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 The weed thread
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Joe Redifer
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 10:48

nothing will stop me from enjoying the limits of my body and mind.

Well said... but you really don' t need dope to accomplish that. But you DO need weed and/or cigs if you want to smell like a fool.
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 12:59
I don' t know Joe, its not like we' re talking about smoking around non-smokers. Usually people who smoke do so either at a party where you know half the people are smoking anyways and everyone smells because of it or you smoke alone where there is no one to smell you. Using smell as a deterant reminds me of those short sighted anti-marijuana ads, they try so hard to find every excuse not to do it. If anything that kind of desperate logic makes me want to get high even more.

Besides after getting high for a few times you somehow learn to love the smell, sometimes its better then the smell of fresh coffee in the morning.

I look at pot the same way I look at drinking or videogames, its an experience like anything else. I feel sorry for the people who don' t try it because they fell for the stigma of it being bad.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 15 Jul 06 5:03:41 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 14:36
I didn' t fall for any stigma, I just have absolutely zero interest in it. Sounds to me like your going to lengths to justify it. However anyone that inhales smoke into their lungs purposely is very gross to me. The smell factor is also very gross. Not long ago I got home from a concert where a lot of people were smoking. I just couldn' t stand being around myself. I had to change my clothes and shower immediately. Even washing my hair twice didn' t get rid of the smell. It is extremely bothersome to me. Personally, I hate smokers. If they die because of it, I do not feel bad for them. They truly deserved it and brought it upon themselves.

Just about everyone I' ve ever known who smokes weed has fallen into the " dumbass stoner" stereotype. I' ve known only one guy who has kept his wits about him while still smoking pot. At 4:20pm on April 20th the potheads go absolutely nuts! It' s like some kind of satanic cult, they MUST light up. I guess they have to do it then to prove they are cool or something. In my observations, it seems to me that smoking weed is one of the most important things in the world to a pothead. They always talk about it, gloat about it, show " weed pride" , start forum threads about it, etc. Who cares? If you like it, just do it and stay the hell away from me. Nobody cares if you smoke weed.

Bottom line: If you need to take substances (this includes alcohol, etc) to fully enjoy yourself, you' re probably not all that enjoyable to begin with! :)

Hemp as a material is a good thing, though. It is a good and useful plant.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 15 Jul 06 6:46:41 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 17:22

Bottom line: If you need to take substances (this includes alcohol, etc) to fully enjoy yourself, you' re probably not all that enjoyable to begin with! :)

Well said Mr Redifer!
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 18:46

My philosophy in life is that I only live once, I didn' t ask to be here but if I have to endure a lifetime of this bullshit then nothing will stop me from enjoying the limits of my body and mind.

No wonder you' re thinking Wii' s going to suck - you are a very sad and depressed boy junkie :)

If you need to take substances (this includes alcohol, etc) to fully enjoy yourself, you' re probably not all that enjoyable to begin with! :)

Yeah that' s right - but I wouldn' t say that everyone who smokes,drinks or whatever, is boring.People who dedicate their lives to stupid shit like that are.

I just couldn' t stand being around myself. I had to change my clothes and shower immediately. Even washing my hair twice didn' t get rid of the smell. It is extremely bothersome to me. Personally, I hate smokers. If they die because of it, I do not feel bad for them. They truly deserved it and brought it upon themselves.

I know what you mean.Is it that big of a problem in US? - I mean smokers.

I thought you' re past this shit mostly.
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 20:06

Hemp as a material is a good thing, though. It is a good and useful plant.

...wasn' t that the excuse Abraham Lincoln used to encourage the import and growing of Marijuana in the US?...
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 20:42


WOW , it' s amazing how many people haven' t even tried Mary.

I did smoke it a few times and I probably will a few more , but it' s nothing worth living for.Then again, I' m the kind of guy who prefers a good training session (running,footbal,basketball,boxing,anything) than alcohol and shit like that

I don' t drink coffe too , It seems to me that people who do drink it , become way too dependent on it - those guys are fuckin zombies without their coffe in the morning

Actually all this stuff is nothing comparing to how stupid smoking cigarettes is - this shit won' t even get you high and it smells like shit

Hehe... That' s whats wrong with the world today...

Y' know, it' s not really mandatory to try that stuff.

