What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented?

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 16, 2007 22:25
12 Monkeys - Recommened by numerous people, all I will say is...WTF!!??

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 16, 2007 23:06

ORIGINAL: fish_wacker

12 Monkeys - Recommened by numerous people, all I will say is...WTF!!??

Watch it again. You' ll get it.

Speaking of highly recommended movies, I' d lke to take this moment to tell everyone who said that 40 Year-Old Virgin was an outstanding movie that they can kiss my hairy nekkid monkey ass.

That movie wasn' t bad by a long shot, but it' s soooooo AVERAGE. Where is the craziness? What part was supposed to have me rolling in the aisles? I mean, I giggled. It was a funny movie. But I wasn' t nearly as great as everyone made it out to be.

Maybe the hype ruined it for me. I was expecting gold and I got silver. Meh.
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 16 Aug 07 15:16:11 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 16, 2007 23:13
No you wont, but Terry Gilliam will jump out of your set & screw your head on straight so you instantly fall in love with 12 monkeys, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen and Brazil.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 17, 2007 10:37
I agree, The 40 Year Old Virgin really wasn' t that funny. It was average like most comedies these days. True Lies was funnier.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 17, 2007 21:41
I am liking the look of Superbad.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 17, 2007 21:58
Private Gold 91: Evil Geishas Hotel = bah...[:' (]

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 18, 2007 06:11
Smoking Aces DVD
Crank DVD
The Smoking Aces DVD is ok with a couple deleted scenes and extended scenes and a different ending.
Crank DVD a waste of time.
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 18, 2007 12:38

I am liking the look of Superbad.

You too? I went to hit one of their clips today & it gives me a Name Age & Zipcode window to make sure I' m 18. I let them know that I' m a 76 year old man named Haywood Jablomi from Moddersville Michigan... and guess what it didn' t take!

They cross check your name age & zip code with your fricking drivers license to watch a video! Scary stuff man!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 19, 2007 05:25
Rush Hour 3

Awful, Chris Tucker is simply NOT funny and you won' t laugh about his lines unless you are a pre-school child. Jackie Chan is also way past his prime. The only time I chuckled was whenever the taxi driver appeared. Oh, and the outtakes also were a little bit funny.

The Departed

Wow, I somehow managed to escape this movie for almost a year, but now I finally rented the DVD and woah, pure awesomeness. Better than Infernal Affairs and Leonardo DiCaprio finally managed to get rid of that image he had since Titanic. One of Scorcese' s best movies.

28 Weeks Later

This one is a hard call. I absolutely loved the first thirty minutes but then suddenly those stupid ass kids are the main characters? WTF? If it hadn' t been for those shallow, dumb kids the movie would' ve been on par with the first one.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 19, 2007 08:49
Here' s a great review of Rush Hour 3 that my friend wrote:

Reel 1
Chris Tucker is being stupid and annoying.

He directs traffic while listening to his ipod and causes car wrecks, of which he shows how racist he is by blaming the wrecks on the white people and then makes a deal to let some black girls off if they have sex with him and Jackie Chan. Apparently this is supposed to be funny.

Some fair action scenes. Nothing like good old fashioned Jackie Chan, but at least it doesn' t have a shaky cam.

Chris Tucker makes more racist jokes and is continually unfunny.


Reel 2
Chris Tucker is being stupid and annoying.

They use a nun to interrogate a suspect because she speaks French and they spend the entire time making her translate offensive threats. Again, this is supposed to be funny.

Chris Tucker is told by a white cab driver that he won' t drive black people because they are violent and cause problems in the world. Of course Tucker holds a gun to his head and makes him sing the national anthem. More hilarity ensues, because racist jokes are funny.

The two start looking around in a party. They decide to split up and of course Tucker says " I' ll take the women" and then proceeds to make a further ass out of himself.

There is a fight with Chan and a woman who is trying to kill him, but of course Tucker only hears the moans through the door and cheers him on thinking that Chan is getting laid.

Uh oh, after a short chase scene now they are captured!!!


Reel 3
Chris Tucker is being stupid and annoying.

Oh boy, the bad guy is going to kill them. OH NO! It' s only reel 3!!! Any second now the bad guy will walk away and then they will make....wait, nevermind. Yes the bad guy walked away to let them be killed and sure as shit, they made an escape. WOW! I totally didn' t see that one coming.

