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So, how well is 360 doing then?
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So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 00:11
.... We all know about 360 having a hard time in Japan, but what about America and Europe??..... ...does anyone have any figures about the number of units sold so far?... ..its been out for about a quarter now, yes?....... ....i would have expected to be reading articles which compare it to ex-box or PS2 in a similar time frame, about now.... ...also: ..how well do you think it will do overall, during this ' next-gen' generation?...... ..do you think it has a chance of success against PS3 and Revolution, despite the likelihood of a purposely short life span??.... .....or is the console war irrelevant, taking a distant back seat over quality, diversity and value for money?..... ...share your thoughts....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 6 Apr 06 18:11:39 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 00:25
Well, so far the xbox is selling out on a consistant basis is both the US and euro markets, as to say large stock doesn' t sit in stores. And here in washington state, some preorders have still to be filled.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 00:32
Yeah, it' s only reacently been launched in Australia and New Zealand and has sold out again. It' s mostly available in the UK now but some stores are still out of stock. The worldwide launch was a bold move but seems to have paid off because Microsoft are on track to sell more than 5.5 million units by June this year and expext to sell 9-10 million by the end on 2006 (probably about right considering how well it will sell during the holiday season due to the BIG games (like RE5, Mass Effect and Too Human coming out then). So no matter what anybody else says, it' s selling well and will continue to sell... I have more to add but need to dash out!
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 00:35
I have a crazy if long drawn hypothesis.... PS3 and 360 will be neck and neck about a year and half from now... Sony expect their console to last about 10 years In the meantime Microsoft will release details of a new console in probably about 6 years.... Agreed?  Oh and by the way the PS3 is not going to be 350 euros as orginally thought... It' s rumoured to retail between 499 euros and 599 euros. Can Sony ever say anything outside of smoke and dust clouds???????? Link: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/front_index.php? 500 EURO PS3 REPORTS " INCORRECT" Sony debunks claims that its next-gen console will retail for 500 euros, Fornay reports cited as " misunderstanding" 15:45 Yesterday, the internet was alive with reports that Sony Europe vice president George Fornay had revealed its next-gen console, the PlayStation 3, was set to retail in the territory for around 500 euros, or 350 GBP, on a French radio show. Now though, the company has spoken out, claiming that " at no time did he suggest or indicate a specific price point or price range for PS3, and any reports that he did so are incorrect" . Speaking to website GamesIndustry.biz, SCEE corporate communications director Nick Sharples explained that the notion the PS3 was set to hit shelves as a price point between 499 and 599 euros was based on " a mistranslation or misunderstanding of the [radio] discussion, which was actually focused on the relative value of PS3 as a Bluray Disc player." Apparently, Fornay' s comments merely illustrated that, at a hypothetical price point of 500 euros, " PS3 would be expensive when one looked at the current price of a video games machine, at far below 500 Euros, but extremely good value when looking at the BD and HD technology inside" . So, we' re still no closer to discovering that magic PS3 price point it seems. Ah well, there' s always E3 to sort that little lot out, we suppose.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 00:36
Agreed. The large installer base will pretty much give it a head start over the playstation.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 00:42
All the Best Buys in my area got at least 70 on this past Sunday. they all sold out again that day byt 1pm.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 02:38
...over a quarter of a year into 360' s worldwide release and Bill & Co. still can' t meet demand?... ..tisk tisk.. ....that is a lot of lost money, customers and possible M$ converts... ...someone' s gonna get fired... In the meantime Microsoft will release details of a new console in probably about 6 years.... Agreed? ...no way... ....i expect 720 to be announced 3-4 years from now...
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 02:57
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...over a quarter of a year into 360' s worldwide release and Bill & Co. still can' t meet demand?... ..tisk tisk.. ....that is a lot of lost money, customers and possible M$ converts... ...someone' s gonna get fired... Uh, not meeting demand may not exactly be a bad thing. The 360 is selling more consoles faster than MS predicted by a long shot. This is actually a good thing for MS. If 70 consoles can' t even last a day on the shelves that means MS has definately done something right. The people want 360s and they are showing it.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 03:00
Sony expect their console to last about 10 years In the meantime Microsoft will release details of a new console in probably about 6 years.... Agreed? As Bishonen already said, NO WAY... I expect the Xbox 975 to be officially announced around the same time, 3 - 4 years from now.