Some people are just sensible, and tend to stay away from things that f%$*
you up.

I definitely recommend Benelin Ultra though???!

Or Vix, if you want a quick headrush..
Naked Snake
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 20:46
Well right thread or not, there is a discussion, aaight?
I agree with you game junkie.
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 15, 2006 20:57

Hehe... That' s whats wrong with the world today...

Y' know, it' s not really mandatory to try that stuff.

Some people are just sensible, and tend to stay away from things that f%$*
you up.

Yeah I bet you never had alcohol in your entire life and it' s much worse than weed.
Gotta keep it smarter than this Tiz.

It won' t fuck you up - you gotta be fucked up in the first place to let it take over.Trying different things isn' t bad and weed is one of those that do minor harm if any (after trying for once that is).

I think it' s mandatory to not only try that stuff, but also have some knowledge of it to considered yourself worthy of discussing it' s influence on ones body and mind.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jul 06 12:58:59 >
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 01:52
Iv' e tried alcohol from a fairly young stage and have to say even now I can' t see the attraction. Iv' e seen a lot of people around me when I was younger do drugs and again I never really saw the attraction and I was having a conversation with someone I think and they came out with something like ' ' oh you won' t see it because you don' t have an addictive personality' ' .

I personally don' t think you need to try something to have a knowledge of it' s affect or how you would react to it, not everyone has had the experience of falling from a great height but you know it' s gonna hurt. The trick is though is living ' ' your life' ' the way you want to and having a feel for everything that makes ' ' you' ' happy within reason and without the need to explain you actions.

And a lot of the times people are too much into this unified way of thinking and lifestyle but in reality it can' t happen all of the times. I guess what i' m trying to say is that everyone has their own method for things that makes them happy, high or sad and dealing with things but it' s hard to form an opinion on something sometimes especially when the majority thinks one way but you want to another.....(sorry if I confused you guys I do that a lot).

by the way in response to what tiz said about being smart to stay away from such things it strange, because I know someone that is probably one of the smartest people I' ve ever met and he does it and manages to keep it secret from his wife (although I think she knows) and live in one of the richest areas in the country and that' s just one example. I think it' s a personal thing some people won' t see it and some will love it .....marmite.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 15 Jul 06 18:01:03 >
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 02:24

Yeah I bet you never had alcohol in your entire life and it' s much worse than weed.
Gotta keep it smarter than this Tiz.

]GaNgStA[, let' s just say.... you' d be surprised, if Church WIne counts for alcohol
then I am a filthy addict in the name of God.

Yes, I said I promised I' d only drink on people' s birthdays, but I don' t even do
that because I reckon it' s a filthy habit, and I never wanna look back and think
of myself an alcoholic- I' m afraid.

So... there you go ASSUMING again, and yours is the only opinion that matters
according to the gospel of G-Man.

I think it' s mandatory to not only try that stuff, but also have some knowledge of it to considered yourself worthy of discussing it' s influence on ones body and mind.

So, mind telling me how people can discuss death and live to tell the tale?

Now I know I am sensible when I say Wii may prove redundant, whilst you' re
too busy running along mile long McDonalds chasing stillborn Rhino' s.
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 03:58

So... there you go ASSUMING again, and yours is the only opinion that matters
according to the gospel of G-Man.

I' ve expressed my opinion if that' s too much for you than go to you church and have some church wine.

I never wanna look back and think
of myself an alcoholic- I' m afraid.

Alcoholic? after what? one drink?
Come on - will you have sex before marriage?

So, mind telling me how people can discuss death and live to tell the tale?

Oh that' s easy - they don' t , they discuss it while they' re alive, why can they?

Cause death lasts about 10 seconds and is nothing more than a simple end to what they know - Life (well most of us know - you don' t seem to be living too much).

I hope you' ll mention me in your prayers sometime :)
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 11:30
Joe I don' t like being around smokers (any type) either. I actually can' t eat if there is smoke around me. I can' t speak about the people you' ve met since well...I' ve never met them. However, where I' m from I went to a small high school where over 80% of everyone in my grade tried pot at least a few times, (the other 20% I' m simply not sure about). There will always be the idiots that convince themselves they need to smoke, these guys are what you might call the stoners. The thing is " stoners" represent only a small fraction of the people who try it. These people would have been stoners with or without legalization, they don' t care about the law so changing it won' t affect them. And I' ve known a few stoners as well, some of my best friends were addicts. Three of them are in college, two are in University and one did some service in the military and is considering joining a police program (figures). Actually all my stoner friends are doing better then I am, although I' m probably not the best benchmark.

