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OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
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Vx Chemical
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OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 19:02
And i was hoping for a port, dammit!! Killzone 2 Only Possible On PS3 Say Guerrilla News Could the SCEE first party developers be digging their own grave of Killzone 2 over-hype??? According to the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, Guerrilla big-wigs are openly suggesting that the Xbox 360 couldn' t handle a game like Killzone 2. Well, they would, wouldn' t they? Guerrilla' s Managing Director Herman Hulst stated of being able to develop exclusively for the PlayStation 3: " It' s a huge benefit. If you' re developing a game on multiple platforms there are restrictions you always have to take into consideration. " We are taking huge advantage of the architecture of PS3. I firmly believe that what we' ve shown we can get out of that machine would be difficult, if not impossible, to deliver on a competing machine." On the same issue of developing Killzone 2 on multiple platforms, Killzone 2 Producer Steven Ter Heide made the following comments: " I would say [It' s] impossible. We literally can' t do this stuff on any machine other than the PS3." Ter Heide went on to point out the advantages of Blu-ray on the PS3: " To make it simple, the Xbox 360 doesn' t have SixAxis or Blu-ray. PlayStation 3 does. And for us that' s a really big thing. The level you' ve just seen is 2GB. We really need Blu-ray to make the game. I don' t know how you could fit it on Xbox 360 without taking some shortcuts." In fairness to Guerrilla, other third party developers such as Epic have indirectly criticised the limitations of the Xbox 360' s DVD format before but, when all' s said and done, would you expect Guerrilla to say anything different? Guerrilla' s comments are comparable to Bungie stating that no system other than the Xbox 360 could run Halo 3, a claim that' s a little salacious at best. reading this, what does Guerilla now about making mp games, havent they always been Sony' s lapdog? I find it kinda funny that they are naming the dvd drive of the 360 as a hindrance since its not on the PC, you wont see HDdvd standard on pcs for years
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 19:22
In it' s current form i' m sure it couldn' t fit on a DVD9, but then i' m sure they' re using uncompressed sound, something which would pump up the space needed considerably. I doubt they' re talking about the game assets or anything like that. It' s just vague PR bullshit.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 19:30
Yeah it is, its kinda silly that they are throwing dumb comments like that around, i think devs should start to grow up. But then again, some people do fall for it!
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 19:47
The only way the additional space could be used " properly" and actually mean anything would be if every individual item, surface and model had it' s own unique texture map. No repeating of brick/soil/wood/cloth/whatever textures, but all different, even if only marginally (because dirt' s dirt right!?). In a reasonably sized game world you' d start to need more space than DVD9 provides. The problem with this in general is the expense and time it would take, and the problem for PS3 specifically is you' d need a very robust texture streaming process in place to get them all through the buffer quickly enough to be render a complete scene, and i' m not sure it;d be possible right now without the texture " quality" being complete ass.
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 21:03
Dunno why we ever need these threads. Of course a sony dev will say that, like a 360 would like likewise. GG can' t do killzone on 360 - fact, it' s a first party sony game and if im not mistaken, Killzone belongs to Sony, so of course they can' t do it on 360 ;P Anything can be tweak and modified to fit on another system. Porting this as is to 360 wouldn' t work, but it would be doable to make the game ground up for the 360 just as good, and maybe not as good but working on a port - depending how games built heavily around ps3 architechture port over.
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 21:43
Well the point is that codeshops working on exclusive PS3 games have repeatedly said that due to the nature of Blu-Ray the game' s aren' t possible on 360. We had it with Resistance, the game that was supposed to define why Blu-ray is needed, then found out that the game took up so much space because they used dummy files for padding to push the data towards the edge of the disk so as to speed up the read times. Their previous comments because null and void. More recently we' ve had it with Heavenly Sword and Lair because the " levels take up so much space" , and ofcourse that' s bullshit too. It' s just the uncompressed sound. With so many of the " big" PS3 titles disappointing after being hyped to hell, don' t you think they really need to change tactics rather than repeatedly focusing on the " need" for a next gen DVD drive in the system? I love Blu-Ray but it' s hard to take a developer seriously when they' re coming out with this kind of useless garbage. Killzone will be fantastic, of that i have no doubt. What they need to be doing is what they' ve been doing and what Epic did with Gears and that' s to let the game and the technology speak for itself.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 05, 2007 21:49
Killzone will look fantastic, of that i have no doubt Fixed it for you! Its hard to tell whether the game will be great yet. It still has to have some decent AI and a storyline worthfollowing. Time well tell, but lets hope they manage to live up to the hype!
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- Location: London, England
RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 01:05
At the end of the day anything that comes out of a first party-dev' s mouth is advertising for the product. I agree Majik, I wish they would stop the blu-ray makes it this or that and just let the games sell themselves. You hear a dev say it and just want to turn off your hearing because they all say it - Thinking we all buy that it' s such a HUGE deal.
Agent Ghost
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 01:36
Maybe they actually found uses for the SPE' s. In any case the game looks stunning. It' s one of those titles that are a must have.
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 02:02
Its hard to tell whether the game will be great yet. It still has to have some decent AI and a storyline worthfollowing. FPS on the PS-Triple pad? Ewww..... lets hope M/KB support for this one, theres no way a FPS can be good on the sony pad.
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 03:16
I don' t like the 360 pad I would rather play a fps on the ps2 controller any day
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 03:35
I don' t like the 360 pad I would rather play a fps on the ps2 controller any day But youre also mildly retarded, so you dont matter.
