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Jan 14, 2006 07:00
everybody was fussing about how nintendo dared to sell rareware, i was one of those, i hated it specialy when i just got the gamecube , i bought this console for the major reason to play rare games, and then nintendo just sold it ... years laters, it seems " for me" that nintendo sold rareware to microsoft because that developer is not what it used to be, i think rareware geniuses are gone, that' s why all of rare titltes now are not killer aps ... where is the time of donkey kong country, bonjoo and kazooie, bonjo and tooie, golden eye , perfect dark, killer instinct, conquer' s bad fur day and even diddy kong  ... that developer pushed each nintendo' s console beyond its limit, nobody can deny that... so what happened to rareware ... i think that rareware of today is ubisoft , well not really but at least in graphics, i think it' s the best developer out there ( far cry, prince of persia 1&3, splinter cell series, king kong, i must forget others ... i guess..)
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 14 Jan 06 17:24:19 >
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 07:07
Ahum...Yes ubi soft has taken up the name and rep that rare had today. But lets think how rare works has been :S Kameo and pdz was gonna come to Gc,then sold to MS and they had to restart their project to making those games into an xbox,then suddenly ms decie we want those 2 games to the release of xbox360 instead of releasing them 2006 to xbox. And then they had to change hardware to an 360... They had enough problems. Their new games coming now,after kameo/pdz will show if they still have what it takes. Yes we all know they are very good dev,but their rep is so-so at the moment. Its not the n64 era when everything they made turned into gold as aba said. Ghost recon and rainbowsix serie too btw ... Yes ubi kick ass. And they also gonna do the new turtles game :)
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 14 Jan 06 15:10:50 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 08:42
Yeah Rare have had things shook up by the sale to Microsoft and their output for them has been a mixed bag. I liked Grabbed By The Ghoulies and Conker; Live & Reloaded was fantastic but Perfect Dark Zero (the most over hyped game for 360) was disappointing to say the least (terrible character animation, worse plot, shoddy cutscenes etc...), and yet Kameo although short was a work of genius. 360' s getting the next Banjoe game (obviously) and hopefully they' ll do another Killer Instinct!
Sega Boy
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- Joined: Jan 11, 2006
RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 09:19
I was quite dissapointed with PDZ, Kameo was good, but not amazing. Id like to see Rare develop a sequel to Diddy Kong Racing. That was the best Karting game ever, and the best game available on the N64 imo.
< Message edited by Sega Boy -- 14 Jan 06 17:20:35 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 09:26
diddy kong was whaaaaaaaaaat ??? did/do you own the n64 ???
Adam Doree
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 14:49
Nintendo sold its interest in Rare to Microsoft because it was an expendible asset, which made absolute sense to offload at that time, and which was attractive to MS because of a rich IP catalog that came with the deal. Whether or not that investment has yet been worthwhile is obviously a hotly debated issue, but it has yet to be truly answered. Etc etc etc.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 16 Jan 06 17:15:28 >
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 16:18
I think PDZ is awesome. I love the animations, I don' t know why you don' t know why anyone wouldn' t like them (perhaps you haven' t actually played the game). I never actually played Kameo, only watched my friend play it a bunch. Seems like a cool game, he liked it, but I' m not into that kind of game.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 19:07
I wasnt overly impressed with PDZ, but i wasnt dissapointed, its an okay game, they should have worked more on the story though, it actually started out interesting enough. Kameo is my next game to be completed, since i finished King Kong today, which on an entirely different note, was a good game. I havent played any rare games before PDZ, so they arent on a pinacle for me. I hope they make great game, because i like good games, not because i like Rare, dont judge them quite yet though.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 23:01
