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Naked Snake
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The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 04:14
I dont know if Im allowed to post such a thread in this place, so... your thoughts about weed
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 04:20
This really isn' t the place for this.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 05:39
weed has a place. But not where small American kids can read about it and ask their Parents what this thing called ' Life' is.
Joe Redifer
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 08:51
I' ve never tried it, never plan to. I seem to have plenty of fun without it. Plus I don' t smell and that is also a big plus!
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 12:30
Its a great way to make money in high school/college. I have some *cough* friends that made about 400$ every week selling pot. They did this for almost three years. I was never a big user myself, I can count the times I got high on one hand. Personally I think pot should be legalized, its safer then alcohol and no worse for your health then cigarettes. We like to think we live in an advanced society, but thats bullshit. Any society and legal system that can get away with restricting individual freedoms and make an herb (nature) illegal, is still a primitive society in my view. The only people who benefit from illegalization of marijuana are the criminals who make more money by selling it.
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 12:38
I' m down with the legalization but I don' t think it is a good thing to use it. Well... maybe once and a while.
Vx Chemical
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 15:42
I dont like weed myself, i have tried it sometimes, but i get sick, so its not really my thing, but its really silly it has to be illegal, since its less dangerous than alchohol in everyway!
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 18:20
my brother smoked it hard, and I mean like all day every day since he was 12/13 and apart from flunking out big style on all his education he now has massive chip on his shoulder and now looks like mental issues caused by it. Of course that has no relation to anyone else, and well if you drank bleach it would mess you right up so I guess common sense is the order of the day!
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 18:57
Andy, isn' t it legal i the UK now though?! I haven' t and wouldn' t but agree that it should be legalized. I still don' t think this is the place for a discussion.
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: The weed thread
Jul 14, 2006 20:48
It was downgraded from Class B to class C, police probably won' t prosecute now for possesion unless it is with intent to supply. They still could prosecute however. I wouldn' t be surprised if this is reclassified to a class A, as mushrooms were. Since the declassification more people are smoking cannibis and there is a growing link between its use and mental illness. Majik, I think it should be alright to talk about it here, for info. Posting a message looking for people to buy it from you would be a bit off though!
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 01:04
Just about half my school does this shit. I don' t take any drugs fullstop, though, as I' m a good boy. Strangely enough, a lot of the drug users at my school are supernaturally good at a lot of sports.
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 01:07
Calpol 6+? That' s the highest I have gone in terms of " drug use" .. Ok, a couple of paracetemols here and there (My Gosh... IM AN ADDICT!!!!) You know, drinking lots of coke can get you happy too, you don' t need to touch weed..[:' (]
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 01:44
ORIGINAL: Tiz Calpol 6+? That' s the highest I have gone in terms of " drug use" .. Ok, a couple of paracetemols here and there (My Gosh... IM AN ADDICT!!!!) You know, drinking lots of coke can get you happy too, you don' t need to touch weed..[:' (] I know a pretty British Asian girl who goes hyper if she dinks Pepsi. Off her damn rocker!
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 01:58
Iv' e never tried it either and I don' t think it' s in my near future. But what I don' t get is how (cynical side coming in) you get these school programmes that get drug addicts to come in (I swear it wasn' t just my school) to say stuff you already know like: ' ' I take drugs' ' ' ' It' s bad for you' ' ' ' I used to be really smart but now...' ' ' ' I' m in rehab and now i' m such a better person...it' s really good cos it' s like an entirely new lifestyle...' ' but I guess it did teach me something I didn' t know before something about a ' ' majic mushroom' ' ....
Mass X
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 03:40
Casual use it perfectly fine. For one you not killing your brain any faster then aging. Plus it keeps the feeling real rather the growing so used to it that you eventually need a whole weekend to get even the smallest buzz. But ya casual use is prefectly fine . With my current profession I really shouldnt discuss to much about this stuff tho :P
< Message edited by Mass X -- 14 Jul 06 19:42:21 >
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- Joined: Jul 09, 2006
RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 04:50
I' d never even consider taking drugs, I' ve got too much of a brilliant mind in this head of mine to mess up
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 07:05
I don' t even drink coffee because I feel it messes with my mind. So weed? Hell no!
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 07:47
WOW , it' s amazing how many people haven' t even tried Mary. I did smoke it a few times and I probably will a few more , but it' s nothing worth living for.Then again, I' m the kind of guy who prefers a good training session (running,footbal,basketball,boxing,anything) than alcohol and shit like that I don' t drink coffe too , It seems to me that people who do drink it , become way too dependent on it - those guys are fuckin zombies without their coffe in the morning Actually all this stuff is nothing comparing to how stupid smoking cigarettes is - this shit won' t even get you high and it smells like shit
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 08:53
Well, I think shit is great 4 me sometimes. Here 3 reasons: 1. Cause it makes you quite a rebel, and smoking weed with friends lets you meet really cool people:) 2. Cause my father smokes too, and every holyday Im going to Israel, where he lives, we have a pretty good time together 3. Sometimes Im a dealer, so I cam earn some cash from the shit(I sell it only to adultz)... (try to find out 4 what Ill need that cash  ) But, I agree with people when they say that weed isnt something 4 teens. Most of them just take it to feel cool
Game Junkie
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RE: The weed thread
Jul 15, 2006 10:09
Its like anything, if you take it in moderation it can add richness to your life. If you abuse it, it can fuck up everything just as easilly. Every single bit of harm pot can inflict on your health can be avoided by not using it like an asshole. If you find a trust worthy dealer that won' t lace it with shit and use it once in a while and not like an addict, then you' re golden. Just about everything we do is bad for our health if we do it in excess. It' s best not to think about it too much. My philosophy in life is that I only live once, I didn' t ask to be here but if I have to endure a lifetime of this bullshit then nothing will stop me from enjoying the limits of my body and mind.
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