Views: 15448 | Replies: 10 Dec 28, 2008 01:08
Hello I am having a few issues here. I just got my pc all hooked up and I running coretemp and speed fan. Both are giving me different temps. But when I run prime95 or everrest to stess out the pc. The core temp goes up and the speed fan barley moves.
Views: 13891 | Replies: 11 Feb 13, 2009 20:54
Magnificent Check out.
Views: 12532 | Replies: 39 Dec 05, 2008 14:37
https://forum.kikizo.com/editor/quoteOriginal.gifWhat is this and what does this mean.
Any ideals on what this mean mgs for the 360 what do you guys think.
Views: 16227 | Replies: 72 Sep 07, 2008 16:28
Does any body have a extra socom beta key. I'm broke and I wont be able to get in with out some kikizo help.
My Psn is MikeDaFreshOne.
Hit me up with a pm if you guys have any codes.
Views: 6768 | Replies: 13 Jun 03, 2008 03:06
Here' s the thing I' m trying to help my friend out but I am low on time like this needs to be done yesterday lol. I have tried to do this my self and my edits are just trash .
I am trying to take my friends face from on of these images below.