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So, how well is 360 doing then?
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 13, 2006 06:20
It doesn' t quite work like that though. All consoles sell out at launch, ...and it' s not like Microsoft have stopped manufacturing the units, it' s just that there were so many pre-orders taken they still haven' t all been met. That' s GOOD news for Microsoft. It means that as soon as stores get the consoles in they are snatched up and bought. When November rolls around, Sony will only ahve limited numbers of units available, just like Nintendo. 360' s will be freely available and the people that miss out on a PS3 or Revolution (those that didn' t pre-order and those that didn' t pre0order soon enough)) will likely buy the cheaper (than PS3) 360 and will be able to choose from a healthy selection of awesome titles (like Gears of War). Sony say they will have a worldwide launch, and while i very much doubt it' ll launch in all three teritorries this year, even if they did, it' s unlikely they could meet the 1 million units for each territory anyway. Microsoft will hit 10 million in their first year on the market. That' s really good as far as first year sales go. 2007 will be even bigger, and agree or not, Halo 3 will ship a shit loads of consoles, just like Gears of War, Huxley and Too Human will.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 13, 2006 09:45
Majikdra6on Well said. When the ps3 launches, it will come into a somewhat entrenched xbox 360 market, and i am not so sure sony has the resources to.
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- Joined: Apr 14, 2006
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 14, 2006 01:14
True, but with the Rev and PS3 coming out late this year, I think people are going to flock over to those two consoles. The 360' s time is about to pass.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 14, 2006 01:22
The Revolution will probably be a huge success regardless. But if the PS3 launches this year there will be severe (PS3) shortages and I think that most people would rather get a 360 for christmas than spend the christmas without a next-gen console. I know I would anyway.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Apr 06 18:14:00 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 14, 2006 01:41
Remember when SEGA announced at E3 95 that Saturn would be available that very day and that systems and a handful of games had been shipped to retailers nationwide and would go on sale that morning?! Well, at least one territory could see Revolution before November. 1st and 2nd party developers have had the final SDK' s for about 2 months now, with only 3rd party developers having to wait until June. Apple usually does that kind of thing when it announces it' s products, ...they go on sale that day. Nintendo could announce that Revolution will launch in Japan in July or August. It' s possible.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 14, 2006 02:12
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Nintendo could announce that Revolution will launch in Japan in July or August. It' s possible. What a dream that would be!
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 14, 2006 07:13
I love the way they always do it: " and you can buy them tomorrow" I hate to wait for amazing things and there haven' t been anything as amazing as Revolution since ...errr the last amazing thing which was ...errr amazing.
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2006
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 15, 2006 04:39
For the first time in the consoles history, they will have to take on a hardware vendor (because this time around, microsoft owns it) with the same tenacity and ethic as themselves, and unlike nintendo and sega, whom are in it for the entertainment aspect, Everything every company is offering is entertainment. It' s just they are more aggressive so YOU the consumer can buy their system. Entertainment is on all the sides. It' s not a lawn mower, it' s a video game console to play video games, music, movies...All entertainment.
Terry Bogard
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 15, 2006 05:33
Hmm, and still the Dreamcast was quite popular in its early days. Perhaps the 360 will meet the same fate as the Dreamcast. In Japan that is. That' s not exactly a flattering fate, if anything, Microsoft better hope that the Xbox 360 in Japan does as well as the Dreamcast did in North America, that' s where it was significantly more successful as far as hardware and software sales go.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 16, 2006 08:59
Remember Enchant arm? that was gonna be on 2 dvds as the dev guessed? well it came at 1 dvd,and today i found how much gb it took,it took 4.6 and GRAW took 3.3 basically you could put GRAW+Enchant arm on the same Dual layer 9 DVD... nice? :P
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 16, 2006 23:35
You can put most if not every 360 dvd title on a single blue ray disc! ` A pirates dream.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 16, 2006 23:42
