Well i' ve been very upfront about my current dislike for Sony and their tactics. They seem lost, like they have forgotten what to do. They screwed up royally last year at E3, even though it was deemed a success, ...the CG trailers pissed a lot of people off.
Then they decided to force developers to use Blu-Ray, even for games that don' t need that kind of storage space.
Then they thought about making games only readable on the console they were first played on, ...something that REALLY pissed people off because of what Sony had already done with the DRM scandal.
Then they let everyone down by being adamant about a Spring 2006 launch and then changing it once we were alraedy into Spring.
Then they showed a god-awful controller, which wouldn' t have been so bad if Microsoft' s pad hadn' t already been declared the best ever and Nintendo' s uber-device had already been announced and shown.
Now they' ve lost Hollywood' s interest in UMD' s and are fucking us about with the PS3' s price, which seems undecided.

I' m not trying to bash Sony, ...i even keep stating that i' ll be buying a PS3 at launch. It' s just that i feel like the only thing they' ve done right in the past 12 months is announce that you' ll be able to download and play PSone games on you PSP!
Sony are a company known for great 3rd party support and great exclusive franchises from big-name developers, specifically Japanese ones. Well, Microsoft by all accounts seems to be headed that way itself, and now has Square-Enix on board, announcing not one, but 2 new titles, to add to the 1 they already have coming out soon, and thay' ve even said that they' ll be making more 360 announcements at E3.
Sony can' t stay on top forever, and if they' only played things a little safer, been a little more honest about where they were at with development and didn' t claims things like..PS3 will be twice as powerful as 360, ...then i' d be a little more interested about all things PS3.
As it stands, i' m simply waiting for the questions to the important answers; when will it come to Europe?, how much will the PS3 equivlent of the 360 premium pack cost?, how much will the games cost?, what games will the machine launch with and what will be available in the first 6 months?, do i get a free DVD remote?
I need none of that from Nintendo though, ...i simply need a date and a price, and that' s just so i know how much money to take out of the bank on my way to the store!