What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented?

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Iad umboros
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 00:09
I saw the Simpsons on Friday. Better than I expected but not brilliant. About 10 years too late IMO.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 04:12
Is shrek 3 in DVD yet? I really wanna see it but I think its been to long since it came out and isnt in theatres anymore.
< Message edited by emofag -- 5 Aug 07 20:12:30 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 04:15

ORIGINAL: Iad umboros

I saw the Simpsons on Friday. Better than I expected but not brilliant. About 10 years too late IMO.

I heard it was like the south park movie, feels more like 3-4 episodes glued together than like an actual movie. I think I' m gonna pass on it.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 04:45

Is shrek 3 in DVD yet? I really wanna see it but I think its been to long since it came out and isnt in theatres anymore.

No. I visit 2 theaters pretty regularly, as I' m the local movie freak.

I' ve got an Emagine Theater nearby (dunno if you have them in New-York) and I don' t go anywhere else for new movies. The picture is awesome, they' re not re-re-re-re-using movies from weeks ago that look like they' ve been hit with a car. The floors & stuff are all candy/pop free & the sound quality is good.

Then there' s the local dollar theater, the State Wayne, which I support when I don' t feel like spending an upwards of $10 and a 30 minute drive for some cheap entertainment. Anything I' m not sure about, I just wait till it hits there. Everything they get there is secondhand, once it' s cheap I suppose(dunno how the process of buying movies for theater works), so worse comes to worse, I' m out 99 cents & 5 minutes of drive time.

Shrek 3 was okay, but it really didn' t hold a candle to 1 or 2. You can tell that the person writing the screenplay was writing primarily for younger kids, with some intelligent lines tossed in to keep the adults in the theater placated.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 5 Aug 07 20:46:19 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 04:58
I saw the commercial when the gingerbread man tells the bad guy " you' re king of the stupids" and I thought it was funny.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 07:05
Eddie, basically the way most movie theaters work is that they " rent" the print. For first run movies, a large percent of the profits go back to the studios (usually more than 85% of the ticket sales). With dollar theaters, the studios often get around or less than 50%, and that' s why they can charge less for a ticket. Once the print is finished its run, they are sent back to the distribution house (usually Technicolor Entertainment Services). Most prints only have one run, and not all copies of the prints make their way to the dollar theaters. After all is said and done, most prints are destroyed or recycled.

I' ve never heard of the Emagine chain, but that is a really lame name.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 07:16
Last time I went to a $1 theater, I saw the crappiest movie in my entire life. It was something about mars, I have no idea, I can' t remember if I fell asleep or if we actually walked out in disgust halfway through the movie.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 06, 2007 12:27
Mars Attacks (directed by Tim Burton with lots of stars and CG aliens)??

Mission to Mars (Starring Tim Robbins and extremely boring)??

Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 07, 2007 06:07
Sunshine- Another great Danny Boyle movie. Knownig this is a budget flick I was amazed by what they pulled off. Also this movie is loaded with tension, altho it wears thin towards the end it is a great movie all the way. Go seeit supprt Boyle and his fantastic crew dammit!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 07, 2007 07:35

Eddie, basically the way most movie theaters work is that they " rent" the print. For first run movies, a large percent of the profits go back to the studios (usually more than 85% of the ticket sales). With dollar theaters, the studios often get around or less than 50%, and that' s why they can charge less for a ticket. Once the print is finished its run, they are sent back to the distribution house (usually Technicolor Entertainment Services). Most prints only have one run, and not all copies of the prints make their way to the dollar theaters. After all is said and done, most prints are destroyed or recycled.

Nifty. Thanks for the insight Joe.

I saw the commercial when the gingerbread man tells the bad guy " you' re king of the stupids" and I thought it was funny.

Yeah, don' t get me wrong, it had some very memorable quotes in it. It was just disappointing compared to the other flicks. 2 especially.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 07, 2007 11:19

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Mars Attacks (directed by Tim Burton with lots of stars and CG aliens)??

Mission to Mars (Starring Tim Robbins and extremely boring)??

Wasn' t mars attacks. Don' t know if it was missing to mars

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 07, 2007 19:25
The Simpson' s Movie.
-like really long episode of the Simpson' s, but never boring. Exactly what it' s supposed to be. No suprises, but not disappointing in the least. " Consistent" is the best word for it, I' d say.

-I' m glad I didn' t pay for it in the theater, but entertaining. The best stuff is what they cut from the movie, IMO.

Pan' s Labyrinth
- Why can' t American movies be this good? Never mundane or pandering. Sometimes brutal, but the brutality always has a purpose. It' s never just gore for the sake of gore. A brilliant film.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 07, 2007 20:57
Bourne Ultimatum.

Not bad. Not as good as Supremacy, but it ties things up nicely.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 07, 2007 22:15
Hitcher (2006)
- Man, what a crappy remake! They took out all the suspense and replaced it with cheap shocks and gore. This movie is a prime example of what' s wrong with most films these days. This director had no concept of what made the Rutger Hauer version so great.