Hardy har har, a dog pisses on Chris Tucker' s foot. Oh wow, I can' t stop laughing because this is SO FUNNY! Laugh damnit!

Hmmmm, this is interesting. An emotional scene regarding how these two are not brothers, accompanied with music " how do I make you love me" . Surprisingly Tucker didn' t turn the term " brothers" into a racist joke. Regardless this sappy scene shouldn' t have happened until reel 4. They are breaking formula!

Since they can' t seem to get a solid plot going, an old man appears to give Chan a bunch of plot info that we really don' t care about.

Oh lookie, more comic relief. Tucker wanders into a dressing room of scantily clad girls and impersonates a costume designer. I don' t even need to continue because you all know how this scene goes.

I don' t even know what to say about this retarded stage show with the two of them singing. I think I' ll vomit now.

Now they escape and just HAPPEN to be picked up by the SAME CAB DRIVER and all he wants to do is be an American. Yeah, whatever. I have a feeling we will be seeing this guy in reel 5. Hell, this guy will probably save the day.


Reel 4
Chris Tucker is being stupid and annoying.

The SAME CAB DRIVER picked them up after they made a quick escape just when Tucker was about to get laid.

Not like anyone really cares, but spoiler alert here...the person they are looking for is the woman Tucker almost had sex with and her head is tattoed with the names of the people on this big secret list everyone is getting all riled up over. Whatever.

Oh for ***' s sake, the SAME CAB DRIVER just happened to pick them up AGAIN! Apparently there is only one cab driver in the entire country.

Blah, blah, blah. Now the evil bad guys have Chan' s girlfriend or something. I don' t even care at this point, but regardless they have to exchange the tattoo girl for this girl' s safety...even though we all know damn good and well that the tattoo girl won' t actually die.

So Chan is now about to die via 100 cuts and Tucker enters the room as Chan' s " brother from another mother" . (Hardy har, there' s that racist humor we all love so much from Tucker. I seriously wonder, are black audiences outraged and insulted, or do they find this shit funny?) Now we find out that the girl is tied up outside the high rise who JUST NOW AS THE CAMERA TURNS TO HER decides to look down and be scared. At least now we FINALLY get a decent Chan fight. Of course Tucker footage keeps interrupting it, but at least it' s something.

WHY does Tucker have to constantly make racist jokes? It just isn' t funny. " Black people don' t fly" (in reference to almost falling).


Reel 5
Chris Tucker is being...oh hell, you know.

Oh wow THE WACKY CAB DRIVER SAVES THE DAY!!! Gosh, I didn' t see THAT coming. LAAAAAME!

And we are treated with semi-funny outtakes.

1 out of 5 for some pretty good sound at at least that one good Jackie Chan fight scene.

< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 19 Aug 07 0:54:33 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 20, 2007 03:02
I' d heard the same basic ideas as that, only not as well stated. I just thought the review I read was stretching it though.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 22, 2007 20:16

It' s absolutely fantastic. We got 20 minutes of wonderful mind-boggling (as in you can' t understand what exactly is going on on the screen) CGI action and....HOW THE *** CAN YOU *** UP A MOVIE ABOUT TOYROBOTS FROM OUTER SPACE THIS BADLY? The story is bad, not because the basic premise sucks, but because it' s so badly executed and filled with logical gaps. The characters are bad, too. Instead of focusing on the Autobots and Decepticons all we are seeing is stupid Shia and his girlfriend in a series of really lame gags. Why exactly should I care about the battle between Autobots and Decepticons if I don' t get to know anything about them? You could have given me at least a few more Decepticon names. In fact, I cared more about the XBox 360 or the Mountain Dew vending machine when they turned evil ;(

Overall it' s your typical mediocre summer blockbuster. It' ll probably get an Oscar for visual effects but seriously, in a few months nobody will care about this movie.

Btw. did I mention that the soundtrack sucked? What happened to writing original pieces for movies instead of ripping of other movies and throwing in some Linkin Park at the end?
< Message edited by Evilkiller -- 22 Aug 07 16:33:20 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 23, 2007 08:55
I haven' t seen Transformers yet, but if the humans are responsible for saving the day, you can count me out.

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 23, 2007 09:02

I haven' t seen Transformers yet, but if the humans are responsible for saving the day, you can count me out.

I thought you were insane for not enjoying the movie, now I know you' re just misinformed.