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 03:04
Oh no... here comes the M$' s again. This is not slashdot, all companies get a fair shot, even (blow)ny, and dumbtendo.
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 03:45
Uh, not meeting demand may not exactly be a bad thing. The 360 is selling more consoles faster than MS predicted by a long shot. This is actually a good thing for MS. If 70 consoles can' t even last a day on the shelves that means MS has definitely done something right. The people want 360s and they are showing it. ...maybe, but they are still loosing potential sales... especially to more casual gamers.... ...i know people who have still to receive their pre-ordered 360, and have noticed them beginning to eye up PS3 more and more since it' s official release date being confirmed... ..../ Xbox 975 \.... ...what kind of a revolution is that?.... .....did you mean x1080? to be released around the same time as x720?.... ...i should run out RIGHT NOW and patent/register those names shouldn' t i?.... (blow)ny, and dumbtendo. ...  ... ...classic dude...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 04:07
I dont know about you yanks, but I can walk into my local Gamestop and buy a machine easy. Anybody interested in a Pal 360?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 04:36
Microsoft not having enough consoles could even have been a purposeful tactic because it' s working out superbly for them. The 2nd loads of consoles coming just when Ghost Recon and Oblivion hit?! C' mon, it' s genius! Microsoft could even overshoot their projected yearly sales at this rate, and they' ll definately be the first to sell 10 million. Sony have fucked up over and over so far, ...they don' t even know what to charge for their own damn machine never mind anything else! The PS3' ' s price can' t be as cheap as people are hoping because that would require the shareholders (the people in charge) to take a massive financial risk and take huge losses for the first 12 months at least. It' s already projected that even if Sony launched at $500, and the equivlent worldwide, they' ll still lose more than $1 billion in the first year because they' ll be loseing nearly $300 on every machine they sell. Sony, right now are NOT in a strong position and it' s being made worse daily by the successes of their competitors. Microsoft has REAL Square-Enix support?! Namco support?! Konami support?! Ha, and with some exclusive titles from those highly respected codeshops things are looking up for 360. Microsoft may not flat out win this generation, but they will certainly find themselves in a VERY strong position for the next one. It' s not like they will EVER have money problems, and thus the worries of comanies like Nintendo (whose profits have gone through the roof) and Sony, ...just like my beloved SEGA!!! Does everybody realise that even though we don' t know how much PS3 will actualy cost, you' ll be able to get a 360 AND a Revolution for the same price pretty much guaranteed?!
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 05:05
I dunno, sony loyalists are getting about as loyal to the playstation as nintendo fans are to each nintendo console, so even if the xbox gains market ground, the pure loyalty will insulate sony from more losses. Microsoft only chance to gain the same loyalty is to: a)Make your own fanatics like sony did with the playstation over the saturn. As to say, those who were loyal to the saturn/dreamcast have not switched to sony, but sony made it' s own fanatics. b)Ape the leader and try to outdo them. Unfortunatly, MS is doing the later...And it' s not so much working out for the, There are other things they could do, but it might be too late.
Chee Saw
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 05:06
ORIGINAL: Tiz ... Sony expect their console to last about 10 years In the meantime Microsoft will release details of a new console in probably about 6 years.... Agreed? Not really. If you' re saying that Sony will not release another game machine for 10 years, then that is incorrect. When Sony made that statement, what they were saying is that after the next round of consoles is released they will still support the PS3, just like they did with the PS1 after the PS2 was released. Hell, they JUST stopped producing the PS1! And the next round of consoles will be announced in about 4 years, and on the market in about 5.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 05:11
It' s probably going to be more like 5 1/2 years form now when it' s releasd though, but 4 or so before it' s announced. I dunno, sony loyalists are getting about as loyal to the playstation as nintendo fans are to each nintendo console Granted, but they' re generally teenagers, and if the console is expensive, and game sprices are increased again, ...you think they' ll keep taking Sony' s shit?! PS3 will be a success, but they are definately not going to sell the kinds of numbers that PS2 did. And if Blu-Ray fails, Sony are fucked!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 05:40
Their is Certainly some ' Xbox Fanboyism' in this thread. And in these Forums. Seems like Sony get nothing but Bashing here. Joy.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 6 Apr 06 21:41:19 >
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RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 06:00
