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Naked Snake
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 16, 2006 21:01
You have probably seen the movie `Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas´? This lets you know how much a human can sink into hard drugs...
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 16, 2006 21:07
Not at all, my whole life is a bad memory. If anything you started the most interesting thread I' ve seen here in a long time (at least for me). You say your whole lifes a bad memory??? Let me tell you something... I lived six years in Israel, I was six years long with a shizophrene maniac who raped my mom, and almost killed me with his fists(he was a 1,20 kickboxer). Im going to kill him for what he was doing to us.
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 16, 2006 22:04
Let me tell you something... I lived six years in Israel, I was six years long with a shizophrene maniac who raped my mom, and almost killed me with his fists(he was a 1,20 kickboxer). Im going to kill him for what he was doing to us. Did you write that when you were high skeevy stoner?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The weed thread
Jul 16, 2006 23:09
Wow, and I thought those Guys on Lost had really screwed up pasts I am waiting for a flashback somebody...
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 16 Jul 06 15:09:29 >
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 02:02
Snake I' m sure most people have worse lives then I do, my life is not that bad after all is considered. I just don' t want it. Even if I somehow get everything I want, I still won' t like waking up in the morning. I still have to conform to society and nature, both of which I detest with a passion.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 16 Jul 06 18:03:33 >
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 03:37
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 03:49
Fun is just a cheap chemical in your brain that distorts reality and kills brain cells. Maybe i' m just a little fustrated after spending 5 hours last night trying to get a cd on my ipod only to have it dissapear when I woke up in the morning.  ,I' m sick of this shit, life is 99% pain and 1% reward.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 16 Jul 06 19:52:23 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 04:01
Fun is just a cheap chemical in your brain that distorts reality and kills brain cells. Yeah, well life is just an illusion and you' re just a pile of atoms reacting to the world around you but you can still have fun  . Maybe i' m just a little fustrated after spending 5 hours last night trying to get a cd on my ipod only to have it dissapear when I woke up in the morning. You get that mad because you simply can' t get some music you want? Man, you' re spoiled. I' m sick of this shit, life is 99% pain and 1% reward. Nah, that' s just how you experience your life because of your bad attitude. I used to be like that myself but eventually you realize that you can' t go on thinking like that. And even though your life would be more pain than reward, the rewards usually make up for all the pain anyway. Life isn' t the moments you lived, it' s the moments you remember. So try to make some happy moments and remember them instead of having such a sad attitude.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 Jul 06 20:24:54 >
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 04:48
Game junkie I kinda like your way of thinking when it comes to life that said though I don' t think my outlook is as deep. I don' t think life is that depressing but what I don' t get is how a lot of people follow the same pattern i.e spend years at uni learning a trade by which time for most you have such a high student loan, leave uni get a job that you love at the beginning then hate there after meet someone get married have children, get a huge mortgage develop a dislike for each other argue all the time and threaten to seperate whilst the world says ' ' children need both parents' ' forcing you to stay. Get old and develop a dislike and resentment for everything around you and lecture whoever will listen about all the mistakes you wished you never made. I don' t really think there is a paticular meaning to life in all honesty. However humans being the way they are there has to be an explanation for everything. My question is though if you think having fun is a ' ' chemical trick' ' and you don' t like the idea of waking up in the mornings even if you had everything, has it always been like that?.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 05:40
I' ve always hated waking up in the morning. I think it comes down to the idea that I don' t believe I have any purpose in life. Sometimes I feel like a leaf being tossed by the wind. I have no control over anything, none of us do. We think we do but we don' t. We can only do what we are supposed to do, our lives have been decided before we were even born. Every choice we make is based on the pathways that have formed in our brains which are based on our experiences, and since we can' t change the past we can' t change the future. It' s cause and effect, we' re all victims of cause. Humanity is nothing more then a mistake of nature. No animal should ever have to be as intelligent as we have become. Sure we have used our intelligence to create great things, but its all futile when we can' t bring any of it with us when we die. Human beings don' t live on this planet for very long, neither will the human race. And as quickly as we came we will be gone, and all the struggle and achievements will have amounted to nothing. The only comfort I get in life is when I go to sleep at night and remind myself that soon enough I will be gone and nature will correct itself. Or maybe I just need a fat blunt to calm my nerves... On another note, Ginjirou FYI, i didn' t get mad because I can' t rip a cd. I was fustrated because I wasted 5 hours doing something which didn' t work at all. I' m angry with myself that I wasted so much time doing something I never really cared about.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 16 Jul 06 21:45:51 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 06:28
I still have to conform to society and nature, both of which I detest with a passion. Invisible fences and windows.