The Departed

Wow, I somehow managed to escape this movie for almost a year, but now I finally rented the DVD and woah, pure awesomeness. Better than Infernal Affairs and Leonardo DiCaprio finally managed to get rid of that image he had since Titanic. One of Scorcese' s best movies.

It' s one of my favorite movies.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 23 Aug 07 1:05:12 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 05, 2007 04:12
The Prestige

BRILLIANT movie! It can be confusing (Half of the movie is a triple flashback, told from two different point of views) but if you stand through you' ll be rewarded with a fantastic plot and absolutely brilliant acting by Christian Bale (and an almost as good performance by Hugh Jackman). After having already watched Equillibrium and Machnist I am starting to think that Christian Bale has to be one of the best actors.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 05, 2007 04:27
The Abyss - The non-anamorphic DVD made me sad. And the box said 5.1, but it was only Pro-Logic. Oh well, this is an ancient DVD in my library, and the movie is pretty good.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 05, 2007 06:46
Didn' t Transformers suck?

I didn' t watch it on the assumption that having prostate cancer would be more entertaining.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 05, 2007 07:44

Btw. did I mention that the soundtrack sucked? What happened to writing original pieces for movies instead of ripping of other movies and throwing in some Linkin Park at the end?

i agree...

good movie though, if not best movie for the year.

I saw The hills have eyes DVD... this movie was rubbish. Pass on the DVD. Nothing to see.
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 06, 2007 07:53
The Crow on Bluray. Back to top of my list of favourite films ever, although it competes with Jacob' s Ladder and a couple of Lynch movies, Twin Peaks and Wild at Heart in particular. How do they remaster films for BluRay?

ORIGINAL: the_shadowwolf

I saw The hills have eyes DVD... this movie was rubbish. Pass on the DVD. Nothing to see.

Was that the original? I assume you' re talking about the remake The original wasn' t brilliant either though, I watched it a couple of months back.

And yeah, Transformers is the best film I' ve seen so far this year.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 19, 2007 22:23
Yeah it was the remake

Soon i will see the Iron Man DVD and the Superman Doomsday DVD, I saw the Marvel Ultimate Avengers DVD. It was alrite if you are a marvel fan but still somewhat dissapointing. I expect more with a DVD purchace and the extras wasn' t all that. Borrow it if you got to.
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 19, 2007 23:08
I just watched 300 yesterday, Super great movie. One of the best iv seen for a long time.

Iad umboros
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 20, 2007 02:03
I went to the cinema twice over the weekend.

1408 - Not up pto my hopes with Cusack and Samuel L Jackson in it. It was trying to do a more traditional Ghost Story, which is nice in today' s gore-splattered cinema, but it was a bit too convoluted for it' s own good.

Superbad - Better than I thought, it' s a bit more like Dazed and Confused than American Pie, although not quite as good as either. Worth a watch though.

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 20, 2007 03:21
" 1408 - Not up to my hopes with Cusack and Samuel L Jackson in it. It was trying to do a more traditional Ghost Story, which is nice in today' s gore-splattered cinema, but it was a bit too convoluted for it' s own good."

I still want to see it, I like both those actors too.

I saw Shooter with what' s-his-face. Worth a rental if you have nothing better to do. I can' t even say what it' s about without spoiling anything. It' s well done but at the end I felt like I watched movies just like it many times before.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 20, 2007 03:32
Shoot' em Up - Just corny comedic super over the top loony tunes action. Great fun and highly creative shootouts. Leave you brain at home.

Plot: A mysterious carrot loving bum (Clive Owen) gets himself caught up in a political assassination of sorts that involves a hitman trying to kill some chick and her unborn child. He saves the soon born baby and is then hunted down endlessly. He is later accompanied by a prostitute (Monica Belluci) who helps him keep the child alive while trying to figure out how to get out of the mess he is stuck in. Corny one liners, sex n shootouts (together at one point) and a plot holed drenched storyline.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 26, 2007 02:53
Zodiac, loved it but got the feeling a lot was held back for the directors cut

