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Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
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Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 10:03
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conewsstory&refer=conews&tkr=SNE:US&sid=al_jVeWnhvSA In this Bloomberg report Nintendo' s two new consoles continue to out sell rival consoles by a significant margin. June 14 (Bloomberg) -- Nintendo Co. extended the lead of its Wii video-game console over Sony Corp.' s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp.' s Xbox 360, selling more than 338,000 machines in the U.S. in May. Sony sold 81,600 PlayStation 3 consoles and Microsoft sold 154,900 Xbox 360s, according to data compiled by NPD Group Inc., a research firm in Port Washington, New York. Nintendo' s Wii has outsold the competition since it was released in November. Sales of game consoles grew 79 percent to $221.4 million from the year-earlier period, while console software rose 31 percent to $274 million, NPD said. Nintendo had the most popular console game with ``Mario Party 8.' ' Sony' s new machine continued to struggle in software sales, failing to place a single game in the top 10. Sony' s older PlayStation 2 outsold both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, with sales of 187,800 machines. Activision Inc.' s ``Spiderman 3' ' for the Sony' s PlayStation 2 was the second-ranked console game, while Nintendo' s ``Wii Play,' ' which comes with a remote control, was third, NPD said. The top game for Microsoft' s Xbox was ``Forza Motorsport 2,' ' in fourth place. I know people here hate seeing these NPD numbers (& the Japanese sales numbers which i delibrately not post since the Japanese market is ' no longer relevent' ) only because Nintendo leads the charts but it does put into question many of the claims put here by members stating that Wiis popularity will drop soon after its release. Its been 7 months and as the article states the Wii has & continues to outsell its rivals since it was released. Looking at the sales figures for the past 7 months from Japan and the US i have not seen any sign of Wiis popularity dropping. Considering that there is no real AAA exclusives on the console these results are nothing short of spectacular. I can only imagine the sales once the AAA exclusives start to drop. Is i time to drop the Gimmick talk?
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 10:12
it does put into question many of the claims put here by members stating that Wiis popularity will drop soon after its release. No. It' s been 7 months since the console launched & I still can' t get one outside of a bundle. What the hell is that? There hasn' t been a steady stable market of Nintendo Wiis for more 7 days no less 7 months. I' ll start counting when I can walk into my local EB Games & buy one off of the shelf without wrestling it away from a 40-something soccer mom.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 10:34
DON' T POST DUMB FUCKING SALES THREADS!!! They' re dumb at Gamespot. They' re dumb at IGN. They' re dumb at Eurogamer. They' re dumb at 1up. They' re dumb at NeoGAF. They' re dumb at... ...oh you get the picture... PS2, the best selling console in videogames history, didn' t start selling well until the price was reduced to $199. After the price cut sales skyrocketed. You can' t expect PS3 to be competative yet. Nobody else does. And as for 360, ...it' s selling a solid 150, 000 a month, ...much like PS2 did until it' s price cut. Wii' s sales have been very strong so far, and it deserves a lot of praise. But until Nintendo pass Microsoft and take the number one spot, i don' t want to see any lame-as-fuck sales threads aimed at those of us that doubt it has legs. In 12 months time, if Wii is still selling strong, i promise i' ll take it all back and never post here again.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 10:41
Well ps2 was easy to chip and had basically all the good developer supporting it and developing for it. Ps3 is in problems,these numbers arn' t good at all,and you cant do what majik does now and say look at ps2 sales,well there is a xbox360 out on the market stealing AAA titles like GTA serie,DMC4,VF5 etc.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 11:10
I can only imagine the sales once the AAA exclusives start to drop. Is i time to drop the Gimmick talk? I cant. When is it getting ' AAA exclusives' again? Sure its getting SSBB, which most would probably consider a AA title, and then we dont know enough about Mario Galaxy. .... And i' ve noticed something. It seems like the only time your posting on kikizo these days is when they release sales numbers for the wii
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 11:11
Hey Nitro , you can' t dismiss these sales number, look at the DS , it' s freaking less powerful than the PSP, doesn' t or didn' t have many AAA titles and yet it leaves the PSP to dust. but still you can give many reasons for the ds to outsold the psp: price - small design - some excellent games - battery life and a load of fun games that suits handheld console + its innovative control. all those are serious weapons against the PSP. BUT WHAT IN HELL THE WII IS OFFERING TO MAKE THAT HUGE DIFFERENCE IN SALES the story of the wii is very disturbing, you got no AAA title except for zelda which is released on Gamecube! a much less powerful console than the other two, smaller library and a shitload of crappy games and yet it sells far more unit the 360 does let alone the ps3. so WHAT THE FUCK is going on ? are people blind or soemthing ? can marketing talk and well made ads make all this outstanding effect on people?? you are pointing the price which i do believe plays a major part, but even the gamecube that was more powerful than the ps2, a lot cheaper but its sales was a fraction of ps2. i should also mention that The situation for 360 is ABSOLUTLY hopeless in japan, the wii hwoever is welcome in all the markets. If the wii keeps that pace for another year, major games will be relased for this console while the 360 and ps3 wil get the spin offs and i fucking hate that. it will bring the technology backward and we' ll have to wait another four years for things to change again. In 12 months time, if Wii is still selling strong, i promise i' ll take it all back and never post here again. you got the guts to say that and i hope you' re right but there is a good chance you aren' t and then you' ll have to think about another nickname to show up here. and god i hope you' re right.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 11:12
