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What games have you played lately??
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Boss Hogg
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 25, 2005 21:36
I just got Half-Life 2 for Xbox. Its really good. I like how you are always Gordon Freeman. You never leave his body. No Cut scenes, No Switching heros like in Halo 2 (still love it though). Plus the Gravity Gun is so Cool. Their so many weird enemies U have to face. And the Ravenholm chapter is more scary then some " Horror" games. Not to mention the vehical levels are so fun.Overall Half-Life 2 is a great game. I definetly Recommend it.
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 26 Dec 05 5:37:40 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 25, 2005 22:25
Congrats on the PSP games Paul, you' ve got a pretty solid collection to start off with. Liberty City Stories is a pretty good entry in the series. I liked it a hell of a lot more than I did Grand Theft Auto 3 (Vice City is still my absolute favorite in the series). Even though the game takes place in the same city as part 3, Liberty City Stories is a great side-story with enough bite-sized missions to make it ideal for on-the-go gaming. It' s also a graphically more impressive game than Grand Theft Auto 3 since they used a different engine in the PSP game. Everybody' s Golf, is a game a lot of people seem to swear by. Sadly I' ve had the game since December of last year and STILL haven' t played it yet, LOL.. Metal Gear Ac!d is also pretty darn good, which is VERY surprising coming from me given my total disdain for TURN-BASED RPGs, strategy games, and card games. But despite that, I was totally engaged by the game. Was walking around the office, bumping into walls while playing the game, just couldn' t put it down.
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 26, 2005 22:42
Man, I haven' t bought any games for ages, so I spent some money that I shouldn' t have last week on Soul Calibur 3 and Phantom Brave, both of which I' m enjoying thoroughly. When I head back to college next week though I' m going to be strapped for time to play them (my Mitsurugi impression will have to wait too, I guess). And I still haven' t even removed Viewtiful Joe 2 from its packaging. Hmmm...I have so many games to complete. I' m also digging around my house for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which seems to have disappeared. I swear by that game though, especially for chilling with in your bathtub with the lights turned down and the SP' s backlight turned on :D ...err, yeah. Pretend I never told you guys that ^_^;; I totally missed the opportunity to buy Electroplankton a few days ago...I' m so gutted. I want to get a PSP...but only if it' s Homebrew Compatible (someone should trademark that and make a little Intel Inside-esqe sticker for the PSP) so I can emulate. I' m one of those weirdos that actually has the games he downloads. Hell, I' m going to check if there' s a NeoGeo pocket emulator for the PSP. I' ve been dying to play Faselei! on a decent screen for the past couple of years. Terry, Vice City is easily the best in the series. It was a stylistic victory for the series, and that' s coming from the only guy in the world (apparently) who doesn' t find the GTA games as alluring as everyone else. Vice City really does make you feel cool.
< Message edited by jimiphoenix -- 27 Dec 05 6:47:43 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 26, 2005 23:02
Terry, Vice City is easily the best in the series. It was a stylistic victory for the series, and that' s coming from the only guy in the world (apparently) who doesn' t find the GTA games as alluring as everyone else. Vice City really does make you feel cool. Believe me, you' re not alone in your disinterest ;).. I stopped playing Grand Theft Auto 3 after an hour and just couldn' t be bothered anymore. I invested a decent amount of time into Vice City, never finished it but it was still my favorite from the series for two main reasons.. The setting was my home town of Florida AND the game had 80s music!!
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- Joined: Dec 25, 2005
- Location: London, United Kingdom (but not British)
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 26, 2005 23:09
You see, Vice City does what no movie, no book, no anything has managed to do before. Make me wish I was back in the 80s. You see, the music will always have a special place in my heart (in just about every genre too), but I just don' t like the 80s (though, granted, I didn' t spend much time there, I was born in ' 87). Now, if I wear a blazer...I roll up the sleeves :D I' m considering suing Rockstar for making me emulate Don Johnson, and I may even have a case. Meh, I' ll let Jack Thompson burst a blood vessel on them (oh please, let it happen - please!). ;)
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 27, 2005 10:53
I have been playing Rockman Megaworld on my 16-bit Sega Genesis video entertainment system and it is hard as ****!
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 27, 2005 16:33
I' ve been playing Area-51, Doom 3 and pariah. I love my shooters.
Vx Chemical
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 00:35
Catching up on Halo, and playing Perfect Dark Zero (still)
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 04:44
I beat Wonder Boy in Monster World, Wonder Boy III: The Dragon' s Trap and Dragon' s Curse all in the last 2 days.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 05:01
aw man, i miss wonderboy, i only played it on a friends Sega back in the day, never had it myself!
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 11:03
I recieved Resi 4(PS2) for christmas so, needless to say, I' ve been on that A LOT since then. I really should get back to working on that essay for English... Hopefully I will be playing Mario Kart DS online in a week or two. We have NETGEAR but it isn' t the approriate version, so I have to get the USB connector which won' t dispatch until a week or two on Amazon  .
