FPS and story don' t really mix, if they expect me to make moral decisions in

Everybody is getting chainsawed, I don' t care who it is, I hope they ask me to
kill an infected human or something, and Dom is like " Don' t do--" I' ll chainsaw his
lips shut, and then chainsaw the human. Then I' ll chainsaw the wall to show the
other humans how crazy I am.
Multiplayer is going to be so fun, I am going to scare all my team mates by
revving the chainsaw up constantly! Then I' ll laugh and watch as he slams himself
into the wall..

I hope there' s a lightning stage on multiplayer where it' s dark and the lightning
flashes and you can see me getting closer and closer with the chainsaw with
each flash, and then
< Message edited by Tiz -- 11 Oct 06 19:38:55 >