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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:33
Yepp,i agree,however goldeneye was no copy,was it? nor was PD. Rare know their stuff,however donkey kong64 and diddy kong racing was just copies of the mario frenchies,however i think dkr was much better tehn mario kart.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:34
yeah that is what i was syaing too. Nintendo brought out the best in Rare. They have yet to make one solid good game on their own. Ms hasn' t really given them any inspiration.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:40
Rare has their skills of course, otherwise they wouldn' t have been given the responsibility to develop Nintendos franshises or had the opportunity to create other games such as Golden Eye and PD. But, now that they don' t work with Nintendo anymore, they don' t have the same guidance as before which might make it hard for them to find their own style. PDZ was a simple sequel and the reviews haven' t exactly been great (except for multiplayer). Kameo is OK I guess but it' s not amazing which shows that that Rare still hasn' t learned to stand on their own legs.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 10:40:58 >
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:50
I dont think its about guidance pdz/kameo was being dev for gc then xbox and then was rushed for the 360,and they was new to the hardware. I will not judge them on pdz/kameo.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:57
Maybe it was Nintendos guidance from before that made the 360 games work at all  ? Their result of their next projects will be interesting to see. Umm, what are they working on now btw?
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 03:17
ORIGINAL: Adam Doree Nintendo sold its interest in Rare to Microsoft because it was an expendible asset, which made absolute sense to offload at that time, and which was attractive to MS because of a rich IP catalog that came with the deal. Whether or not that investment has yet been worthwhile is obviously a hotly debated issue, but only in 2006 will it truly be answered. And I really do mean, in 2006. Things will happen. Ha, erm, ...do you know something we don' t? Phoenixxx, if Nintendo didn' t own Rare then they wouldn' t have been able to sell them to Microsoft would they! Hence Rare being a 2nd Party developer for Nintendo at that time and not a 3rd... Conker Live & Reloaded was great, especially on Xbox Live. I think now that they' ve gotten the 2 games that have been in development hell for years out of the way things will definately get better. Kameo is really good though!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 03:23
If Nintendo sells Retro Studios they should burn in hell. They own Retro Studios, right?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 03:42
ORIGINAL: ginjirou If Nintendo sells Retro Studios they should burn in hell. They own Retro Studios, right? Yep, Retro Studios are financed by the big N. Partnered with, is probably a better way to describe it, but i can' t see the relationship ending any time soon, especially considering that Metroid Prime 3 is currently in development! Nintendo who owned 49% of the company, just weren' t happy with the games that Rare wanted to do. Nintendo didn' t like the adult nature of Conkers Bad Fur Day, and sold their share to Microsoft for $377. Trademarks of the characters from the games that Rare made for Nintendo consoles (such as Conker of Conker' s Bad Fur Day) were retained by Rare (apart from IP originally developed by Nintendo, i.e. Donkey Kong and Star Fox). Rare, although now a Microsoft Games 1st party developer, is currently developing a title for Nintendo' s DS!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 03:49
Developing for the DS? Hehe, MS really doesn' t see N as a threat. And you people thought Sony was arrogant. Btw, why doesn' t MS make a portable console? Maybe they are developing one... They want to take over all aspects of entertainment so it should just be a matter of time. I hope the name will be more clever than Microsoft XP (Xbox Portable). Not to be confused with Windows XP
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 04:08
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Developing for the DS? Hehe, MS really doesn' t see N as a threat. And you people thought Sony was arrogant. Btw, why doesn' t MS make a portable console? Maybe they are developing one... They want to take over all aspects of entertainment so it should just be a matter of time. I hope the name will be more clever than Microsoft XP (Xbox Portable). Not to be confused with Windows XP Ha, XP, very good! Yeah they' re developing for DS, just like they kept on doing GBA games. Microsoft don' t see Nintendo as a threat, and Microsoft know that even if they did enter the handheld race that they wouldn' t be able to compete with Nintendo anyway, just like Sony can' t. It makes perfect business sense to let Rare develop games for DS, since it gives them an edge over PSP and IT' S shoddy games (except Wipeout Pure which is great!). Role on GBA 2!
