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RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 05:32
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 06:09
Hmmm, got a little preachy there didn' t i? Sorry about that. Don' t get me wrong, I meant every word...I just shouldn' t have typed it. A decade in the military killed my tolerance for defeatist attitudes. It also made me somewhat of an asshole. But I' m not going to edit it either.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 06:53
He called you " naked_donkey" !!!
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 08:24
I' m getting a government career because its truely the best place to work in my area. Canada, in case you guys didn' t notice is a very large counrty that is sparcely populated. My area is two provinces, Ontario and Quebec. Both of which are bigger then most countries, any further is too far, I' m not adventurous enough to leave everything for the unknown. I live in Quebec which is french, I' m bilingul but english people here are still a minority and are trated as such so I' d never get the same opportunities as I would in Ontario. I don' t want to go farther then Ontario, it would just complicate my life for nothing. I said I didn' t want to work in a desk job because I didn' t want to sound too optimistic about work (its a thing I have). In all honesty I feel pretty good about the path I' m about to take. When I say government I mean doing office work not politics Dasher232. Nekkid_monkey I' m sorry I upset you. Not many people understand me, you clearly aren' t one of those few. You seem to think I' m trying to choose the easiest path into giving up. If that were so I' d be dead already, there' s plenty of tall buildings in the capital that i could jump off of. If anything I' ve done nothing but live against the current. I stayed in the job I hate which is without exaduration my personal Hell, any normal sane person would hate my job it really is that horrible, they' ll never be able to replace me, my bosses almost cried when I told they I quit. To be honest if my boss gave me an accurate description of my job when I applied I would have told them to shove their job right up their ass. My original plan (because I always have a plan) was to work for one year and go back to finish my degree. One year turned into two years... You' re right about one thing, I should have never stayed so long. I honestely can' t justify staying there for so long. When I said meager degree, I meant that it was not going to get me very far, I was trying to be humble, keep in mind that for the past two years I' ve been working with about 30 adults that never finished high school. Actually its not even a degree it' s a DEC, which is a pre-university, it gives me university credits. Its not going to help me get any career besides giving me higher education. I' m not going back to finish my DEC because its the easiest path. I decided to go after it for three reasons. One, for self validation, the reason I spent two years in Hell is because I was stupid enough to drop out of something I was doing well in. Two, I like Social Science, it has a mix of different courses that appeal to me. Finally my mom works in Government and believes that with my DEC I could get in easilly. I' m not trying to piss my life away, everything I do is calculated. There' s a purpose to my madness you know. I don' t hate my life, this past week I' ve been very cranky seeing as how I have two full 40 hour weeks (40 hour weeks always does this to me), so I think I came off the wrong way. Today however I' m in the best mood I' ve been in since...ever. Its as if it hit me today that I only have 7 days in my prison before I see freedom. For the first time in my life I feel like the world is carrying me instead of steping on me. I still think Life is too long and meaningless. Its a belief more then a sentiment. Thats why I' ve decided to end my life in a bang. Working until I die doesn' t really appeal to me. Its not that i hate society, its that I don' t like being their slave. That' s why my attitude towards life is, fuck it. Like I said before, I want to die young while exploring the limits of my mind. Its not like we get to keep anything after we die, like say our memories.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 20 Jul 06 3:12:29 >
Chee Saw
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 08:35
If I were gamejunkie (which I realize, I' m not) then I would get a job on a cruise ship. I actually thought about it myself, and it would be kind of easy for me since most have casinos, and that' s my " industry" . Alas, I' m persuing the interests of a young lady, so it' s not in the cards for now. Game Junkie; where do you live at in Canada? edit: Nevermind. You posted the answer as I was posting the question! Doh!
< Message edited by Chee Saw -- 20 Jul 06 0:39:57 >
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 11:30
I don' t think working on a cruise ship is for me. For one thing I can' t stand being in crowded spots. The less people I see the happier I am. My perfect job which doesn' t even exist anymore would be something like a grave digger (with a shovel). I would work alone, start at midnight and sleep during the day to perform a simple neccessary service. I' d be able to see the fruits of my labour and live with no stress. Digging plots is the only job that I can imagine that conforms to all my standards for a perfect job. I could eliminate mornings, wouldn' t have to see too many people and I could stay in shape without exhausting my body or mind. How many people die in one day per cemetary? probably just a few, piece of cake. Best part is since no one is around I could occasionally smoke some pot on the job. No one would even know. Its a shame they use tractors to do the digging these days.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The weed thread
Jul 20, 2006 19:44
I stayed in the job I hate which is without exaduration my personal Hell, any normal sane person would hate my job it really is that horrible, they' ll never be able to replace me, my bosses almost cried when I told they I quit. To be honest if my boss gave me an accurate description of my job when I applied I would have told them to shove their job right up their ass. I don' t remember if you' ve told us before but what have you been working as?