I wouldn' t call Ubisoft " next Rare" - even from graphics perspective - they are good , but what RARE did with N64 was pure magic. But they had it easier since they were dedicated to one platform. I think it' s not Rare that was amazing - it' s Nintendo-Rare , just like Silicon Nigts under Nintendo' s wing (Eternal Darkness) and then crapy remake of fantastic game (MGS). Same goes for Retro Studios - they are amazing but in an interview they said that when Miyamoto came visiting for the first time it was like having the emperor inspecting Death Star.He cancelled 3 of their projects at that very day. Another thing is that RARE always made games " forever" - since MS can' t have that luxury and wants some games for say Launch of 360 - they need to hurry. And that doesn' t work for them. I personally think that Conker was terrible on Xbox (comparing to what I' ve expected from it). It could be that Rare is no longer that good or maybe they just need to adjust their skills and stuff for that new system and working with deadlines. For now I don' t believe in Rare no more (and Perfect Dark was my No1 of all time). They won' t have hard times changing my opinion - 1 outstanding title will do. IF PDZ is that poor then N did the right thing selling them - it' s the most important franchise they have.Star Fox Adventures was a Zelda clone , Banjo - Mario clone ...and so on.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 23:11
rareware had always the knack to push graphics to a very high level, from the snes... i believe that banjo was an excellent franchise and both games were better than mario IMO. i lost hope in rareware too, which is very sad, it used to be my exemple for all other developers... adam doree, there will be no game released by rareware during 2006, and if they do then sure it' ll be crap as we know rare is soooo slow in their work, so may be we should wait 2007 and i don' t expect a lot.
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- Location: Poland
RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 23:17
I agree that Banjo was great , but the idea was taken from MArio and spiced up a bit. It wasn' t supposed to mean that those games suck but that RARE is not that good at making their own (original) games.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 23:20
But,what would n64 have been without rare? So can be said about xbox without ubi soft.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 14, 2006 23:43
That' s Easy :) Mario 64 , Zelda Ocarina of Time Zelda Majora' s Mask Beetle Adventure Racing Paper Mario 1080 Snowboarding WaveRace Super Smash Bros and so on. But that' s true - for Europeans and US gamers Rare was a very important part of N64. And there' s one game for X that Ubisoft makes very well - Splinter Cell (but it' s not poished enough to compare it to RARE' s doings for N64)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jan 06 7:45:02 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 00:08
without rareware, n64 would be almost dead nintendo killer aps were : mario 64, the two zeldas, mario kart. rareware had kiler aps: golden eye, the two bonjo' s, perfect dark, conker' s bad fur day, perfect dark zero...
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 00:18
sorry i wasn' t here before. but why does everyone think Nintnedo ownd Rare for? Nintendo never owned Rare, everyone said it was stupid for nintendo to not buy rare but Miscrosoft beat them to the punch and they have yet to release one game worthy of their name from the N64 days. Nintendo would have never sold rare if they owned them. Nintendo brought out the best in rare. So far i fdon' t think Rare has earned it' s keep. THey have released like 3 games Grabbed by the ghoulies which got bad reviews and i heard was weak. Conkers bad fur day i hear was pretty but was a boring game with bad controlls. Now i hear Perfect dark Zero didn' t get good reviews and no where near as good as the original (gee i wonder why i read on 1up or gamesport or both that PD0 skipped going gold so they can rush it out in time for launch). Yes it would been cool if Nintendo owned Rare and still pumped out great games but from what i have seen i don' t think they are missing much except for the full licenses of their old games for the Rev download feature.
Adam Doree
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 01:08
But Nintendo did own Rare.
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RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 01:26
52% or something , i' m sure it didn' t own it completely.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:07
oh ok i think i read wrong they owned stock in them and could have bought them out completely but didn' t they were just second party and partly owned but not completely until MS made a stock offer and completely bought them right?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:24
jet force gimini,donkey kong 64 and diddy kong racing was awesome too,made by rare.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Rareware....
Jan 15, 2006 02:30
I don' t think Rare has many ideas of their own. They usually just take others ideas or franshises and make slight changes. Star Fox Adventures for the GC is a perfect example. It' s just like Zelda but with Fox instead. It' s still a good game though. Now that they don' t work with Nintendo anymore it seems difficult for them to make their own... nisch or whatever you would call it. Every game they have done has a better Nintendo counterpart.
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