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 04:09
i don' t think they want to chance it seeing how Nintendo is king of that realm destroying the PSP when it thought it would lose to it hehe. they know better
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 04:16
Rare is working on something,what i dont know...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 04:18
Well Microsoft don' t make stupid decisions, hence them being one of the richest companies in the world. Mr Gate himself is worth billions and has a personal wealth of over 90bn USD.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 04:52
Destroying the PSP? The DS is much more popular and I like it more than the PSP regarding games. But destroying the PSP, I don' t know about that. The PSP is doing relatively good and since it' s targeting another audience than the DS. The DS is considered as a portable game console and Nintendo has never had any problems selling those in the past. Sure it' s got these new innovative things but average consumers still see the Nintendo brand and the GameBoy quality. The PSP on the other hand is a new kind of portable device, capable of playing games, movies and music. The targeted audience (people interested in all kinds of entertainment, not just games) have not yet been offered this kind of device before. It is very difficult to introduce a new kind of product to the market.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 12:53:16 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 05:09
yes the psp is a pretty cool device but it' s expensive and it does stuff most peopel already have. i think the UMD is a DUMB idea. How many times will peopel buy the same movies over and over? Once on VHS, once on DVD, now they are expected to pay even more for the movie on UMD with no special features which is one of the best part of the DVD and now they have to buy it AGAIN on in High def and have to choose either Blu-Ray and/or HD-DVD. Look at the market in japan the PSP was tearing up the DS when it first came out then it just died off and the DS over took it and sold better sometimes at a rate of 3-1 and normally 2-1. People who don' t normall play games are playing the DS with it' s non-games, like brain training, nintendogs, all it' s cool puzzle games and coming soon Tetris in WIFI with Nitnendo themse like mario and zelda. I have yet to see one game worth buying the PSP for. I already can play Mp3s on my cell phone and if i wanted to watch movies on the go i can get a portable DVD player cheaper and over twice the size of the screen. I have 9 games on the DS plus my GBA games (didn' t have a job for a while sho i couldn' t buy any) but there are tons i want to buy now that i do have a job and at Best buy hehe.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 05:20
As I' ve said before, no device can do everything with such class, portability and quality as the PSP. The cellphone batteries should be used for calls and wapping. Don' t waste it on mp3 music. The portable DVD players are too big. Portable my ass. Would you want to carry your cell, your portable DVD-player, your DS and your iPod photo at the same time or would you rather carry a PSP? Considering the PSP combines the features of all those devices the price isn' t that bad. The UMDs are great because they are small but effecient which is crucial when you want something portable. Not many games for the PSP? Well, its about preference. If you want to I can mention the games I think are good. The number would be pretty much the same as the amount of games I like for the DS.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 13:20:46 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 05:29
i think the UMD is a DUMB idea. How many times will peopel buy the same movies over and over? Once on VHS, once on DVD, now they are expected to pay even more for the movie on UMD with no special features which is one of the best part of the DVD and now they have to buy it AGAIN on in High def and have to choose either Blu-Ray and/or HD-DVD. There are already a bunch of UMD movies with bonus features.. The Bourne Supremacy and American Pie 2 are just a few with a pretty decent amount of bonus extras.. Some bands are even releasing UMD Music discs complete with MORE stuff than what' s available in their DVD counterparts.. Full soundtracks, Interviews, Music videos, etc.. http://www.teampsp.co.uk/latest/umd-music-releases-announced-for-us. I already can play Mp3s on my cell phone and if i wanted to watch movies on the go i can get a portable DVD player cheaper and over twice the size of the screen. It' s all about portability and media convergence.. With the PSP I can simply reach into the inner pocket of my jacket and pull it out and either watch movies (disc-based OR customized) or play games whereever I am with just a single device.. Even the smallest portable DVD players don' t offer that kind of portability. In addition you also have it as a music player, although I use my Net-MD for all my musical needs.. It' s also a JPEG viewer and the web-browsing function is cool to..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 15 Jan 06 13:46:56 >