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 21, 2006 02:18
How old are you, gamejunkie?(just a question)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The weed thread
Jul 21, 2006 03:21
He' s 20. He posted that before. I asked him and he answered Someone wondered my age, I' m 20 and the older I get the more sure of myself I get. This isn' t even my opinion, I know I' m right.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 21, 2006 06:50
I work for Zellers (similar to wal-mart, only shittier) in the stock room. I do the physical labour. Everyday a long mac truck comes and delivers merchandise, along with several smaller trucks such as fed-ex and purolator. Everyday we get about 7 tonnes or 400 to 1000 large boxes of junk that we need to sort out before sending it out to the floor for the other employees to actually place on the shelves. All that merchandise has to be replenished everyday. That' s just to give you an idea of the volume of our problems. The range of problems that this perticular store has is astonishing. Firstly everyone who works there detests their jobs (with good reason) and they' ve all been there for an average of 10-15 years. I honestly believe that many of them have been driven crazy by that hole. So you can imagine what its like to work with a bunch of old lazy bitches who want nothing more then to dump their work and mistakes on the the first sucker they see. Then there is the building itself, it needs to be condemned or burned down. The plumbing is worthless the electricity goes out 10-20 times a year, the tools we have are older then I am...nothing works in the place. Sometimes the compactor in the stock room breaks so we end up walking in garbage for a week or more... The absalute worst are the fluorescent lights and the extremely terrible music that I had to endure all day. You guys like Celine Dion? Me neither. Fucking french and their unusual tortures. I haven' t really explained what I do because it would take a week of typing without stop, basically I do all the jobs that no one else wants. At any given time I have about 2-6 people asking me do do something no one else will do. The work never ends. Even when I feel like I pushed my body to the point where I' m ready to let the vultures finish me off, I still have to do the same thing all over the next day. I had to get up at 5:30 am for two years for this shit. So naturally I can get a bit cranky to say the least. It wasn' t all bad though, as crazy as the employees are, the customers can be even more fucked up. Sometimes to the point of hilarity. I' ll never forget the woman who wanted to exchange used underwear. When we explained to her that you can' t exchange used underwear (which wasn' t even bought at our store) she demanded to see the manager. The manger laughed, and when she got upset, my boss told her to leave the fucking store. The best one was the guy who rushed in the store near closing and was desperately looking for some kind of spray he could use on his cats ass to make him stop shitting! He said his cat was dropping logs all over his kitchen... Well it' s my first job so I guess I could have done worse. I learned my lesson though, never work in retail or the shipping/receiving industry. A place like that is a cespit for people that have given up on life, they don' t give a fuck about anything. Working in an evironment created by them is Hell. I worked like a slave only with a worse salary. I should have left after the first month. I think I stayed because I was already disapointed in myself for dropping out of college when I was actually doing well. Anyways its all behind me, I only need to survive tomorrow and next week.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 21 Jul 06 0:47:05 >
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 22, 2006 02:40
...yeah i can relate to the living hell-hole job scenario (especially the part about the long termers who have been driven insane by the ineptitude of their jobs and lives)... ....but like you, i have youth on my side... ...you really need to form a desire for life man... ..because if you don' t, chances are you' ll eventually BECOME one of those old lifeless rejects... ...i think it' s mainly your job, sleep depravation and lack of decent food that is creating your current point of view, which although i generally agree with, seems to be highly coloured by your current life experience (namely that shit*y job).... ...for example, do you think you' d feel as pessimistic if you worked as a movie director? ...or a porn star?.. ....and surely you must of realised that although, objectively, - life, humans and the universe have no meaning, being alive and the universe in general function OUTSIDE OF OBJECTIVITY, LOGIC AND REASON.... ....you create your experience of reality through your perceptions of the world around you.. ...which essentially means that you and only you are responsible for your existence.. ..your experiences are reality for you as an individual because your primary function is SUBJECTIVITY and not objectivity.... ....you need to find the things which give you value... ..which stimulate your intellect, or make you laugh, or make you go " wow! totally amazing" etc... and use them as the basis for your existence.... ...actually... ...you sound like your not getting any... ...no offence, but the world always seems really shit*y when you' re not getting any....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 22 Jul 06 2:00:34 >