In 12 months time, if Wii is still selling strong, i promise i' ll take it all back and never post here again. Relax Nitro. I' ll be honest, currently i only play my Wii occasionally (which will change once SSBB comes out), i have only really been playing my PC recently so it does actually surprise me that the Wii still continues to sell so well. I' m not saying this to underline the point, i am geniunely surprised. I must admit i did ' buy' into many of the claims here that the Wiis success would taper off a couple of months after launch, considering the lacklustre thirdparty support and the long wait for Nintendos exclusives, plus no online I too believed that once the hype was gone so would the Wiis sales. But 7 Months on, i think that its with its strong sales we can now consider the Wii a serious contender this generation, and all talk of Gimp and Gimmick should be laid to rest. I guess that was my main aim of this post. So there are 3 contenders this Generation, 360, ps3 & Wii (not Gimp). BTW Nitro you do realise you are a major contibutor here on Kikizo who' s views are very well respected, and that you even consider no longer posting because of one wrong prediction is a bit extreme don' t you think??
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 11:19
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw .... And i' ve noticed something. It seems like the only time your posting on kikizo these days is when they release sales numbers for the wii Hey SSB is a AAA exclusive title, its one of Nintendos big sellers Yes i don' t post often as i used, theres not much to really talk about Wii wise, except the sales numbers  . As i said i' ve been playing PC currently but that should hopefully change in a few months.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 11:33
Yes i don' t post often as i used, theres not much to really talk about Wii wise I thought you had a ps3/360? You know this isnt just a wii board, theres other things to talk about too
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 11:53
I' m primarily a PC gamer, But i also enjoy a Nintendo game or 2, especially Smash Bros & Zelda. I don' t play video games that much, and if i did i pretty much focus on one game (played only Medieval total War 2 for a couple of weeks, and am currently only playing Titan Quest). I quit playing online games after a bad addiction i got after playing a MMO game called Shattered Galaxy, so a large part of the 360' s appeal is lost on me (xbox live). I want to see how things pan out. If the Wii either ' wins' the war, or the console market is evenly split i will probably get all three consoles, if the Wii loses i will only stick with the Wii. Its a matter of principle really, which is why i did not get a ps2 (because it dominated). It may seem strange to you but thats me. I like supporting the underdog, which was Nintendo for a long time, and now they seem to edging to top spot i might just have to buy a ps3 to support the new underdog - sony. LOL.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 15 Jun 07 3:54:23 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 14:17
Its a matter of principle really, which is why i did not get a ps2 (because it dominated). It may seem strange to you but thats me. I like supporting the underdog, which was Nintendo for a long time, and now they seem to edging to top spot i might just have to buy a ps3 to support the new underdog - sony. LOL. So that means you didn' t buy the NES or SNES because it was the dominator of the market? If so, thats mildly retarded. Same goes if you didn' t buy the ps1 or ps2, because they had a lot of great and in many cases, amazing games. I really think saying something like that is ridiculous. Missing out on so so many great games because of some messed up fixation on not supporting the leaders is ludicrous. BTW, these posts about how the Wii sells great are getting really f*cking lame. Until it has at least 4 good games, just STFU and keep your neurotic game playing biases to yourself.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 15:03
Like i said thats the way i am, I don' t own a NES or SNES BTW. Just because my gaming preferences are not like yours makes them retarded now? C' mon lets not get to full of yourself there Dagashi?!?! Besides i get most of my gaming needs met by the PC as i have already mentioned. As for missing out on so many great games, well there is always going to be alot of great games, but not always the time to play them (for me anyway), so it has to be a choice. And for me Nintendo games contrast (or are different) from those that are found on a PC. As for the sales figures its gaming related news is it not? Theoretically speaking more unit sales = more third party support which means more games which means more reason to buy the (Wii) console = more games variety for me = me very happy. Is that so hard to comprehend? I think its the fact that the Wii is doing so well that gets people here all pissed off. Had it been 360 or ps3 everyone would be all over this news, but because its the Wii its all of the sudden stupid. Ignore if you wish Dagashi it doesn' t change the fact that currently the momentum is in Wiis favour. And unlike many here have predicted things will only improve when the Real AAA Wii titles actual arrive.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 17:01