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 26, 2007 04:00
Downloaded SUPERMAN DOOMSDAY from Xbox Live Marketplace. Good movie, man o' man did Superman take a hell of a beating, lol..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 26, 2007 10:46
Watched the 4:3 (or sometimes labeled as " Full Screen" ) version of Air Force One. Sucked. Not being in the proper aspect ratio certainly didn' t help, and the CGI was extremely bad, especially when the plane crashes. Though I did like how I could still hear the evil CIA agent by the door screaming as the plane crashed, just like in real life!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 30, 2007 10:41
Death Proof Extended and Unrated. Oh my god they cut out a lot of that movie for the theater. It was a lot longer than the original but really good. I can' t wait to watch it on a home theater system complete with flat screen and surrond sound. Oh and I can' t wait until Planet Terror comes out, I got a $5 off coupon!
< Message edited by Chickapoo88 -- 30 Sep 07 2:41:33 >

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 30, 2007 11:54
Yeah I just saw Death Proof too. Probably the worst Quentin Tarantino movie.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Sep 30, 2007 13:23
Watched V for Vendetta for the first time.

I couldn' t help but feel as if it were trying to be a huge political allegory about our times. The Chancellor was clearly Bush (even his speeches near the end were similar), the St Mary' s incident (I' m not sure if that' s what they called it, I' m going off of memory here) with 80,000 people dead was 9-11, persecution of anything Islamic, the religious dude liked sex with children (similar to the current Catholic church scandal), the party in control was the " Conservative Party" , persecution of homosexuality (similar to what most prominent religious figures reach these days), the fascination with biological warfare, the whole " creating fear so the people will think they need us" thing that a lot of 9-11 conspiracy theorists preach, and the Parliament blowing up was another 9-11 (constantly referred to as " a building" ).

Here is what the film is trying to say: The US government planned and executed the 9-11 attacks themselves to strike fear into people so they could gain control and keep it along with granting themselves near-absolute power which would be unheard of in other times and that the people should take it back. Patriot Act, wire tapping, eavesdropping, you name it and it' s in the movie in some form. While I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, I just really don’t care for political allegories in my movies. It was far better than Children of Men, though. Yeah, I know it was based on a comic... but I still couldn' t shake those feelings and surely the filmmakers knew that people would have those thoughts. I' m not sure what the whole thing with Natalie Portman crying in the rain was supposed to be about.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 01, 2007 09:17
I just picked up Hot Fuzz. I liked it. Funny. Good DVD extras too.
I liked it better than Shaun of the Dead (haven' t seen the DVD of this one yet). Then again, zombies are stupid, so anything is better than a zombie movie, IMO.
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 1 Oct 07 1:41:27 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 01, 2007 10:10
Mmm Hot Fuzz is some damn good buddy cop parody fun.

Anyhow watced Deathproof. Altho this belongs to more of larger crowd movie theatre atmosphere, its still entertaining enough. Tho people looking for persistant action will be saddened and may want to wait for Planet Terror. This is a dialouge fueled flick but with some great action when it does show up.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 01, 2007 10:30


Anyhow watced Deathproof. Altho this belongs to more of larger crowd movie theatre atmosphere, its still entertaining enough. Tho people looking for persistant action will be saddened and may want to wait for Planet Terror. This is a dialouge fueled flick but with some great action when it does show up.

Well, now that changes my opinion on seeing this. Honestly, watching the previews it just looks like series of stupid action scenes, which would be highly disappointing for a Tarantino flick. The best thing about Quentin' s movies has always been the dialogue. The man makes some seriously quotable scenes.

So, in your opinion is the dialogue on par?

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 01, 2007 12:16

Pretty decent horror movie. Nothing really scary, but these days what is? It does have some good action and suspense. More importantly it has some " that' s kickass" moments. It' s a European movie that seems to make a few subtle cracks at American movies throughout the movie.

There' s a part with a rocket launcher, LOL. ' nuff said.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 01, 2007 14:43
I also thought death proof was horrible. Probably the most boring movie I have ever seen. I actually got bored while she was riding on the hood of the car being hit by the death guy. It was really drawn out. I loved planet terror though.
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 01, 2007 23:31
Death Proof suffered from boring characters, besides Stuntman Mike, and had too much dialogue for it' s own good.

