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The Gears of War Thread (Update: More Video Glory)
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Gaiden BLACK
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 00:52
Thank You Vx AMEN
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 01:00
and i really would like other peoples opinions on the vids i posted about! ohhh and fuck this Anita Gaiden Schizo complex, i dont care whos who and whats what. Get em to play eachother on live and be done with it! Take it to the Everyone forum :) Bitte Except it' s this clown that keeps talking about wanting to play us over Live and it never happens. Then Anita challenged us and that never happened. But i' ve added the gamertag he gave me and i' ll even download the GRAW online demo and play him using that if he doesn' t have access to the retail game. However, it won' t happen because the little heshe is full of sh!t. Anyway, ...i saw the theory about the Gears demo over on Kotaku but i don' t think it holds water. I guess we only have to wait until tomorrow to see what the whole 48hrs thing means. It is kinda strange that this coincides with PS3 pre-ordering beginning.
Vx Chemical
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 01:01
I think its coincidental, who could they dent it the slightest when its already sold out!
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 01:07
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I think its coincidental, who could they dent it the slightest when its already sold out! Yeah, ...but then again, releasing a demo would probably force people who didn' t manage to pre-order a PS3 to buy a 360 this christmas since they won' t be able to get Sony' s machine. Still, i doubt that and it' ll probably just be new information or showcasing something we haven' t seen yet.
Vx Chemical
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 01:50
What did you think of the trailers Majik? It shows more potential storywise, and opens for a broad and expansive universe. It gives a sort of dooms day feeling, i somehow got the same feeling as when i first saw the fallout one intro. (which is voiced by Ron Pearlman  )
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 02:17
I liked the trailers, and I have been saving my " sick days" for Gears, and then as soon as Gears hits, I will pull a sickie!!! YAY!! It' s almost like the Cortana letters, although I don' t know the first thing about them!
Vx Chemical
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 02:47
I might pull a sick day as well, would be nice to get a some uninterupted hours with the game!
Iad umboros
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 02:49
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Just watched them! November 17th cant come soon enough! Yup, same day as the new Bond film is out  I don' t know know if I' ll even make it out the house that weekend to see Bond! The trailers are cool, I like the end of the world/we' re all f****d scenario. the guy apologising to survivors who couldn' t get to a safe house was nice. One question; if these are aliens/demons, why do they have machine guns? Is it bio-weaponry they have?
Vx Chemical
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 02:52
They arent demons nor reallly aliens since they apparently are native to Sera, they emerged from the ground. I dont know its just soooo cooool
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 03:21
It' s probably the age of Humans before the current people on Sera, or something like that. A government cover up, and they made their weaponry out of waste arms that the people of Cera got rid of.. That, or they just tried to co-exist, but the humans had none of it.
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 03:27
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical What did you think of the trailers Majik? It shows more potential storywise, and opens for a broad and expansive universe. It gives a sort of dooms day feeling, i somehow got the same feeling as when i first saw the fallout one intro. (which is voiced by Ron Pearlman ) I actually didn' t like them. I think it' s just a stylistic thing though as i can see what you mean about the story opening up. I still wouldn' t expect a really great plot though and the voice acting is almost laughable. The game is going to have more depth than many people realise but from a story standpoint iw won' t be much more than say Unreal II. Epic make awesome shooters, they don' t make masterpieces.
Vx Chemical
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 03:30
Epic didnt make Unreal II, last story driven game they made was Unreal, which as far as i remember had a pretty decent story, i didnt like the game much though. I dont know, im hoping to be surprised by the story, and i dont think the voice acting is that bad, its just over the top, which fits the style of the game!
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 03:38
FPS and story don' t really mix, if they expect me to make moral decisions in GoW..      Everybody is getting chainsawed, I don' t care who it is, I hope they ask me to kill an infected human or something, and Dom is like " Don' t do--" I' ll chainsaw his lips shut, and then chainsaw the human. Then I' ll chainsaw the wall to show the other humans how crazy I am. Multiplayer is going to be so fun, I am going to scare all my team mates by revving the chainsaw up constantly! Then I' ll laugh and watch as he slams himself into the wall..   I hope there' s a lightning stage on multiplayer where it' s dark and the lightning flashes and you can see me getting closer and closer with the chainsaw with each flash, and then RRRRRRRRBRBBBBBBVVVVRVRVRVRVVRRVVVAAARARGG GGHHHHH!!!!! TAKE IT!!!!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 11 Oct 06 19:38:55 >
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 12, 2006 08:49
Don' t know if this is really old news (I don' t think it is). But at gamevideos.com they have a controls demo for the game and an interview with Cliffy B. As well, Gametrailers has up an Emergence Day trailer (which is pretty awesome).
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 12 Oct 06 0:50:25 >
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 13, 2006 03:18
They' ve launched a surprisingly cool official website for GoW. After listening to EGM' s podcast interview with Cliffy last night and seeing this website, I' m suddenly more interested. Perked hopes that there' s more than stop and pop and ' kickass' marines to this game after all! http://gearsofwar.com/Emergenceday/
< Message edited by choupolo -- 12 Oct 06 19:19:09 >
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 13, 2006 03:35
RRRRRRRRBRBBBBBBVVVVRVRVRVRVVRRVVVAAARARGG GGHHHHH!!!!! Such a satisfying sound.. Then there is the blood all over the screen.
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 16, 2006 00:20
Doesn' t the main character in Gears Of War (whatever his name is) look alot like Lincoln Burrows from Prison Break.
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 16, 2006 23:17
GOW is overrated im sure but maybe the pSX3 version will be better when it comes out next summer
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 17, 2006 00:00
^^^^ Um what? Excuse me, I don' t believe we' ve met..
Agent Ghost
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RE: The Gears of War Thread
Oct 17, 2006 00:04
GOW is overrated im sure but maybe the pSX3 version will be better when it comes out next summer LOL
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