic the cheapest console will sell the most. Sadly for you this is not the case. Look at the NPD numbers, look at the Japanese numbers. The Wii is currently selling significanlty more then the ps2. Just look NPD May figures Wii 338,000 ps2 187,800 & to really blow your theory away lets look at the Japanese numbers for Jun 4 -11 Wii 64,529 ps2 11,097 So were is your evidence Agent that price is the ONLY determining factor in the Wiis success?? Oh thats right your evidence that you hate the Wii. You must be right. But please don' t make me go into why the 360/PS3 are on a whole different plateau from Wii in terms of capabilities. Don' t say it' s only graphics, that' s just showing your ignorance for the technology. No my arguement is why many people believed the Wii would not have the ' legs' to survive this generation, not how it stacks up to the other consoles (but nice try at redirecting the argument). From what i can gather the graphics is the primary reason why people think the Wii lacks any staying power. I never said it was the ONLY reason. You talk specs till your blue in the face if you like but that changes nothing. It would help if you understood my argument before you go argue against it. How many more Wii' s do you think Nintendo will be able to sell once the 360 drops to $199? Even if Nintendo sells the Wiis for less, it won' t change anything. The Wii would still suck. I don' t care how many Wii' s Nintendo sells, it' s still just a glorified GameCube. Ok you make your predictions, what do i care. I know you already believe the Wii will fail so naturally any predictions you make will follow accordingly, regardless of the evidence at hand or market trends. If that makes the ' truth' easier to swallow so be it. Keep doing it if it makes you feel better.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 18 Jun 07 0:50:59 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 09:07
ORIGINAL: Terrak Hmm you went back to this point again, alright. Well at the moment barring a few Wii exclusives (Wiisports) all the Wii has are ps2 ports, with only slightly enhanced graphics. So by your logic the cheapest console will sell the most. Sadly for you this is not the case. Look at the NPD numbers, look at the Japanese numbers. The Wii is currently selling significanlty more then the ps2. Just look NPD May figures Wii 338,000 ps2 187,800 & to really blow your theory away lets look at the Japanese numbers for Jun 4 -11 Wii 64,529 ps2 11,097 So were is your evidence Agent that price is the ONLY determining factor in the Wiis success?? Oh thats right your evidence that you hate the Wii. You must be right. No my arguement is why many people believed the Wii would not have the ' legs' to survive this generation, not how it stacks up to the other consoles (but nice try at redirecting the argument). From what i can gather the graphics is the primary reason why people think the Wii lacks any staying power. I never said it was the ONLY reason. You talk specs till your blue in the face if you like but that changes nothing. It would help if you understood my argument before you go argue against it. Ok you make your predictions, what do i care. I know you already believe the Wii will fail so naturally any predictions you make will follow accordingly, regardless of the evidence at hand or market trends. If that makes the ' truth' easier to swallow so be it. Keep doing it if it makes you feel better. This post gets you blocked.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 09:38
So Nitro you' ve never quoted any sales figures? Really? https://forum.kikizo.com/tm.asp?m=97164&p=21&tmode=1&smode=1 I quoted the sales figures to prove my point against Agent. But if proving my point gets me ' blocked' so be it. Does not concern me. Eddie here is link to the information http://software.seekingalpha.com/article/36804 Nintendo has forecasted up to 4 million units shipped worldwide and with sharply lower development costs than Xbox and PS3: $5-$8 million per title for the Wii vs. the $15-$20 million for Xbox 360/PS3 platforms. This makes the Wii far more attractive (and less risky) for both developers and publishers. If EA sticks to their PS3/Xbox 360 strategy, they may miss the boat on Nintendo, spending too much in development costs while missing what looks to be a home run console in the Wii. This could dent the next several quarters of EA’s earnings, painting a pretty ugly picture for the stock price going forward. That was the previous link (which i should have found again, i overstated the development costs ratio - its not one tenth its more like one third), but apparently Nintendo is making development costs for Wii even cheaper http://www.nwiizone.com/nintendo-wii/nwii/wii-development-kit-to-cost-1700/ Nintendo had a little Q&A at the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing yesterday. One of the things mentioned was the Nintendo Wii development kit for third party developers. Nintendo said that they plan to get many more third party developers on board than they did with the GameCube, and they’ll do that by offering (very) low prices. “Nintendo hopes to provide third-parties with development kits for as low as $1,732.“ BTW Agent in terms of Domination If you added all the consoles Nintendo sold (Wii, DS, even GBA) in May and compared it to the console sales of sony & microsoft combined Nintendo would still be on top. One console maker selling more then the other 2 rivals combined = Market dominance. Not that hard to understand.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 09:50
Just look at wii,what kind of games does it have? A gc game ? What can it await? Ported old games like resident evil 1 and 4. OMG!!!! Oh and host!...cough... ahum... Mario bros ghalaxy,.,.,HAHAHAA. Wii sells because its Nintendo and its cheap. Ps2 has already sold over 115 million units,okay. You get it Terrak? Most people who wanted a ps2 already has it. So don' t be a dumb fuck and compare ps2 sales with wii.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 10:05