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 22, 2006 02:53
I had to change my job from full time to part time, because I realised having to work all the time sucks, and I was deprived of a continual social life, there would be monthly intervals between it' s social outing and quite frankly I couldn' t handle it being 19 and all. Luckily for me I just turned to a nocturnal life of videogames, and felt a bit better, now I am part-time, it' s great stuff! ....but like you, i have youth on my side... ...you really need to from a desire for life man... ..because if you don' t, chances are you' ll eventually BECOME on of those old lifeless rejects... Bish is right in an eccentric Operah kind of way. You need to develop a goal, one that you can focus on. Live a life of no regrets.. (That is in no way an insinuation to kill someone and walk away with a " meh" attitude  ) ...i think it' s mainly your job, sleep depravation and lack of decent food that is creating your current point of view, which although i generally agree with, seems to be highly coloured by your current life experience (namely that shitty job).... My job grants me £17,000 a year, but the stress that comes with it far outweighs the pay, a job can be a deciding factor in your life, I' d much rather settle for an average paid job working with videogames than speaking to stupid people all day. D' you have any idea what it is like to constantly speak to buffoons?! ...for example, do you think you' d feel as pessimistic if you worked as a movie director? ...or a porn star?.. I' d probably feel worse being one of those two: Porn Star- Degrading quick way of making cash, pleasured infamy as opposed to fame. Movie Director- Everyone is constantly watching your every move, no-one likes someone that is too successful which can lead to the deepest depression. When they shoot you down. ...you sound like your not getting any... ...no offence but the world always seems really shitty when you' re not getting any....  Are you a PornStar Bish?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 22, 2006 05:53
Bishonen isn' t old enough to legally WATCH pornography, nevermind be a porn star. I had to change my job from full time to part time, because I realised having to work all the time sucks, and I was deprived of a continual social life, there would be monthly intervals between it' s social outing and quite frankly I couldn' t handle it being 19 and all. Luckily for me I just turned to a nocturnal life of videogames, and felt a bit better, now I am part-time, it' s great stuff! Work sucks man, ...that' s just how it is. Y' know, all i wanted to do when i was growing up was work in the videogames industry and when i left college (at 18) there were only 3 universities in the country that actually did a ' BA HONS Computer Games Design' and so my choices were; Edinburgh, Teesside and somewhere in the south, ...so i chose Teesside as i knew people going there to do different courses. After i completed and passed my first year i spent the summer wondering whether it WAS actually what i wanted to do (as the course hadn' t been quite what i was expecting) and eventually decided to take a year off and go live/work in France for a year. One year turned into 2 years and after working in France for a year i went to work in Calgary, Canada for 6 months on a work visa. I returned to the UK and applied for Canadian citizenship and decided to go back to university. There were complications at first because the course and it' s modules had changed in my 2 year absence and i wanted to progress straight into the 2nd year of the course. Luckily the first year modules were similar enough that they allowed it and i' ve just finished my 3rd year and have one left to go. I' m still not certain that i' m on the right course as my personal traits aren' t what studios will be looking for. I get lazy, i hate working to deadlines, i find it hard to focus on the task at hand etc... During term-time my days are super busy. I work 3 days a week at Gamestation, most Sunday evenings behind the bar at a club called Emporium, a busy course timetable (though i tend to miss more lectures than i should), i' m in a " serious" relationship and i still have to find time to socialise as well as play games. Now it' s the holidays and i have much less to do. Most of the guys have gone home for the summer, my girlfriend has gone to see her parents for a couple of months and i have no deadlines to meet and no projects to rush. My brother has just moved into the flat and he' ll be starting at the uni in September. In two weeks were going out to Greece for erm, two weeks and when i get back i' ll be working fulltime until uni starts again. Well, ...until freshers week anyway! Still, i can' t help but wonder what the point of it all is
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 22, 2006 13:55
