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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 06:04
Video iPod is already out and REALLY good, without the annoying easily damaged screen of the Nano. It' s expensive but competative, but ofcourse doesn' t play games like PSP. There are phones coming out in the UK this year Q3, that will be able to pick up live TV (i know some do already but i' m talking high quality stuff), and even pick up Sky+. With phone memory sticks becoming bigger and most phones having photo/video recording & playback facilities, the PSP will face competition from several big and proven companies as far as music playback, video, TV and internet access are concerned.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 06:13
Video iPod is unnecessary when there is a PSP that can do so much more. And what will those phones cost compared to the PSP then? Todays phones are usually much more expensive than the PSP even though they lack the functions of the phones you speak of. Phones also has smaller screens. Bigger screens will need more battery power and you can' t have a phone that runs out of battery all the time. Internet access through phones is costly. The PSP has got a 4Gb hardrive and you can buy 1Gb Memory Sticks. That' s enough to keep what you need. And what about the games? The PSP is capable of playing movies and music but is mainly used for games. I haven' t played a single cell-phone game that comes near DS or PSP games in gameplay or quality. Sony and Nintendo also have greater support for games on their systems. The possibility of connectivity between DS-Rev/PSP-PS3 also makes the phones less useful.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 Jan 06 14:27:44 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 06:32
Cell phone technology moves on faster than PC technology, so a phone that can store, view, play, record...photos, video, music etc, as well as access the net (i have free internet access on my phone, they' re called tarrifs!), and err, ...make both voice and video calls, is probably competative. I wasn' t referring to games which id why i specifically pointed out that phones will be competing on the basis of it' s advanced features. Apples iPod along with Creatives ZEN Vision:M (which won ' best product' at CES this year), which has a 30GB HD, and other multi-media player devices will almost definatley be competative as far as PSP and it' s features are concerned. On the games side, until the next iteration of the GB is announced/released there is only really the DS to compete with PSP and the DS is currently winning hands down in terms of sales. I love my PSP, don' t get me wrong, but i don' t expect it to keep me for more than maybe another year before i move on to something more advanced for my audio/video fixes!
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 06:42
Still, it' s the wonderful combination of all these features that makes the PSP great. And the prices on the coming gadgets you speak of will probably be very high. I still think that the battery life of cell phones (present and those in the nearest future) are to short to handle so many features and still guarantie that you' ll be able to make a phone call. They still have smaller screens than the PSP and they will continue to have that.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 06:48
you do know that the DS can do Mpeg4 videos and Mp3s right? called the play-yan also there is the GBA/DS movie player but that quality is not as good but aloe cheaper.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 19:50
ipod video is much better than PSP comparing battery life and since both are portable it' s cool you don' t have to take a backpack but you need to charge every time you find a socket :) It has by far superior Audio capabilities and storage space. Works as a USB external Drive and is so much smaller. It isn' t smart to say that it' s obsolete because psp is here. PSP and those features really made up for mediocre games library but that' s it. How much UMD movies cost? about as much as 20 episodes of your favourite show , or music videos and so on. But yeah I prefer my White DS but I do realize that PSP is a good hardware and even though DS sales like crazy - PSP is doing really good.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 20:03
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ ipod video is much better than PSP comparing battery life and since both are portable it' s cool you don' t have to take a backpack but you need to charge every time you find a socket :) It has by far superior Audio capabilities and storage space. Works as a USB external Drive and is so much smaller. It isn' t smart to say that it' s obsolete because psp is here. PSP and those features really made up for mediocre games library but that' s it. How much UMD movies cost? about as much as 20 episodes of your favourite show , or music videos and so on. But yeah I prefer my White DS but I do realize that PSP is a good hardware and even though DS sales like crazy - PSP is doing really good. Exactly. You have white DS?! I didn' t know they came in white...
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 03:35
I see. But I still think the PSP is doing a great job combining all the features to such a low price (I know it' s more expensive than the DS but compared to those other gadgets, it' s not). I really don' t understand why people think the PSP game library is bad. Sure, the games aren' t as fresh as the DS games but they are still good. Damn good I tell you. Some of them might have a console version that' s better, but listen, some games don' t. And some console games are games that really works as portable. It doesn' t matter if it doesn' t bring anything new like the DS. It can still be an amazing game. And some of the PSP games wouldn' t be possible on the DS. Just as many DS games wouldn' t be possible on the PSP.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 04:09
then why are so many PSP games getting bad reviews? I think the DS can do everything the PSP can do and more. WHich games can the PSP do that the DS can' t?