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 06:31
I feel like that sometimes , but it lasts no longer then a few days...Man you should at least try talking to specialist - some people have no idea that their mood can be an easily curable disease.I' m not trying to offend you - seriously :)
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 09:23
You don' t think its odd that we need drugs to be happy? I' d rather be sane and miserable than insane and happy. Even if I' m the only sane person left... I refuse to support the governments hypocracy. They want to tell me which drugs I can' t use while charging through the nose for the ones they say I can. Sometimes I honestly believe the government is only trying to outlaw the drugs that are accessible to us so they can sell more of their drugs.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 10:07
Your wrong, you can change your life, you can make changes to the world, maybe when you die, maybe you might not be able to bring what you created with you, but maybe history will forever remember you for what you done, and thats the best thing that you can hope for. And its up too you, your not going get anywhere complaining, anyalizeing or being depressed. You are in controll of your own life, dont let anything else make you think otherwise, you may wish to end it all if you want, its your choice, but I would not or even think that. If your feeling your useless, make a list, make a list of all the things that you want to do, learn, make or see. And tick off each one when you have done it. Dont go through Life being down, you only get it once.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 10:27
What i don' t get is the " everything' s alright in moderation" bullshit. I can throw you' re ass down some stairs, but as long as i don' t overdo it and kill you i' m being moderate. Bad example i know, but " everything' s alright in moderation" is a bullshit excuse people tell THEMSELVES. They tell themselves they have a dependency, not a problem and it' s ok as long as they don' t abuse substances. You wanna fuck yourself up?! Just eat food cooked in the microwave, or better yet eat fast food. Shit, move house and live with an electric generator or powerlines in your back yard.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 11:47
Well silentbomber I guess we' ll have to agree to disagree. I know you can make choices in a matter of speaking... but from my point of view you already made those choices before you were born. Like I said, every choice we make is made for a reason, and those reasons are based on things that are out of our control if you go back far enough. Even if you go to a casino and bet on things that seem random, the laws of probability have already been worked out before you walk in the door. The illusion of choice is fueled by our inability to see every angle. If we knew ever single influence and cause for why we do the things we do, you would see things in my perspective as well. An over simplified example of what I' m talking about is this: Imagine someone pulled a gun on someone when he' s alone in some dark alley and the crook demands the cash he has on him. Most people would say he had no choice but to fork over his money. In these moments they see what I see all the time. One greater influence overcoming a smaller influence. In this case fear overcomes pride and desire to keep his money. The greater influence wins everytime, which is why we never truely have a choice about anything. Life is no more then an intricate tapestry of cause and effect, every event is a thread. Of course life is far more complex then my example but it works the same way. We might have millions of influences but they' re all based on things that have been decided before we were born if you follow the logic. And about history remembering me after I die. What' s the point if I won' t exist to remember history? Furthermore, even history will be history. Nothing is everlasting, not even the universe. So naturally nothing matters. If the Universe is worthless, which it is, you can imagine how I feel about my small life.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 17 Jul 06 4:04:16 >
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 11:47
One time my friends couldn' t find a smoking tool so they ate like a half bag of weed and it tasted super nasty and they didn' t get high. I laughed upon them.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 12:02
Yeah I have some good stories to. I knew a guy, he was a chilhood friend not so much as a teenager. Who tried to get high by smoking typical grass. He must have been high with this one, the grass was wet so before smoking it he fucking microwaved it! LOL. Say what you will about marijuana, but I have to admit, it gave some worthy distractions from life.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 17 Jul 06 4:03:01 >
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- Location: Sweden
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 18:34
Game Junkie, how old are you? If you' re young then you will probably get over those feelings. Most people have those kind of thoughts when they' re young but eventually they learn how to live. But maybe you should stop the weed stuff because that might stop you from learning.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: The weed thread
Jul 17, 2006 18:50
Game junkie reminds me of this girl I went to school with she was kinda funny though even though she had a deep outlook.
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