Do you walk with a backpack all the time? I don' t but I have a pocket all the time though and I can tell you that there is a PSP in it. I guess you look like an adventurer on the train eh? With the big-screens and all.

I have an Hori Protective filter on my PSP. It keeps the screen as protected as a bulletproof west.
The reason I mentioned the iPod is because it can show photos and such from its memory, something the PSP can as well. Can you put your own ripped video files on your portable DVD-player? Or downloaded video material? I think not. But I can on my PSP. I can on my cell as well but the screen is quite small compared to the PSP (it' s huge for a cellphone).
My wanted PSP games (released and not mentioning any sports games): Kingdome of Paradise, GTA:LCS, Lumines, RIdge Racer, Socom US navy Seals, Twisted Metal, Virtua Tennis, Wipeout Pure, Mercury, Burnout Legends, Coded Arms, Rired Up, Grip Shift, Metal Gear Acid, Need For Speed Rivals/Most wanted, Prince of Persia Revelations (to bad the sound is bad though), Pursuit Force, Tony Hawks underground, WWE smackdown. That' s 19 games (I counted two NFS games as one). Impressive.
My wanted DS games:
Advance Wars DS, Castlevania Dos, Kirby Power Paintbrush, Mario Kart DS (this could actually count as five games

), Nintendogs, Polarium, Sonic Rush, Super Mario 64 DS. That' s eight (13 if Mario Kart gets what it deserves

I guess I could add these DS games as interesting but I dont find them worth the full price: Lost in Blue, Touch Golf, Yoshis Touch and go, Meteos, Another Code.
Any questions?
Note that the PSP was released long after the DS!!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 13:58:51 >