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 04:21
I' d like to see a GTA on the DS. But it won' t happen. The DS doesn' t have the power to support such a game. Or ridge racer. That' s why the PSP got a new wonderful version of Ridge Racer while the DS got this crappy port of the N64s Ridge Racers. You know, power does have effect on gameplay other than graphics. I don' t know what reviews you read but the PSP has got lots of games with good reviews. It easily has enough to compete with the DS. And note that the DS has been on the market longer than the PSP. I' m not saying the PSP is better or have more good games than the DS, I don' t think that my self. But I don' t understand why people think the PSP has a bad library. It' s not that bad really.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 Jan 06 12:23:46 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 04:28
then why are so many PSP games getting bad reviews? I think the DS can do everything the PSP can do and more. WHich games can the PSP do that the DS can' t? The majority of the games on the PSP, the DS couldn' t do in terms of graphics and processing.. The DS simply doesn' t have the horsepower. The power of the DS is more along the lines of the N64 whereas Sony (along with some developers) have said that the PSP is in *some* ways more powerful than the PS2 and in other ways it' s comparable to it. As for reviews, I' ve seen a good share of DS games getting piss poor reviews so it' s not just a PSP thing.. Just take a look at multiplatform games that were released for both the DS and PSP for a good example
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 05:18
geeez people this thread is about rareware not ds vs psp , always have to get people back to track , each time i' m expecting comments about rare , i find the same tape over and over again ds is better psp is beter ds better psp better oh my god . i think ds is better for games
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 05:51
Rare are developing for DS! Ha, PSP is undoubtedly capable of better visuals than the DS, and once Sony uncap the processor (currently locked to 222mhz because if the battery, but capable of 333mhz) the games will see a huge jump in terms of visual spark. I think GT will be the first to use the full available processing power of the unit. On paper, most of PSP' s specs narrowly outperform PS2, but it doesn' t have as much memory meaning textures can' t be shown is as high a resolution, although the smaller screen makes this less obvious. The thing with DS (and yes it has some very poor games), is that it offers a different way to play games than what people are used to. The touch screen just hasn' t really yet been used (with the exception of Yoshi: Touch & Go and Warioware: Touched) to it' s full extent. It' s huge in Japan, but they get loads more games than the west and their tastes are different (fps' s are not popular at all there). PSP has some impressive features, but they battery needs work and the price for UMD' s need to come down. The quality of PSP games isn' t dire, but re-hashing the same old stuff it getting a little tedious. It is very nice to have a real portable GTA, PoP, NFS and Wipeout (by far my favourite game for the system), and i' m really looking forward to carrying Lara around with me, but recenty, with Mario Kart DS and Viewtiful Joe out for DS i' ve been spending more time with Nintendo' s handheld. The PSP' s D-pad sucks ass though, SF3 is gonna be good but i had to pre-order the limited edition version with the D-pad cover. I' m curious as to what Rare are actually developing for DS. I thought that with Mario 64 DS being such a huge success and Rare onboard that Nintendo would do some kind of N64 classics range (Banjoe, Conker, Diddy Kong, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Zelda, Pilotwings, ...etc). Or i at least hoped they would!
