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What games have you played lately??
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Terry Bogard
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 06, 2005 20:30
Today I played and completed Viewtiful Joe Scratch! for the DS twice, on both the Kids and Adults settings!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 07, 2005 00:30
Im currentlly playing Call of Duty 2 Civilization 4 Spartan: Total Warrior And Zelda the minish cap, at times as well
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 07, 2005 02:22
Mostly I' ve been playing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow for the DS. I completed it with 100% map and 100% souls. I then played Julius mode and completed that with 100% map. great game, can' t wait for the next DS Castlevania! I' ve also been playing a lot of Midnight Resistance for some reason. Even though the game has slow, muted, low res graphics I can' t stop playing it!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 07, 2005 03:27
iv been considering Castlevania for the DS, maybe i shiould give it a try!
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 07, 2005 11:43
Definitely get it. Best DS game so far, despite using traditional controls.
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- Joined: Oct 16, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 07, 2005 17:46
the game Ive being playing latley is supersmash brothers that game is addictive I just love that game
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 08, 2005 22:42
Today I made an awesome find of a bunch of Sega Master System games at a local game store. They were all like-new and complete, $3.99 each. Buy two get one free. Walked away with 9 games. Played them all tonight. Kick ass!
Mass X
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 09, 2005 00:05
Got drunk and played various Sega Genesis games on a large projector screen. Normally my eyes have trouble with dated graphics, but under the influence it was a blast. Especially when I showed my Mortal Kombat skills and dominated all at the gathering/party/get together. Then went on to play Katamari Damacy...this game is wierd enough but jesus f---ing christ man with all the ' substances' around... Then threw in some Unreal Tournament on the Dreamcast which was followed by ,for a brief moment, just to freak some ppl out Seaman (God that thing is freaky!). More drinking ensued when someone decided to borrow their ' siblings' (riiight) Mary Kate and Ashley game... all I remember is pre-teens chasing clothes around and picking up 30 somthing guys. Some Mario Party 7 and a dip back to the N64 with the origional Mario Party (the f---er brought back memories of palm blisters). Throw in some FPS ranging from Goldeneye and Perfect Dark to Halo2, a few sports games, some fighters, and even more drinks and it was a good time. You' d think all these games, mustve been a sausage fest. Fook no! Dont tell chickapoo but the womens were a plenty and even more, not bad looking at all...and for the hat trick - Into games if not as much as the guys then damn close! Do I feel bad for not having Jess their? Yes. Do I regret it? No...no not really. Times are changing and judgin from this party definatly for the better! DRINKS, GAMES, AND WOMEN!!! pictures coming soon Come all to the cold hell yet heavenly Minnesota! I loves my weekends :) but dont worry Jess I love you more!!!
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 09, 2005 06:34
Recently I' ve been playing Burnout Revenge, Ultimate Spiderman and World of Warcraft. I' ve also tried to finish Sonic Battle before the new games come out but am totally stuck.
Chee Saw
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 11, 2005 05:37
I tried out some classics on my newly modded Xbox. That damn Zaxxon is REDICULOUSLY hard! Trying to actually make sense of the perspective in that game must require copious amounts of alcohol (Mass X) or insanity (Joe). The Killer Instinct emulator worked ok, but I couldn' t get Mortal Kombat II to work correctly. As far as newer games go, I played Quantum Redshift on the Xbox, which was pretty fun in multiplayer mode. I' ve also been enjoying DOA: XBV since I can play the nude version now!! Yay! Last week, my friend Graeme and I played MK: Shaolin Monks for a couple of hours. It was actually pretty fun. The combat was very fluid and intuitive, and collecting fatalities and such made it kind of hard to put down. My only gripe is that they make you revisit areas that you' ve already been through. It turns me off when a game makes you do that. As much as I liked Metroid Prime, I stopped playing it for that very reason.
Boss Hogg
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 13, 2005 14:41
Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory WOW just WOW. Since this is my first Splinter cell game I did not expect they would put so much detail into a game this generation. The graphics are just crazy. The stealth kills are so cool, and the gameplay is so fun. I now see why Rampage likes this game so much. This is hard for me to say so I' ll just say it Arrrrrgh  Splinter Cell 3 is just as good as Halo 2  there I said it
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 14 Nov 05 3:26:09 >
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What games have you played lately??