Lol, people still arguing over what is just sales numbers??  And Nintendo' s Sales? WTF? surely people should be more concerned about the PS3 or 360' s.. Leave Nintendo Be, they have proved (for the second time) they know how to make a successful Games machines, they have read the market better than both MS and Sony. This time next year is gona be even more dominated by Nintendo.. so what?! It would have been this or Nintendo could of died and went 3rd party like SEGA, it seems people wished that was the case.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 10:05
its not one tenth its more like one third), but apparently Nintendo is making development costs for Wii even cheaper That' s a little more like it. Although they' re not dirt cheap because they' re on the Wii, they' re dirt cheap because everybody is using their 3rd string developers. One of the things mentioned was the Nintendo Wii development kit for third party developers. Nintendo said that they plan to get many more third party developers on board than they did with the GameCube, and they’ll do that by offering (very) low prices. “Nintendo hopes to provide third-parties with development kits for as low as $1,732.“ The teams that consistently make amazing games aren' t worried about how cheap the dev-kits are. They' ve had plenty of opportunities in the year-plus that the kits have been out, & they' ve still been making awful games. It' s not like the Gamecube didn' t have any 3rd party support either, it' s just that none of it was good. One console maker selling more then the other 2 rivals combined = Market dominance. Not that hard to understand. Uh... no. The PSP has sold amazingly well this month due to the price drop. That doesn' t mean it has market dominance. Untill we see quarterly numbers that the console has surpassed its competition it hasn' t yet dominated the market. It' s no suprise the Wii is selling as well as when it launched, because NOTHING has changed. Same lame 3rd party support they' ve had months to rectify, and same lame " production setbacks" that have made it impossible for them to give shops more than 4 units a week until they' ve met their yearly numbers.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 10:39
Terrak PS2 is last gen it souldn' t be selling any units at all, so the fact that Wii is selling more than the PS2 is a moot point. The fact remains that PS2' s are selling because they' re CHEAP. IF PS2' s were $500, no one would buy them. Same goes for Wii. As for Wii " dominating" , get real. Wii isn' t even in the same league as 360 or PS3. Saying that Wii is " dominating" due to strong sales is like saying that Honda Civics are " dominating" Ferrari Enzo' s and Porshe 911' s because they sell more. Oh and before I forget again, 360 still has the largest marketshare, not Wii.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 18 Jun 07 2:42:40 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 10:49
You know what the difference between the PS2' s graphical capabilities and the Wii' s graphical capabilities are? 8 years ago, Sony employees actually tried to make something that didn' t look like crap. Nintendo copped out for the cheapest stuff they could find, because they think that taking a step backwards in graphics is going to make people think that the gameplay is something special, which as of right now, it' s not. A console running on 8 year old technology is kicking the Wii' s ass. 8 YEARS!!! That' s almost a decade!!! Excluding the fact that it' s been out for ages, and the developers have invaded every last nook & cranny of it' s inner workings, that' s still about 6 years of development that Nintendo' s graphic engineering dept. spent sitting on their hands. A last gen box looks better than the Wii. That' s just downright shameful. The least Nintendo could have done was tried a little bit. I could understand that graphical poer wasn' t their focus, but they threw out tons of possible gameplay options by limiting RAM/Processing power. Graphics aren' t the only thing you sacrifice with a weak console after all. And as for the PS2' s sales? That doesn' t correlate to it' s " weak" graphics. The PS2 was amazing for it' s time, & people still buy it because it has an enormous amount of amazing games, most of which weren' t first-party by the way. That' s why you can' t compare it to the Wii. " HD" consoles have only been out for a little over 1 year, and Sony had a 6 year install time & you' re telling me it' s selling better? Well slap my arse & call me Sally. I can understand you' re trying to support a company you like, who makes games you like, but you can' t say they put more than a fleeting effort into what' s actually inside the Wii. Eddie you' ve misunderstood my point. The reason why i used the ps2 in my argument to illustrate the point of how ' the Wiis lack of HD graphics will affect its long term appeal' . It was not an assessment of graphical ability but an assessment on market trends. Look at the figures. All HD consoles sold significantly less then there non HD counterparts. The fact that these figures have continued for several months (& in all regions) and not just a one time event proves that HD graphics currently are not the deciding factor in the console market. The continued success of the 7+ year old ps2 over its newer HD capable rivals is a perfect example were graphics doesn' t affect long term appeal, and i think the good old ps2 still has some ' legs' left in it. All this points to is smart business decisions on Nintendos part. Will its success continue who knows (although DS' success is a good sign), but for now Nintendos Wii strategy is working. Please stop reverting to technical aspect of things. I was not arguing that point at all. I have always agreed that the Wii does not have the technical clout of its rival consoles. But citing console specifications does not change the sales figures one bit. Technical superiority has not yet proven as a deciding factor, so until such time as i see HD consoles significantly out selling the Wii/ps2 the Wii still has long term potential.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 10:53
Terrak get a life you fucking fanboy. fuck off.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 10:55
Terrak get a life you ***ing fanboy. *** off.
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