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So, how well is 360 doing then?
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 10, 2006 07:00
What I was saying Bitchonen, is that it may have nothing to do with " forcing" you to buy an OS, it may just be thats the easiest way to recreate the game. But by all means lets use a third party news post as the absolute truth as to WHY something was chosen by a company.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 10, 2006 07:47
When this hits later this year 360' s will fly off the shelves! Oh, and give Bish a break, ...he may be the most eduacted 14 year old i have come accross but he' s still only 14. Vista will use DX10 and will incorporate XNA and that in itself will make recreating the game MUCH easier. I think Halo 3 needs to be release simultaneously on both 360 and PC. The delayed PC ports make very little sense, especially given the quality of the competition.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 10, 2006 08:17
And i know all about norse mytology :P This game will suit me much.
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2006
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 10, 2006 18:36
Facing the challenge of converting new users to its latest operating system, Windows Vista, Microsoft is placing its bets on the ace card that' s been responsible for its console successes and announced that the upcoming PC port of Halo 2 will run exclusively on Vista. I think that says it all right there, even though it' s a comment it has a lot of truth. To switch from one operating system to another is not an easy step because XP seems to be doing pretty well not to mention how many people have it. And one way to have people switch is to put something people would want in it. What I was saying Bitchonen, is that it may have nothing to do with " forcing" you to buy an OS, it may just be thats the easiest way to recreate the game. But by all means lets use a third party news post as the absolute truth as to WHY something was chosen by a company. It may not be forcing you but I doubt they are recreating the game. They are porting it. I' m sure it could be ported to todays systems with a pretty powerful computer....and with the money they have, the word " easy" I bet doesn' t matter to them. Hey, Oblivion is on the computer and it has some bad ass graphics. Isn' t X-box a console with a pentium inside anyways? So they are probably just selling an upgrade....upgrades are always good but there has to be some reason to upgrade and they are using that game as one of them. They got the Halo herd and now they are just leading them another way. I like Halo' s story, gameplay is not anything new. But I' m not going to buy a new windows to play that, I' m gonna buy a new windows because XP is gonna be crap soon and it' s just like upgrading to a new console with new interface. THings will be more compatible and so forth. Every company offers certain exclusive things so you can switch over to them. Forcing you is a strong word since they have to grab you by the hands or mind control you to force you. If they could I bet they would but they use other tactics instead and this is just one of them.
< Message edited by Syro -- 10 Apr 06 10:40:42 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 10, 2006 18:51
I just read an article about Microsoft and the Xbox 360. It reminds me about Sony and their problems with stealing the rumble technology in their dual shocks. I remember people saying Sony were arrogant. Well, it seems Microsoft are as arrogant as they are. The question that remains is weither or not MS will win. Lucent technologies sues Microsoft Here' s the article: http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,125317,00.asp This part just makes me want to cry: " a judge last year granted summary judgment in Microsoft' s favor because of a typographical error in the patent." Here' s something interesting about Windows Vista: http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,125324,00.asp What' s also interesting is the " Xbox-murders" or whatever it' s called in the states. Can' t be good publicity for Microsoft.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Apr 06 11:43:09 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 10, 2006 23:17
well I' ve just been sent links to open source code from MS games, from MS themselves. Times they are a changing. Sony sending source code to help academics develop with an SDK - never! Remember how fickle the market is, many of these Sony / MS owners used to fall into the Sega / Nintendo battle in the 90' s so there is no reason that any player cant drop out or surprise the world at any point!
