If Blu-Ray doesn' t take as quickly or as well as Sony hope, they' re screwed.
I though UMD' s were cool at first, but now majoir Hollywood stuidos are abandoning them due to the HUGE decline in sales.
In fact, ...i don' t think Sony have EVER got a proprietary medium right...

On a side note, i' m hearing some realistic sounding reports that concern the PS3 OS...
Y' know how 360' s OS is constantly running in the background, even when you' re playing games?! Well, y' know how it uses a portion of the 360' s available processing power; 32mb of the 512mb of available GDDR3 RAM and 3% CPU time on Cores 1 and 2?!
That' s not as bad as it sounds because there is RAM and CPU time put aside for the OS, ...it was planned like that in advance and has no real effect on hardware performance, ...there' s even more available for future releases (new blades) and updates of software features.
But, ...it could be a little worse for Sony because it seems that they are reserving 1 of the 7 available SPE' s (i' m not talking about the 8th) just to help run their own OS in the background.
From what i' m hearing it goes a little farther wit; 64mb of the 256mb of available XDR memory taken off the Cell CPU, 32mb of the 256mb of the available GDDR3 memory taken from the RSX chip, 1 SPE of 7 constantly reserved, 1 SPE of 7 able to be " taken" by the OS at a moments notice (games have to give it up if requested).
Basically, Sony seem to have removed up to 25% of available CPU power and 18.7% of available memory just so they can have a constantly running OS (shown and confirmed at GDC 2006) like 360.
They didn' t plan on it when developing the machine and have simply had to cut back the performance to include it.
I would certainly hope that their OS is very sparkly and full of cool features!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 16 Apr 06 16:05:55 >