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What games have you played lately??
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Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 03, 2006 08:11
I' ve been playing a lot of Ys for the Sega Master System. I also played Super Monkey Ball Touch and Roll (blah) and Rub Rabbits (kick ass!).
Boss Hogg
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 03, 2006 10:54
I got BLACK yesterday and I beat it today. It is short but its a fuckin awesome game. The action, the explosions the amount of enimeies, the level design the sound I love it all. The cut scenes are really cool. Its damn near the perfect FPS (oh yeah I said it). It even has custom sondtracks on Xbox! The game is just fine without the blood and no multiplayer all it would of done is just slow down the already perfect frame rate. Not to mention its a steal for only 40 dollars. If you like the FPS genre it is a must buy! The only problem I see with the game is that its a little short. But I' d rather have a short game with non-stop action and is fun as hell then a long game thas boring. But before BLACK I was playing Jade Empire Its O.K but theres a shitload of talking Call of Duty:Finest Hour Good but i dont think I can play it for a while after BLACK Mortal Kombat:Deception Havent got a chance to get in some time with it yet
< Message edited by Boss Hogg -- 3 Mar 06 3:00:34 >
Boss Hogg
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 03, 2006 10:59
I got BLACK yesterday and I beat it today. It is short but its a fuckin awesome game. The action, the explosions the amount of enimeies, the level design the sound I love it all. The cut scenes are really cool. Its damn near the perfect FPS (oh yeah I said it). It even has custom sondtracks on Xbox! The game is just fine without the blood and no multiplayer all it would of just slowed down the already perfect frame rate. Not to mention its a steal for only 40 dollars. If you like the FPS genre it is a must buy! The only problem I see with the game is that its a little short. But I' d rather have a short game with non-stop action and is fun as hell then a long game thas boring. But before BLACK I was playing Jade Empire Its O.K but theres a shitload of talking Call of Duty:Finest Hour Good but i dont think I can play it for a while after BLACK Mortal Kombat:Deception Havent got a chance to get in that much time with it yet
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 03, 2006 17:42
God of war Call of duty 2 The movies
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 03, 2006 18:36
Currently/Recently playing: Black Superman: Shadow of Apokolips Sword of Etheria (OZ) Naruto 3 (PS2) a tiny bit of Grandia 3
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 03, 2006 19:25
Finished Perfect dark zero on secret agent,playing some in perfect now...
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 04, 2006 02:24
F-Zero GX
Mass X
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 04, 2006 02:33
The Thing - I was looking at the BC list for games that I never had a chance to play. With all the new games for 360 coming soon I decided to fit a few missed ones before hand. This is one of them. Pretty decent so far, considering its a game from 2002. I' ll have to play it more to see if it gets better. The Fear/trust system and the squad setup is pretty nice. And its cool that he coldness plays a part in it. Crude enemy animations tho, a few more frames here and there wouldve made it look better.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 04, 2006 03:52
Gradius Portable. nuff said. Fight Night Round 3 for the PSP and Xbox 360.. Mostly for the PSP though. Yesterday I had to retire my custom fighter who had a perfect 70-0-0 record... So those reviewers complaining about the controls of the PSP version should go suck a lemon! Sonic Riders.. Sonic R on hoverboards baby!! Well at least it' s a lot more playable than Sonic R was.
Mass X
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 04, 2006 04:37
Chickapoo88 made me play DDR :( I hate that game.
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 04, 2006 04:43
Terry I actually prefer Sonic R to Riders, maybe i' m just really crap at it, but i loved the music in R.
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 05, 2006 09:10
I' ve been playing... Resident Evil 4: Fina-frikkin-ly Terminator: Redemption MGS 2: SOL again Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (one really hard game)
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 05, 2006 09:28
I REALLY couldn' t stand the controls of Sonic R, which totally ruined the game for me.. Some of the music was definitely pretty catchy, just gotta love CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE  , but I love the more futuristic hoverboard theme AND the controls of Sonic Riders more.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 05, 2006 18:42
i have been replaying Ninja Gaiden and Halo 2. Yeah...i know...these are already old but they´re so good
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 05, 2006 18:44
i have been replaying Ninja Gaiden and Halo 2 Yeah...Iknow...these are old but they´re great games to replay
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 05, 2006 20:05
erghh, how can one like the music to Sonic R? it was awful.. I liked the game tho and technically very impressive at its time. Ive been playing: Quake III: threewave MarioKart DS Lots of Sexy games with my girl.. Hmm. anyway.. moving on..
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 05, 2006 21:04
I' ve been playing Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time lately. Damn, I' ve been neglecting Kingdom Hearts: CoM in the process... I' ve also started Resi 4 again. Leon looks so sexy in that police jacket.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 06, 2006 00:31
erghh, how can one like the music to Sonic R? it was awful. " Livin in the City" and " Can You Feel the Sunshine" were catchy themes 
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 06, 2006 04:22
Sonic Riders got really bad reviews ...is it that bad? Shadow the Hedgehog was ...a fuckin crap.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Mar 06, 2006 04:39
Sega needs to just remake the original Sonic Adventure with new levels and better camera work and release it as a sequel cause that was the best of the 3D Sonics in my opinion. Neither Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, or Sonic Riders were able to cut the mustard. ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 5 Mar 06 20:49:14 >
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