I watched " I now pronounce you Chuck & Larry" which has to be one of the most broing, drawn-out movies EVER. They included EVERY stupid gay joke you can possibly imagine. You know, that kind of jokes you cracked when you were in 6th grade. Even the soap joke is in there. The movie also has Rob Schneider in it, which makes it even worse. And an ending with double standards doesn' t make things better, either.
If you are an Adam Sandler fan this is a must watch for you. Everybody else would be well advised to stay away.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 02, 2007 03:33
Planet Terror is coming out of on the 16th of this month. I still think Death Proof was the better one but maybe because I am a chick and it was more aimed towards chicks.
< Message edited by Chickapoo88 -- 1 Oct 07 19:33:25 >

Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 02, 2007 05:56

Well, now that changes my opinion on seeing this. Honestly, watching the previews it just looks like series of stupid action scenes, which would be highly disappointing for a Tarantino flick. The best thing about Quentin' s movies has always been the dialogue. The man makes some seriously quotable scenes.

So, in your opinion is the dialogue on par?

Well as chickapoo88 said its more of a Tarentino take on girl power chick flicks per se. There' s some quotes in there, but more for the females. However the dialogue is of Tarentino style . As to say its natural, real, everyday conversation. Stuff you could relate to as if you were talkign with your own group of friends. This of course allows you to connect with characters more.

The movie runs like this: 30 minutes of talking and drinking, 5 minute car sequence. 30 so minutes talking. 20-30 minute bad-ass car chase (tho whole point of the movie for those who missed it since it was a throwback to those car chase flicks and stunt movies of way back when, the Steve Mcqueen days). With and very satisfying ending whether yer a chick or a dude.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 27, 2007 19:19
I finally saw Transformers about 10 minutes ago or so. First off I must admit that I was a huge Transformers fan as a child. I loved the cartoon as well as the cartoon movie. You never saw good guy characters die in cartoon movies until Transformers came along. This Michael Bay movie is like a series reboot, only the reboot aspect is not done very well. You basically need to be a Transformers fan to fully grasp what is going on. The Decepticon symbol is never shown and some character names are given only once and we' re expected to remember them. Anyone who isn' t a Transformers fan would probably think " WTF?" or just like it for the action. This movie kicked ass and sucked ass at the same time. There' s no denying that the story was pure crap, especially the human side of the story. But there is lots of fairly cool action, but due to the way the Transformers look, it can get confusing. The CGI was awesome, but that' s because everything was metal.

I am displeased with the way the robots themselves looked. They looked waaay ***ed up. You could see all of their gears and all of that and as a result it was sometimes hard to make out what was their arms and legs, etc. They looked more like insects than anything. Often it was hard to tell the difference between any two Transformers. They almost all looked the same. Shitty design. The cartoons looked much more practical and logistical from a design standpoint. ***ing Michael Bay and his " I must ruin everything I survey" policy. Not only that, but some of the names were screwed up. Devastator was a tank and Bonecrusher was some sort of roving vehicle thingy. In the cartoon (and toy) Bonecrusher is a bulldozer who transforms into a robot and along with 5 other construction vehicles that also transform into their own individual robots merge together into a giant super robot called Devastator. There is no way Devastator could be running around on his own independently of Bonecrusher (who is actually Devastator' s left arm). The voices were also mastered poorly with too much filtering. They also lowered the pitch on Peter Cullen' s (Optimus Prime) voice slightly for some unknown reason. And why the *** does Optimus Prime have a mouth? He looks like a retard flapping that thing. It' s on the bottom of his ***ing chin for Christ' s sake!

Check out this Optimus Prime comparison I cooked up JUST FOR YOU:

As you can see, the one on the left looks he was designed by someone who has a double dose of Down Syndromeâ„¢, Bird Flu and Hepatitis A and C.

Anyway I enjoyed the movie due to nostalgic value even though the cartoon has a far better premise/storyline. The sound was really good... for a Michael Bay movie. Music was still a little too bombastic for my tastes, though. I hope Woody Allen directs the sequel.

Now I hear that they are making a live action GI Joe movie. Thank God it' s not being directed by Michael Bay. All of the characters would be CGI and Snake Eyes wouldn' t have a mask and would talk up a bluestreak. Plus his name wouldn' t be Snake Eyes, it would be Serpentor. Hopefully the sound mix will be better than those awful-sounding Mummy movies (same director).
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 27 Oct 07 11:19:50 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Oct 28, 2007 03:36
Just brought old 80' s Comedy ' The Women in Red' . Gonna re-watch it again after 20 years

Gene Wilder i find hilarious.
Young, Kelly Le Brock was super fit.

don' t laugh too hard

Aslo got Ricky Gervias ' Extras' seris 1&2

Really, really funny.
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