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 05:39
Resistance plays pretty well with the SixAxis, and Black on PS2 was fine. They just have to get the sensitivities for the sticks right. EDIT: what i don' t like is the L2 and R2 " triggers" . If they use them for ' firing your primary weapon' i' ll die.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 5 Sep 07 21:40:33 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 05:55
I say you have to be physically handicapped to use the SixAxis for FPS games!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 07:16
I say you have to be mentaly handicapped to use the SixAxis for FPS games! Fixed
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- Joined: May 25, 2006
RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 09:34
The stated problem with having too little space on a DVD is real and not simply a marketing gimmick by the Sony supporting developers. For games that are built up by levels that unfold in a fixed chronological pattern starting with level nr 1 all the way up to the last the Blu-ray advantage over DVD is exaggerated. When ever a DVD-disc runs out of space it’s simply a matter of getting up and change the disc to the next one containing the following sequential levels. Then continue with your game. The biggest games so far on the PS3 would require 3 DVD discs on the 360. Hardly too much of a problem. So from a disc space point of view there should be nothing to prevent Killzone 2 from being spread out over multiple discs on the 360. As long as Killzone 2 contains no file breaking the 9GB limit that is. But what about non-sequential games that unfold in a non-fixed chronological pattern that break the 9GB limit of a DVD disc? Well they are not possible on the 360 unless you as a gamer find it acceptable to approach your 360 and swap discs every time you happen to enter an area of the game that happens to be stored on a disc that isn’t in the tray at that given moment. And this is exactly the problem Rockstar games has run into with Grand Theft Auto 4 on the 360. That game is supposed to contain a city that happens to take up more than 9GB (in its original form) all the while the access to those “more than 9GB†has to remain completely random at any given time. So I think you get the idea and problem here. The problem isn’t that the game is supposed to contain more data than one DVD can hold. The problem is that this game needs to retain random access to any part within one single file that is larger than 9GB. Imagine driving between different parts of the city while having to stand up and swap the discs every time the currently used disc doesn’t contain the information needed. While playing through the game you might have to swap discs back and forth up to a hundred times or more and at any given moment. This 9GB limit has been hampering the whole production of that game. The same goes for any game that needs to up hold random access capacity spanning the full space available on the disc: RPGs, MMORPGs, online shooters ([please wait while all 360 users are swapping discs: loading will commence in 30 seconds]). Not good. A large hard disc would have prevented this from happening like it does on the PCs. That way you could simply buffer a very large game making more than the 9GB limit of DVD fully random access. But you can’t do that on the 360 since every user doesn’t have a hard disc. So fully random access games spanning more than 9GB will never be possible on the 360. The 360 itself has no problems spanning much more than 9GB of fully random access data, just like the PS3. The 360 storage medium how ever isn’t capable of supporting it. The PS3 can support 50GB of fully random access non-sequential game data due to Blu-ray. And that’s a very huge advantage over 360. And it doens' t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Microsoft isn' t exactly truthful when they say Blu-ray has no advantage over DVD conserning what types of games can be handled on the two. For some games more than 9GB storage capacity isn' t simply a convenience. It' s mandatory. And further more is read speed on the PS3 not limited to Blu-ray access times or stream speed since every thing can be buffered on the mandatory hard disc. This makes the read speed on PS3 potentially much faster than what is possible on the 360.
< Message edited by Utgardaloki -- 6 Sep 07 1:47:12 >
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 11:13
Wow, great post, makes sense. You don' t post here very often. Were are you from?
Agent Ghost
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 11:29
And further more is read speed on the PS3 not limited to Blu-ray access times or stream speed since every thing can be buffered on the mandatory hard disc. This makes the read speed on PS3 potentially much faster than what is possible on the 360. 360 can do this too, why do people think the 360 has to have a HDD on all units to support this feature? In Oblivion for example, the game supports using the HDD to cache game data for faster loading times. If you don' t have a HDD you can still play the game but you have to endure longer loading times. Having a HDD on all units vs. some units is meaningless. A game can support a HDD for the consoles with it and not support it for the games that do not.
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 12:33
Because some games need an HDD so that they don' t have unbearably long load times, oblivion is not one of those games, the load times are fine without an HDD, not all games are created the same as oblivion, which is a fairly small game anyway I' m pretty sure it doesn' t even fill up a regular DVD5. Some games also need an HDD for function in general, not just for faster load times.
< Message edited by emofag -- 6 Sep 07 4:49:42 >
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RE: OMG Killzone 2 not possible on the 360
Sep 06, 2007 13:26
([please wait while all 360 users are swapping discs: loading will commence in 30 seconds]) That makes no sense. They would divide the single from the multiplayer before they split the multiplayer. oblivion, which is a fairly small game anyway I' m pretty sure it doesn' t even fill up a regular DVD5 Thats the thing. With a game like Oblivion(and soon to be Mass Effect), its been proved that DVD is enough for now. Devs who need more than 1DVD either are doing CGI or need to figure out what compression is. (Or put padding on the disc. Im looking at Resistance here  ) Some games also need an HDD for function in general, not just for faster load times. Exactly. I think MS should drop the core, make the hdd mandatory, give all 20GB ownwers a 120GB in exchange for their old HDD, and give the 20GB to the Core users. No standard HDD is more of a problem than no HD optical medium.
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