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- Location: Poland
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 06:34
Believing that PSP has power of PS2 (or near it) is really naive - that' s what mainstream thinks cause they don' t know shit about consoles and they still believe that companies like Sony don' t lie.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 06:47
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Believing that PSP has power of PS2 (or near it) is really naive - that' s what mainstream thinks cause they don' t know shit about consoles and they still believe that companies like Sony don' t lie. The specs that matter regarding system performance. Dumbass! PSP CPU: PSP CPU 128-bit bus (System clock frequency 1~333MHz) Main Memory: 32MB Embedded DRAM: 4MB PS2 CPU: 128-bit " Emotion Engine running at 294.912 MHz Main Memory: 32 MB Direct DRAM Embedded VRAM: 4 MB
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 06:58
I used to like all the games rare made until N64. I couldn' t play 3d like GoldenEye until Dreamcast because. I did' t hate Starfox Adventures on GC at all And probaly would have bought all their game at some poiunt on the Cube.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 07:29
At Gamefaqs I' ve noticed a very strange belief among some of the folks there that handhelds could never compare in power to consoles. I take it that those same people don' t remember or weren' t around during the 16-bit era when Atari released the Atari Lynx, a handheld that was at least in some ways technically more advanced than the Sega Genesis and Turbografx-16. Advanced enough to where it had a seemingly close to perfect port of the arcade version of Ninja Gaiden, something neither the Genesis nor Turbografx-16 were capable of.. Other advanced portable gaming hardware also gave us the Genesis Nomad and the Turbo Express, which basically gave you Genesis and Turbografx-16 gaming on the go, utilizing the same cartridges and HuCards as their console counterparts... And now with the PSP, there are still those holding on with dear life to the belief that handhelds can never be anywhere near as powerful as consoles, when in fact we' ve had three portables prior to the PSP that compared to the consoles of their generation, and in some ways even surpassed them.. I went through my Sony hating phase back during the 32-bit era when I skipped out on the original PlayStation and focussed solely on the Saturn and just pretended that the PlayStation didn' t exist.. But despite my dislike for Sony, I' ve always given them credit for advancing console gaming technology the way they did with the PS1. Sega sure as hell wasn' t ready to embrace 3D technology in their console until they saw what Sony was doing with theirs. The Saturn they were originally planning to manufacture and sell to us wasn' t as powerful as the final system design they sloppily through together after getting a peek at the PlayStation hardware... Whether you like Sony or not, they' ve actually helped to advance console gaming technologies with the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, and now with the PSP they' ve managed to do so with handheld gaming. Believing that PSP has power of PS2 (or near it) is really naive - that' s what mainstream thinks cause they don' t know shit about consoles and they still believe that companies like Sony don' t lie. Like I told the folks at GameFaqs, I' ll sooner believe Sony and their 3rd party developers about the PSP' s power over anyone I chat with on a messageboard The PSP has twin 333 mhz processors, Nurbs support along with other HARDWARE functions that allow for better polygonal management than the PS2.. The stuff the PSP can do in hardware the PS2 would have to try and emulate via Software.. Like I said, Sony isn' t the only one that said the PSP was more powerful in some ways. One third-party developer even went as far as to say that " polygon for polygon the PSP is more powerful than the PS2" .. In additon the PSP utilizes S3 texture compression for its textures - Nintendo licensed the same for the GameCube. The PS2 doesn' t use that. You also have to keep in mind the age of the PS2 compared to the PSP, the PSP is newer so it' s not far fetched at all that it would be able to outperform the PS2 in some ways. And let' s not forget that this is Sony comparing their handheld to their own console, not that of one of their competitors. As for a game the DS couldn' t do, that' s easy: MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE. The game looks gorgeous and sounds gorgeous. The PSP' s D-pad sucks ass though, SF3 is gonna be good but i had to pre-order the limited edition version with the D-pad cover. I absolutely DESPISE Sony' s D-pad design for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PSP, and from the looks of it, the PlayStation 3 as well. I' m grateful when developers include analog nub support for stuff like 2D shooters, and basically any kind of game that requires quick maneuvering..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 16 Jan 06 15:40:01 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 07:43
Yep indeedy. I mean, Sony has got as good at minimising technology as Nintendo have, look at the PSone and the Slimline PS2. The PSP specs show advantages over PSP harware as far as graphical output is concerned, but the unit is still locked (as far as release games are concerned, ...only emulators can run at 333mhz so far) due to the higher clock rate draining the battery quicker. The lock is understandable really, with the whole battery issue and with PS2 still being Sony' s main area of income (gaming-wise). But i expect a significant boost in visuals when it' s unlocked. Although, the games that are currently available look comparable already, ....i think Wipeout Pure looks nicer tha Wipeout Fusion did and Ridge Racer looks at least as good as Ridge Racer 5 did. When developers have had another year with the machine the games will look so much better. The only thing that bothers me currently is loading times, although it' s hard not to keep telling yourself that you' ve got console quality gaming on a handheld and loading times really don' t matter that much!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 18:34
You can buy batteries that lasts longer than the ones included. And if that' s not enough, just have an extra battery in your pocket. It' s not a big deal. And besides, if you' ve played a game for four hours you should take a break so it' s just fine if the battery dies  .
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 16, 2006 20:56
if games are half the visual quality of ps2 - it means it' s not even equally powered - unless you play on specs not hardware.
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