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Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 11:01
Duffman stay out my way,stay out of my FACE  AND GET OUT OF THE WAY.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 11:03
Why do you care about sale figures so much? Do you own Nintendo stock? It' s not like it matters wheather or not Wii gets support, the games will be sub par regardless. Even a mediocre game on the 360 or PS3 is still better than 99% of the crap on Wii. That' s never going to change, if anything it' s only going to be more true in the future as Wii shows its age. So far the only good thing you have to say about the Wii is that people are buying them. That doesn' t make it a great console. I mean how are you even judging the consoles? Consoles don' t run on sale figures, they run on the chips inside. The CPU and GPU are the brains and heart of a console. If those are not up to par the games won' t be up to par, period. I wish I could say we get what we pay for, but that' s not even true. MS and Sony are losing money on each console they sell, they' re far more advanced and have much better features. Simply put, Wii is a rip off even when it' s cheap.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 18 Jun 07 3:07:59 >
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 11:05
Duffman stay out my way,stay out of my FACE AND GET OUT OF THE WAY. I think Quez needs another hug! **hugs Quez**
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 11:12
Agent, Agent, Agent. You always keep missing the point. Look at the majority of Wii games at the moment - what are they. F**ken (i am angry that this is the case) ps2 ports with slight graphical upgrades & (for your amusement) ' waggle' control. Are you telling me people are spending close double the price for a Wii for a game they could have gotten on the ps2. Even the first game people will probably play on there Wii' s (Wiisports) has graphics that could be done on a ps2. Lets not forget that ps2 games are cheaper then Wii games too. But wait you said that consumers only buy the cheapest thing. Or maybe they are interested in the ' waggle' controls? No it can' t be. [/sarcasm] LOL, again you fail to read my argument. I said NINTENDO is dominating the US market, not the Wii. As i said, tally up all Nintendo consoles and compare to all the consoles of sony & microsoft combined = Nintendo still sold more. Oh so when sony' s ps2 sales were significantly more then the GC & xbox1 combined sony dominated, but when Nintendos consoles are significantly outselling all competitors combined its not. OOOKKK. I just love the car analogies - especially how irrelevant they are to the argument at hand. To liken the consoles to cars you are stressing the cars/consoles themselves are the most important factor. This is were it fails, because i' m sure you will agree that the GAMES are the most important factor. So for the analogy to work its more important what the car is running on (fuel) then what car it is, just like its more important that a console has more games (fuel) on it then what the console is. Or aren' t games the most important thing now?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 11:16
Or aren' t games the most important thing now? ofc it is,and all Wii has now is a good GC game with content we seen before,and upcoming lots of other GC ports,with crap graphic. Its just more proof that Wii sells on its name and not on quality.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 11:55
Quez Thats why car analogies fail when comparing consoles. The ' fuel' is the most important factor not the ' car' . Agent i sadly do not have Nintendo stocks, if i did i probably could afford a 360 & ps3 (just kidding  ). In a nutshell more Wiis sold mean more potential games which means no repeat (hopefully) of the GC (which i gave up on 2 years in). It means i can get better ' returns' on my ' investment' . So far the only good thing you have to say about the Wii is that people are buying them. That doesn' t make it a great console. I mean how are you even judging the consoles? True to an extent. All i know is more sales increases the chance of getting more games for the Wii. Nothing more. If developers can make some truly unique experiences thanks to the Wiimote that would make the Wii a great console, The success of the Wii just gives the developers more incentive. Consoles don' t run on sale figures, they run on the chips inside. The CPU and GPU are the brains and heart of a console. If those are not up to par the games won' t be up to par, period. I wish I could say we get what we pay for, but that' s not even true. MS and Sony are losing money on each console they sell, they' re far more advanced and have much better features. Simply put, Wii is a rip off even when it' s cheap. Yes they do, bottom line is everything, otherwise they would not be doing it. The console is merely a vehical to make money, as are the games etc. Stop going back to sony & microsoft losing money per console, they took the risk to reap a larger reward if there plan succeeds if there not going to make money off the console its going to be made up somewhere else. If you feel the Wii is a rip off thats your right - I' m not here to argue your preferences, but don' t be surprised if others feel differently. I mean enjoying a game of Wii sports with my parents who have never played a game in my their lives - priceless. And though i have not played a Wii game in a while i have gotten alot of value out of it in the past and the future of the Wii is looking good aswell.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 12:14
Lets not forget that ps2 games are cheaper then Wii games too. But wait you said that consumers only buy the cheapest thing. No they' re not. They' re both $50 Quez Thats why car analogies fail when comparing consoles. The ' fuel' is the most important factor not the ' car' . Not really. If you have fuel and no car, thats not exactly getting you anywhere
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 12:21
Quez Thats why car analogies fail when comparing consoles. The ' fuel' is the most important factor not the ' car' . Actually, theyre quite useful. Software is the fuel, hardware is the car. MS have both, Sony have a car but need fuel, and Nintendo is apparently hitchhiking with someone else because you know they have neither.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 18 Jun 07 4:21:17 >
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 12:23
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 12:26
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw Lets not forget that ps2 games are cheaper then Wii games too. But wait you said that consumers only buy the cheapest thing. No they' re not. They' re both $50 Really? In Australia Wii games retail for AUS$99, new ps2 titles Retail for AUS$79. I' m not sure how much they are in the US, but i was banking on them being similarly priced. Quez Thats why car analogies fail when comparing consoles. The ' fuel' is the most important factor not the ' car' . Not really. If you have fuel and no car, thats not exactly getting you anywhere You can' t have one with out the other - exactly, but which one you going to get the most ' mileage' out of, the one with the alot of fuel, or the one with the least fuel (figuratively speaking mind you, no console is implied in this analogy)?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 12:52