Ok fine... Ignore the fact that the machine is not being pushed by software and is still sailing along on " hype" . Ignore the fact that the software attach ratio is very poor compared to 360. Ignore the fact that the only games that are selling in halfway decent numbers are Nintendo developed. Ignore the fact that so far 3rd party support has been a joke. What does that leave you with? 7+ million console sold!? What percentage of those 7 million do you think are owned by Nintendo hardcore fans and Nintendo' s new non-gamers audience? 80%!? So say 60% of sales thus far are due to Nintendo reaching people that had previously had no interest in games whatsoever because " they were for kids" , or " they were too complicated" etc... ...Do you think they know that Wii is Nintendo' s 5th console? That is was once named Revolution? ...Or that the machines form factor was specified by a man named Iwata, who said it had to be the size of 2-3 DVD cases? No!? Me neither. That 60%, they see Wii as " the little machine where you swing the thing to make the little man on screen swing his thing" . These are not the kind of people who will keep the sales going by regularly buying software years down the line. To them Wii is a gimmick. I' ve said before, and i stick by my previous " prediction" , ...i very much doubt Wii has legs. Sales so far have been generated by hype, the fact that it' s in the impulse buy range and by clever marketing. When the marketing and hype die out, sales, like with every console before, will be software driven. Now you might talk about Nintendo' s biggest games hitting later in the year, and yes, we' re all looking forward to a new Mari Kart, New Metroid and new 3D Mario platformer. Everybody who' s waiting is waiting for either Galaxy, Prime 3 or Smash Bros to arrive, and Nintendo' s non-gamers don' t even know what' s coming, ...they only play Wiisports... So your 60% will buy the occasional new game, something new, something fruity, ...something non-gamer-esque. But if they won' t be contributing to the software push, ...surely once supply and demand equalize, ...and that is, as soon as there are more Wii' s on shelves than people waiting to get hold of one, ...surely maintaining high monthly sales will be impossible!? Oh ok, ...highly improbable. But hey, what do i know. We' ve had NPD sales figures posted every month. It' s boring and it' s annoying, and it seems ***ing desperate. Discuss the games. Partake in other ongoing discussions. Enjoy, relax, whatever. But don' t post dumb sales threads because they don' t mean jack shit right now. Fell free to post Nintendo' s quarterly figures though. I can handle 4 a year...
< Message edited by NITRO -- 15 Jun 07 9:01:57 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 17:38
Like i said thats the way i am, I don' t own a NES or SNES BTW. Just because my gaming preferences are not like yours makes them retarded now? C' mon lets not get to full of yourself there Dagashi?!?! Besides i get most of my gaming needs met by the PC as i have already mentioned. As for missing out on so many great games, well there is always going to be alot of great games, but not always the time to play them (for me anyway), so it has to be a choice. And for me Nintendo games contrast (or are different) from those that are found on a PC. So you don' t own, nor did you own, Nintendo' s best consoles. Thats pretty wierd considering how much you seem to love the Wii, which thus far isnt even as good as the N64. As far as great games, and not having the time to play all of them, thats true, but the PC doesn' t have that many great games that you couldn' t find time for the amazing console titles.
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 18:35
As a consumer I don' t care about sales numbers because it does not relate to the product' s quality. You can sell millions of cans with shit, but that won' t change the fact that it' s shit (not comparing the Wii with shit). But there are reasons to be interested in sales since it will affect the future of the Wii. With higher sales I assume more developers will become interested in developing for the Wii and Nintendo will make a nice pile of money which makes sure they can make their own big projects. The Wii and the DS have been getting lots of support, probably because of the recent reports of good sales.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jun 07 11:07:46 >
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 18:57
We all know that Ps3 could turn around,but I think this time you have to realise that MS is harassing Sony and they doing a very very good job atm. Its very disturbing how wii is selling as Aba said,I mean lets compare what wii is getting in the future compared to 360?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 19:01
As a consumer I don' t care about sales numbers because it does not related to the product' s quality. You can sell millions of cans with shit, but that won' t change the fact that it' s shit (not comparing the Wii with shit). But there are reasons to be interested in sales since it will affect the future of the Wii. With higher sales I assume more developers will become interested in developing for the Wii and Nintendo will make a nice pile of money which makes sure they can make their own big projects. The Wii and the DS have been getting lots of support, probably because of the recent reports of good sales. Exactly, i don' t think anybody here makes a relationship between sales and quality, that would be retarded, still those sales might encoucarage developers to bring their best franchises to the wii which will lead to the attraction of many " true" gamers. and how many of those people own already a 360 or ps3 ?
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 19:03
Exactly, i don' t think anybody here makes a relationship between sales and quality Wait!!! You dont meant that Pokémon with its 140 million sales isn' t worlds best rpg serie ever? Wtf?!
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 19:08
Dragon Quest and Ninja Gaiden on the DS, who the f*** saw that coming?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 15, 2007 19:09
Or even FF12 sequal.
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