Yeah I hate deadlines as well. Time constraints are the largest stress, if people were a little more patient the world would be a much better place for everyone. At work everything needs to be done yesterday... Bishonen you' re right about alot of things you said about me especially the sleep deprivity. I' m a heavy sleeper ( 11 hours is perfect for me) yet I have a job that requires me to wake up at 5:30 am (8:30 is too early for me) . So I always feel like I have to wake up at 2:30 am to go to work. Today at work I was thinking, and I realized that there' s nothing wrong with me or anyone with my perspective on the world. It' s the world that' s backwards, everyone who' s happy and content with life are the ones that are crazy and short sighted. We like to think we' re so intelligent as the human race, but the fact is that our intelligence is only serving to make life more difficult for us. I still remember the statistics in sociology class, most of the worlds population don' t even have plumbing or they live on dirt floors. For the most part humanity is failing miserably. Even if you don' t live in a third world nation the chances are pretty good that you' re a slave anyways. Everyone who frequents Kikizo are in the top 10th percentile in terms of wealth, yet many of us are mearly slaves to large faceless corporations. We work to earn just enough to cover the expenses of working. They pay us just enough to survive and continue working. Unless you work for yourself, the chances are good that someone else is profiting greatly at your expense. The worst part is that the money that we generate usually just sits in the bank accounts of the greediest elites (who also happen to be the ones who work the least). Life' s a bitch ain' t it? Oh well I only have a week left in my personal hell. After that everything by comparison will seem normal and easy. I' ll never work for minimum wage again, ever. I' d much rather be in prison to be honest. In prison I wouldn' t make much money but at least the people are nicer.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: The weed thread
Jul 23, 2006 02:29
I work in a factory during the summer with mostly a bunch of other college students but there are also a couple of lifers there. I just keep telling myself only X amount of months to go before I' m finished here forever. Some of the stuff the lifers do is so stupid... I guess that' s why they work in a factory though. We' ve been working at least 45 hour weeks the whole summer but this next week is supposed to only be 40 so I' m excited. I usually have to wake up at 4 am but now I get to sleep in until 5 am. w00t
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The weed thread
Jul 23, 2006 05:16
If you have a crappy job you' re stuck at you should really get yourself a hobby that at least gives you a feeling of making progress. I' d recommend training martial arts. It improves health, combat ability, self-confidence, concentration and you get to meet lots of nice friends.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 23, 2006 07:41
If you consider videogames a hobby then I already have one that has been severely neglected because I had no time or energy to play. Usually after getting home from work I would go straight to bed and wake up only for supper, and go straight to bed afterwards. By the time I punch out I' m ready to collapse. It doesn' t even matter anymore, I' m through with that place. I only have a week left and I already feel like a new man.
Chee Saw
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- Location: SoCal USA
RE: The weed thread
Jul 23, 2006 09:51
Game Junkie, this is what I suggest (I know you' re tired of us know-it-alls, but this is just a suggestion) You think too much. You say that everyone thinks their too intelligent, but ignorance is bliss. So why are so many other people happy, but you are not? My advice is to not worry about the worlds population. Don' t worry about the government, and how much of a slave we all are in the corporate world. Don' t worry about life having meaning, and having a meaningful job. F*ck all that! Find a job that you can TOLERATE (unless you can find one that you enjoy). Pay your bills. Have FUN! My friend Todd is never home. That guy, whenever I call him, is out with friends, cliff-jumping, sky-diving, at concerts, at the movies, playing video games. Something! He never sleeps, either. Maybe 3 or 4 hours a day, MAX! Always living life to the fullest! Oh, yeah. Bish was kinda right. He said getting laid, but I' ll go one step further and say, find a young lady that you enjoy spending time with. It' s kind of hard to look for something like that, but do NOT let an opportunity pass you by if you get a shot!
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 24, 2006 13:49
I' m not sick of you guys, I have to say though like everyone who knows me you are misunderstanding me. You guys seem to think I' m depressed or pessimistic when I' m just being a realist. The way I see the world now is the same way I' ve always seen it. There' s nothing different about me or my lifestyle that made me all of a sudden despise the world. Even when I was four years old I was questioning my existance and purpose. It' s something that is so deep-rooted in my psyche that to change that would be to change who I am. Everyone has things that they like and things they hate. For most people, (everyone I' ve met anyways) the things they like are used as distractions to escape from the things they hate. I could chase after a woman go sky diving or even play the guitar. However the things I can' t stand, the things that are bothering me are so much greater then these simple pleasures that I have nowhere to run. I prefer to face my demons head on.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The weed thread
Jul 24, 2006 20:22
Whatever, you still like videogames, that' s good enough for me  .
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