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 11, 2006 07:33
I just read an article about Microsoft and the Xbox 360. It reminds me about Sony and their problems with stealing the rumble technology in their dual shocks. I remember people saying Sony were arrogant. Well, it seems Microsoft are as arrogant as they are. ...of course.... ....that' s the point i was trying to make earlier in this thread..... ....any fool knows that big business is big business, and all big businesses (like Sony & Microsoft) are pretty much interchangeable... ....i just wish all the f*ckwit Micro$oft cock-suckers would shut the f*ck up.... ...like bill gates pi$$es holy water or something... Oh, and give Bish a break, ...he may be the most eduacted 14 year old i have come accross but he' s still only 14 ....remember to lock up your sweet virgin daughters too, when this educated 14 year old is around dude.... ...f*ck... ...lock up your moms too  ...so... ...anyone manage to find those first-quarter 360 sales figures yet?...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 Apr 06 23:40:23 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 11, 2006 08:15
It' s right here http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/9943/NPD-Group-Releases-Xbox-360-Sales-Data/ Now before you start snickering, there are quite a few things you have to take into account. This is november sales, pre-christmas rush. System availablity, as of late systems have been more available, and from most accounts are selling out on a regular basis. Even " our" company store is out of them, and we should have had first pick But just to be on the safe side, last sunday i called around some seattle area electronic stores to see if i could get my hands on at least a core system. EB: Has trouble filling preorders, and stock should catch up in june ~should~ Gamestop: Perorders filled, but no stock..Should get fresh stock in around may. Gamecrazy: No stock, no word on shipping, the guy sounded like an idiot. Walmart: Has had stock, but it goes quickly on a weekly basis. When i asked the electronics clerk how well the stock was selling, she said it' s the top item, followed by DVD players and GPS devices. She told me to be there on sunday morning, but i might just wait it out, don' t " really" want a core system. And when the company store get' s stock, i want it discounted. So yes, you heard it from some weird person online, it' s selling well.
< Message edited by whiteguysamurai -- 11 Apr 06 0:18:39 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 11, 2006 08:51
They are closing on 4 million i think, ...i know they fully expect to hit 6 million by the end of June...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 11, 2006 08:59
Well,ms might land on 30-40 millions of 360 this gen. And japan look better and better for each days that goes by,sure it doesnt sell great there,but like 10 days left to the N3 +xbox360 bundle for 305 dollars. And then e3 is just around the corner for japanese people to explore new 360 titles,and not cgi as sony often shows,however at this e3 i think sony gonna deliver some,or atleast the dev for ps3. bye!
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2006
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 12, 2006 18:40
So yes, you heard it from some weird person online, it' s selling well. Selling as much as they originally thought? Or Selling as much as they promised? Take things into consideration? Nevah! I' m a customer and I demand more! Yet...they can' t supply more.../snickers. I' m just giving you X-box guys a hard time :P I don' t mind the X-box as much I just don' t like their line up of games. =)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 12, 2006 19:05
Selling as much as they originally thought? Or Selling as much as they promised? Selling more than they thought actually. Although Microsoft were forced to scale their 1st quater projections back because they had problems getting the things built (one of the reasons companies usually stagger a launch). If they hit 6 million by the end of June they' ll hit 10 million (and be the first to there) by the end of the year.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 12, 2006 20:28
It' s not that hard to have a system like xbox selling in it' s first year (especially since it didn' t exist in stores for months).There' s a large fanbase that will get it. It' s much harder to keep selling it when all the fans already have one and the only ones who can get it are the mainstream hopeless fucks who don' t know shit. And then there' s japan - a fuckin disaster -for now... but things could really get better. Most likely however, 360 won' t start selling well in japan until PS3 comes out and all the hype about it' s superiority dies - but that will take time. Japan gets even harder when Revolution comes out (near PS3 launch date) - it will give PS3 hard times not to mention 360. I think Revolution Vs 360 battle will take place in Europe where PS3 won' t launch without delays. when E3 2007 comes - we' ll have a better perspective on who is who in this race. I would expect the only difference (comparing to this gen) in Nintendo drastically outperforming 360 sales (cause it' s not only a great system but also a great supplement for 360 or ps3) while Sony still owns the No 1 spot.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 12, 2006 20:50
Well Japan have a couple of interesting looking games that should be released during the summer. I for one can' t wait to get my hands on N3: Ninety Nine Nights and Bullet Witch (which has undergone a substantial visual overhall), ...but i don' t think Microsoft can break into the Japanese market like they hope. Games like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey in particular will definately help (Lost Odyssey having the potential to outsell the next offline FF game), ...but with Revolution being released in November, it doesn' t look good for Microsoft in Japan. Japan gets even harder when Revolution comes out (near PS3 launch date) - it will give PS3 hard times not to mention 360 Revolution is gonna walk all over Sony' s machine...