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 05:30
ok go for it and i will name the games i think are good for the DS the PSP is easy from what i have seen the only that interestre me right now is lumines (and no i don' t care about a boring GTA game). How often do you watch movies? If i really wanted to watch a movie i would just put it in a backpack. I work at best buy so i know we have some cool ones that are very portable and nice looking for cheaper then the PSP and much bigger screen. I don' t care about Ipods,they are the most returned item we have in the store they are crap and my boss said. The creative and the Archos are much better. Plus the Ipod is way too expensive my cell phone (the LG 9800) has good battery life and sounds really good with mp3s. PLus my cell phone and the portable DVD player are much more sturdy then the glassware PSP and i can use my REAL DVDs i already own with all the cool features liek behind the scens, bloopers, commentaries, etc.. Plus if you were gonna carry lots of stuff that have backpacks ans nwo they have thos enew pants with all the cool big pockets. plus i can through my DS in my back pocket and nto have to worry about it being destroyed or scratched or smudged (damn the SP smudges easy and looks crappy also when it smears).
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 05:46
Nah PSP is a great little unit. While it certainly lacks originality when it comes to games (Tomb Raider Legend looks promising...), it makes up for it with the other stuff it can do. UMD' s while stupidly priced (£20 in th UK, which is $34.48), are a nice thing to have. I was a little gutted that some films like Kill Bill are in 2:35:1 widescreen which puts boarders at the top and bottom, but who cares?! I can carry around and watch Kill Bill anywhere! The games so far have been a mixed bag, with Wipeout Pure being the best of the bunch and GTA showing what the machine can do (loading times are annoying though), but nothing else has really excited and it really needs to pick up. As far as handheld gaming goes, the DS is night and day better than the PSP' s current crop. Games like Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart DS, Sonic Rush, Nintendogs, Viewtiful Joe etc are better than what the PSP can offer, but the PSP hold it' s own on the grounds that it can do more.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 05:56
Do you walk with a backpack all the time? I don' t but I have a pocket all the time though and I can tell you that there is a PSP in it. I guess you look like an adventurer on the train eh? With the big-screens and all.  I have an Hori Protective filter on my PSP. It keeps the screen as protected as a bulletproof west. The reason I mentioned the iPod is because it can show photos and such from its memory, something the PSP can as well. Can you put your own ripped video files on your portable DVD-player? Or downloaded video material? I think not. But I can on my PSP. I can on my cell as well but the screen is quite small compared to the PSP (it' s huge for a cellphone). My wanted PSP games (released and not mentioning any sports games): Kingdome of Paradise, GTA:LCS, Lumines, RIdge Racer, Socom US navy Seals, Twisted Metal, Virtua Tennis, Wipeout Pure, Mercury, Burnout Legends, Coded Arms, Rired Up, Grip Shift, Metal Gear Acid, Need For Speed Rivals/Most wanted, Prince of Persia Revelations (to bad the sound is bad though), Pursuit Force, Tony Hawks underground, WWE smackdown. That' s 19 games (I counted two NFS games as one). Impressive. My wanted DS games: Advance Wars DS, Castlevania Dos, Kirby Power Paintbrush, Mario Kart DS (this could actually count as five games  ), Nintendogs, Polarium, Sonic Rush, Super Mario 64 DS. That' s eight (13 if Mario Kart gets what it deserves  ) I guess I could add these DS games as interesting but I dont find them worth the full price: Lost in Blue, Touch Golf, Yoshis Touch and go, Meteos, Another Code. Any questions? Note that the PSP was released long after the DS!!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 13:58:51 >
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