< Message edited by Marink -- 28 Dec 05 19:05:27 >
Mass X
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 11:41
Perfect Dark Zero - Not the most visually impressive (altho not bad at all either), its packed with so many other little details and extras that you dont mind that at all. Added with the abundance of online modes, its a pretty damn good and very fun game. Condemened - They say its a short game but it hard to keep yourself from losing yer sanity without shutting it off form time to time or playing an up beat song in the background. This game will at some point make you shit yerself...litterally or not. Its a little bit Butcher Bay spliced with the atomosphere of Silent Hill. Project Gothem Racing 3 - Racing games dont keep me hooked often. ToCA 2, Burnout 3, and Forza all had the time, but PGR3 has a tight grasp on me and its gonna be hard to get me out of it. The game is visually amazing, I love the racing style, and theres many type of modes to be enjoyed. But the destructive side of me still wants to see these beautiful cars get demolished from time to time, but thats really my only complaint. Hexic HD (Xbox Live Arcade) - One of those basic games that are fun to play Geometry Wars 2 (PGR3 mini arcade) - Another basic thats fun to play. Also very visually pleasing when you' re shooting.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 28 Dec 05 19:42:17 >
Chee Saw
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 16:20
I' m starting to get into Advent Rising. It' s a very good story, thus far, though it seems to be moving at a rushed pace. Probably so the action goes ahead full bore, so I can' t complain. The combat is pretty interesting, and leveling up the weapons as you fight is cool. I think people may have been put off of this game because it looks very simple, but It' s more of an art direction decision, and I think it works well. At least your girlfriend in the game has very good breast physics! (not good as in " realistic" , but good as in " holy crap" )
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 28, 2005 16:54
Perfect Dark Zero (xbox 360): I' ve been playing Dark Ops multiplayer online a lot. I don' t think very many people realize you can play ranked games instead of player matches. It can be hard to get a ranked game going in the middle of the night but there are always tons of people playing player matches. Call of Duty 2 (xbox 360): Just awesomely balanced and fun multiplayer. And I pwn so much at it. StarCraft: Brood War (PC): Still the best real time strategy game out there. Multiplayer on battle.net never gets old. Every night there are still over 100 thousand people playing Starcraft Brood War at one time. That and I' ve been waiting for a part to come in the mail so I can fix my good computer. Right now I' m on a windows ME 350mhz Pentium 2 with 256mb of memory and a voodoo 3 16mb video card. It really isn' t that bad because I keep my stuff clean. Web sites load instantly and my computer is up and running in less than 30 seconds. It is only good for old games though. It runs games a little bit better than a PS2 but not quite as well as a Dreamcast.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 29 Dec 05 0:55:58 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 29, 2005 04:57
Condemned - They say its a short game but it hard to keep yourself from losing yer sanity without shutting it off form time to time or playing an up beat song in the background. This game will at some point make you shit yerself...litterally or not. Really? I guess I won' t play it then, I scare easy  . I did get a few nervous vibes and got a bit jumpy on Resi 4, but I find it quite tame myself. It does tend to get a bit scarier with Ashley as you have to always protect her from being touched once! *SPOILER*It' s a good thing you lose her shortly after you enter the church.*/SPOILER*
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 30, 2005 16:36
Res 4 is by far the very best game i have played from the current generation. I bought it on it' s day of release for Gamecube, then again when it was released on PS2 so i could play the additional stuff. But it wasn' t scary, i just really enjoy shooting axes out of the air as they spin towards Leons face! But lately i' ve been playing all things 360. As much praise as PGR3 deserves i think i' ve probably spent more time playing Need For Speed Most Wanted! Kameo is great but too short and GUN sucked muchly, but Condemned is astonishingly good! I like the fact that you don' t find ammo and only get what' s in the gun when you find it, it makes the choice between the shotgun you have that has 2 shells left and the revolver you just found that has 4 rounds left that much more interesting. I actually jumped in horror when i had run out of ammuntion and flipped the boom-stick round to beat my attacker over the head with it, only for the butt to break when i hit him and the weapon to become useless! Remember, when you can just taser his/her ass and steal THEIR weapon! But Call Of Duty 2 has to be 360' s best launch title, it' s simply brilliant!!!
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jan 07, 2006 16:02
Finished Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. Took me close to 80 hours to complete. An excellent game Now I' m waiting for Shadow Hearts: Convenant to arrive. I hear this is a pretty good RPG as well.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jan 08, 2006 15:11
Ooooooh, add DoA4 (gorgeous), Amped 3 and Ridge Racer 6 to mine!!!!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jan 08, 2006 15:15
Finished Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. Took me close to 80 hours to complete. Shouldn' t it have taken till the end of time to complete? Maybe you have a defective copy
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jan 09, 2006 00:40
I' ve been playing Sega Rally 2006 (just about to try out that bonus disc which is the reason for owning the game). Also I am about to play Soul Calibur 3 to be wowed by the amazing end boss graphics. ;)
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