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 12, 2006 22:48
I think the real achilles heal for sony, is the fact that they' ve never has some real competition. When the xbox was about to debut, ken kutaragi was commenting about how nice it looked, and he seem pretty impressed. Mainly becuase his main concern was suffocating sega. But now that the xbox didn' t die off like some people around the industry predicted, his entertainment devision is all talkative about how they thought the xbox 360 was a pile of junk. Like it' s been said before, when the xbox 360 didn' t take in japan, his company felt a little better, but it still bothers them how well it' s selling in all other territories. And now that microsoft is trying again with a little KY jelly on it this time, SCE is watching as close as possible, if it takes this time....Big problem. For the first time in the consoles history, they will have to take on a hardware vendor (because this time around, microsoft owns it) with the same tenacity and ethic as themselves, and unlike nintendo and sega, whom are in it for the entertainment aspect, microsoft (to quote terminator) " Can' t be bargained with. It can' t be reasoned with. It doesn' t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." and that makes sony feel queezy. Then, there' s nintendo.. For those unable (or some who are able) to get an xbox or ps3, this will be ideal. But it' s not all roses, prices will drop for those systems, and software will get pretty great for the two big consoles, and those who were not be able to get one of the two will, and will run into a top notch library of games the revolution won' t be able to top, and that' s bad news for nintendo. Then it will count on the portable market, and even then, both it' s chief rivals are about to try that too, hell sony has done it for some time now, and that might not be making a killing, but every psp sold is one DS not sold, and it' s numbers are growing. Who knows what microsoft is about to pull with the xboy, might suck, but chances are it will appeal to the audiance the xbox appealed to, and as we all recall, the xbox did well. Expect me to edit this later, it' s pretty early in the morning over here in washington state....close to redmond ya know.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 12, 2006 23:52
So far the 360 hasn' t had any competition at all. Even I am considering buying a 360 even though I' m much more interested in the PS3 and the Rev just because I don' t want to wait. But now that I' ve waited this long I might as well wait a little more. I expect 360 sales to decrease significantly when the Rev and the PS3 are launched. I never kept an eye on the Dreamcast sales back then but how well was the Dreamcast doing before the PS2 launched and how did the PS2 launch affect Dreamcast sales?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 12 Apr 06 15:53:32 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 13, 2006 02:53
if i remember correctly, the ps2' s launch mortally wounded the dreamcast, but if sony had had more consoles at launch, it would have completely killed it
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 13, 2006 03:13
Hmm, and still the Dreamcast was quite popular in its early days. Perhaps the 360 will meet the same fate as the Dreamcast. In Japan that is.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 13, 2006 04:40
if i remember correctly, the ps2' s launch mortally wounded the dreamcast, but if sony had had more consoles at launch, it would have completely killed it
' PS2 killed DC way before launch - everyone was so hyped up that they kept waiting. Actually if it weren' t for the hype PS2 wouldn' t have sold too good - crappy launch titles with jaggies - it was much worse than DC for at least 2 months after launch. oh and about DC sales - it wasn' t too good - the marketing was there , software was amazing , but people just didn' t buy SEGAs baby from what I recall. It really kicked my ass - I mean it was a traumatic experience - when they announced they will stop producing DC.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 13, 2006 05:06
EB: Has trouble filling preorders, and stock should catch up in june ~should~ Gamestop: Perorders filled, but no stock..Should get fresh stock in around may. Gamecrazy: No stock, no word on shipping, the guy sounded like an idiot. Walmart: Has had stock, but it goes quickly on a weekly basis. /...So yes, you heard it from some weird person online, it' s selling well. ...how can it be selling well if pre-orders are not being met? ....from your stats, it seems that it is only mainly hardcore gamers who are buying 360.... ..no-one else can get their hands on one! .....that' s one f*cked up attempt at a worldwide launch if your average 15-25 year old can' t walk into a store and pick one up FIVE MONTHS ON ...this is the time when stores should be flooded with 360s, so that they can fully capitalise on their head start.... ...i agree that 360 sales will come to a screeching halt when Revo and PS3 are launched because, not even the mighty Halo 3 can compete with the type of Hype and Publicity that a totally fresh " oooolookattheshinyblinkinglights!" next-gen console will generate, crap launch titles or no..... ....how many people bought Shadow of the Colossus instead of a 360?.... ...hmmm... ...then again, a 100 credit reduction on a premium 360+Halo3 package might weather the PS3/Revo storm pretty well...
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