Everyone has a weakness, something that we spend too much time or money on. There are things in life that can drive us insane just thinking about it. Its part of what makes us human, its who we are. I just don' t see why the governement should have the right to decide which things are beyond our control. As if we' re incompetent and fragile. I don' t need anyone telling me what I can and can' t do when I' m not hurting anyone else. Anytime someone tells you that you' re not allowed to consume something you paid for, the right thing to say is to tell them to fuck off.

]GaNgStA[ I never said the Wii will suck, I said it might not be the best choice if you' re only picking one console, at least not for the hardcore gamer looking for the latest and greatest. As for me being a sad and depressed boy. I don' t consider myself sad or depressed, but you might say my situation is sad and depressing. I have absalutely no interest in being alive. I can' t figure out why I' m here, our lives are meaningless which pisses me off to no end. I look at everyone and what they are doing and it all seems pointless to me, its like watching a dog chasing it' s tail. LMAO, thats perfect symbolism for humanity, a dog chasing its tail. Even if he catches his tail he won' t be any happier. Why doesn' t this mindset make me depressed? Because I know I' m going to die in about 50 years (hopefully a lot sooner) so I get to laugh at everyone who thinks life is so important.
Joe Redifer
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 12:33

Anytime someone tells you that you' re not allowed to consume something you paid for, the right thing to say is to tell them to fuck off.

Would this apply to crystal meth, crack cocaine, anti-freeze, etc?
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 12:52
Absolutely, you should never go after the paying customer. Instead you should nail the dealer. Even though I would hardly put marijuana on the same plateau as the other drugs you mentioned. I' ve never seen anyone drink anti-freeze, but I know from experience that meth and cocain are drugs that affect everyone around you. I knew this one guy on meth whom I knew since the age of 8, I was never his friend or anything but he used to be a guy I could have a civil conversation with but since he was hooked on that shit at 17ish I made an effort to stay away from him (which wasn' t always easy seeing as how we went to the same school). He was so violent which normally doesn' t scare me but he was clearly out of his mind as well. He was the type of guy that at age 18 liked to pick fights with gangs of 20-25 year olds. I' ve seen this guy beat the crap out of 5 guys at once. Guys that were fully grown and twice his size, all with rap sheets.

As for cocain, unfortunately I have experience with this shit as well. My own father was a cocain user. Actually I never knew he was a cocain user untill after he died. I knew he was an alcoholic, he could never hid that. So its hard to say how much of his behaviour was influenced by cocain and how much was the alcohol. All I can say for certain is that he could be a real asshole.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 16 Jul 06 5:09:19 >
Naked Snake
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 13:53
Well Im sorry if I brought you bad memories with this twisted thread...
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 14:16
Not at all, my whole life is a bad memory. If anything you started the most interesting thread I' ve seen here in a long time (at least for me).
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 16 Jul 06 8:01:49 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 15:35
Anti-freeze is delicious! [:' (]

I' ve heard that meth literally destroys your brain, making it almost like a sponge or something. That' s messed up. I have also read that meth is extremely hard to get off of, and that you can never " fully" recover. Stay away from that shit!
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 16:00
They say Meth is pretty much the worst. I believe them.
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RE: The weed thread - Jul 16, 2006 19:18

]GaNgStA[ I never said the Wii will suck, I said it might not be the best choice if you' re only picking one console, at least not for the hardcore gamer looking for the latest and greatest. As for me being a sad and depressed boy. I don' t consider myself sad or depressed, but you might say my situation is sad and depressing.

I wasn' t completely serious about this depresion thing man :)

I don' t think that 720p is the only way to be the latest and greatest though - and I think that we mean different hardcore gamers when we use this phrase.I think that ocarina of time for instance was a totally HC game - hard,demanding and so on,while many think it was for kids (and obviously they did not play it).

I wouldn' t put weed and all that shit together either.

Anti-freeze is delicious!

Hmm I' m in for an Anti-Freeze cookie :)
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