Forget about the fuel, think of the driving experience as the gameplay experience. You' re talking about marketshare, I' m talking about quality. Honda has a greater marketshare than Ferrari and Porsche because Civics are more affordable. Lets be honest though, we all know which cars we' d rather sit in. Obviously this is all about the games. You seem to think that the driving experience depends on car sales, which is a fallacy. Think of each car representing a console platform and all of the games and features that the platform will support are part of the driving experience. It doesn' t matter how many Honda Civics they sell, they' re still just Civics, and a Wii will never be more than a Wii. Now there' s nothing wrong with Civics, they' ll get you around just fine. But that' s it, don' t expect much better than fine. Now a Porsche and Ferrari on the other hand are a different story. Have you ever been in a Porshe or Ferrari? I have been in both and they' re better than fine. Wii will never get anything comparable with titles like Mass Effect, Oblivion, MGS4, Bioshock, Gears,PGR4,Halo3, LAIR, GTA4, The Darkness, UT III etc... I' m not saying Wii will fail business wise, Nintendo didn' t risk a lot and the results will show that, both economically and practically. Wii has a place with gamers but don' t expect miracles from the little console that could. Before you run off in a tangent about the wiimote and innovation, please spare yourself the embarrassment. The wiimote is nothing but a gimmick, misdirection to distract consumers from the fact that Wii is simply a repackaged GameCube. If I buy a Wii, I' ll try to avoid using it whenever possible. I have no intrest in the Wiimote at all. If I wanted to play with a white wand the wiimote wouldn' t be my first choice. And I certainly wouldn' t want to play with it while gaming.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 18 Jun 07 5:05:07 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 17:51
In the US and Japan it' s selling almost exactly how PS2 was selling at this point in it' s life. Wii vs PS2 (America) Wii vs PS2 ( Japan) But PS2 was next-gen. It wasn' t 7 year old hardware and after 12 months when the hype had worn off and the ad campaigns had faded it was the games that pushed hardware sales. Posting Wii sales figures now mean fuck all. Every other Nintendo fanboy on every other gaming forum are posting them without even fully understanding things like ' sell in' , ' sell through' , ' software attach ratios' , ' market saturation' , ' season dictated sales' etc etc etc... ...they just see the figures, presume everything is great and then blindly post them, all-the-while bringing them back up every time somebody tries to explain why they shouldn' t be surprised when supply = demand and hardware sales drop drastically. If when that happens Wii has the software to support it, it could easily continue to sell strongly for another year or two, but if it doesn' t, it' ll die slowly like Gamecube did.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 18:52
Haven' t bought a Wii myself yet because right now it sucks But when Metroid Prime comes it' ll be my favourite console If the Wii directly competes against the other two consoles it has no chances of taking the number one spot or even the number two spot, as you' d have to be pretty retarded to choose it as your primary console. But the price, the hype, the games, the timing, the brand and the possible 3rd party profits at the horison will all make it a very profitable console for Nintendo' s and the developer' s part. To us consumers it will be a great secondary console to play from time to time with party games. And occasionally it' ll get AAA titles like Metroid Prime that requiers a little more time and effort to play through. The Wii won' t get as many AAA titles as the 360 or PS3, but the ones it does get, along with some weird hippie games offering unique gameplay, will be enough to lure hardcore gamers to buy it, especially with its low price. And I am certain that if the sales decline Nintendo will be able to quickly lower the price by a large margin concidering they' ve been making profits from day one. So even though the Wii is a weak and quick pick-and-play console I think it' ll offer enough entertainment and profits for everyone involved. And that will keep the sales floating. It will not be the primary console of choice, but to be honest neither me or Nintendo was expecting that.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 18 Jun 07 10:55:29 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 18:57
I got myself a wii, and im sad to say that im sorry that i did! Right now i would rather have saved the money to buy the 5 games i want the most for my 360 during the fall. :( No games that are worth the money are available.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 19:03
no Vx i think you did the right choice, it' s good to have a wii as a secondary console, since yu have a 360, you will play 95% of all the great games that will be released this generation, and soon 2 AAA wii games will be released and thaty should calm you down.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 19:17
I dont like metriod, and i dont think Mario Galaxy will rock the world, if i hadnt bought i wii i could have had Mass Effect GTA IV Bioshock Halo 3 Alan Wake (maybe) Assasins Creed Splinter Cell IV Instead i have to choose, 2 or 3 of those!
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 19:40
But now you can see weather forecasts on your TV!!! How cool isn' t that!?!?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 19:51
But now you can see weather forecasts on your TV!!! How cool isn' t that!?!? my town isnt on the list
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 19:53
Ok... shit... But... um... you can create Mii' s!!! How fun isn' t that!? The whole family can join
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Nintendo Continues to dominate US market
Jun 18, 2007 20:19
Apparently, Manhunt 2 for the Wii is supposed to be pretty good. The controls are supposed to be good too, unlike TP' s swing the Wiimote about like a maniac to make the sword move from left to right and vice versa system. The Wii needs more games like that, to keep people playing, and less 5 second mini-games. With any luck, SSBB (and the announcement of a decent FPS that actually works) should be released this year or early next year. That will make me happy.
< Message edited by Marink -- 18 Jun 07 12:22:32 >
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