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What games have you played lately??
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Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
What games have you played lately??
Jul 21, 2005 21:31
Recently, I played Dead or Alive Ultimate, Ninja Gaiden, Gran Turismo 4, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Windwaker, Killer 7 and Starfox Assault.. I fell in love with DOA, because I always do with those games (I' m obsessed with DOA3), and it' s just fluid in graphics and control, it' s great. I liked Ninja Gaiden because of the great in-game plot and the awesome CG graphics, but I didn' t like it as much as I could have (I don' t like the boss fights). I found GT4 reeeeally boring. I don' t know why, but Gran Turismo is so authentic, that the fun-factor is taken away from it. But that' s my opinion. I played San Andreas recently, and I was impressed with the flexibility of freedom one has, but I thought the violence was over-bearing. I played Windwaker again recently, and it was awesome!!! It' s no OOT, but it' s a great epic story that everybody should try out. I wish I felt the same about Killer 7 and Starfox Assault. Killer 7 has a great and stellar premise, and the story plot really impressed me, but the game got sooooooo repetitive, and don' t even get me started with Starfox. I was so appauled!! It totally sucked, in every fact of the matter. The horrible controls, the meh graphics, and the silly story were cleverly fused into a dud of a game with a million dollar brand name. Oh well... Well, those are the games I played recently. Forgive me if some of my remarks were a bit harsh, but that' s my opinion. Here are the numbers: Dead or Alive: Ultimate: 9 Ninja Gaiden: 8 Gran Turismo: 7.5 Grand Theft Auto: 8.5 The Windwaker: 9.5 Killer 7: 7 (Ironic..) Starfox Assault: 6 What games have you played lately?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 21, 2005 22:15
Star Soldier: Absolutely love it. It' s actually an improvement over the GameCube and PS2 remake of the same game. Got it today and finished it 7 times already. Tenchi No Mon: Pretty nice demo, and pretty nice for an martial arts styled action-RPG game. I' m definitely looking forward to trying out the full version soon. I must' ve completed the demo about 4 times. Coded Arms: I honestly don' t know WHY this game is getting such a bad rap. But then again since I' m no fan of FPS games in general, I' m not as difficult to please nor as nitpicky, lol. Killer 7 was indeed interesting. I' m still working on finishing that one, I kinda got sidetracked unfortunately.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 Jul 05 6:19:42 >
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 02:18
I too have been playing Killer 7 and have just about finished it. Perhaps the lovely graphical style has at least got a little to do with it, but I think it' s a marvellous game myself, which I' ve been getting immense enjoyment from. I' ve also been playing Oddworld: Stranger' s Wrath, which is pretty good, but way overated. I think I preferred Munch' s Oddessy in all honesty. I' ve also been playing DOA: Ultimate recently and I just can' t get enough of the fast, fluid and intuitive gameplay, the sizeable and interactive arenas and the stunning visuals (which includes hot looking women  )
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 05:22
The two games I recently acquired, and cannot seem to put down, are: Sid Meier' s Pirates Return to Castle Wolfenstein
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 05:27
World of Warcraft, Knights of the Old Republic, and the new Xbox Magazine demo. Daroosh-Great game RTCW was back in the day on Xbox Live. That game brings back so many memories of killing people online...I was ranked in the 20' s near the end.
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 07:47
Man, I just loved DOAU. There were some flaws (like some camera issues), so I didn' t see it as sublime as Soul Calibur 2, but it was so much fun. I liked six things about it: Tina, LeiFang, Ayane, Kasumi, Hitomi and Helena
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 08:01
I' ve been playing GTA:SA(Xbox version) and World of Warcraft. Both are amazing titles.
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- Joined: Dec 13, 2004
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 08:39
This weekend I hope I' ll find the time to finally start playing Killer 7. Tekken 5 is taking a lot of my time, as is GTA:SA on Xbox and Champions:RTA (it' s a great game, but I wouldn' t be playing it if my gf didn' t like it so much). Looks like Metroid Prime 2 is going to have to wait a while longer.
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 14:46
im playing coded arms on my psp right now.great game
George Foreman
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 16:03
I' m playing Nanostray right now. Very fun but, hard as hell. Oh yeah, Nanostray: 8.4/10
< Message edited by George Foreman -- 23 Jul 05 3:14:20 >
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- Joined: Jul 20, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 18:51
Im playing Killer7 right now and it' s pretty wierd, cool, and awsome. I' m also playing Guild Wars for the PC. Hopefully soon i' ll be playing Geist. Killer7 8.5/10 Guild Wars 9/10
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 22, 2005 22:36
Do you think Geist and Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball will be any good? Nintendo has never really tried it' s hand at a real FPS and a sports game (I' m talking about a sports without Mario). When I played Geist at E3 2004, I wasn' t impressed at all. But I know it' s become alot better. I don' t know what people thought of NPCB, hopefully it' ll be good. Hey, if the Red Sox won the World Series, then Nintendo could make a real, good sports title!!
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 14:07
I' m playing Doom 3  and Conker: Live And Reloaded
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 19:45
Was playing Nanostray just a while ago. I was on the 7th level with 1 more level left to go and Would have finished the game a scant 30 minutes after just buying it but the dam* battery died onme, LOL.. Argh! Now I can' t say that I finished it in one sitting all due to a minor technicality.
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 20:19
Ape Escape 3 Espgaluda Gigawing Generations R-Type Final Dragon' s Lair 3D for Xbox in HDTV (game still sucks even in HD) Lords of Thunder Legendary Axe Thunder Force 2
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 20:52
I started playing Project: Snowblind today, but so far I' m not impressed.
George Foreman
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 21:12
Was playing Nanostray just a while ago. I was on the 7th level with 1 more level left to go and Would have finished the game a scant 30 minutes after just buying it but the dam* battery died onme, LOL.. Argh! Now I can' t say that I finished it in one sitting all due to a minor technicality. Damn, how are you already at the end. I' m still stuck at the third level.
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 21:28
I played the Sims tonight. That was fun. Haven' t played that game in awhile.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 21:53
Damn, how are you already at the end. I' m still stuck at the third level. 2D Styled shooters are among my favorites along with platformers. My fingers have had plenty of twitch gaming practice all week with Space Invader Pocket and Star Soldier for the PSP and Mushihime-sama for the PS2. If you can survive a shooter developed by CAVE, you can survive almost any shoot-em up as Cave shooters are friggin INSANE at times but in such a delicious way with enemies swarming you at a faster rate of speed from every direction and screens filled with enemy fire and no safe spots. :).
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 24 Jul 05 5:55:54 >
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 23, 2005 22:24
Today, I played Meteos, Kirby Canvas Curse, Super Mario Sunshine and Forza Motorsport. Meteos is loads of fun, and Kirby is very well-crafted and clever. Sunshine, although it is no Mario 64 in any fashion, is still very well made and it' s controls are sublime (although the story is laughable and there are camera issues). As for Forza, I' m glad that I' ve found a simulated racing game that doesn' t sacrifice fun for authenticity, because ' Motorsport' has both. ... That last line sounded sooooo professional....
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