Nov 13, 2005 15:40
I played GUN for the Xbox recently. It was alright.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 03, 2005 20:07
DS: Sonic Rush (fabulous!) Viewtiful Joe: Scratch! (fabulous!) Gunstar Superheroes (fabulous!) PSP: Kingdom of Paradise (by far my favorite RPG released in recent years) CONSOLES: Capcom Classics Collection (nice but could have been better) Shadow The Hedgehog (It' s OK, nothing great or memorable) So in essence, towards the end of November my biggest gaming thrills were provided by handheld games.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 01:04
DS: -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Surprisingly fun! -Viewtiful Joe - Too slow. -Feel the Magic 2 (Japanese version) - Cool, but it would be better if I could figure out the menus. -Super Monkey Ball - Amazingly good, except for the music (which sucks). -Jump Jump Superstars - Had to turn this one off after only 30 or so seconds, ' cause it sucked! -Touch Golf - Friggin' AWESOME! I just love the DS! PS2 -Legend of K - Not my cup of tea. I just want to play, but I must wander around a town instead. Typical RPG. -EDF 1 and 2 - At first I hated these games. But then they became really fun. I like hunting and eliminating all of the choppy targets on my map. Reminds my of Thunderstrike for the Sega CD, only choppy and with ants instead of helicopters and tanks. -Dragon Quest VIII - Sucked ass. Was boring. Wanted to get out of the town and actually DO SOMETHING, but fell asleep before that could happen. RPGs really work better in 2D than 3D. -Ryu Ga Gotoku - OK I am giving the full blown game a try so I don' t base all of my opinions on the demo alone. Xbox -King Kong starring Peter Jackson - Sucked tremendous amounts of ass. Just another FPS. -Need for Speed Most Wanted - Certainly not as good as Hot Pursuit 2 on the PS2, but they are trying. The Xbox360 version looks a teeny bit better, but not $10 higher price tag better. Gamecube -TMNT 3 - This seems to be based on the newer, lamer version of the cartoon. Don' t really like it, but I MUST press on and complete episode 1 to unlock TMNT the arcade game. April isn' t near as hot in this version, and Bebop and Rocksteady are nowhere to be found, nor is Krang. WTF? -Resident Evil Zero - Sucks ass. Horrible controls. I am amazed that the Resident Evil series was ever tolerated by anybody before part 4. Got this for free for designing a logo. TurboGrafx-16 -Dracula X - Friggin' sweet! I' m going through it for like the 9th time. I' m at 44% right now. I just rescued some bitch. She spoke Japanese despite having purple hair. I find that a lot of people speak Japanese except the guy in the beginning who thinks he is cool because he knows a little German. -Side Arms - Hard to tell the difference between this and the NES. -R-Type - Sweet. Ever notice how the PC Engine/TG16 and Sega Master System versions of R-Type both have much better music than the arcade? It' s true. The arcade sounds like ass. -Shinobi - Missing many stages. Asmik sucks ass. Sega Genesis -Zero Wing - Had to beat it again. -Space Harrier II - I cannot perceive the difference between EASY, NORMAL, and HARD levels of difficulty. Am I just that awesome? -Magical Hats - This is the Japanese version of Decapattack starring Chuck D. Head. Based on Psycho Fox. -Socket - Brand new for $5, still in the shrinkwrap! -Strider - Why did they take out a bunch of sounds for the US version?? -Golden Axe III - Not too terribly bad. I played the " Asian Version" which is in English, logically. -Pulseman - This game never fails to bore me. I can see why it was abandoned in Japan, never to come overseas. Sega Master System -Ghost House - The jump and the attack button are ass backwards! -Black Belt - This game rocks. It destroys its sequel, Last Battle. -Rambo: First Blood Part II - This game rocks da hizzouse. -Zillion 2 - Eh. I' m still looking for Zillion 1 complete. Jump and attack buttons are backwards. -Fantasy Zone 2 - Still looking for Fantasy Zone 1 complete. -Shooting Gallery - Fantastic light phaser game! Super Nintendo -Cosmo Gang the Video - This is a great Galaga " sequel" by some weird company called " NAMCOT" . Namcot made a ton of games for the Mega Drive, PC Engine and Super Famicom like Phelios, Rolling Thunder, Burning Force, Splatterhouse, Galaga 88/90 and the like. I don' t know who " Namcot" is, but they seem to like to make a lot of Namco games! Cosmo Gang is great! -Axelay - Pretty fun shooter with lots of slowdown!
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 10:52
CONSOLES: Capcom Classics Collection (nice but could have been better) ... I liked it very much. Anyway...back to the subject matter... XBOX Lord of the Rings: Third Age - Love turn-based RPG' s!!! Halo - Do I really need to expalin this? Splashdown - love to race Ski-Doos! Mortal Kombat: Deception - especially like the extra games. Gauntlet Legends - Playing with sig other ' cause we enjoy the time together. I' m soon getting Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows (12/13/05), so we (sig other & I) can enjoy even more hack-n-slash fun! When I' m not working both jobs, that is...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 6 Dec 05 18:53:40 >
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 12:22
Xbox 360: -PDZ= good game but a little rough around the edges. It' s really fun when you are doing well but the checkpoint system sucks (only one per level, and extremely poorly placed) and the lack of being able to save really blows. -NFS:MW= Awesome game. I' m really enjoying it. -NBA2k6= Awesome. Freaking awesome.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 12:25
Yeah i just saw you online playing Perfect Dark earlier rampage. I recently completed Indrible Hulk Ultimate Destruction, which is a great game, i can really recommend it. Also completed, Halflife, Halflife: Opposing Forces, Halflife: Blueshift, and Halflife 2, which are all really great games, though Blueshift isnt as fun as Opposing forces.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 12:48
I liked it very much. Don' t get me wrong I liked many of the games included in the collection but the emulation wasn' t perfect, especially for games like Forgotten Worlds.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 13:44
Xbox Shadow The Hedgehog - Really poor ' action' title, lacks the polish and graphics of Heroes as well as almost everything Sonic games are supposed to be PS2 WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 - The finest wrestling title ever. No really, it' s that good. Could possibly have done with more to do in the season mode but GM mode makes up for that. DS Sonic Rush - The best outing for the blue spiky one in recent memory. It' s a bit of a challenge too but well worth it' s price tag. I' d reccomend any Sonic fans get it, but if you are one you probably already have it Mario Kart DS - Super karting action either against the cpu and easily available online with a wireless router. Xbox 360 Project Gotham 3 - One of the better racing games I' ve played. Looks a dream and the always online aspect of the game is a wonder. Really, the benchmark for all 360 games as far as live content goes and a hell of a racing game to boot. Perfect Dark Zero - Am I the only one having trouble with the aiming? It looks nice and ' shiny' and I am enjoying it so far. Need more practice however. Kameo - A surprisingley well cobbled together action title with good graphics, better voice acting and a 1000+ orc party trick. Have only started but so far things are good.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: What games have you played lately??
Dec 06, 2005 14:17
Pc: The Movies! [it rocks] erm.. nothing else really, i have to get some games for the ps2 soon.
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