I' m glad I buy dvd' s at the local place on the buy two, get two free deal. This one I' m counting as a freebie.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 08, 2007 07:29
Watched Tr00 Lies on the spectacular DVD format. The box said " Widescreen" , but it is not anamorphic. Instead the letterboxed video is automatically zoomed to fit my 16:9 screen. Must be an old DVD, as most DVDs these days are tr00 16:9. Well there are still some " full screen" versions of movies. They should not make full screen versions of anything any more.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 08, 2007 21:37

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Well there are still some " full screen" versions of movies. They should not make full screen versions of anything any more.

Some people, like my mother until recently, still don' t know what the difference is. Just a couple of weeks ago she asked me, " Why do you always buy the movies with the black bars?"

Anyway, yesterday I saw The Bourne Ultimatum.
-Nice. Very nice. If only every trilogy wrapped up so nicely. Bourne v.s. the second " asset" (I forget his name) is the best fight scene I' ve ever seen, bar none.

Blood Diamond.
-excellent. I regret missing it in the theaters.
I also regret buying my wife' s engagement ring before this movie came out. If we' d seen this first I could have gotten away with buying CZ easily.

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 04:21
" Blood Diamond.
-excellent. I regret missing it in the theaters.
I also regret buying my wife' s engagement ring before this movie came out. If we' d seen this first I could have gotten away with buying CZ easily."

Holy fuck, you' re engaged? Congratulations.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 06:53
Nah, I' m already married.

Just got back from seeing Hot Rod
-50% Ferrell, 50% Sandler without being quite as good as either. Still, there' s enough giggles in there to make it worth a rental.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 08:24
Saturday Night Live is a non-stop laughter fest. It is always so cutting edge and so HILARIOUS! I can see why they' d want to put someone from Saturday Night Live in a movie. If the movie could harness even 1% of the funny from SNL, then the movie would be a non-stop rollercoaster where you are laughing from beginning to end and by the time the flick is over your lower intestine will be in your throat from laughing so hard. The ratings don' t lie. Almost 100 people around the world watch SNL each week due to its overwhelming hilarity.

PS - Is Bourne Ultimatum the thrill ride of the summer? I won' t see movies that are not non-stop rollercoaster thrill rides of the summer.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9 Aug 07 0:28:31 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 08:54

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Saturday Night Live is a non-stop laughter fest. It is always so cutting edge and so HILARIOUS! I can see why they' d want to put someone from Saturday Night Live in a movie. If the movie could harness even 1% of the funny from SNL, then the movie would be a non-stop rollercoaster where you are laughing from beginning to end and by the time the flick is over your lower intestine will be in your throat from laughing so hard. The ratings don' t lie. Almost 100 people around the world watch SNL each week due to its overwhelming hilarity.

The Ferrell/Sandler thing was a reference to the style of the film. It' s like a movie they' d make, and they' re pretty well-known actors with well-established styles. It' s not a Jim Carrey-like comedy or a Robin Williams-like comedy, for example.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 09:43
I thought it was that oh-so-hilarious mophead dude from SNL. I know Ferrel produced it. Anyway, the only Sandler movie I' ve ever seen is CLICK, and it sucked ass. I also saw that fraternity one with Will Ferrel. I also thought it sucked ass. These guys just can' t be funny in movies.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9 Aug 07 1:45:35 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 10:27
I rented Bourne Identity, was hoping to watch it and supremacy before I watched ultimatum.

Started playing the movie at around 10:00PM, next thing I know it' s 7:00AM and I' m gonna be late for work.

I fell ASLEEP watching that trash, fucking pathetic movie can' t believe it has so many high ratings.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 10:46

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

I thought it was that oh-so-hilarious mophead dude from SNL. I know Ferrel produced it. Anyway, the only Sandler movie I' ve ever seen is CLICK, and it sucked ass. I also saw that fraternity one with Will Ferrel. I also thought it sucked ass. These guys just can' t be funny in movies.

What mop-headed dude? SNL is still making shows??

Well, Click was Sandler' s worst movie so far, so I understand your opinion on him, but Ferrell was the only funny thing in Old School.

Out of curiosity, what was the last comedy you liked?

< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 9 Aug 07 2:50:41 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 12:25
Hmmm, South Park and Team America both had funny 1st halves. The second half of each pretty much sucked. Comedies haven' t fared well for a long time.

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 12:35
The last really funny movie I remember watching is Bad Santa.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 09, 2007 14:23

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Hmmm, South Park and Team America both had funny 1st halves. The second half of each pretty much sucked. Comedies haven' t fared well for a long time.

There are better Adam Sandler movies...Billy Madison, Little Nicky, Anger Management, Waterboy, The Wedding Singer. Those are all pretty good.