Its no xboxfanboyism,the first next gen console is out,and we are all happy with it even though ken says its an " xbox 1.5" . And many many great titles are coming,doesnt mean sony wont have it as good as we have it at the moment,heck they might even have better,but that wont bother me,im on the next gen train,and im covered and i love it. 360 ftw :P And hopefully ps3+Nr too.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 06:08
Well i' ve been very upfront about my current dislike for Sony and their tactics. They seem lost, like they have forgotten what to do. They screwed up royally last year at E3, even though it was deemed a success, ...the CG trailers pissed a lot of people off. Then they decided to force developers to use Blu-Ray, even for games that don' t need that kind of storage space. Then they thought about making games only readable on the console they were first played on, ...something that REALLY pissed people off because of what Sony had already done with the DRM scandal. Then they let everyone down by being adamant about a Spring 2006 launch and then changing it once we were alraedy into Spring. Then they showed a god-awful controller, which wouldn' t have been so bad if Microsoft' s pad hadn' t already been declared the best ever and Nintendo' s uber-device had already been announced and shown. Now they' ve lost Hollywood' s interest in UMD' s and are fucking us about with the PS3' s price, which seems undecided.   I' m not trying to bash Sony, ...i even keep stating that i' ll be buying a PS3 at launch. It' s just that i feel like the only thing they' ve done right in the past 12 months is announce that you' ll be able to download and play PSone games on you PSP! Sony are a company known for great 3rd party support and great exclusive franchises from big-name developers, specifically Japanese ones. Well, Microsoft by all accounts seems to be headed that way itself, and now has Square-Enix on board, announcing not one, but 2 new titles, to add to the 1 they already have coming out soon, and thay' ve even said that they' ll be making more 360 announcements at E3. Sony can' t stay on top forever, and if they' only played things a little safer, been a little more honest about where they were at with development and didn' t claims things like..PS3 will be twice as powerful as 360, ...then i' d be a little more interested about all things PS3. As it stands, i' m simply waiting for the questions to the important answers; when will it come to Europe?, how much will the PS3 equivlent of the 360 premium pack cost?, how much will the games cost?, what games will the machine launch with and what will be available in the first 6 months?, do i get a free DVD remote? I need none of that from Nintendo though, ...i simply need a date and a price, and that' s just so i know how much money to take out of the bank on my way to the store!
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2006
RE: So, how well is 360 doing then?
Apr 07, 2006 06:19
Does everybody realise that even though we don' t know how much PS3 will actualy cost, you' ll be able to get a 360 AND a Revolution for the same price pretty much guaranteed?! Yeah, they both probably will equal the power of PS3 =0 Granted, but they' re generally teenagers, and if the console is expensive, and game sprices are increased again, ...you think they' ll keep taking Sony' s shit?! Teens huh? I' ll keep taking Sony' s shit because sony has games I like. I like games and games are on Playstation. Simple. Oh and I' m no teen. Don' t hate. PS3 will be a success, but they are definately not going to sell the kinds of numbers that PS2 did. And if Blu-Ray fails, Sony are fucked! Doubtfull that Blue-Ray will fail. Kinda like the DVD+R and the DVD-R. Now we just got both formats in one drive. I was reading a bit on HD-DVD. It usees the same red laser and Blue-Ray will have compatibility with old DVD' s. So...as technology grows I' m sure both will be combined one way or another. Blue-Ray will not fail due to soo many companies backing it up. Blue-Ray and HD-DVD combo drives here we come! everybody wins! Sony can' t stay on top forever, and if they' only played things a little safer, been a little more honest about where they were at with development and didn' t claims things like..PS3 will be twice as powerful as 360, ...then i' d be a little more interested about all things PS3. I doubt you' ll get honesty from any company. No company has played it safe also. This can be argued against Xbox' s shortage at first when they were claiming to sell a certain amount by Christmas...Then they changed it...and again. They claim it' s twice as powerfull and you eat it up. Common sense that is they had something twice as powerfull it would show twice as powerfull graphics but it hasn' t really. Sure they look a lot cleaner but Xbox is just starting. If you are gonna take their crap you might as well take that Nike shoes makes you jump higher like in their commercial....it' s to sell =o. As it stands, i' m simply waiting for the questions to the important answers; when will it come to Europe?, how much will the PS3 equivlent of the 360 premium pack cost?, how much will the games cost?, what games will the machine launch with and what will be available in the first 6 months?, do i get a free DVD remote? Now you are talking. Those are the questions that can' t be answered until actual offical crap. Stay away from rumors and claims and wait for the final words, those are important. Rumors only make you a vein popping person =o
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