If Blu-Ray doesn' t take as quickly or as well as Sony hope, they' re screwed. I though UMD' s were cool at first, but now majoir Hollywood stuidos are abandoning them due to the HUGE decline in sales. In fact, ...i don' t think Sony have EVER got a proprietary medium right...   On a side note, i' m hearing some realistic sounding reports that concern the PS3 OS... Y' know how 360' s OS is constantly running in the background, even when you' re playing games?! Well, y' know how it uses a portion of the 360' s available processing power; 32mb of the 512mb of available GDDR3 RAM and 3% CPU time on Cores 1 and 2?! That' s not as bad as it sounds because there is RAM and CPU time put aside for the OS, ...it was planned like that in advance and has no real effect on hardware performance, ...there' s even more available for future releases (new blades) and updates of software features. But, ...it could be a little worse for Sony because it seems that they are reserving 1 of the 7 available SPE' s (i' m not talking about the 8th) just to help run their own OS in the background. From what i' m hearing it goes a little farther wit; 64mb of the 256mb of available XDR memory taken off the Cell CPU, 32mb of the 256mb of the available GDDR3 memory taken from the RSX chip, 1 SPE of 7 constantly reserved, 1 SPE of 7 able to be " taken" by the OS at a moments notice (games have to give it up if requested). Basically, Sony seem to have removed up to 25% of available CPU power and 18.7% of available memory just so they can have a constantly running OS (shown and confirmed at GDC 2006) like 360. They didn' t plan on it when developing the machine and have simply had to cut back the performance to include it. I would certainly hope that their OS is very sparkly and full of cool features!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 16 Apr 06 16:05:55 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 17, 2006 00:21
Sony have done some questionable things with the PS3, I hope for their sakes they haven' t screwed up too much with this system. I' m waiting for E3 until I start to really pay attention to the information on the system now, and then when it is finally launched. However, I have not been overly impressed with this generations consoles, because of the move to HD there has not been the huge jump in visuals I would have hoped for (At this point at least). I don' t have much faith the PS3 will outperform the 360 in the least, infact I wouldn' t be surprised to see the system release less powerful than 360. But then again of all my current gen hardware (aside from dreamcast that is) PS2 is my favourite. My xbox barely gets touched and my gamecube... well only for the Naruto games from Japan and FZero now and again. 360 has been out for months now and I can' t say I' m really tempted at all, beyond the - " Oh there is something new out there"
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 18, 2006 00:27
Majik are those numbers about 360 and PS3 OS 100% checked and official? It would be really fucked up , I hate the way consoles are turning into PC' s - who' s idea was that? It' s cool to have a nice menu (my favourite is the one from DC) , but why make it so " big" and " featured" ? On a side note , Sony' s software division is a fuckin tragedy - all their software for music players and stuff like that is completely fucked up. They said they want linux right? but linux is using MS code (you might have heard how MS is going to sue them this time).
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 18, 2006 00:45
Majik are those numbers about 360 and PS3 OS 100% checked and official? No, ...like i said, ...it' s what i hear... But since PS3 will " run" Linux, it' s understandable why it would take so much processing power away. Shame if it' s correct though!
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 18, 2006 11:01
I hate the way consoles are turning into PC' s I always agree with this, guess it really started with xbox? Or at least thats when I really was thinking it.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 18, 2006 22:16
...i disagree.... ...from my perspective, it' s only Microsoft who ape PC' s (unsurprisingly).. ...Sony are more concerned with Entertainment and Gadgetry, whilst Nintendo prioritise unusual approaches.... ..it’s only MS who have the OS/graphiccard/spec thing going....
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 18, 2006 22:34
..it’s only MS who have the OS/graphiccard/spec thing going.... ... PS3?! Sony are using an off the shelf graphics card you can buy for your PC right now, ....and they' ve decided to run Linux. Sony don' t seem to know what they want to do with the thing. At one point they weren' t going to have a GPU and were just going to use multiple CELL processors for everything, ...then they said they weren' t directly supporting an online service but it didn' t go down well with anyone and looked worse for Sony when Nintendo annunced they were going to have one like Microsoft. Then they decided that because they were having an online service to match Xbox Live feature for feature they needed an operating system to manage everything, ...so they chose Linux. CELL and Xenon were both custom built by IBM, meaning that Playstation 3 is as much a pumped up PC as 360. Personally though i don' t care. I want my Ninja Gaiden 2 and i want my MGS4.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 18, 2006 23:16
I find this disturbing. The development costs for the 360 and the PS3 are supposed to be very high so I' m assuming both companies are loosing money on their consoles. PC manufacturers on the other hand makes lots of money so I guess those are cheaper to make. Sooooo, if Sony and MS were to sell their systems at a price were they would make as much money as a PC manufacturer wouldn' t the PS3 and 360 cost about the same as a high-end PC (which is upgradable and does more than play games)? This makes me wonder if powerfull consoles really are necessary... I suppose it' s good for us consumers that we get the latest technology for minimum prizes but it still works out kind of strange... Thank God for Revolution which focuses on other things than graphics or other services that are already available on PC.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 18 Apr 06 15:23:09 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 19, 2006 00:10
sony is willing to lose a lot of money with its ps3, because its plan is to set the bluray as the next standard, that way they could license the technology (if i may say so) to big movies companies and thus gaining a fortune.
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