The thing about him is that he excels in movies where he is a retard or loser, Billy Madison and Waterboy are perfect examples. The best way to explain it is that he is a great comedian but a horrible actor, anytime he tries to seriously act it' s awful, and that' s why Click sucked, too much crap drama with bad acting and not enough retardedness. When sandler is being retarded on screen he' ll make you laugh your ass off, when he' s seriously trying to act you think " yeah stfu stop trying to act and do something funny"

The same can be said about Will Ferell really, really funny guy, piss-poor actor. When you watch movies by him it always feel like he' s playing the same character, unlike real actors who can convincingly be cold blooded killers in one movie, and heroes in another. Ferell and Sandler are always the same act, they are just bad actors.
< Message edited by emofag -- 9 Aug 07 6:40:54 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 10, 2007 07:38
Will Ferrel used to own Saturday Night Live.

What' s he doing now? Gay skating movies.

Just got back from seeing " Surf' s Up" .

Shia LaBeuf could have been a lot worse, and it didn' t have one of those really sappy and sentimental " heroe' s down & out" scenes that seem to weed their way into all the lame animated movies of late. A lot of the humor was aimed at a less mature crowd, but I suppose if that' s what you expect going into it it' s not all bad.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 11, 2007 12:07
Just got back from Rush Hour 3
- It' s a damn Rush Hour movie. If you' re expecting art you' re a jackass and you don' t deserve to see it anyway. It doesn' t suck if you know what you' re getting into.

Agent Ghost
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 11, 2007 12:46
I never liked Will Farrel or Adam Sandler but Anger Management and Little Nicky kickass.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 11, 2007 13:04

I never liked Will Farrel

Will Farrel sucks!! Anchor Man was overrated and Taladega Nights was absolute garbage! I felt like leaving half way through. Dreadful.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 11, 2007 21:12

Anger Management and Little Nicky kickass.

I was home a while ago with nothing to do, so I just sat down and Anger Management just happened to start, so I watched it, and I enjoyed it. Surprized really. the last Adam sandler Movie I liked with Happy Gilmore.

Anchor Man was overrated

Anchorman was great, some people have no sense of Humor!
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 11 Aug 07 13:13:38 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 11, 2007 22:53
I loved Anchorman, didn' t like Talladega Nights, and Blades of Glory? Well... the best part was watching Will Ferrel vomit Jack Daniels inside of a stuffed animal costume at an ice show.


Just got back from Rush Hour 3
- It' s a damn Rush Hour movie. If you' re expecting art you' re a jackass and you don' t deserve to see it anyway. It doesn' t suck if you know what you' re getting into.

It killed me when I saw the trailer. Seeing an amazing actress like Maggie Smith stooping down to Chris Tucker levels of comedy.

Well, that, and at the end I hear

" Rush Hour 3: A Brett Ratner film!"

It' s like he payed the announcer to sound more excited about that tool Brett Ratner than about Rush Hour 3. I mean, come on now, what does he have to his name? Butchering the X-Men franchise?

[:' (]

Iad umboros
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 12, 2007 01:49

ORIGINAL: locopuyo


My face was owned last night. Brilliant.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 13, 2007 06:01

It' s like he payed the announcer to sound more excited about that tool Brett Ratner than about Rush Hour 3. I mean, come on now, what does he have to his name? Butchering the X-Men franchise?

That, and the other Rush Hour movies pretty much.

Just watched :
- some straight to dvd movie, I think. It doesn' t suck, but the twist was so transparent I' m not even sure it was supposed to be a suprise. It was an interesting flick though.

and Wicker Man
-Meh. Worth watching if you have nothing better to do.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 13, 2007 06:25

Wicker Man

isnt that the real depressing film with Cage?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 13, 2007 07:29
I wouldn' t call it depressing, but you' re thinking of the right movie.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 13, 2007 10:45
Star Wars - The Phantom Menace

Great acting! Fantastic story! Brilliant directing. Wonderful and endearing characters. I couldn' t stop LOLing at the hilarious Jar Jar Binks! OMG he is soooo funny. I love Samuel El Jackson' s line of " But who was destroyed, the master or the apprentice?" . Wow. Now THAT is acting! It' s like they had a super powerful actor and a director with a +1000 directing charm stone.

Seriously though, most of the acting looked like they were just filming rehearsals and that' s what they used. I' ve seen home videos made by children with better acting than what Samuel El Jackson does here. George Lucas does not know how to direct. You can' t even differentiate his neck from his thick head. They both are the same thickness!

Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 13, 2007 10:58
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: That new cgi flick. Was ok. Tho it seemed more like a saturday special on Cartoon Network then an actual movie.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 14, 2007 11:55
Shooter - I liked the ending and how he proved his innocence.
Games are your best friend as long as you don' t start talking to them.

Vx Chemical
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Aug 14, 2007 18:13

Elisha Cuthbert mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats nice pie!

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